GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #69

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IMO the actions of the Appeals court sent a deep chill on the entire issue of Judges reporting attorneys misdeeds.
Civil Appeals | News
Appellate Court Vacates Norm Pattis' 6-Month Suspension
By Emily Cousins
"I like decisions like this that help us understand how the rules work and what kind of conduct will violate a rule," ethics expert Mark Dubois said. "The purpose of lawyer discipline is general deterrence so that all of us who labor in the vineyards know where the lines are, what to watch out for." Read More

From the CT Law Tribune. There’s a paywall, but here are some excerpts: Dubois is the former Chief Disciplinary Counsel, (who represented NP at his hearing re the forged affidavit. DeMatteo was NP’s counsel for this one—when NP associate (remember the kid with the cowboy hat?) mistakenly sent confidential Sandy Hook plaintiffs’ records to opposing counsel in TX:

…”The opinion said Pattis’ conduct did not “responsibly engage in discovery and safeguard sensitive discovery materials,” and exposed his client to sanctions.

In terms of RPC 5.1 (b) and (c), the court concluded that Pattis violated the rule due to his supervisory authority of a former associate, Cameron Atkinson. According to the trial court’s decision, Atkinson sent the Sandy Hook plaintiffs’ confidential document to two of Jones’ attorneys in Texas, who were not authorized recipients.

Pattis also violated RPC 8.4(4), the court said, because the “mishandling of the plaintiffs’ confidential records falls within the expansive range of misconduct encompassed by rule 8.4(4).”

Dubois said the notoriously broad RPC 8.4(4) is often used as a “catchall rule that covers every other instance. …”

“We thought the disciplinary proceedings below were improper and unfair,” DeMatteo said. “We get another hearing on what the appropriate discipline should be. It is our position that the suspension was excessive. So now it will be up to another court, another judge, to determine if there should be any penalty and, if so, what it should be.”

My thoughts on it? Might Alex Jones sue NP for malpractice, since NP’s conduct “exposed his client to sanctions”?

Absolutely CORRECT!

Pattis (and Schoenhorn for that matter) have a LONG history of leaking confidential AND SEALED documents to MSM (oddly enough the Stamford Advocate, Dave Altimiri and Hartford Courant and NBC CT and CBS NY have been ALL beneficiaries of this confidential information and imo repost it and should have been punished but never were).

I would like to shine a particularly bright light on the Stamford Advocate and Hearst Publications as probably the most prolific reposter of confidential and sealed documents provided to them by Attorney Norman Pattis and Attorney Jon Schoenhorn - we saw in particular that confidential records from Family Court were reposted on numerous occasions and was done in a way to reflect negatively on the victim of a violent crime, JFD and was an absolute breach of her personal right to privacy. Their role in disclosing confidential medical information of JFD is imo despicable, illegal and frankly disgusting. I had always wished that GF and Atty Weinstein had taken these various disclosures over the years to civil court and donated the imo inevitable proceeds to setting up a well needed DV shelter in Fairfield County.

The State of CT Family Court (Judge Heller and her 2 predecessors in the matter of Dulos vs. Dulos), State of CT Criminal Court (Judges Blawie, White and Randolph) and the Office of Victims Advocate also imo have also been delinquent in not going after either the attorneys that are leaking this information or the MSM operators such as Hearst and the Stamford Advocate. I won't even bother repeating the names of the same 'reposters' from the Stamford Advocate that we all have been unfortunately following for years but a shout out imo has to go to the "Grandmother of 6" reporter Lisa Backus, Staff Writer from the Stamford Advocate who imo has worked hand in hand with Norm Pattis and Jon Schoenhorn FOR YEARS with an honourable mention to Dave Altimiri who imo blessedly has left the Hartford Courant. Both of these 'reposters' imo should simply identify themselves as "Staff Writers" for both Norm Pattis and Jon Schoenhorn as they are nothing more and nothing less and certainly imo are not individuals that follow any journalistic standards and guidelines that I am aware of.

For the nearly 5 years that we all have followed this tragic case we have seen the State of CT Office of Victims Advocate as well as the Office of the State's Attorney imo do nothing to protect JFD who was the victim of murder in her own garage at the hands of her estranged husband and with the assistance of his long time mistress, MT and his friend and attorney KM from the release of confidential information to public sources.

We watched over the years as confidential and sealed information was released to MSM, openly discussed in Court proceedings and documents and on air and on social media with no consequences all while the State of CT Office of VIctims Advocate and the Office of the State's Attorney did nothing to protect the victim. IMO the State of CT needs to have a standard procedure of imposition of gag orders in high profile cases to present the poisoning of the jury pool by attorneys that should know and do better but chose not to regarding public discourse about their cases but also to address the issue of toxic social media such as was seen in the MT case now for nearly 5 years. The Troconis family was never part of any gag order (ditto for Jon Schoenhorn) and imo they should have been as they effectively poisoned the well via their social media and 'on demand' access to a both lazy and stupid MSM arena of participants with zero interest in actual investigative journalism. We all know who these both lazy and stupid reporters are on this case and we have witnessed huge sums made by these reposters and their media company bosses now for years. They have done next to nothing to further awareness about DV issues or do anything to investigate Michelle Troconis or her extended family. I would like to shoutout to CT FOX 61 who imo has consistently reported on DV topics and has committed resources to following local stories and raising awareness and ditto to WFSB CT.

Its been imo shameful negligence on the part of the State of CT to not take care of a victim who is not here to protect or speak on her own behalf but I guess its just par for the course in the sorry State as we saw in local LE (Farmington and Windsor in particular imo), Family Court, and Civil Court where basic procedural rules were not followed and consequences for rule violations by attorneys and defendants were no imposed.

Thank you for the additional relevant background. So troubling and frankly disgusting IMO. No one adequately investigated nor held to account it would seem?

And some of that reminds me of a certain MT defense witness ‘expert’, that IIRC dictated* information on their CV and testimony for the defense - and the results were transcribed by defense counsel JS’ office that evening and overnight - for presentation to the court record the following morning! One still has to wonder whether the expert witness reviewed or approved the prepared draft of the dictation? MOO

*in an Uber ride enroute to a flight IIRC.
Schoenhorn had a copy of it, too, though-Judge Blawie gave him access to it, with the proviso that it was NOT to be used in any public way.
And there was IIRC defense counsel JS there in court trying to enter a copy of that sealed ‘Report’ (or a redacted version of it) on the court record! And I cannot recall whether defense counsel AF also attempted something similar in court with the report?

What more evidence would a lawyer judicial investigative council need to review and find a contemptuous act by defense counsel for referral or prosecution for contempt? MOO
Thank you for the additional relevant background. So troubling and frankly disgusting IMO. No one adequately investigated nor held to account it would seem?

And some of that reminds me of a certain MT defense witness ‘expert’, that IIRC dictated* information on their CV and testimony for the defense - and the results were transcribed by defense counsel JS’ office that evening and overnight - for presentation to the court record the following morning! One still has to wonder whether the expert witness reviewed or approved the prepared draft of the dictation? MOO

*in an Uber ride enroute to a flight IIRC.
Yes, simply cannot make up the stories associated with the MT Defense "Dream Team"..... Its been a long time since I saw such sheer laziness and sloppiness from a defence team who really put up no defence that we ever saw of MT.

FWIW I do wish that I had kept a running log of rule violations by the attorney's as even with my deep disgust and distrust of the CT Judiciary EVEN I never believed we would see a box of evidence withheld from CSP by 3 CT Barred Atty AKA Officers of the Court and with the situation noted by 3 Senior Judge in CT Criminal Court including the AJ for Stamford, Judge Blawie. Stunning stuff along with the fact that not one Judge did anything in terms of reporting the involved attorney's and ditto for the States Attorneys.

Another infraction of Norm Pattis popped into my brain tonight regarding the 'gag order' that wasn't enforced by Judge Blawie. This was disappointing as I thought that Judge Blawie did a very thoughtful and thorough job crafting the 'gag order' and the order itself was held up on appeal. But, in the end it was all a bit worthless imo as Pattis kept leaking to the SA and Hartford Courant during the 'gag order period' while FD gave interviews and then then collectively put confidential information into the Greek Newspaper I think named Proto Thema about JFD which should never have happened with the gag order in place and Judge Blawie never did anything about the situation.

Having watched this MT trial a bit, I do very much have the sense that the State of CT State Attorneys Office is woefully understaffed (many many job openings with no takers for years at a time the last time I looked) and without power to impose any sense of order into the justice process in CT and the Attorneys in the State effectively have free reign to create chaos and pick/choose which rules they want to follow as they know the State Attorney has no power and the Justices are simply overwhelmed with volume and themselves have no power to impose compliance on the Attorneys. The two attorneys from the State that we all saw in Court I thought worked their hearts out on the case but so far as I could see their boss who is responsible for their office in Stamford jumped in and out of the case during the pretrial period and largely hid under his desk as it related to reporting the rule breaking attorneys.

So, effectively in CT it seems the CT Bar member "inmates" are running Judicial "Asylum" and so its an ongoing free for all where rules are routinely broken and attorneys like Norm Pattis and Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson effectively dare the Judges by saying, "Catch Me If You Can"! I laugh every time I recall the Jon Schoenhorn 'WHOPPER LIE" when MT was caught on camera with the Herman Report when he said, "I didn't see it as I was on cross examination and I didn't give it to her". Classic game of moving the ball as a longer view of the period surrounding the event show BOTH Schoenhorn and Felson with clear view of MT computer which was tipped towards them both.

What a crew of malignant clowns.

And there was IIRC defense counsel JS there in court trying to enter a copy of that sealed ‘Report’ (or a redacted version of it) on the court record! And I cannot recall whether defense counsel AF also attempted something similar in court with the report?

What more evidence would a lawyer judicial investigative council need to review and find a contemptuous act by defense counsel for referral or prosecution for contempt? MOO
Yes, both Felson and Schoenhorn tried multiple times to get the report in. On the day when a totally imo exhausted Judge Randolph almost allowed it because he was it appeared zoned out of it and missed what was going on, then the States Attorney Manning had to JUMP UP and stop it happening. Judge Randolph issued no reprimand and there wasn't an ounce of remorse from Schoenhorn either as he knew he was trying to do something that the Judge had told him not to do.

I think what most disgusted me about the behaviour of the Defense team was their absolute disrespect of both Judge Randolph as well as the rules of the Court that they are supposedly bound to follow as members of the CT Bar. In this regard I think MT was well matched by her pond scum level attorneys as she too I believe thinks that rules are made for others.

I was very impressed with Manning's swift action.
On the particular issue of safeguarding the Herman Report contents at trial I believe Atty Manning did excellent work and saved the day when it appeared Judge Randolph was simply exhausted and not paying adequate attention. The only words I have for Jon Schoenhorn continuing to battle against Judge Randolph's prior ruling that the Herman Report COULD NOT be entered as evidence is DISRESPECTFUL to the prior judicial ruling and DISGUSTING in his deceit and decision to LIE to Judge Randolph when called on his behavior. It was thuggish behavior and it was mirrored in the behavior that we saw from Atty Audrey Felson in her cross examinations of two other imo disgraced attorneys, GAL Meehan and Michael Rose; both of whom I believe did not tell the truth in their testimony on the stand.

Atty Manning along with her colleague Atty McGuiness imo were both impressive in their performance and professionalism both pre trial and during trial, particularly given the circumstances of having to work with a Press *advertiser censored* Defence Attorney such as Jon Schoenhorn who abused both the States Attorneys and the judicial process extensively imo during the 3 year pretrial period with a long series of improbable, poorly prepared and poorly executed pretrial motions including his multiyear farcical quest to obtain the unsealng of the Herman Report from Family Court. Watching the many leaked Zoom calls (leaked by Schoenhorn BTW along with pretrial evidence he leaked many times to the Press - he was admonished to not do this but no Judge ever stopped him and so he continued to do it over and over), showed him ill prepared, complaining about trivial matters with no documentation and taking up precious court time and resources.

IMO it was all quite shameful and I wish the Press that give air time to the ridiculous claims of the entire Troconis family that MT did not get a 'fair trial' could see the entire judicial system bending over backward to accommodate the ridiculous and often times laughable claims of her equally ridiculous attorney.

I don't think I will ever forget the Zoom hearing of Schoenhorn complaining for over an hr to Judge Blawie iirc about how the siezed computers and electronics belonging to MT, her daughter and her mother that I believe wer siezed from 4JX hadn't been returned to them by the State. The State patiently replied that the items were being examined as evidence but that if MT needed her daughters computer back or even her Mother's computer returned to simply provide the identifying information to the State and they would expedite the review and return the items. This insane discussion went on for over 2 hrs iirc and all the State wanted was a list of items requested to be returned. NEITHER Schoenhorn nor MT or her mother ever spent the time to identify their electronics to the State for return. Their goal was simply to waste time and throw stones. The sheer laziness of Schoenhorn was epic imo and was seen over and over and this computer/electronics example was classic because imo if he had simply done the work to compile a list of items to present at the hearing for the Judge to decide upon it might have been a productive exercise. BUT NO. This is not what he wanted to do as he simply wanted a forum to complain and obstruct and throw stones at the State. The State at that time I believe had over 25 electronic items taken from 4JX and simply asked for MT and Schoenhorn to ID the items they wanted expedited and Schoenhorn and MT couldn't be bothered to comply. Calculate the cost of 6 attorneys plus the Judge and support staff on a Zoom call for 2 hrs on this insanity. Judge Blawie finally had enough and demanded a list of items from Schoenhorn to be delivered to the State but I don't believe that this ever was delivered. This issue was a minor one but it was just one of many many others that took place and wasnt designed to be substantive to the defence of his client. IMO it was shameful and IDK why the Judges and State's Attorneys bent over backward to accommodate this continuing behavior from Schoenhorn? I also wonder where the Troconis family funds came from to finance this assault on the CT Judiciary as only a few of these trivial motions was ever won by Schoenhorn?

IMO it was all designed to simply allow MT to live in CO and be with her daughter as what was going on had little to nothing to do with the pretrial evidentiary process for most of his imo useless motions. It made me angry though as MT should have been brought to trial ages ago and the Judges allowed the farce of the Schoenhorn clown show to waste time for YEARS. At times watching this play out I wondered if he was simply setting the framework for a future claim of incompetent counsel, it was simply that bad. Even when he did score a win such as with the MT cell phone, it effectively shot his defence in the foot as he had nothing substantive to back up the improbable claim that MT was chattering away on Albany Ave and had no idea what was going on. The lack of the cell phone didn't stop him from making ridiculous claims at trial and I'm glad the jury saw through his poor presentation on the issue.

There were so many pretrial moments with Schoenhorn where I simply prayed for a Judge to stand up and hold him to some level of professional conduct and performance but it simply never happened. The pretrial period was punctuated with motion after motion that were poorly written, poorly presented and with citations that oftentimes bore little relevance to the issue at hand. Just processing the paper generated by Schoenhorn imo was an unnecessary burden on CT as I believe it was intentionally abusive and obstructive and I say this fully recognizing the value of a vigorous defence. The defence of MT such as it was, was imo in no way effective, vigorous or remotely professional.

I think one of the more insane moments was the multiyear quest to have the MT ankle monitors removed. These hearings went on over and over and the Judge had to listen to hours of complaints and view hundreds of photos of MT ankle etc. It was lunacy imo particularly given that MT, a defendant charged with conspiracy to commit murder along with her other 5 charges, was allowed to leave CT and travel extensively during the pretrial period. I think it might have been Judge White who finally stopped the insanity in one of the hearings by saying that there would be no way to adjust the ankle monitor such that MT would be able to fit it into a ski boot and be able to SKI! YES, multiple hearings about the ankle bracelet removal all because MT couldn't ski. Welcome to the world of extreme lunacy and extreme white privilege courtesy of the CT Judiciary!

How many defendants with her similar charges to those of MT are able to jet around the US, attempt to go skiing and take up residence outside the jurisdiction of the charges?

The Jury spent 14 hrs deliberating after a multi month trial and convicting on all 6 counts and the Troconis Family has the audacity to come out after trial and following over 3 years of pretrial imo STALLING to claim 'injustice'.

Simply no words. But replaying the moment in court when the verdict was read does bring some closure to a trial that should have happened years ago and to a defendant who imo should have been remanded to jail and remained there for the duration of the pretrial period and not permitted to leave the State or go snow and water skiing etc.

No tears or even a blink from MT when the bloody Vineyard Vines tee or blood soaked bra was displayed in Court and yet FULL HYSTERICS when the conviction was announced by the Clerk. I'm truly not sure that the word EVIL adequately described MT imo.

48 Hrs:

Coverage of Jury Verdict:

Evidence Discussion on L&C - MT discussing Herman Report at 18:41 - Atty Bowman tells her 'No' and she disregards him and proceeds anyway.

Wonderful comment imo left by a random person on youtube after the verdict:

"Michelle thought she had found a chest of gold. However, the chest was empty and the gold belonged to someone else".

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No tears or even a blink from MT when the bloody Vineyard Vines tee or blood soaked bra was displayed in Court and yet FULL HYSTERICS when the conviction was announced by the Clerk. I'm truly not sure that the word EVIL adequately described MT imo.

I just hope Judge Randolph takes note of this when he delivers MT's punishment. I'm reminded of the Federal Judge last year in US District Court of Colorado who increased the recommended punishment for the mistress (Lori Milliron) of Dr. Larry Rudolph who was convicted of murdering his wife while on Safari.

John Dill, an attorney for Milliron, said the prison sentence was longer than what is typically dolled out for such charges, calling it "excessive" and vowing to appeal. Dill argued that the convictions were merely based on Milliron's perjury charges and do not implicate her in the execution of the crime.

Standing in front of the judge on Friday, Milliron insisted she was innocent of the crimes but said she was "sympathetic" to the Rudolph family.

Judge William J. Martínez argued that the long sentence [17 yrs] was deserved because evidence pointed to Milliron "encouraging" the crime. Martínez added that Milliron seemed "unrepentant" in part because he judged her emotionally unmoved when she was shown graphic images and listened to wrenching testimony during the trial.

Another infraction of Norm Pattis popped into my brain tonight regarding the 'gag order' that wasn't enforced by Judge Blawie. This was disappointing as I thought that Judge Blawie did a very thoughtful and thorough job crafting the 'gag order' and the order itself was held up on appeal. But, in the end it was all a bit worthless imo as Pattis kept leaking to the SA and Hartford Courant during the 'gag order period' while FD gave interviews and then then collectively put confidential information into the Greek Newspaper I think named Proto Thema about JFD which should never have happened with the gag order in place and Judge Blawie never did anything about the situation.
Infamous lawyer's law license suspension temporarily overturned - News 12 - Hudson Valley
News 12 - Hudson Valley
Norman Pattis, the lawyer infamous for his defense in high-profile cases, including that of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, will retain his law ...
Infamous lawyer's law license suspension temporarily overturned

Infamous Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

: having a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil. an infamous traitor. 2. : causing or bringing infamy : disgraceful. an infamous crime.
Infamous lawyer's law license suspension temporarily overturned - News 12 - Hudson Valley
News 12 - Hudson Valley
Norman Pattis, the lawyer infamous for his defense in high-profile cases, including that of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, will retain his law ...
Infamous lawyer's law license suspension temporarily overturned

Infamous Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

: having a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil. an infamous traitor. 2. : causing or bringing infamy : disgraceful. an infamous crime.
So…temporarily overturned? And they could suspend his license again (I hope)?
Infamous lawyer's law license suspension temporarily overturned - News 12 - Hudson Valley
News 12 - Hudson Valley
Norman Pattis, the lawyer infamous for his defense in high-profile cases, including that of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, will retain his law ...
Infamous lawyer's law license suspension temporarily overturned

Infamous Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

: having a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil. an infamous traitor. 2. : causing or bringing infamy : disgraceful. an infamous crime.
Perfect word to describe Norman Pattis and we could do word games all day for the cretin!

I simply wonder if the CT Bar doesn't care about maintaining standards in the State or if 'infamous lawyers' like Pattis simply pay off or have pictures or knowledge of prior scandals that they use to keep themselves on the CT Bar? The only conclusion I can draw is that the swamp of corruption in Hartford and the CT Bar and CT AG and State's Attory and Governor is simply so wide and deep that draining the swamp is effectively impossible?

The story you'd posted about the Farmington former Chief also is sticking in my brain as it so confirms what many here on WS believed about the corruption in the Farmington Valley PD's. When you read the horrific experience of KM ex wife with the Windsor PD and Farmington PD due to KM deep connections there, it just seems that these PDs work for themselves and the connections they have with others outside the department and NOT the broader public. We also know that JFD had called Farmington PD over the years and its unclear what support she might have received, if any? But, given KM connections to Farmington PD, my guess is that JFD got no support from Farmington PD. Its a sad state of affairs when corruption not only touches local govt but LE as well. It now is crystal clear why CSP did not engage with any of the local Farmington Valley PDs in their investigation of the murder of JFD as these departments were deemed 'untrustworthy'!


I just hope Judge Randolph takes note of this when he delivers MT's punishment. I'm reminded of the Federal Judge last year in US District Court of Colorado who increased the recommended punishment for the mistress (Lori Milliron) of Dr. Larry Rudolph who was convicted of murdering his wife while on Safari.

John Dill, an attorney for Milliron, said the prison sentence was longer than what is typically dolled out for such charges, calling it "excessive" and vowing to appeal. Dill argued that the convictions were merely based on Milliron's perjury charges and do not implicate her in the execution of the crime.

Standing in front of the judge on Friday, Milliron insisted she was innocent of the crimes but said she was "sympathetic" to the Rudolph family.

Judge William J. Martínez argued that the long sentence [17 yrs] was deserved because evidence pointed to Milliron "encouraging" the crime. Martínez added that Milliron seemed "unrepentant" in part because he judged her emotionally unmoved when she was shown graphic images and listened to wrenching testimony during the trial.

Interesting case and imo courageous Judge, thanks for posting.

The images of a stone faced MT staring at the blood soaked shirt and bra and the plastic clear capes covered in blood iirc was imo chilling and probably one of the most powerful events of the trial and certainly for the Jury imo.

I don't have much faith in anything relating to CT Judiciary BUT Judge Randolph did issue a clear and concise statement at the time of verdict. I have to go back and find it and will post it when I get it as I got the sense that Randolph after listening to the MT LE Interviews multiple times (big issue during the pretrial period) and viewing her Courtroom demeanor (including his imposed charge of contempt) has a clear picture of the MT situation.

It's also encouraging that the jury convicted convincingly on all 6 counts so there should be zero doubt in the Judge's mind as to Jury intention regarding the MT conviction. I have to admit to not fully understanding the Judge Randolph comment about possibly tossing one of the charges (Schoenhorn apparently filed yet another motion about the issue) and I haven't had the courage to read more poorly written world salad motions from Jon Schoenhorn on the matter either. I'd always thought that all the charges were very clearly drafted to relate to separate and distinct actions/crimes and so I didn't see what Schoenhorn was arguing (my guess is he didn't know either which is how I'm justifying to myself to not search out this no doubt silly motion). IDK if Judge Randolph was concerned about the appeal issue on the matter? Will have to wait to see how it plays out.

Sad thing is that even if all 6 charges stand and the sentencing is issued consecutively and the max is imposed, based on the timed served stats for CT it is likely that MT will serve less than half of the time due to the various possibilities that exist for good behavior/rehab etc. Wrapping my head around this possiblity is something that I don't think I will ever understand in my lifetime but it seems to be the political will of the day.

Its honestly hard to not be angry about this situation but seeing these rules benefit another monster such as Richard Crafts (aka Woodchipper Murderer), I think I'm immune to giving anger to a State that is bending over backwards to provide any/all early release options to convicted murderer and other violent criminals.

On the particular issue of safeguarding the Herman Report contents at trial I believe Atty Manning did excellent work and saved the day when it appeared Judge Randolph was simply exhausted and not paying adequate attention. The only words I have for Jon Schoenhorn continuing to battle against Judge Randolph's prior ruling that the Herman Report COULD NOT be entered as evidence is DISRESPECTFUL to the prior judicial ruling and DISGUSTING in his deceit and decision to LIE to Judge Randolph when called on his behavior. It was thuggish behavior and it was mirrored in the behavior that we saw from Atty Audrey Felson in her cross examinations of two other imo disgraced attorneys, GAL Meehan and Michael Rose; both of whom I believe did not tell the truth in their testimony on the stand.

Atty Manning along with her colleague Atty McGuiness imo were both impressive in their performance and professionalism both pre trial and during trial, particularly given the circumstances of having to work with a Press *advertiser censored* Defence Attorney such as Jon Schoenhorn who abused both the States Attorneys and the judicial process extensively imo during the 3 year pretrial period with a long series of improbable, poorly prepared and poorly executed pretrial motions including his multiyear farcical quest to obtain the unsealng of the Herman Report from Family Court. Watching the many leaked Zoom calls (leaked by Schoenhorn BTW along with pretrial evidence he leaked many times to the Press - he was admonished to not do this but no Judge ever stopped him and so he continued to do it over and over), showed him ill prepared, complaining about trivial matters with no documentation and taking up precious court time and resources.

IMO it was all quite shameful and I wish the Press that give air time to the ridiculous claims of the entire Troconis family that MT did not get a 'fair trial' could see the entire judicial system bending over backward to accommodate the ridiculous and often times laughable claims of her equally ridiculous attorney.

I don't think I will ever forget the Zoom hearing of Schoenhorn complaining for over an hr to Judge Blawie iirc about how the siezed computers and electronics belonging to MT, her daughter and her mother that I believe wer siezed from 4JX hadn't been returned to them by the State. The State patiently replied that the items were being examined as evidence but that if MT needed her daughters computer back or even her Mother's computer returned to simply provide the identifying information to the State and they would expedite the review and return the items. This insane discussion went on for over 2 hrs iirc and all the State wanted was a list of items requested to be returned. NEITHER Schoenhorn nor MT or her mother ever spent the time to identify their electronics to the State for return. Their goal was simply to waste time and throw stones. The sheer laziness of Schoenhorn was epic imo and was seen over and over and this computer/electronics example was classic because imo if he had simply done the work to compile a list of items to present at the hearing for the Judge to decide upon it might have been a productive exercise. BUT NO. This is not what he wanted to do as he simply wanted a forum to complain and obstruct and throw stones at the State. The State at that time I believe had over 25 electronic items taken from 4JX and simply asked for MT and Schoenhorn to ID the items they wanted expedited and Schoenhorn and MT couldn't be bothered to comply. Calculate the cost of 6 attorneys plus the Judge and support staff on a Zoom call for 2 hrs on this insanity. Judge Blawie finally had enough and demanded a list of items from Schoenhorn to be delivered to the State but I don't believe that this ever was delivered. This issue was a minor one but it was just one of many many others that took place and wasnt designed to be substantive to the defence of his client. IMO it was shameful and IDK why the Judges and State's Attorneys bent over backward to accommodate this continuing behavior from Schoenhorn? I also wonder where the Troconis family funds came from to finance this assault on the CT Judiciary as only a few of these trivial motions was ever won by Schoenhorn?

IMO it was all designed to simply allow MT to live in CO and be with her daughter as what was going on had little to nothing to do with the pretrial evidentiary process for most of his imo useless motions. It made me angry though as MT should have been brought to trial ages ago and the Judges allowed the farce of the Schoenhorn clown show to waste time for YEARS. At times watching this play out I wondered if he was simply setting the framework for a future claim of incompetent counsel, it was simply that bad. Even when he did score a win such as with the MT cell phone, it effectively shot his defence in the foot as he had nothing substantive to back up the improbable claim that MT was chattering away on Albany Ave and had no idea what was going on. The lack of the cell phone didn't stop him from making ridiculous claims at trial and I'm glad the jury saw through his poor presentation on the issue.

There were so many pretrial moments with Schoenhorn where I simply prayed for a Judge to stand up and hold him to some level of professional conduct and performance but it simply never happened. The pretrial period was punctuated with motion after motion that were poorly written, poorly presented and with citations that oftentimes bore little relevance to the issue at hand. Just processing the paper generated by Schoenhorn imo was an unnecessary burden on CT as I believe it was intentionally abusive and obstructive and I say this fully recognizing the value of a vigorous defence. The defence of MT such as it was, was imo in no way effective, vigorous or remotely professional.

I think one of the more insane moments was the multiyear quest to have the MT ankle monitors removed. These hearings went on over and over and the Judge had to listen to hours of complaints and view hundreds of photos of MT ankle etc. It was lunacy imo particularly given that MT, a defendant charged with conspiracy to commit murder along with her other 5 charges, was allowed to leave CT and travel extensively during the pretrial period. I think it might have been Judge White who finally stopped the insanity in one of the hearings by saying that there would be no way to adjust the ankle monitor such that MT would be able to fit it into a ski boot and be able to SKI! YES, multiple hearings about the ankle bracelet removal all because MT couldn't ski. Welcome to the world of extreme lunacy and extreme white privilege courtesy of the CT Judiciary!

How many defendants with her similar charges to those of MT are able to jet around the US, attempt to go skiing and take up residence outside the jurisdiction of the charges?

Realising that evil guilty dirtbags love scummy evil dirtbags lawyers like JS.
I simply wonder if the CT Bar doesn't care about maintaining standards in the State or if 'infamous lawyers' like Pattis simply pay off or have pictures or knowledge of prior scandals that they use to keep themselves on the CT Bar? The only conclusion I can draw is that the swamp of corruption in Hartford and the CT Bar and CT AG and State's Attory and Governor is simply so wide and deep that draining the swamp is effectively impossible?
My conclusion too. I do believe the infamous one knows things about certain folks in high political places in both state government and beyond, and he is protected because of what he knows. Remember Judge Cesar Noble, who protected him from Atty Weinstein's subpoena in the Farber civil case against Dulos? By pleading on NP's behalf--by citing a defense in his order that NP failed to plead! Despite a prohibition in CT rules of court against a judge ruling outside the pleadings!
Interesting case and imo courageous Judge, thanks for posting.

The images of a stone faced MT staring at the blood soaked shirt and bra and the plastic clear capes covered in blood iirc was imo chilling and probably one of the most powerful events of the trial and certainly for the Jury imo.

I don't have much faith in anything relating to CT Judiciary BUT Judge Randolph did issue a clear and concise statement at the time of verdict. I have to go back and find it and will post it when I get it as I got the sense that Randolph after listening to the MT LE Interviews multiple times (big issue during the pretrial period) and viewing her Courtroom demeanor (including his imposed charge of contempt) has a clear picture of the MT situation.

It's also encouraging that the jury convicted convincingly on all 6 counts so there should be zero doubt in the Judge's mind as to Jury intention regarding the MT conviction. I have to admit to not fully understanding the Judge Randolph comment about possibly tossing one of the charges (Schoenhorn apparently filed yet another motion about the issue) and I haven't had the courage to read more poorly written world salad motions from Jon Schoenhorn on the matter either. I'd always thought that all the charges were very clearly drafted to relate to separate and distinct actions/crimes and so I didn't see what Schoenhorn was arguing (my guess is he didn't know either which is how I'm justifying to myself to not search out this no doubt silly motion). IDK if Judge Randolph was concerned about the appeal issue on the matter? Will have to wait to see how it plays out.

Sad thing is that even if all 6 charges stand and the sentencing is issued consecutively and the max is imposed, based on the timed served stats for CT it is likely that MT will serve less than half of the time due to the various possibilities that exist for good behavior/rehab etc. Wrapping my head around this possiblity is something that I don't think I will ever understand in my lifetime but it seems to be the political will of the day.

Its honestly hard to not be angry about this situation but seeing these rules benefit another monster such as Richard Crafts (aka Woodchipper Murderer), I think I'm immune to giving anger to a State that is bending over backwards to provide any/all early release options to convicted murderer and other violent criminals.

Don’t forget-she isn’t really well-behaved. First of all, there is that behavior in court that got her slapped with a contempt charge. And as Judge White said, “of course she has been compliant-that is what the ankle monitor is for!” I suspect that when she ends up in general population at York, her behavior won’t be so good. She isn’t a “good girl”, after all, and it will not surprise me if and when she gets into trouble with some of the other ladies, who may not be quite as malleable as her male cohorts have been. I don’t think her overt sexuality will have the intended result at York. That may blow her chances at an early release, due to good behavior.
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