CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #2

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At 10 Amistad St. on Saturday, police were present, but it was more or less business as usual at the facility, where a conference was being held. Students entered and left throughout the day, even as a portion of the building was now considered a crime scene, according to sources.

I didn't realize the entire building wasn't closed off. I understand that would mean a lot of classes and whatever canceled, but if the perp who did this works/has classes at the building, he could be in there cleaning up his own crime scene. I just don't think that's a good idea...
There are double doors, you can see the second set of doors in the first picture. I work in a building that requires a card to open the doors and you go into the first set of double doors that is unlocked then inside there is a black pad on the wall you wave your card in front of the black pad and the light turns green and the second set of double doors open automatically.
Hmmm...it shows a sign that says Caution Automatic Door on the outside door. I take it that is not an automatic door tho?
A landfill? Treating beautiful, brilliant Annie like trash makes me sick. Maybe a witness or a perp is talking. Let's find Annie on her wedding day so she can be put to rest in peace.

If she is found, my guess is that the murderer stuffed his bloody clothes up in the ceiling - changed clothes, and rolled her out? How could all that happen in a supposedly secure building? :eek:

My heartfelt sympathies go out to Annie's loved ones who have lost a beautiful, kind, and giving human being. Her contributions to society would have been immense.
The guards [if there are any] are probably familiar with the regulars and would think nothing of them moving about.Hopefully ,if someone left with a large container or suitcase ,it's on tape .
Someone thought she would simply be missing and police wouldn't follow up so thouroughly INSIDE the building.
This is so heartbreaking. What a tremendous loss .
Thank you Labrat and others for your very illuminating posts on the culture of research labs.

If this is true that Annie went immediately downstairs to the basement for her animal research work, then the timeline expands to her abduction taking place between 10am and 12noon. The colleague who reported seeing Annie at 11 am is either suspect or can ID Annie's whereabouts at that time.

The perp may not have even known that Annie was getting married if it was an employee of the animal research lab?

I, too, am disheartened that LE didn't immediately treat the lab as a crime scene but the clothes were found and the bloodhounds are in the bsmt. It's just a matter of time.

So sad.
It's not unlikely at all.

Research animal disposal would be handled by the animal care staff, not the lab she worked for. Animal use is very highly regulated. If it is a barrier facility, she would have had to work with her animals inside the animal care facility- that is why I think the signing up she did was to reserve a procedure room inside that facility.
Great post and ideas re: the procedure room staff!

Have you read anywhere that Annie actually signed up to reserve a procedure room inside the Amistad street building...or is that simply standard procedure at a major university research lab....or?

Also, what exactly is a "barrier facility?"


No, no where did it specifically say she had signed up for a "procedure room" but there was a reference for her signing up for a 10am "time slot" to work. A lot of what I am trying to do is read between the lines here- most of the reporting is being done by lay people- they're calling everything a "lab" and I think it's leading to a lot of confusion.
I am not at Yale, but at a different comparable large university and much of the animal research would be subject to the same rules and regulations.

I have never heard of anyone having to sign up to work in their lab
. You are there every day- why would you sign up? You're expected to be there. Where you would have to sign up would be in the animal facility. Labs do not keep the research animals inside the lab- it is not allowed, it would be a violation. The IACUC (Animal Care and Use Committee) could shut the lab down if it were discovered. The animals are kept in an animal facility, either barrier or conventional. Barrier facilities are CLEAN. The animals are maintained in a disease free state. You are not allowed to remove animals, except for terminal procedures, since once out they are considered "dirty" and can not go back. You are not allowed to bring large equipment in and out. This means if you are going to work with your animals, you must go to them. What this means is that any equipment you would need would be permanently inside that facility, in a procedure room. There is always a sign up sheet for these rooms as multiple people from multiple labs use them. There is nothing more annoying than going to work with your animals and finding someone there before you who says "I'll be finished in three hours- come back then" That's why you sign up in advance.

I notice that the reporters are calling the building, her office, the actual lab, and the "lower floor room where she was working" her "lab" I don't think they are familiar enough with this sort of work to make distinctions.

I didn't realize the entire building wasn't closed off. I understand that would mean a lot of classes and whatever canceled, but if the perp who did this works/has classes at the building, he could be in there cleaning up his own crime scene. I just don't think that's a good idea...
I agree. Shoddy police work on this case, imo. How could they NOT think to look up until 4 days later?! They knew she went missing from the lab itself as she checked in and they did not see her come out of the building on the tapes. With over 100 officers, not one person looked up at the ceiling and thought maybe it would be beneficial to check above? This infuriates me. It is crime scene 101. LOOK UP. (At least the DOGS were smarter!)

The perp had from Tuesday until Friday to dispose of the clothes, her body, and clean the scene.

The mysterious disappearance of a Yale grad student days before her wedding took a sinister turn yesterday when investigators found bloody clothes and other evidence of a crime scene in the science-lab building where she was last seen.

Cops using bloodhounds found the evidence tucked away above the tiles of a dropped ceiling in the Amistad Street Building, where Annie Le was last seen entering Tuesday morning, according to the New Haven Register.

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/bloody_clothes_in_missing_bride_wDZk02N1NnobuY0Drw0PCM BBM
From the fall schedule it looks like Bennett only taught one class, Tues/Thur 10:30 am-Noon. I think that's normal because he spends most of his time doing research, etc. I'm with everyone else who is confused about him emailing Schlessinger around noon saying that Annie was missing. If she was TAing an afternoon class, (speculation 2pm), why would he think she wouldn't show up by 2pm. And who was teaching the class that she was TAing for? As a TA, would she have taught the class by herself? If people were concerned by her disappearance at noon, why was the roommate the person who reported her missing to the police at 9pm. I'm speculating that the Yale personnel were instructed to report anything unusual to Yale police, not New Haven. Why risk bad publicity if it could be handled internally.
Everything written or said about Annie has highlighted how dependable, exact, punctual, deliberate, brilliant, kind, and loving she is. Her wedding plans alone are filled with details of perfection. With that in mind - a FIL to be who knows his DIL to be, and has a son who is a physics doctoral candidate, knew something was terribly wrong when she was first reported missing. History and patterns tell me a great deal about a person and not showing up just isn't who Annie is. I can see exactly why he cancelled the wedding. mho

I completely agree. And to expand on this thought. I would think there are three possible scenarios: Run away, abduction/accident or death. Even if they thought she was a run away and might turn up before Sunday, I would not want the wedding to go on. If she had cold feet (which I don't think is likely) and felt she needed to bail that soon before the wedding I wouldn't want my children to go through with it until we made sure they were really ready to get married. If not a run away, then an abduction or accident. Again, the trauma of either would more than likely make a Sunday wedding not possible, even if she turned up on Thursday or Friday.

I can't come up with any scenario for a disappearance this close to a wedding that would make me think the wedding should go on as planned.
Welcome to WS, Koozya and Adude~ Excellent posts!

I have a couple of questions:

Didn't I read the building where she went missing also houses a surgical area?

Why would his father postpone the wedding on Wednesday instead of waiting a day or so? The person who was to perform the ceremony said he called on Wednesday because people were flying in from out of town. I understand the need to put plans on hold, but that early? She would not have been missing 24 hours at that point. To me, it seems like he rushed it a bit. How did he know that Annie may not have taken off for a bachelorette party or something without telling anyone and would pop up to find her wedding had been canceled. This bothers me.

“They had everything going for them,” she said. “They were not only a couple, they were best friends. They reached a level of maturity that said they were ready for matrimony.”

The groom’s father, Michael Widawsky, called Sherry on Wednesday to say the wedding would be postponed.

“He was very, very distraught,” she said. “He said the family made a decision. They didn’t know where she was and people were coming to town so they had to postpone the wedding.”

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_...9-13_details_of_the_canceled_wedding_of_.html BBM

SS - :blowkiss:
Wow that's an interesting quote "wedding postponed" - as if holding out a hope. I've only heard it was canceled.

This bothers me to, that the family took action Wednesday. It's likely the fiance is tied in with the graduate student "family" at Yale. Columbia & Yale are but a Grand Central train ride/subway stop apart. (one hour 40 minutes by train). Folks commute between these universities all the time. My thoughts immediately went to the fact that the fiance was a first contact for investigators and they gave him enough information to realize Annie was not going to make today's ceremony. So very sad. He must have been so devastated.

As to you question about surgeries in the building? Not on people. Still don't know why folks are saying this is an animal research lab though.
Here are the 3 depts in this building:

Traditionally research doctors & med students hold clinics in sections of a hospital/clinical setting designed to receive & treat patients and keep records, etc. Yale Med's hospital facility is 2-3 blocks & a park walk away from this lab. I've not been in Yale's bldg - but its how others like this work.
They knew she went missing from the lab itself as she checked in and they did not see her come out of the building on the tapes. With over 100 officers, not one person looked up at the ceiling and thought maybe it would be beneficial to check above? This infuriates me. It is crime scene 101. LOOK UP.

I have not been able to find any reference that she ever made it to her lab, only that she entered the building at 10am.

I wish I knew exactly where you had to swipe into that building- the front door? every floor? every lab? the animal facility?

My building is open during business hours- you only swipe nights/weekends. The labs are open. You always have to swipe into the animal facility as access is limited- you have to be authorized to get in.
Thank you so much, Labrat, for your explanation of the situation at the Amistad facility. (Maybe the media should refer to the buildings according to the streets on which they're located [Amistad and Cedar] rather than confusing lab and office, etc.)

I did not know she had signed up for a 10 a.m. time slot. So, her name was undoubtedly on a log somewhere in the animal research facility on Amistad before 10 a.m., probably available for all employees and researchers to see. Did she ever make it to that lab? Do we know for sure?

Again, many thanks!
From the fall schedule it looks like Bennett only taught one class, Tues/Thur 10:30 am-Noon. I think that's normal because he spends most of his time doing research, etc. I'm with everyone else who is confused about him emailing Schlessinger around noon saying that Annie was missing. If she was TAing an afternoon class, (speculation 2pm), why would he think she wouldn't show up by 2pm. And who was teaching the class that she was TAing for? As a TA, would she have taught the class by herself? If people were concerned by her disappearance at noon, why was the roommate the person who reported her missing to the police at 9pm. I'm speculating that the Yale personnel were instructed to report anything unusual to Yale police, not New Haven. Why risk bad publicity if it could be handled internally.

I see what you're saying.. but to me it isn't completely alarming that the police weren't called at 2pm. I'm sure when Annie didn't show up (even though it's unlike her) the first thing people thought of wasn't "call the cops- lets report her missing"..maybe she just simply forgot, maybe she got caught up in the research lab, maybe she had a family emergency, maybe she wasn't feeling well...I wouldn't have jumped on calling the police when she didn't show up either. But, if later on that day I couldn't get in touch with her, then I might have. It just seems to premature to call the police the second she doesn't show up on time.
From the fall schedule it looks like Bennett only taught one class, Tues/Thur 10:30 am-Noon. I think that's normal because he spends most of his time doing research, etc. I'm with everyone else who is confused about him emailing Schlessinger around noon saying that Annie was missing. If she was TAing an afternoon class, (speculation 2pm), why would he think she wouldn't show up by 2pm. And who was teaching the class that she was TAing for? As a TA, would she have taught the class by herself? If people were concerned by her disappearance at noon, why was the roommate the person who reported her missing to the police at 9pm. I'm speculating that the Yale personnel were instructed to report anything unusual to Yale police, not New Haven. Why risk bad publicity if it could be handled internally.

This topic has been discussed on the threads round and round. So interesting how one phone call by Bennett can cause so much speculation..and I'm one of the worst of the speculators.

Annie was TA for Michael D. Robek Ph.D. A Pathology class at 2:00pm. I can't tell you how much I appreciated this info being posted last night. It was conversation for days. I'm like you - I can't dismiss the facts that don't make sense to me. Bennett has high achievement, many awards, and is richly published. I can't imagine whyhe would ever put himself in a spotlight such as this...there are so many unanswered questions.

I have questions I wish they would provide answers to. I want to know if they found whatever it is that she was carrying into the building. That would help narrow down the timeline and where she went. I also want to know about her cell phone records. I would think it unusual for her to leave the cell behind just because of her age. I don't know many people her age that aren't practically attached to their phone. I would like to know what her cell phone habits were before she went missing. Did she text fiance during the day, or update colleagues with where she was going normally. And how does that compare with the last day. Did any of her colleagues try to contact her when it was determined she was missing?

I do not think it is a robbery gone wrong because from the little that has been reported it has been too clean of a crime scene. It seems planned out to me. A robbery gone wrong would leave behind a body or injured person, if not in the open, at least easily found. They wouldn't have time to plan out where to hide the evidence.
They certainly make it seem that they have evidence to show the crime scene to be in her lab where the clothing was found. While this could be inaccurate, it is what they are saying in the articles and on the videos.

The woman from the FBI stated they interviewed "colleagues" who saw her that morning in the building, but did not specify the location of those sightings.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks5LJE18Zsg"]YouTube - Mystery of Le disappearance continues[/ame]


While I was composing my post, you responded to another poster that we don't know for sure that Annie ever made it to the Amistad lab where she had reserved a 10 a.m. time slot for that Tuesday.

So, no need to answer my question about that. Thanks again for all the info you provide here; the "barrier facility" is quite interesting, too.
Question for those familiar with these types of facilities...

...would they have to use a third-party to dipose of their medical waste, or would they potentially have an incinerator (or a crematory) onsite for such things?
Thank you so much, Labrat, for your explanation of the situation at the Amistad facility. (Maybe the media should refer to the buildings according to the streets on which they're located [Amistad and Cedar] rather than confusing lab and office, etc.)

I did not know she had signed up for a 10 a.m. time slot. So, her name was undoubtedly on a log somewhere in the animal research facility on Amistad before 10 a.m., probably available for all employees and researchers to see. Did she ever make it to that lab? Do we know for sure?

Again, many thanks!

You're welcome, but please keep in mind that I do not know that any of this is fact, it is what seems very likely to me since I work in a very similar situation- it is how I am fitting what has been reported together in a way that makes sense to me given what I know. I could very well turn out to be completely wrong.

All of the sign up sheets I have seen have always been a sheet taped to the door- not really a log that anyone keeps. More of a courtesy thing than any sort of official record.
Search at Hartford trash facility
Updated: Sunday, 13 Sep 2009, 11:25 AM EDT
Published : Sunday, 13 Sep 2009, 11:20 AM EDT
Connecticut state troopers and people dressed in hazardous materials suits are at a Hartford trash facility, but it's unclear what they are searching for.

The activity is going on at the Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority facility along Maxim Road near Brainard Airport.

State police spokesman Lt. J Paul Vance would comment on any activity when contacted by News Channel 8 Sunday.

There was no visible indication police are searching the landfill in the North Meadows section of the city.


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