Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #8

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Apr 28, 2005
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Stay on topic and leave the bickering at the door.

Thank you.............
Moved from the last thread:

I found #4 to be quite interesting about giving advance notice for allowing the other parent to be present at doctor and dental visits. Does that include psychologists?
Moved from the last thread:

I found #4 to be quite interesting about giving advance notice for allowing the other parent to be present at doctor and dental visits. Does that include psychologists?

Good question. I wonder why they didn't add a clause about the counselling back when they entered into the agreement, and why so shortly after it was signed off on, Crystal would seek an emergency order?? Do we know when that will be heard by the Court?
I haven't heard anything about the date yet. I am interested because it was inferred that Crystal had already taken Rj to see a psychologist in Baker County perhaps before she filed the request. I would have to think a psychologist would fall under the same heading as doctor or a dentist. If it is found to be true that she did this...wouldn't she be in contempt if the appointment was after July 13th when this was signed by a judge?
I haven't heard anything about the date yet. I am interested because it was inferred that Crystal had already taken Rj to see a psychologist in Baker County perhaps before she filed the request. I would have to think a psychologist would fall under the same heading as doctor or a dentist. If it is found to be true that she did this...wouldn't she be in contempt if the appointment was after July 13th when this was signed by a judge?

If Ron was not told about it and she did it without consulting him I believe it would be in contempt.
I haven't heard anything about the date yet. I am interested because it was inferred that Crystal had already taken Rj to see a psychologist in Baker County perhaps before she filed the request. I would have to think a psychologist would fall under the same heading as doctor or a dentist. If it is found to be true that she did this...wouldn't she be in contempt if the appointment was after July 13th when this was signed by a judge?

Must have missed it? Where was it inferred?
I have to imagine that 'being in contempt of court' wouldn't matter much when it came to the mental health/well being of her son. Especially if it is true (as has been inferred) that Ron is/was not in agreement with counseling of Jr. I for one would be glad that she saw the need and followed through...but that's just me. Would being in contempt be ANY mothers biggest concern under the circumstances? :waitasec:
I haven't heard anything about the date yet. I am interested because it was inferred that Crystal had already taken Rj to see a psychologist in Baker County perhaps before she filed the request. I would have to think a psychologist would fall under the same heading as doctor or a dentist. If it is found to be true that she did this...wouldn't she be in contempt if the appointment was after July 13th when this was signed by a judge?

If a psychologist is considered the same as a doctor and dentist, I would not think contempt charges could be filed under this precept: If Jr. broke his leg while he was with his mother, would she not be allowed to get him to the doctor? I should think the courts would be grateful for her concern for her child and consider it a plus that she had taken the action to provide help.
I have to imagine that 'being in contempt of court' wouldn't matter much when it came to the mental health/well being of her son. Especially if it is true (as has been inferred) that Ron is/was not in agreement with counseling of Jr. I for one would be glad that she saw the need and followed through...but that's just me. Would being in contempt be ANY mothers biggest concern under the circumstances? :waitasec:

We don't know Ron is not in agreement. Perhaps we should wait for FACTS before making claims like that. (Yes, I realize you said "if"). Marie just stated in an interview that LE has asked the families not to speak to each other. So, we don't even know if Crystal and Ron had a discussion about counseling.

Sheffield’s mother, Marie Griffis, said law enforcement authorities have asked the two families not to have contact beyond the exchanges of Ronald Jr.

As far as Crystal taking Junior for counseling in Baker County - that would be a violation of the Court Order if she did so without Ron's permission. In addition to Ron being the custodial parent, why would she want Junior to possibly build a relationship with a counselor that he will not be able to continue seeing due to the distance? Baker County is approximately one and a half to two hours away from where Ron lives. When Junior goes to counseling, he'll go closer to home, IMO. And, again, IMO, I have no doubt that he will get counseling.
If a psychologist is considered the same as a doctor and dentist, I would not think contempt charges could be filed under this precept: If Jr. broke his leg while he was with his mother, would she not be allowed to get him to the doctor? I should think the courts would be grateful for her concern for her child and consider it a plus that she had taken the action to provide help.

There's a huge difference between a sick child visit and a counseling. When a child needs to go for a visit to the doctor due to illness, the other parent needs to be notified after the visit (or before if time permits). So, if Junior needed to go for a sick child visit while with Crystal, she could take him and notify Ron. Counseling is an ongoing medical decision and requires Ron's consent (and if Ron takes Junior, he needs to notify Crystal due to her having joint legal custody).
I haven't heard anything about the date yet. I am interested because it was inferred that Crystal had already taken Rj to see a psychologist in Baker County perhaps before she filed the request. I would have to think a psychologist would fall under the same heading as doctor or a dentist. If it is found to be true that she did this...wouldn't she be in contempt if the appointment was after July 13th when this was signed by a judge?

We can infer anything we like...I do know as a matter of record that when a child has evidence of psychological distress you may take him/her to the psychiatrist, psychologist and/or social worker/LMHC immediately without notification of the other parent first. The treating expert then will notify he court and/or other parent. I know this because I had to do it with one of my daughters after time with her bioDad. The counselor wrote a letter to the court, emergency ammendment to custody was made and parental rights terminated at a later hearing. This was in the state of Florida.
If a psychologist is considered the same as a doctor and dentist, I would not think contempt charges could be filed under this precept: If Jr. broke his leg while he was with his mother, would she not be allowed to get him to the doctor? I should think the courts would be grateful for her concern for her child and consider it a plus that she had taken the action to provide help.

PorcineGranny - the idea that Crystal would have seen emotional distress in her child and immediately addressed it...goes along way to show the court that she perceives a need in the child and is willing to be sure the need is met. Those that are "holding their breath" because Crystal has not yet filed for custody...I would be cautious to inhale slightly. If any issues come out in therapy regarding the emotional distress being related to JR's living enviornment with RC...the court gives heavier weight to expert testimony. I do believe that Crystal was illegally robbed of her right to parent these children in the beginning. I would like to see her given another chance because of that....I do believe that her living enviornment should be checked out...including Chad and Marie. I believe that if Marie were on drugs, she would not be driving the school bus. If Chad were....well, he prob wouldn't have his children long. Those things checked out, homestudy done, parenting classes and close observation....I believe Crystal the better parent. I really am not advocating for either oarent in the custody dispute...the children are what is most important...their safety and well being comes matter where that may be.
This is all just getting a little bit crazy for me. I see posters on here bickering back and forth over every issue. Take a break for one day and you miss out on a lot I guess. Last week everyone was pretty much in agreement that if RJ needed to see a counselor, then Crystal did the right thing. Now I read that if Crystal took him to see a counselor without advance notice to RC then she should be in held in contempt of court. I will tell you hear and now, if my child has a problem that I can't his can bet your butt I will take him to the proper professional to address the issue. Slap the cuffs on me if you must. If Ronald cared about his son he would not make a fuss over the treatment that his child needs.

I really hope we get some concrete answers soon, this this he said she said thing is really turning me off these threads. How is this helping Haleigh?>
Bringing this over from Ron's thread because it really belongs here:


Originally Posted by lil momma View Post
Hi, Kamky

I am not a local but i am in Florida, futher south, but FL laws are FL laws. A few years ago FL introduced a new system to track the enforcement of the court orders, name CAMS. When you file for child support, atleast here in Broward County, It is filed through the Department of Revenue. (DOR) The child support payments are to be made with The State Disbursement Unit, and they are the one's who disburse the payment to the custodial parent either by direct deposit, check by mail, or to a credit card, which is issued by the State and they disburse the child support payment to the card. You can take cash off the card, for a little fee.

Not until CAMS was introduced, did the state of Florida have an option of direct deposit or the credit card thing. I had to call every single day to request enforcement of my case, which i am here to tell you, was very very time consuming, and then you have to wait for the local office to review your file (about 30-60 days) and then decide if you should be granted a court date.(about another 60-90 days in the Broward Court system)

As far as the enfocement of cases are concerned, the state of Florida is VERY behind in enfocement actions. The first action taken is the suspension of your drivers license, (and with that suspension, means that the arrears have to be at ZERO dollars for that suspension to be lifted, (i know b/c my sons father is over 20K in arrears and his license has been suspended since 2004, when i filed for child support) then there is wage garnishment (Payments right out of your pay check), IRS intercept (when the non custodial parent files taxes, the return gets intercepted and sent to the state disbursement unit and disbursed to the custodial parent), pass port denial (no custodial parent can't get a pass port), and reporting to the credit bureau. It seems as though there are 30-90 days between each and every step in regards to enforcement.

I hope this helps....

This is my opinion and it is based on what has happened in my life.


I don't recall having read/heard/seen any information that Crystal's license was ever suspended. Am I mistaken? I wonder if there are exceptions to that.
Bringing this over from Ron's thread because it really belongs here:


Originally Posted by lil momma View Post
Hi, Kamky

I am not a local but i am in Florida, futher south, but FL laws are FL laws. A few years ago FL introduced a new system to track the enforcement of the court orders, name CAMS. When you file for child support, atleast here in Broward County, It is filed through the Department of Revenue. (DOR) The child support payments are to be made with The State Disbursement Unit, and they are the one's who disburse the payment to the custodial parent either by direct deposit, check by mail, or to a credit card, which is issued by the State and they disburse the child support payment to the card. You can take cash off the card, for a little fee.

Not until CAMS was introduced, did the state of Florida have an option of direct deposit or the credit card thing. I had to call every single day to request enforcement of my case, which i am here to tell you, was very very time consuming, and then you have to wait for the local office to review your file (about 30-60 days) and then decide if you should be granted a court date.(about another 60-90 days in the Broward Court system)

As far as the enfocement of cases are concerned, the state of Florida is VERY behind in enfocement actions. The first action taken is the suspension of your drivers license, (and with that suspension, means that the arrears have to be at ZERO dollars for that suspension to be lifted, (i know b/c my sons father is over 20K in arrears and his license has been suspended since 2004, when i filed for child support) then there is wage garnishment (Payments right out of your pay check), IRS intercept (when the non custodial parent files taxes, the return gets intercepted and sent to the state disbursement unit and disbursed to the custodial parent), pass port denial (no custodial parent can't get a pass port), and reporting to the credit bureau. It seems as though there are 30-90 days between each and every step in regards to enforcement.

I hope this helps....

This is my opinion and it is based on what has happened in my life.


I don't recall having read/heard/seen any information that Crystal's license was ever suspended. Am I mistaken? I wonder if there are exceptions to that.

She did have a suspended license until 12-08, but if I remember right it had nothing to do with support.


I can feel your soft fingers fold into my hand as I hear you say " Mommy" This precious memory is more than I can stand. I can see your face glowing with innocence and love. Your curls lay soft against your face, as your memory lays soft on my heart. Where are you HaLeigh I must demand! I can see your eyes filled with wonder as they give out a bright spark. Why can't someone find you? Who knows? Will they set you free? HaLeigh the love you have given to me would bring most moms to their knees.And because of your love I now bend on my knees to ask.."God Please Bring You Home To Me!" A million times I've needed you, A million times I've cried.If I was there could I have saved you? For you I would have died. I wish I could snuggle near you and whisper your name. "HaLeigh precious HaLeigh... I Love You!" "I'm right here at your side." So on this 6th birthday I promise I will dip into my well of faith, new strength to find.... I will look the whole world over UNTIL, MY HALEIGH, I FIND!" I Love You Always Your One And Only, Mommy

Oh, this is heartbreaking.

Why State of Florida Family Court, Why did you have to make that fateful decision?


I can feel your soft fingers fold into my hand as I hear you say " Mommy" This precious memory is more than I can stand. I can see your face glowing with innocence and love. Your curls lay soft against your face, as your memory lays soft on my heart. Where are you HaLeigh I must demand! I can see your eyes filled with wonder as they give out a bright spark. Why can't someone find you? Who knows? Will they set you free? HaLeigh the love you have given to me would bring most moms to their knees.And because of your love I now bend on my knees to ask.."God Please Bring You Home To Me!" A million times I've needed you, A million times I've cried.If I was there could I have saved you? For you I would have died. I wish I could snuggle near you and whisper your name. "HaLeigh precious HaLeigh... I Love You!" "I'm right here at your side." So on this 6th birthday I promise I will dip into my well of faith, new strength to find.... I will look the whole world over UNTIL, MY HALEIGH, I FIND!" I Love You Always Your One And Only, Mommy

Oh, this is heartbreaking.

Why State of Florida Family Court, Why did you have to make that fateful decision?

Well if my heart was completely broken for Crystal is sure is now. I didn't think I feel any worse about this but I am wrong. I feel so helpless and frustrated and I wish people would stop accusing her even after LE said they are not suspects.
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