CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #2

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the Prof has been cleared??? I would appreciate a link. You mean Bennett, who sent an e-mail out around noon on Tuesday that Annie wouldn't be in her class so he cancelled it? Didn't know that. I don't think anyone should be cleared at this point.

There is this unattributed source from the NY Daily News story:

A professor who suddenly canceled a class Le was to attend around the time she went missing was questioned Friday, but had a rock-solid alibi and is not considered a suspect, a law enforcement source said.

snipped & bold by me

Funny, Yale editor said on geraldo tonite that parents are more worried/scared then the students! Is there anyone associated with Yale telling it like it really is? :rolleyes:

exactly, there is a war going on..see here:
http://www.ivygateblog.com/2008/01/...tiser censored*-womens-center-pledges-to-sue/
i havent been on in awhile and wanted to check out this story here. nothing then after reading through some threads, i came back to post about yale offering a 100,000 reward. and i see now about the blood clothes.
wow, that is so weird
them not declaring missing persons or criminality, but its a crime scene,ok le
also yeah thats prett normal someone leaves all their belongings and bloody clothes then disapears, sound non criminal to me.lol.

that anton guy seem to focus on research of tyrosine protein, some speaches on metabilsm, cells and

Wait a minute. You just stated something that has me thinking. For some reason, I think I remember learning that Tyrosine Protein is related to T-Cells. I wonder if their research grant had anything to do with an AIDS or HIV vaccine?
oh the guy that was getting into the vehicle looks like it could have possibly been Mr. Schlessinger ~ JMHO might not have been either.

ETA: Joseph Schlessinger, Chair of Pharmacology it was this guy that A. Bennett wrote the email to about Le being around Noon that day IIRC.
Wait a minute. You just stated something that has me thinking. For some reason, I think I remember learning that Tyrosine Protein is related to T-Cells. I wonder if their research grant had anything to do with an AIDS or HIV vaccine?

I read somewhere diabetes??????research
Here is the info about Prof Bennett - very glad to hear he has been cleared.

Pharmacology Department chair Joseph Schlessinger said he first learned of Le’s disappearance from her faculty advisor Anton Bennett, an assistant professor in the pharmacology department. A 2007 graduate of the University of Rochester, Le is studying for a Ph.D. in pharmacology and molecular medicine.

Schlessinger said that Bennett e-mailed him yesterday around noon informing him that Le had not come in to work and that no one knew where she was. Police confiscated all of Le’s materials from the Anton Bennet Lab in the Sterling Hall Department of Pharmacology, where she worked.

maybe when she used her card he was behind her and just opened door wider and went in with her..........OR she knew him and just left him in with her............they were working on something TOGETHER? maybe........
I hope it is OK to post this here..If not, please delete.

This is a theory I have not seen yet..Sounds possible?


#8 By a concerned mother 8:02p.m. on September 12, 2009
Her purse containing her cell phone, credit cards and money in her office in Sterling may have been placed and planted there by someone after something terrible happened to Ms. Le. In the video frame showing Ms. Le entering the Amistad St. building, it appears that a purse strap or something similar is on her right shoulder. It means she had her purse with her at Amistad St. I think video frames at Sterling Hall of Medicine also need to be examined to see who might have entered Ms. Le's office area after 10 a.m. Tuesday.
I read somewhere diabetes??????research

Le, who was reported missing Tuesday, is known for her work ethic. The 24-year-old graduate student spent 10 hours each day in her pharmacology lab, and lately, those hours had grown longer — Le was trying to get ahead before her Sunday wedding. She recently picked a topic for her dissertation: understanding how certain proteins are involved with metabolic diseases such as diabetes.


Sterling Hall of Medicine
333 Cedar St
New Haven, CT 06519
Scandi and JerseyGirl:
Your theory seems more likely to me than a theft of equipment. There is huge money in this research. I knew some folks in a PhD program in pharma and biotech on the West Coast and all of the professors were multi-multi millionaires from royalties on patents they had licensed to biotech companies, so, the stakes could be high if there was a dispute over inventorship, or if she discovered that someone hadn't invented something that they claimed. The grad students that I knew in CA were hoping to someday cash in like their professors. Sometimes it is the students that invent something, but they feel obligated to list their professor as a co-inventor to repay them for their mentoring.

Hey, real quick...somebody just mentioned tyrosine protein and that the professor I guess was interested in working that breakdown, or at least interested in tyrosine protein. Do you have a Science or Biological background? Anyone on here? I KNOW I remember learning something about Tyrosine Protein being associated directly with T-Cells and their molecular breakdown and divisions, subdivisions and todal blood control when dealing with leukemia, AIDS, HIV, and other blood disorders/diseases. Has anyone found out exactly what their research lab was working towards? Like, what was the ultimate goal? Was it a vaccine? Was it to find the genetic breakdown of cancer or AIDS? Did they work in relation with WHO or the CDC? Sorry if this is off topic, but it's extremely interesting to say the least. Plus, if they were involved in something that was considered highly serious and respected, I would most certainly question every single colleague.
First post here: I know a lot about VN culture, having lived in VN community for a long time. Here are a few points to consider:

1. Very common in Vietnamese weddings for old boyfriends or girlfriends to be invited to wedding, or to just come on their own accord when they hear about it, often traveling very far (1/2 way around the world). Often they will try to disrupt to wedding or make a last plea. These VN men are overly romantic and think that it is their fate to marry the bride. I even saw some cases where they showed up w/head shaved to prove their love. Usually they would go to brides house, and be very open about this, sometimes the parents may encourage it or fail to realize the potential risk, for example, they might think the old boyfriend was a nice guy, he just sad because your getting married, so the daughter should be nice to them in their last days before marriage. In the worst case, they will come to the wedding ceremony/reception and cause a scene to make their former bf or gf lose face in the community. For this reason, VN people have a proverb that when you decide to marry someone you should do it quickly (lay vo lien tay), or else third parties may try to cause problems, so they often avoid long engagements.

2. Re marrying outside of the culture: Can be acceptable, encouraged or discouraged, really varies from family to family based on their education level. If her family had a low level education, they may oppose marrying outside. To be honest, they will think that by marrying outside the culture, the groom may support the family in the long run less than a VN man or may not be quite as loyal, but, here someone earlier posted that the groom is half-chinese, so is part asian, hard to guess on this point. On the other hand, marrying outside the culture for women is good because often VN men do not allow the wife's parents to live with the family in the future (they only allow their own side to live with the family, because it is considered somewhat of a disgrace to live with the bride's family). It all depends on her family and not enough information on this point to judge.

3. Another possibility is he has an old gf that wanted to break up the wedding.

4. Many VN woman do get pregnant before marriage, as after engagement it is often considered not too taboo for the couple to have relations, and this is not a big deal provided that it is the groom's child of course. So, they do have a lot of quickly arranged marriages after engagement.

5. It does not sound like she got cold feet, but sounds like something happened to her. My guess is that the perpetrator is probably someone in her circle at the lab. It seems unlikely that an ex-bf would dare to enter the building, but maybe someone called her and she went outside to meet someone quickly, and then was attacked/abducted.

6. I read she is from Placerville, I believe that is near northern CA and they have a lot of HMONG people up there. Many who immigrated from Laos or Vietnam, they have a tradition of kidnapping brides before marriage, but their tradition is to break into the brides homes at night, there have been many cases of this in Northern CA. This is a remote possibility, but wanted to mention it.

7. Seems to me very unlikely a thief would go in there in broad daylight.

8. She may have a full VN name, but can't find it yet on Internet.

I pray that they can find her alive. She seems to be so bright and focused.
Thanks so much for your input and welcome to WS~ Very good information for us to ponder.

Hmong is among the research I got into while working on the case of the missing woman Mahalia Xiong from Green Bay, Wisconsin. I recall the mention of kidnapping brides and other things which were mentioned. This is one of the reasons I raised the issue of her background.

I agree it is unlikely to be a theft or a drug related crime.

It appears to me that whatever took place happened inside her lab. I am most curious now as to why Bennett would say she didn't show up around noon when we know she was there in the lab. The fire alarm didn't go off until 12:40pm and his email must have been sent prior to this. Also, the woman in the interview who worked with her mentioned seeing her around 11:00am. Others have mentioned seeing her, too.
Do you think that article makes her powerful? We can agree to disagree...I think she was targeted because she picked out a dynamite dissertation for her research and was going to be in the way of a few. I believe Annie to be brilliant, she's much like a sponge and gets things done with effort that looks easy. Research is so competitive!. Every piece of research that is published and snatched up by a drug company, or turned into a patent is worth a fortune. I can't discount that power she would have had as she researched her way to fame nor those who would never clap for her success.

Yes, I think her article about safety on campus made her seem powerful. She's advocating fighting crime, instead of being a victim. I also think that rape and domination was the motive. Her success you described likely makes her kill more enjoyable to the perp. The more I think about our perp the more I think he is not an athlete or attractive, and probably felt rejected by her.
Here is the info about Prof Bennett - very glad to hear he has been cleared.

Pharmacology Department chair Joseph Schlessinger said he first learned of Le’s disappearance from her faculty advisor Anton Bennett, an assistant professor in the pharmacology department. A 2007 graduate of the University of Rochester, Le is studying for a Ph.D. in pharmacology and molecular medicine.

Schlessinger said that Bennett e-mailed him yesterday around noon informing him that Le had not come in to work and that no one knew where she was. Police confiscated all of Le’s materials from the Anton Bennet Lab in the Sterling Hall Department of Pharmacology, where she worked.


I find this a bit strange - why would an assistant prof who had a grad student working under him notify the department chair that the student was missing? I can imagine in my institution there would be grumbling that the TA didn't turn up, and maybe there would be phone calls to her home or to other students who might know where she is, but an email to the department head? A little over the top? Especially so soon after the supposed time of disappearance?
Hey, real quick...somebody just mentioned tyrosine protein and that the professor I guess was interested in working that breakdown, or at least interested in tyrosine protein. Do you have a Science or Biological background? Anyone on here? I KNOW I remember learning something about Tyrosine Protein being associated directly with T-Cells and their mollecular breakdown and divisions, subdivisions and todal blood control when dealing with leukemia, AIDS, HIV, and other blood disorders/diseases. Has anyone found out exactly what their research lab was working towards? Like, what was the ultimate goal? Was it a vaccine? Was it to find the genetic breakdown of cancer or AIDS? Did they work in relation with WHO or the CDC? Sorry if this is off topic, but it's extremely interesting to say the least. Plus, if they were involved in something that was considered highly serious and respected, I would most certainly question every single colleague.

Jersey Girl - you can't get much better than the topic she chose to work on. Annie also worked on this while at NIH this past summer.

She recently picked a topic for her dissertation: understanding how certain proteins are involved with metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

My links aren't working - sorry

Also the tyrosine Protein mentioned having to do with aids is cancer, virus research. There is another team working in that area. Don't believe Annie is part of it.
I read somewhere diabetes??????research

Le, who was reported missing Tuesday, is known for her work ethic. The 24-year-old graduate student spent 10 hours each day in her pharmacology lab, and lately, those hours had grown longer — Le was trying to get ahead before her Sunday wedding. She recently picked a topic for her dissertation: understanding how certain proteins are involved with metabolic diseases such as diabetes.


Sterling Hall of Medicine
333 Cedar St
New Haven, CT 06519

Thanks to both of you for this. Hmmm...maybe she stumbled upon something.
maybe when she used her card he was behind her and just opened door wider and went in with her..........OR she knew him and just left him in with her............they were working on something TOGETHER? maybe........

He would have been seen on CCTV. Anton Bennett reported she never showed up for work. When she entered the building at 10am was she going to work? Was that her job?

If that was her job...what could have possibly happened immediately upon entering the bldg.?

Sounds like someone was waiting. How does a person just disappear when the exits are being filmed?
Were her lab and office both in Sterling? She swiped into the building at 10AM- did she ever actually reach her lab?
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