Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #2

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Haleigh's Mother Obtains a Spokesperson and Seeks an Attorney

ATSUMA, FL -- Haleigh's mother's side of the family has asked a spokesperson to help them.

Wayanne Kruger from Arizona has come to Satsuma, Florida to help Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh's mother, while the search for the missing five year old continues.

Kruger told First Coast News Sheffield's mother, Marie Griffis, sought her out.

Kruger said she will help the family find a home in Putnam County. All of them live in Baker County. Kruger will also speak on their behalf and help them find an attorney.

Wow is this the same Wayanne Kruger thats a Child Abuse Advocate. Hmmm interesting! I can see where this is going.
Off hand but I think not only CS but her ex and his family could use someone that is a consultant for media. Perhaps both should even have lawyers to advise during the search and investigations.

The reason I say this is that from what we've seen so far, they are not media savvy and I think it's important for them (All of them) to engage the media in appropriate ways to keep Haleigh's face and name out there.

By appropriate ways, I mean that they should have someone to help them keep this story fresh and in the forefront without all the hardscrabble reporting that can go on when there isn't enough bone for the media to get a good bite on. Give the media something to chew on that will be positive for Haleigh. JMHO as always.
Wow is this the same Wayanne Kruger thats a Child Abuse Advocate. Hmmm interesting! I can see where this is going.

Good for Her! After reading those custody hearing documents, its about time someone pointed crystal in the right direction! :woohoo:

I am a domestic violence I am going to tell ya'll that this is exactly what Crystal needs at this point in time.....An advocate to give her the tools she needs to get strength, courage and educate herself on what is and isnt family violence! Many years ago, my marriage was in termoil....I reach out to a Domestic Violence hotline.....I was not sure at the time even if my situation called for it, a counselor at the shelter did whats called an "intake" interveiw over the phone......these people specialize and are highly trained to recognize the signs of any abuse....I was given free counseling for over a year, as it was deemed there was verbal & emotional abuse in my marriage. (which was resolved when I stood up and got my act together and stopped playing the victim and said enough! I changed all of it and took control!!) Then later I received counseling for past trauma of being sexually abused for another 14 months....I now volunteer once a month as a guest speaker to a group of women & youth for domestic violence. I've come full circle since those days of not knowing it was my fault and taking the blame...I now am armed with the knowledge and the tools I need to have enough clarity to be a strong role model, not only for other persons.....but for my own children as well.

If Crystals situation didnt warrant an advocate....she wouldnt get the services........believe me they know the red flag warning signs of abuse, whether it be the system, the courts, her ex......and past abuse in her life. THEY ARE TRAINED TO KNOW WHO NEEDS SERVICES AND WHO DOESNT and IMO, her mother tried to be on her side and help direct her, but neither had any insight as to what "services" are available to them. Yes, this will turn things around for the families. Whatever Crystal chooses to do with this......I only hope that it helps her to be a better mother for her children.....and BTW, maybe this Advocate, saw the wrongness of putting JR on TV with GR and decided to step- in. Because after she did that, I was so hoping someone would step-up and guide her thru this.
Good for Her! After reading those custody hearing documents, its about time someone pointed crystal in the right direction! :woohoo:

I am a domestic violence I am going to tell ya'll that this is exactly what Crystal needs at this point in time.....An advocate to give her the tools she needs to get strength, courage and educate herself on what is and isnt family violence! Many years ago, my marriage was in termoil....I reach out to a Domestic Violence hotline.....I was not sure at the time even if my situation called for it, a counselor at the shelter did whats called an "intake" interveiw over the phone......these people specialize and are highly trained to recognize the signs of any abuse....I was given free counseling for over a year, as it was deemed there was verbal & emotional abuse in my marriage. (which was resolved when I stood up and got my act together and stopped playing the victim and said enough! I changed all of it and took control!!) Then later I received counseling for past trauma of being sexually abused for another 14 months....I now volunteer once a month as a guest speaker to a group of women & youth for domestic violence. I've come full circle since those days of not knowing it was my fault and taking the blame...I now am armed with the knowledge and the tools I need to have enough clarity to be a strong role model, not only for other persons.....but for my own children as well.

If Crystals situation didnt warrant an advocate....she wouldnt get the services........believe me they know the red flag warning signs of abuse, whether it be the system, the courts, her ex......and past abuse in her life. THEY ARE TRAINED TO KNOW WHO NEEDS SERVICES AND WHO DOESNT and IMO, her mother tried to be on her side and help direct her, but neither had any insight as to what "services" are available to them. Yes, this will turn things around for the families. Whatever Crystal chooses to do with this......I only hope that it helps her to be a better mother for her children.....and BTW, maybe this Advocate, saw the wrongness of putting JR on TV with GR and decided to step- in. Because after she did that, I was so hoping someone would step-up and guide her thru this.

Bolded by me

Here's hoping that this is the first step toward a better future for all, especially Haleigh, JR, Chloe Thank you for your post. :blowkiss:
LOL Well, that was a short read for me! I only needed to see Gloria A. and Lisa B.'s names to know why Griffis contacted her (if this is correct).

Yeah, interesting huh? Ususally they watch to see who will be the first to lawyer up.

I find it incredibly interesting that she is also "lawyering up". IMO says alot. I do not really care to hear about how she needs it or all of the excuses to surely come because if it were RC who was lawyering up boy there would be no end to it!

My point here is not to ruffle feathers, or stir the pot so to speak. Rather to say that it seems that so many are willing to throw daggers at Ron C. for everything and anything, and are quick to pick on every move the man makes. Yet we have a mother who has by all intents and purposes failed to pay any child support for the care and well being of her children, dragged her 4 year old son on national television with Geraldo Rivera of all people, gone on national t.v. herself to jump all over RC's mistakes. Yet he is the one accused of failing to keep the harmony of communication between the families. What am I missing?
I'm thinking drugs as in prescription. Only because of the slurring and the basic drowsy look I have seen. Misty is a pretty girl and doesn't seem like a street drug user, as in coke, meth or whatever, but to me she is the typical poster child of a teenager with an endless suppy of happy pills and relax to the max tablets. I just wish and pray for the best for everyone:blowkiss:

I was wondering the same thing...

I don't post very often because the threads move like wildfire and I can't keep up...but I wanted to say "welcome" to you. :)
Yeah, interesting huh? Ususally they watch to see who will be the first to lawyer up.

I find it incredibly interesting that she is also "lawyering up". IMO says alot. I do not really care to hear about how she needs it or all of the excuses to surely come because if it were RC who was lawyering up boy there would be no end to it!
There is a huge difference between "lawyering up" with a defense attorney and this. I very seriously doubt LE sees this move, at this late a date, as indicative of guilt.

My point here is not to ruffle feathers, or stir the pot so to speak. Rather to say that it seems that so many are willing to throw daggers at Ron C. for everything and anything, and are quick to pick on every move the man makes. Yet we have a mother who has by all intents and purposes failed to pay any child support for the care and well being of her children, dragged her 4 year old son on national television with Geraldo Rivera of all people, gone on national t.v. herself to jump all over RC's mistakes. Yet he is the one accused of failing to keep the harmony of communication between the families. What am I missing?
(My bold)

Apparently, all the days of threads we had here where Crystal was broadly and repeatedly raked over the coals for that show. ;)
Just have to say this- I would absolutely LOVE to see Gloria Allred step into this case and provide Crystal with some legal advice.

I think I'm going to e mail her now to see if she will.
Yeah, interesting huh? Ususally they watch to see who will be the first to lawyer up.

I find it incredibly interesting that she is also "lawyering up". IMO says alot. I do not really care to hear about how she needs it or all of the excuses to surely come because if it were RC who was lawyering up boy there would be no end to it!

My point here is not to ruffle feathers, or stir the pot so to speak. Rather to say that it seems that so many are willing to throw daggers at Ron C. for everything and anything, and are quick to pick on every move the man makes. Yet we have a mother who has by all intents and purposes failed to pay any child support for the care and well being of her children, dragged her 4 year old son on national television with Geraldo Rivera of all people, gone on national t.v. herself to jump all over RC's mistakes. Yet he is the one accused of failing to keep the harmony of communication between the families. What am I missing?
As near as I can tell even though Crystal has had a child by another man, been out of the relationship with Ronald for an extended period of time, and lived without paying for her children...she is still being "abused" in some way by Ronald. As ludicrous as it sounds...he is going to be blamed for all the ills in her life from now on. :rolleyes: So...she needs this "abuse advocate" and an attorney to make sure he pays and pays and pays and pays for whatever made up carp Crystal and her family chooses to use against him since they did not get what they demanded in the first place. Sour grapes seem to be a good way to get on National tv and grab some fame while holding his feet to the fire and allowing the exploitation of his son. Go figure!! :furious:
Okay maybe it is just me, but after stewing over things this is what I come up with:

Crystal has had many troubles in her past and also used drugs at a point in time.
She is unemployed.
Because of Ron, Crystal misses her hearings on the child custody case.
Because of TN Crystal is being railroaded by LE and all Putnam county because of Ron's mom.
Crystal never, ever pays the child support for the care and well being of her children.
Ron files to take action against Crystal on this very issue and suddenly Haleigh goes missing in the middle of the night.
Suddenly Crystal has a National sounding board of how she has been wronged by the Cummings.
Crystal now has not only a spokesperson, but also an attorney who specializes in child custody cases. Although she is a custody attorney I would bet my last dollar that the advice will not stop there.
Also, it now comes to mind that there is only RJ-a 4 year old boy at the present time left to testify about his life with his father.

My hinky meter was always alerted with this young woman. I had a feeling from the day I heard of the custody support issues. Many other instances flagged for me too. What I am saying is just because her mom says she and Chad were home doesn't mean it is so, and if they were home it also doesn't mean that she could have someone else in the family helping her with all of this. It sure is awfully convenient for Haleigh to go missing before the support hearing and sure helps in the battle of child custody.

I am wondering and very interested to know what LE might think of all of this.
LOL I am sure Gloria A. will rush right over. I guess she will have to push the other new attorney out of her chair order to become the lead attorney, but hey...why not?! They need to make sure that the three ring circus Crystal and her family started on national television keeps going so the smoke and mirrors are kept in place!! Maybe Lisa B. can help out by holding a mirror or blowing some smoke, too! Geraldo has already done his job of holding the youngest in the mouth of the lion while everyone overlooks that the child becomes a tainted potential witness to the kidnapping of his sister and is being exploited by the media and his own mother!
Okay maybe it is just me, but after stewing over things this is what I come up with:

Crystal has had many troubles in her past and also used drugs at a point in time.
She is unemployed.
Because of Ron, Crystal misses her hearings on the child custody case.
Because of TN Crystal is being railroaded by LE and all Putnam county because of Ron's mom.
Crystal never, ever pays the child support for the care and well being of her children.
Ron files to take action against Crystal on this very issue and suddenly Haleigh goes missing in the middle of the night.
Suddenly Crystal has a National sounding board of how she has been wronged by the Cummings.
Crystal now has not only a spokesperson, but also an attorney who specializes in child custody cases. Although she is a custody attorney I would bet my last dollar that the advice will not stop there.
Also, it now comes to mind that there is only RJ-a 4 year old boy at the present time left to testify about his life with his father.

My hinky meter was always alerted with this young woman. I had a feeling from the day I heard of the custody support issues. Many other instances flagged for me too. What I am saying is just because her mom says she and Chad were home doesn't mean it is so, and if they were home it also doesn't mean that she could have someone else in the family helping her with all of this. It sure is awfully convenient for Haleigh to go missing before the support hearing and sure helps in the battle of child custody.

I am wondering and very interested to know what LE might think of all of this.

I agree with you!! My hinky meter is going crazy!!
I agree with you!! My hinky meter is going crazy!!

I agree with you however it's not Crystal it's her mom. I don't like that woman for some reason. Actually I know why but I won't post it. I think she's evil..not Crystal..just read how many times Crystal writes on her moms myspace, I love you mom..nothing else..just I love you mom..over and over again. Strange.
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