GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #68

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I can offer some insight to some of the issues being brought up recently. I’ve hesitated because I do not want anyone to think I myself have been incarcerated ever. I haven’t and never plan to.
About 13 years ago my son and his girlfriend committed a crime. They were using opioids heavily at the time and thought they could bring it to trial and win. They had public defenders. Took the jury 45 minutes to come back with their guilty verdict. Their sentences included a 5 year mandatory minimum.
So started my introduction to CTs prison system and our family/juvenile court system where we spent the next 2+ years fighting to keep custody of our grandchild from the other grandparents. To say they are in some ways similar to MTs family would be truthful.
Thankfully we were able to continue to raise our grandchild. Fast forward to present - they did their time and continued to be sober for almost 5 years until they weren’t. We now also have custody of their 3yr old twins and they are still struggling with their addiction. Their mother was incarcerated again last summer. Hence my continued familiarity with York/Niantic.

So I can offer some insight into various things as long as you all don’t look at me like I have first hand knowledge.

The question is what is a "fair wage" in prison when you have a roof over your head and 3 square meals a day, things you would have to pay for on the outside. In addition, each prison offers some form of education to help prepare those who would need it when getting out.
I agree. Not only a roof over their head and 3 meals a day, they are also provided clothing, shoes, recreational equipment, games, access to healthcare, dental care and television. Some prisons supply video games for each block. Then they have the added perk of being able to purchase extras. They have access to visitors and classes. All at the cost of the state taxpayers.
Bbm, is the sealed report now available? I know MT and FD had it, which is odd. Jmo
Just my take / No the report was sealed by the court in the divorce proceedings. Unless it becomes unsealed through a legal process it will never be legally available.
A hard copy was found at 4 JeffXC when LE searched after the arrests.
Schoenhorn intimated that he believed Norm Patti’s also had a copy and perhaps that was how Michelle got hers. Schoen was given a copy of the report thru the court but it was not to be shared. Frlson said she saw it.
If I were the Farbers I would seek to find out who has that report and get it out of the public domain if they care. If not c’est la vie. And it’s prob been shared wide and far with all the Troc’s / Greece people/ pond people/ Petu - hard to know how to handle.
They report was debunked and was never going to impact anything.
It’s just a red herring. Or red meat for Jennifer haters. Lowlifes.
I can offer some insight to some of the issues being brought up recently. I’ve hesitated because I do not want anyone to think I myself have been incarcerated ever. I haven’t and never plan to.
About 13 years ago my son and his girlfriend committed a crime. They were using opioids heavily at the time and thought they could bring it to trial and win. They had public defenders. Took the jury 45 minutes to come back with their guilty verdict. Their sentences included a 5 year mandatory minimum.
So started my introduction to CTs prison system and our family/juvenile court system where we spent the next 2+ years fighting to keep custody of our grandchild from the other grandparents. To say they are in some ways similar to MTs family would be truthful.
Thankfully we were able to continue to raise our grandchild. Fast forward to present - they did their time and continued to be sober for almost 5 years until they weren’t. We now also have custody of their 3yr old twins and they are still struggling with their addiction. Their mother was incarcerated again last summer. Hence my continued familiarity with York/Niantic.

So I can offer some insight into various things as long as you all don’t look at me like I have first hand knowledge.
Thank you for sharing. There is no shame in your situation and I would be happy for any information you choose to share about the prison system.
Your situation is duplicated in countless houses/families across America. I have friends who are raising their grandchildren. They are thankful when their children are in the jail system as they know they will be safer there than on in the streets in active addiction and in jail they are hypothetically sober.
Why would Horn be given a copy of the report if it had been sealed by a judge? I’ve never understood that.
He petitioned the court for it I believe. - maybe said it was integral to his case. Maybe check back thru the threads or maybe google has it. Also maybe @Seattle1 can offer you insight. I don’t remember which judge allowed it. JMO.
I think the lies about ‘trash runs’ with Fotis means her family doesn’t believe she is totally innocent. Who is going to throw something abstract like that in if they think she is innocent. It would be plausible if he said he went to some job sites with him but “trash runs”? It’s laughable.

That was a power grab of ‘let’s see if I can control the outcome with this lie’. It is so far from the truth and it shows the lack of morals within the family.
Yes, reading between the recent Troconis Crew statements scattered amongst the tears and finger pointing that we saw this week, it seems like they expected charges to possibly be only the 'lesser' Class D items and clearly not the top charges.

Watching them now for 5 years its been a wild ride as their social media and on air commentary has been all over the map and focused on victim shaming JF imo but their commentary oddly enough stacks up almost PERFECTLY to the case 'put on' by the Defence by Jon Schoenhorn and the other person whose name I can never recall....

I do believe the defence narrative was crafted by MT and Mama Troconis and simply executed with the assistance of Jon Schoenhorn and crew.

I never quite understood MT claiming to 'know nothing' YET doing 8+ hours of LE interviews with lying about lies (Troconis Crew on social media VILIFIED Atty Bowman for YEARS as did Jon Schoenhorn in his pretrial motions), talking in the LE interviews extensively about unimportant things but NEVER about important keystone events, crafting an alibi script leaving out critical events where she was caught on camera, relying on imo gross misstatements as to the reality of the lives of FD and MT at the time they chose to murder JF, including financial implosion of FORE, Family Court anger at FD lying about his finances with the assistance of Atty Michael Rose, and Family Court reality of no change to visitation or custody for FD and MT.

So, MT made the above claims with basically just the alibi 'proof' of the Stop and Shop robot, Petu and daughter school drop off and a discredited Family Court report that was irrelevant to their case imo. I'm leaving off the expert witnesses from this mix as I'm not sure how much they factored into the jury review.

MT and Troconis Crew to me rolled the dice on their strategy working against a nearly $10 million investigation by the CSP and State (estimates on cost of investigation have ranged from $5 - $10 million and I have no clue what the correct number is but IT WAS ALOT but imo much of it was because of the lies about lying of MT as I can only imagine the rabbit holes LE and Det. Kimball went down due to MT and her lies). Simply seems like a poor strategic bet to me but I'm just a naive simpleton to these legal choices made by defence but I do thing the jury results speak clearly as to the strategy and execution by the Defence as for that imo Atty Jon Schoenhorn is responsible along with Audrey Felson or is it Felsen? I never recall....

Now MT and the Troconis Crew will have to live with the defence choices made and spend years on appeal and MT will be a resident of CT Prisons for many years to come.

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I can offer some insight to some of the issues being brought up recently. I’ve hesitated because I do not want anyone to think I myself have been incarcerated ever. I haven’t and never plan to.
About 13 years ago my son and his girlfriend committed a crime. They were using opioids heavily at the time and thought they could bring it to trial and win. They had public defenders. Took the jury 45 minutes to come back with their guilty verdict. Their sentences included a 5 year mandatory minimum.
So started my introduction to CTs prison system and our family/juvenile court system where we spent the next 2+ years fighting to keep custody of our grandchild from the other grandparents. To say they are in some ways similar to MTs family would be truthful.
Thankfully we were able to continue to raise our grandchild. Fast forward to present - they did their time and continued to be sober for almost 5 years until they weren’t. We now also have custody of their 3yr old twins and they are still struggling with their addiction. Their mother was incarcerated again last summer. Hence my continued familiarity with York/Niantic.

So I can offer some insight into various things as long as you all don’t look at me like I have first hand knowledge.
You all are doing a wonderful thing supporting your son and his girlfriend, and especially raising your grandchildren. Thank you for any insight you can give.
I love being a mother and grandmother. Jennifer will never get that chance. As miserable as mt feels about being in prison, she can still be a part of her child and any future grandchild’s life. She isnt dead.
I do wonder how the pre-sentencing screening will address the issue of where MT will be housed in prison?

Technically with the Conspiracy charge she was convicted of, the hands of MT did not directly murder JF and yet it is a Class B felony which would put her in contact no doubt based on charges with the most violent of the prisoner population.

I wonder how the system addresses this issue or if it doesn't? Some legal pundits fwiw all exclaimed on Judge R immediate tripling of bail based in their opinions of the serious nature of MT Class B felony charge. I thought his issue was flight risk or maybe it was both. My point is though that Class B felony is serious and I would think based on what I read about prisons organising prisoners would put her with the most violent in York.

Does anyone know how this all will work? Is this something the system is flexible on or will MT have to simply suck it up and be in a group with Class A and B felons at York?

Around page 3 they start to discuss this. MT will be placed with others of similar security levels. I’d imagine initially she will have a level 4 maybe 5. She will be reassessed throughout her incarceration and can have her security level dropped.
I can offer some insight to some of the issues being brought up recently. I’ve hesitated because I do not want anyone to think I myself have been incarcerated ever. I haven’t and never plan to.
About 13 years ago my son and his girlfriend committed a crime. They were using opioids heavily at the time and thought they could bring it to trial and win. They had public defenders. Took the jury 45 minutes to come back with their guilty verdict. Their sentences included a 5 year mandatory minimum.
So started my introduction to CTs prison system and our family/juvenile court system where we spent the next 2+ years fighting to keep custody of our grandchild from the other grandparents. To say they are in some ways similar to MTs family would be truthful.
Thankfully we were able to continue to raise our grandchild. Fast forward to present - they did their time and continued to be sober for almost 5 years until they weren’t. We now also have custody of their 3yr old twins and they are still struggling with their addiction. Their mother was incarcerated again last summer. Hence my continued familiarity with York/Niantic.

So I can offer some insight into various things as long as you all don’t look at me like I have first hand knowledge.
@ajksmom, Prayers (and love) to you and your family on what sounds to have been an emotionally difficult and legally challenging situation.

No judgment. None. Life happens sometimes and addiction is something that kills not only the addicts but can rip families and loved ones to shreds. Totally get it. Survival in the face of addiction for family and loved ones I think is one of the toughest journey's a human being can walk.

So glad you were eventually able to raise your grandchild and obtain custody.

Would enjoy hearing more about the prison experience to the extent you feel comfortable sharing it as there haven't been many articles written from the perspective of those with direct experience that I was able to find as I was searching for info on York last night.

It seems like a wide range of inmates exist at York so that confused me as to how its managed and I was also wondering about the day to day living conditions and how inmates pass their time as MT will be there a long time.

Be well.

Around page 3 they start to discuss this. MT will be placed with others of similar security levels. I’d imagine initially she will have a level 4 maybe 5. She will be reassessed throughout her incarceration and can have her security level dropped.
Thanks for this. Will read now. So, she will be with violent offenders as her highest charge is Class B felony?

Edit: Summary of Classification from @ajksmom link above:

The system is intended to provide for scheduled reviews for security and custody changes and transfers among facilities and programs. Classification is used to best match the individual characteristics of the inmate with the facilities and programs of the Department of Correction. An information base is also established which aids planning and resource allocation.
The objective classification system is based on an inmate‟s risk and treatment needs. An inmate‟s Overall Risk Level is determined by the following factors:
  1. Escape Profile;
  2. Severity/Violence of the current offense;
  3. History of Violence;
  4. Length of sentence;
  5. Presence of pending charges and/or detainers;
  6. Discipline history; and
  7. Security Risk Group membership.
After independently rating each of these factors, an overall Risk Level is established. Risk Levels primarily reflect the structural constraints or security required to house the inmate.
Inmate needs are assessed in seven areas: Medical, Mental Health, Education, Vocational and Work Skills, Substance Abuse, Sex Treatment Need, and Family/Residence/Community Resources. For each of the inmate needs, the level of need for treatment or training is evaluated. Inmate needs and treatment responses for each area are developed by the respective professionals working in the field.

The overall classification profile of the inmate will determine the appropriate facility assignment, supervisory approach, housing assignment, accessibility to the community, and program or job placement. Although the objective classification instrument may not determine the specific facility, housing, or program assignment, the ratings will determine eligibility for these assignments and in most cases effectively place the inmate in the best available location. Although the individual assessment of the inmate is independent of resource availability, the optimal matching of individual characteristics with resources is sought.

As an inmate progresses through the commitment period, individual behavior is monitored as well as the time remaining on the sentence. A regular schedule of annual and semi-annual reclassification reviews will examine the present level of risk and current inmate needs. Classification levels are dynamic. Through reclassification, risk and need levels are monitored and modified as required.

Initial classification shall establish an initial Risk Level and identify inmate needs. Within fourteen days of admission, the following information required to complete the initial classification (IN) shall be gathered: Connecticut criminal history, Out of state criminal history, Pending charges, Presence of detainers, Wanted persons check.
Within fourteen days of the offender‟s being partially or fully sentenced, an initial Offender Accountability Plan shall be established in accordance with the Offender Accountability Plan Manual.

All classification transactions shall be documented on the Department of Correction „Classification Review Sheet‟ (Attachment C-7) and filed in Section 5 of the Inmate Master File. A copy of the C-7 shall be given to the inmate. If the inmate declines a copy of the C-7, it shall be noted on the C-7. For community release and reentry furlough decisions, a„Community Release Program Cover Sheet‟ (Attachment C-1 ) will be used for notification to the inmate. „The Classification Review Sheet‟ shall be utilized for Initial Classification, Reclassification and Institutional Classification actions. All Classification actions, including re-entry furlough approvals shall be documented on the CN9202, „Offender Classification History Form‟.

*Institutional Classification actions are defined as any internal assignment changing an inmate‟s status within a facility to include program, school, job, outside clearance or other.
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Re: costs charged to prisoners.

A couple decades back I worked for Child Support Enforcement in the state where we lived.

Federally, the taxpayers should not have to cover all the costs of foster care if/when the parents have assets &/or income.

While I was there, a big push was started in the Children's Division to see if the children in Alternative Care qualified for any benefits. Social Security Disability applications were filed for most children, a thorough check to see if a child qualified for Social Security survivor's benefits, and we received cartons of new papers from the county offices regularly. (Nightmare, but job security, ya'know?)

During this time, iirc, inmate charges were started in that state. (Could be off several years, of course.)

Consider inmate charges this way: should @afitzy , @NCmom99 , @Morgan10028 , @Jmoose, and iirc @waldojabba 's taxes pay for MT's housing, food, etc? Plus, Jennifer's loyal friends.

For choices MT made.

Now I absolutely agree with other posters that there are plenty of incarcerated people who cannot pay at this rate & perhaps a sliding scale? (Except that we know this Troconis-Arreaza tribe are masters of hiding assets & intriguing businesss deals.) Some incarcerated individuals are there, imho, because they were assigned the weakest attorney.

Tough issue, but WOW Connecticut values their prison stays!

jmho ymmv lrr
In regards to inmates having to pay for their incarceration I do believe that is largely used for circumstances where those incarcerated have ample funds to live. Perhaps even “earned” from their crimes and tucked away.

I know that no one ever tried to collect from us or the other family - phew. No one tried to garnish my son’s bank account when he got out and had saved enough for a down payment on a house that was promptly spent in just under 2 months once he started using again. I think I’d rather the state have collected those funds from him rather than have a drug dealer “collect” them.
Have heard where a lawsuit for a car accident after getting out was taken back in part after medical expenses were paid.
If anyone is familiar with the Martha Moxley case and Skakels time in a CT prison that is a circumstance where I’d bet the state collected funds. The man was picked up by limo for his court appearances.
Re: costs charged to prisoners.

A couple decades back I worked for Child Support Enforcement in the state where we lived.

Federally, the taxpayers should not have to cover all the costs of foster care if/when the parents have assets &/or income.

While I was there, a big push was started in the Children's Division to see if the children in Alternative Care qualified for any benefits. Social Security Disability applications were filed for most children, a thorough check to see if a child qualified for Social Security survivor's benefits, and we received cartons of new papers from the county offices regularly. (Nightmare, but job security, ya'know?)

During this time, iirc, inmate charges were started in that state. (Could be off several years, of course.)

Consider inmate charges this way: should @afitzy , @NCmom99 , @Morgan10028 , @Jmoose, and iirc @waldojabba 's taxes pay for MT's housing, food, etc? Plus, Jennifer's loyal friends.

For choices MT made.

Now I absolutely agree with other posters that there are plenty of incarcerated people who cannot pay at this rate & perhaps a sliding scale? (Except that we know this Troconis-Arreaza tribe are masters of hiding assets & intriguing businesss deals.) Some incarcerated individuals are there, imho, because they were assigned the weakest attorney.

Tough issue, but WOW Connecticut values their prison stays!

jmho ymmv lrr
I would guess that the issue of prisoners covering their 'cost' of incarceration started out with the best intentions and we also haven't really explored the extent to which MT will be able to 'work' in prison to offset any of the cost either. I searched for this information and simply couldn't find anything. Perhaps @ajksmom knows?

Yes the cost of staying in a CT Prison is on par with a bargain off season rate at the Four Seasons....or Ritz....but without the pool and amenities. Would love to dig behind the per diem used calculations but simply don't have the time to understand their calculations in CT vs other States where the per diem is a fraction of CT rate.

But, it seems like the effect of the policy is to release inmates back into the world with no financial foundation for survival. Not sure that makes all that much sense. MT has family and no doubt they will be needed to support her for the remainder of her life. FWIW I'm glad she has a family as no doubt many others don't and can you imagine being released into the world in your 70s with no financial foundation or means for making a living?

On the MT Contempt hearing that will be happening soon. Wonder if anyone plans to attend as I'm not sure it will be streamed?

Also, for any that have eagle eyes or were perhaps in the Courtroom on the day MT displayed the discredited report in 48 pt. font on her computer, I have a simple question.

Many have speculated that the MT screen was tilted directly towards the gallery behind her. @Morgan10028 has posted wonderful pictures of the Courtroom and we know that the Troconis Crew were the ones mainly in this section by all accounts.

But, I've heard also that other folks such as Shannon Miller of NBC CT and other 'supporters' were seated in this defence section as well. What other members of the Press were seated in the Defence section? Do we know?

My question is that the speculation has been that MT was slanting her screen with the large font so that it could be read by someone in the Gallery behind her. Most likely imo it wasn't her family as she no doubt shared the information with her family long ago. Speculation has been rife that the purpose of MT doing what she did with her computer was to share the information on her screen with a member of the Media.

Who could this have been that MT was seeking to connect with that day in Court? We have heard reports of Producers from the various news shows in Court but I wonder if this possibly could have been who MT was targeting? Or, was the purpose of what she was doing was simply to torment the Friends and Family of JF?

Any ideas as I'm trying to understand what kind of testimony will be made in the hearing as it appears that the State undertook an investigation of the matter. I also don't know if MT will be required to testify and would she simply be able to plead the 5th to any questions on the stand? Curious about the processes of the hearing @lucegirl ?

I’ll always try to balance my experience with some facts if I’m able. Even if that means I can’t hop right on it. Hope everyone understands.
In regards to wages there’s this-
The reality is that IF MT is left in prison it will be months before she is able to get a job. Her best bet is to take the training for cleaning up um fluid spills. No one wants the job but it pays. Jobs like working in the commissary require an inmate to be perfect in behavior; no fighting, no stealing, no cheeking meds, no drug use etc. Many of the women do follow the rules so have those jobs and keep them. If she serves 10+ years she may have that opportunity one day.
So the prosecutor was correct when she asked the judge to revoke bail after the verdict was read and the defense attorney was incorrect when he stated bail *had* to be an option under CT law? Thanks so much for clearing this up.
Well it’s an option, as in optional…and so the Judge used his discretion to grant bail, but not because he was required to grant bail. IMO, $6M might as well be non-bail. The Judge knows a Surety Bond of this amount is 1) a financial cluster to even arrange which keeps her in jail and not on bail; and 2) gives the family time to stew and process over whether it’s worth it for 2 months.
Why on earth is someone that’s convicted of these charges given bail?

I heard this too and was stunned! I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!
$6M is a slap in the face IMO - and no - this doesn’t mean the Judge disagrees with the verdicts. I can’t imagine saying that with a straight face!
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