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Can someone break down all the "lengthy" charges against Grandma?Like just what did she do instead of all the list of the dates of a charge?It would make it easier.We need to see what's behind her criminal mind of phone calls.:sheesh:

I agree winterrose. I have no idea and with all the fantastic sleuthing we have a huge amount of information...which is resulting in HUGE posts of rap sheets that I, personally, can't make heads or tails out of..

Since no one has been ruled out by LE. I think it would be nice if we could put the rap sheets up with the other ones on the doc thread and the start indivdual threads on these players to discuss charges history and potential theories of who had a part in it.
Okay, my family is odd, we are loud, we are rowdy, we are colorful to say the least...
I don't hold that against anyone. But, this, this is so freaking ridiculous. Seems like the only ones that don't have any type of record are RJ, Haleigh and Chloe. WTH is wrong with these people?
Ronald's father Jack has quite a file as well.

Search same site- search by cummings and page down to find Jack Lester

1/18/2000 Battery against a woman

10/25/2000 Scheme to defraud. Ordered into probation, violated probation and was rearrested. Sentenced to 364 days in PC Jail

11/24/08 Tresspass

1991- DUI- sentenced to probation which he violated

1/8/96- Felony littering

Felony littering - I bet there's a story on that one.............
Okay, my family is odd, we are loud, we are rowdy, we are colorful to say the least...
I don't hold that against anyone. But, this, this is so freaking ridiculous. Seems like the only ones that don't have any type of record are RJ, Haleigh and Chloe. WTH is wrong with these people?

Not saying these are not nice folks, because I live in a mobile home myself... but seems like almost everyone on both sides of this family has a rap sheet.
I grew up in a poor family, 4 of us kids. Not one of us has ever been arrested. I've never even got a speeding ticket, no traffic ticket of any kind. I raised 3 boys, two of them by myself, and not one has ever been in jail. I would have to ask my husband, but I don't think he's ever been in jail, either. I am just flabbergasted over all this!!
too much sleuthing today and I'm probably just reading more into this than is necessary but as someone said earlier - Nothing is irrelevant!!

On Ron's list of charges in Putnam County, he has one charge for trespassing dated 8/1/06. Listed a little ways down, one witness is listed as "Tammy P.". There are two others, William M. and John D.. Those two don't concern me. But when you put in %p, t%, the search returns a "Tami P." who has a battery charge against a Kenneth S. on 7/15/08 and an older "aggrevated child abuse" charge. Has this person's name come up anywhere before? I don't know how it might be linked. I wouldn't imagine she is an old gf of Ron's unless she is considerably older since the child abuse charge was from 1995 when he was probably about ten years old. Any thoughts??
Also, Ron's first offense 10/26/01 (as listed by Putnam County) was assault against a Robert P. M.. Type in %m, robert p% and see what THAT brings up...OH MY!!
Also, Ron's first offense 10/26/01 (as listed by Putnam County) was assault against a Robert P.M. Type in %m, robert pl% and see what THAT brings up...OH MY!!

Breaking and entering, DUI, seems like a bunch of trouble-making. But nothing violent or too menacing that I saw (unless I was looking at the wrong person). I have never seen this many rap sheets all intertwined...crazy stuff.
Would felony littering include refuse or leftovers from something like a meth lab? Just wondering.
Felony littering - I bet there's a story on that one.............
Yeah and "scheme to defraud", sounds like he never actually got around to it, but was still in the planing phase. Criminal records, My Space Accounts and Grandma should never be used in the same sentence. :)
Breaking and entering, DUI, seems like a bunch of trouble-making. But nothing violent or too menacing that I saw (unless I was looking at the wrong person). I have never seen this many rap sheets all intertwined...crazy stuff.
Makes me think the Putnam County Sheriff's Dept. has lots of stories about these people, small community and all those records...I'm thinking the Judge is probably on a first name basis with most of them.
Grandma Sykes

Looking at the court documents is appears that Grandma Sykes has a daughter who is
married. This daughter has several protections from abuse orders out on her husband.

1999-10-04 INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION Putnam County
UCN: 541999DR008224FDXXXX

Then in 2001 Grandma must get into it with her daughters husband and he files for PFA against her.
2001-03-09 INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION Putnam County
UCN: 542001DR000370FDXXXX

Then her own daughter put in a complaint about HARASSING PHONE CALLS and Grandma did not show up in court due to terminal illness of spouse
the case is contined and she plead not guilt. Case is determined
2001-09-21 COMPLAINT Putnam County
UCN: 542001MM003569XXAXMX

Then her daughter is back in court with another PFA against husband
2002-03-18 INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION Putnam County
UCN: 542002DR000431FDXXXX

And back in court again for another PFA against husband
2002-06-10 INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION Putnam County
UCN: 542002DR000947FDXXXX

And again
2002-07-26 INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION Putnam County
UCN: 542002DR001222FDXXXX

Now the husband of Grandma’s daughter is in foreclosure along with two other people who is not his wife nor his mother-in-law but someone that is listed on the property is in jail.
2002-08-16 FORECLOSURE Putnam County
UCN: 542002CA000386CAXXXX

All is quite until daughter goes back to court for another PFA order
2004-02-02 INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION Putnam County
UCN: 542004DR000171FDXXXX
And now another notice of foreclosure and this time the daughter’s name is on the notice.
2006-04-25 017.NOTICE OF SALE - PALATKA DAILY NEWS - 05-02-2006
and the property is gone.
2005-09-06 FORECLOSURE Putnam County
UCN: 542005CA000475CAXXXX

Now the daughter has a bank after her for monies owed but a year later it is dismissed in court
2006-03-24 DAMAGES Putnam County
UCN: 542006SC000449SCXXXX

Now it looks like Grandma got up in some ones face about how they were raising their child but it not a name that has come up yet in Haleigh’s case and they filed a PFA against her but when push came to shove he must not have showed up in court so it didn’t go anywhere.
2008-04-09 COMPLAINT Putnam County
UCN: 542008CF000845XXAXMX

And now the daughter has an eviction notice served against her.
2008-04-17 EV POSSESSION, RENT, DAMAGES Putnam County
UCN: 542008CC000753EVXXXX

And that is the story on Grandma S.

enter name% in field to brimg up records or enter docket number in field.

I was trying to go back and look through RC and CS custody info to see if anything was going on around these dates and nothing. Now, this is the alibi for Misty being home at 7pm that Monday. I would question anything Mrs.Sykes had to say considering her record. Thank you for the information.
I hadn't read this thread until today. I have never really trusted Ms. Sykes. I have not been impressed with her at all on the videos I have seen. I wouldn't take her word about the time she went by the house and saw the kids there. I think both she and TN will do everything possible to protect RC and keep the other child. I don't know why people are surprised at an old woman having a record. All these young women being arrested today are someday going to be old and maybe some child's grandma or great-grandma.

just my opinion....
I hadn't read this thread until today. I have never really trusted Ms. Sykes. I have not been impressed with her at all on the videos I have seen. I wouldn't take her word about the time she went by the house and saw the kids there. I think both she and TN will do everything possible to protect RC and keep the other child. I don't know why people are surprised at an old woman having a record. All these young women being arrested today are someday going to be old and maybe some child's grandma or great-grandma.

just my opinion....

Annie, I don't think the apples fell far from that tree either..........
What I am wondering is if K.S is Grandmas daughter and E.B. is son in law, it appears that K.S. and E.B. had a very violent relationship and then marriage way too many protection orders to count as well as a grand theft on K.S. - The eviction for K.B. is the same date as the interference with custody against Grandma. Is it possible that even though K.S. is her daughter she was doing what was necessary to protect her grandchildren, like look you are in violent relationship you have no home your not taking your grandkids?
These people most likely have enemies as well.. when you've got a rap sheet like this it tends to point to the lack of ability for normal social processes, which can involve many, many people along the way. Relatives, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, etc. jmo
After reading this thread, it's hard to believe a Judge made the decision, that RC was the better parent. WTH ?

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