CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #7 FOUND DECEASED

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Morning All, How long do you think it will take to get his DNA tests back? Dr Baden says it can be done in 2 or 3 days.

Ironic that you ask this b/c I was astonished when I heard Baden (and Lee on another station) say it could take 24-72 hours...KNOWING FULL WELL THAT YALE'S AMISTAD BUILDING DOES THIS VERY SAME DNA TESTING AND IS A BETTER LAB IMO THAN THE FBI'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you mean from this one person or in general?

I think the other tweets were set to private, but this person had a tweet mentioning that they knew the POI in middle school. I can't find that tweet anywhere on their page now. And it was there, up until they mentioned having "tweeter's remorse."
Interesting that all of the tweets concerning this case are now gone. This morning the mention of knowing the POI was still there, but that too is now gone.

did I miss something here-was there something else apart from them being step cousins or something and the cousin not thinking much of POI?
I don't think this case had anything at all to do with the animals. I believe he was infatuated with Annie, approached her, she rebuffed him and his advances, he killed her. I do have to question why this piece of crap was let out of jail last night. I find that totally reprehensible. If he flunked the lie detector as was reported and had scratches on him to suggest that he had been in an altercation, I'm sure they could have put him on a 48-hour hold pending further evaluation. Had this case happened anywhere else but Yale University, there would have been a swift resolution; however, it's very apparent that they are doing any and everything in their power to keep up their appearances, i.e., Ivy League, nothing bad happens here. It's really disgusting to me to think that someone who is a suspect in a brutal murder is out wandering the streets where he could possibly be a threat to some other woman.
I think it's hysterical and shows that she had a light heart and good sense of humor. I wouldn't personally do it...but I'm sure it was anonymous and I would laugh quite hard if I were opening the mail.

I do too, even though I do not think she actually went through with it but may have just been her first thought and joked about it with friends. Moreover I interpret it to show she was confident, tenacious, headstrong, stood her ground and had gumption. Pair that with a controlling, lab tech who has low self esteem who may have been simmering and simmering for awhile about percieved slights by her and it is possible that he snapped and killled her.

Just food for thought...
I don't think this case had anything at all to do with the animals. I believe he was infatuated with Annie, approached her, she rebuffed him and his advances, he killed her. I do have to question why this piece of crap was let out of jail last night. I find that totally reprehensible. If he flunked the lie detector as was reported and had scratches on him to suggest that he had been in an altercation, I'm sure they could have put him on a 48-hour hold pending further evaluation. Had this case happened anywhere else but Yale University, there would have been a swift resolution; however, it's very apparent that they are doing any and everything in their power to keep up their appearances, i.e., Ivy League, nothing bad happens here. It's really disgusting to me to think that someone who is a suspect in a brutal murder is out wandering the streets where he could possibly be a threat to some other woman.

I agree, this is politics of YALE!
I think the other tweets were set to private, but this person had a tweet mentioning that they knew the POI in middle school. I can't find that tweet anywhere on their page now. And it was there, up until they mentioned having "tweeter's remorse."

But that makes sense, doesn't it? She tweeted that she knew him and then got bombarded. I already know who she is and where she works.
But that makes sense, doesn't it? She tweeted that she knew him and then got bombarded. I already know who she is and where she works.

Oh, I'm certain she got bombarded. We know from other tweets that disappeared that the Yale Daily immediately contacted her, and I'm sure it snowballed from there.
Jersey Girl, autoclaves kill germs. DNA is not a germ. I believe the DNA would be intact after autoclaving. That doesn't mean the perp knew this, though.

Follow me for one sec...I know that...but I'm wondering if it could help "cook" (with disinfecting liquid) what was underneath her nails. Trust me, this was just a brainstorm...nothing more. I'm trying to figure out why they would use the term "dismemberment" in the news and also report that she was found "in" her clothes. Could dismemberment pertain to being cut-up-very-badly? I thought they were 2 different meanings. That's why I'm throwing the dumb autoclave thing out there...I know, shouldn't have brought it up, huh?
When RC was allowed to be released to his home, will LE have a surveilance on him?
How can LE be positive he will stay there?
I just don't understand the system of the LE in this.
If not arrested, RC is a free man and can go any where he pleases.
He doesn't even have a bil.
Remember what happened to Maria Lauderbach's killer?
That monster ran to Mexico!
The simple theory is almost always the answer. She arrived at the Lab to work, he saw her saw his chance to asault her, did assault her and it went too far and then he tried to hide her. Maybe it could have been anyone, but she arrived just as the thoughts were entering his mind.

I can't keep up with all the younger and more "agile" brains on here so I'm going to risk looking as "fluff- headed" as I am and ask:

Has it been established that she DID go to the lab to "work"? I thought I had read somewhere that she got a call asking her to bring "something" to the Amistad building and that was what she was doing but she did not go there to actually work right then: she left her purse, keys, phone at Sterling.Can anyone set me straight on this? And if she did get a call to go to Amistad does anyone know from whom she received the call / request? TIA if you can help me out. You "guys" are amazing!!!:smile:
Follow me for one sec...I know that...but I'm wondering if it could help "cook" what was underneath her nails. Trust me, this was just a brainstorm...nothing more. I'm trying to figure out why they would use the term "dismemberment" in the news and also report that she was found "in" her clothes. Could dismemberment pertain to being cut-up-very-badly? I thought they were 2 different meanings. That's why I'm throwing the dumb autoclave thing out there...I know, shouldn't have brought it up, huh?

Annie was so tiny.........I don't understand the 'took her apart'
BUT behind my washer/dryer is a chase with the wires and plumbing......
the service panel is only about 12x12 inches. Did RC have to get her through a panel like that? meaning some of her would go through and others couldn't fit??? I'm sick with thinking of this..........
I have BPD & know others with BPD or bipolar, and I have to disagree with that. Control issues, yes, but I would hesitate to 'diagnose' him because of unstable behavior. (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorder#DSM-IV-TR_criteria & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current_diagnostic_criteria_for_bipolar_disorder) It brings a negative stigma to people who actually suffer from mental illness when people jump to such conclusions. Very few people with such a diagnosis would kill someone.

I NEVER said his possible personality disorders were the reason he may have killed someone. I said he wanted his rules followed and he snapped. I never related the 2, was simply an observation and was my OPINION
Follow me for one sec...I know that...but I'm wondering if it could help "cook" (with disinfecting liquid) what was underneath her nails. Trust me, this was just a brainstorm...nothing more. I'm trying to figure out why they would use the term "dismemberment" in the news and also report that she was found "in" her clothes. Could dismemberment pertain to being cut-up-very-badly? I thought they were 2 different meanings. That's why I'm throwing the dumb autoclave thing out there...I know, shouldn't have brought it up, huh?

I *think* autoclaving will degrade DNA, but maybe not to the point to where it becomes useless for forensic purposes. I did a quick Google search but could not find anything conclusive.
I never go anywhere without my cell phone and my Blackberry. I'm on call 24/7, but even if I weren't, I would not go ANYWHERE without my cell. It's a personal safety thing.

How close together were the two buildings? Maybe they were close enough together and she walked between them so often that it almost felt like the same building?
I think two people are going to wind up in jail before it's overwith. In spite of all of the speculation, rumor and changing reports.....I still get the sense that one person started it, and the other came in behind that person and finished it. Just based on what I've read from the GF, I'd guess she could be quite the protective one over HER man, whether it was issues relating to relationships OR job related matters. She says he won't speak up for himself, remember?
FWIW, I have one dog I had to put in a kennel in my house before he outgrew being distructive. Nothing was safe, carpets, walls, furniture. I didn't dare leave the house without putting him in his kennel. It's a common practice for people who work.

That's true, in some cases it isn't abusive at all to "kennel" a dog for the night or during the day.
A researcher at another Yale lab in the building where Ms. Le’s body was found said that Mr. Clark had not been at work for several days. Besides his companion, his sister and brother-in-law also work as animal research technicians at Yale.

The researcher said Mr. Clark was “very officious and very demanding” and that Mr. Clark had given some graduate students a hard time.

Ann Marie Goodwin, a resident at a Victorian-style house in New Haven where Mr. Clark and his companion lived until about a year ago, described him as “very unsociable.”
Annie was so tiny.........I don't understand the 'took her apart'
BUT behind my washer/dryer is a chase with the wires and plumbing......
the service panel is only about 12x12 inches. Did RC have to get her through a panel like that? meaning some of her would go through and others couldn't fit??? I'm sick with thinking of this..........

I have absolutely no idea. I originally read that there was a "hidden door panel" for the chase (area where she was found). Originally, I found that the panel was around 5 feet but the space 2ft deep, then it was reported 2ft X 2ft. Now I have absolutely no idea whatsoever. Puffster may know...
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