Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #2

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Article says she will help Crystal raise money and will keep Haleighs picture out there.

I'm all for that, the more people like that the better....I've been afraid the media was going to loose interest. Glad to see people stepping up.
Thats a very valid concern. I can't belive the way these families have put bickering ahead of their own child. They should have been able to set all this aside for the time being.

I totally agree Pinkie,but whatever the outcome it has changed all the family members lives forever,they will always be under the microscope.No matter who gets custody and everyone will want to see how the children are faring for years to come.No matter what side anyone is on,both parents have issues that need to be cleared up to properly raise thier children.I understand Crystal wanted to bring things to light,many feel it wasn't done the way it should be,maybe she felt people were seeing her as a bad person,because he had custody and wanted to prove herself.I'm just looking at the possiblity it was a SO and all this mess is clouding what has happened and the one "real"tip could be lost and hindered by all the garbage tips.
I totally agree Pinkie,but whatever the outcome it has changed all the family members lives forever,they will always be under the microscope.No matter who gets custody and everyone will want to see how the children are faring for years to come.No matter what side anyone is on,both parents have issues that need to be cleared up to properly raise thier children.I understand Crystal wanted to bring things to light,many feel it wasn't done the way it should be,maybe she felt people were seeing her as a bad person,because he had custody and wanted to prove herself.I'm just looking at the possiblity it was a SO and all this mess is clouding what has happened and the one "real"tip could be lost and hindered by all the garbage tips.

winterrose, i could not agree any more with this comment, including the SO.These families will never be the same, regardless of the outcome. At some point they will have to do the unimaginable task of picking up their lives and figuring out what will be best for them, JR, and Haleigh. Right now eveyone is understandibly in panic mode, and trying anything to keep Haleigh in the news. Will keep praying that a break will come soon.
I am really leaning towards Crystal, being scared, young and a past abuse victim. She did admit to drug use on national televison, in order to get everything out that she felt needed to be known. Which, in my book shows honesty. I was one that did Not like the idea of JR being on tv, but i am not living her hell. I also think Geraldo is a sleeze and who knows what he said to the family, with regards to it helping Haleigh. Jmo

i think the family was doing whatever they could, understandably to keep Haleigh in the news. Is mud slinging ever good? No, but i am choosing not to judge it.

I feel this way too ROBLYN. I was in an abusive marriage from age 15 (yeah, I know) to age 31. I never called police (out of fear) so never had proof, even when I divorced, but I can sense that same fear in Crystal. As you said, I wish she had not put JR out there as she did, but I do chalk that up to her being young AND what I'd bet was GR self serving persistance. She DID put her drug use out there too, instead of denying it. That speaks volumes to me.
Remember the Melinda Duckette case. Everytime Melinda got in front of the cameras she wasted no time degrading Josh and his family. It only made things worse for her. I think the world could see right through her lame attempts to point the finger at Josh.....and we all know how that case ended.
Now I really don't think Crystal had anything to do with this. She however paints herself and her family in a bad light by pointing her finger at Ron. These things have a way of backfiring.
I feel this way too ROBLYN. I was in an abusive marriage from age 15 (yeah, I know) to age 31. I never called police (out of fear) so never had proof, even when I divorced, but I can sense that same fear in Crystal. As you said, I wish she had not put JR out there as she did, but I do chalk that up to her being young AND what I'd bet was GR self serving persistance. She DID put her drug use out there too, instead of denying it. That speaks volumes to me.

I agree wholeheartedly. Her age and GR had everything to do with it.
I am really leaning towards Crystal, being scared, young and a past abuse victim. She did admit to drug use on national televison, in order to get everything out that she felt needed to be known. Which, in my book shows honesty. I was one that did Not like the idea of JR being on tv, but i am not living her hell. I also think Geraldo is a sleeze and who knows what he said to the family, with regards to it helping Haleigh. Jmo

i think the family was doing whatever they could, understandably to keep Haleigh in the news. Is mud slinging ever good? No, but i am choosing not to judge it.

If your really leaning towards Crystal, then you just maybe judging. It's absolutely normal to judge in this case. As for Geraldo, it's not like he hasn't been around the block once or twice. There's no doubt in my mind that he can tell when someone is high and bringing up the rap sheet was very legitimate. I don't agree with the little boy being on TV though. More than likely Geraldo's producers talked Crystal into that and there's good odds she wouldn't do it again.

Whenever you have a case that goes this long that involves a child people get frustrated. If you sit back, take out a piece of paper and write down the pro's and con's, of each individual involved, and state your reasons why you clear your mind and can get a better perspective. Personally, I go with the old adage, "if it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, it's gotta be a duck." Until reasonable elimination of the players involved, you have to stick with the starting point. But then again, what do I know?
If your really leaning towards Crystal, then you just maybe judging. It's absolutely normal to judge in this case. As for Geraldo, it's not like he hasn't been around the block once or twice. There's no doubt in my mind that he can tell when someone is high and bringing up the rap sheet was very legitimate. I don't agree with the little boy being on TV though. More than likely Geraldo's producers talked Crystal into that and there's good odds she wouldn't do it again.

Whenever you have a case that goes this long that involves a child people get frustrated. If you sit back, take out a piece of paper and write down the pro's and con's, of each individual involved, and state your reasons why you clear your mind and can get a better perspective. Personally, I go with the old adage, "if it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, it's gotta be a duck." Until reasonable elimination of the players involved, you have to stick with the starting point. But then again, what do I know?

Hey Nunzio....I see a duck too.:dance:
I feel this way too ROBLYN. I was in an abusive marriage from age 15 (yeah, I know) to age 31. I never called police (out of fear) so never had proof, even when I divorced, but I can sense that same fear in Crystal. As you said, I wish she had not put JR out there as she did, but I do chalk that up to her being young AND what I'd bet was GR self serving persistance. She DID put her drug use out there too, instead of denying it. That speaks volumes to me.


Hi Pondering Mind,

You are a survivor! Good for You! :grouphug: often(most) times it is hard to leave. My own mother was in an abusive marriage from the age of 14(Yeah,I Know) to age 32. thank you for sharing you thoughts.
If your really leaning towards Crystal, then you just maybe judging. It's absolutely normal to judge in this case. As for Geraldo, it's not like he hasn't been around the block once or twice. There's no doubt in my mind that he can tell when someone is high and bringing up the rap sheet was very legitimate. I don't agree with the little boy being on TV though. More than likely Geraldo's producers talked Crystal into that and there's good odds she wouldn't do it again.

Whenever you have a case that goes this long that involves a child people get frustrated. If you sit back, take out a piece of paper and write down the pro's and con's, of each individual involved, and state your reasons why you clear your mind and can get a better perspective. Personally, I go with the old adage, "if it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, it's gotta be a duck." Until reasonable elimination of the players involved, you have to stick with the starting point. But then again, what do I know?

Hi nunzio,

I am sorry, i think you may have mis-read my post. what i said is that: i am leaning toward Crystal, being scared, young and a past abuse victim... As far as writing lists, i have an entire notebook dedicated to Haleigh. Please feel free to visit my home page and read ALL of my posts regarding Haleigh and i think that you will find that i have been Very supportive and non-judgemental of Both of Haleighs families. Again, i believe this is a misunderstanding in the placement of a comma in my original post. example- i am leaning towards Crystal, being..... I may have misplaced that. To elaborate on exactly what i am choosing not to judge. That would be Crystal's decision to say the things she did and what she chooses to do with her son. sorry for any confusion.this is only my oppinion.

thank you for your input, i agree with you Most of what you said.

Origainal post for your reference,

I am really leaning towards Crystal, being scared, young and a past abuse victim. She did admit to drug use on national televison, in order to get everything out that she felt needed to be known. Which, in my book shows honesty. I was one that did Not like the idea of JR being on tv, but i am not living her hell. I also think Geraldo is a sleeze and who knows what he said to the family, with regards to it helping Haleigh. Jmo

i think the family was doing whatever they could, understandably to keep Haleigh in the news. Is mud slinging ever good? No, but i am choosing not to judge it

ETA:If you have had a chance to read all of Crystal's threads you may notice (if looking for it) that i have refrained from commenting on Crystal personally. This has been for a number of reasons, none of which have merrit in this post. This above post and one post on a GR thread with a one line statement questioning JR being on national tv. You may also notice that i admited that in my post above.

I am praying for Haleigh and her families and then will move on to Justice for her...:)
My question is why did it take Crystal 7 hours to get to Satsuma? I know if I received a call that my child was missing I would have been there as fast as my car would go. Even giving her an hour to get the baby ready and her mom to get ready...that is still 6 hours. That time of morning it would have taken her 1.5 hours to get there. That just doesn't sit right with me.
My question is why did it take Crystal 7 hours to get to Satsuma? I know if I received a call that my child was missing I would have been there as fast as my car would go. Even giving her an hour to get the baby ready and her mom to get ready...that is still 6 hours. That time of morning it would have taken her 1.5 hours to get there. That just doesn't sit right with me.

Good morning! Can you please direct me to a link telling about how long it took her to get there....TIA.
Good morning! Can you please direct me to a link telling about how long it took her to get there....TIA.

Good morning teh. No link. I was told by somebody up in Satsuma early on that it took Crystal 7 hours to get there. I came on the board and asked to try and get confirmation of when Crystal got to Satsuma. What I got was...I believe...Crystals mom called the dad to check it out and he called her back around 5ish.

One of the locals that lives in the neighborhood came on the other day and said that it took Crystal 7 hours to get there. It is prob in the basement thread.
So I heard it from 2 different locals and nobody else can confirm exactly when Crystal got to Satsuma that I have seen.

I am still digging though.
Good morning teh. No link. I was told by somebody up in Satsuma early on that it took Crystal 7 hours to get there. I came on the board and asked to try and get confirmation of when Crystal got to Satsuma. What I got was...I believe...Crystals mom called the dad to check it out and he called her back around 5ish.

One of the locals that lives in the neighborhood came on the other day and said that it took Crystal 7 hours to get there. It is prob in the basement thread.
So I heard it from 2 different locals and nobody else can confirm exactly when Crystal got to Satsuma that I have seen.

I am still digging though.

Oh Thanks! Don't go to any will turn up sooner or later!
I've been trying to find what time she got to Satsuma,also,and had Dad go instead of herself.She said on GR,she went back to RC twice,but it didn't work.I assumed she'd never been in trailer,I read back on NG transcript,she was asked "Have you been in trailer since Monday?"Crystal said,no,then NG asked Marie,"Have you ever been in the trailer?"Marie said no,but Crystal wasn't asked.I can't see Crystal going in to get Haleigh, think she's happy starting over w/Chad and Chloe,but was just curious going back over info.I also wonder if Marcus had,because he was the 16 yo in accident with Ronald and kids talked about in the custody file,so I wondered how long he hung out w/Ronald after Ron and Crystal seperated or if any other of her relatives had been in the trailer.Crystal said on GR that her cousin had seen Ronald hit Haleigh on thier porch when Ronald,Misty and kids visited them,so had cousin been over to Ronald's?
I've been trying to find what time she got to Satsuma,also,and had Dad go instead of herself.She said on GR,she went back to RC twice,but it didn't work.I assumed she'd never been in trailer,I read back on NG transcript,she was asked "Have you been in trailer since Monday?"Crystal said,no,then NG asked Marie,"Have you ever been in the trailer?"Marie said no,but Crystal wasn't asked.I can't see Crystal going in to get Haleigh, think she's happy starting over w/Chad and Chloe,but was just curious going back over info.I also wonder if Marcus had,because he was the 16 yo in accident with Ronald and kids talked about in the custody file,so I wondered how long he hung out w/Ronald after Ron and Crystal seperated or if any other of her relatives had been in the trailer.Crystal said on GR that her cousin had seen Ronald hit Haleigh on thier porch when Ronald,Misty and kids visited them,so had cousin been over to Ronald's?

Hey Winter- A neighbor is posting in the basement- he said that Ron used to meet Crystal at a McDonalds- that she never came to the trailer.
I've been trying to find what time she got to Satsuma,also,and had Dad go instead of herself.She said on GR,she went back to RC twice,but it didn't work.I assumed she'd never been in trailer,I read back on NG transcript,she was asked "Have you been in trailer since Monday?"Crystal said,no,then NG asked Marie,"Have you ever been in the trailer?"Marie said no,but Crystal wasn't asked.I can't see Crystal going in to get Haleigh, think she's happy starting over w/Chad and Chloe,but was just curious going back over info.I also wonder if Marcus had,because he was the 16 yo in accident with Ronald and kids talked about in the custody file,so I wondered how long he hung out w/Ronald after Ron and Crystal seperated or if any other of her relatives had been in the trailer.Crystal said on GR that her cousin had seen Ronald hit Haleigh on thier porch when Ronald,Misty and kids visited them,so had cousin been over to Ronald's?
Haleigh’s mother, Crystal Sheffield, 23, of Glen St. Mary, arrived in mid-morning with her mother.

Marie Griffis said her daughter and Cummings have not been together for about three years but were not at odds.

There is a discrepancy on if Crystal was ever inside the trailer, too. Marie mentioned in an interview she was and I am looking for the quote now.
Any news from Marie or CS about the phychics being there?
Anymore on what they found like the plastic Easter eggs????
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