GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #70

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Wasn't a victim.... Found guilty....short sentence but better than nothing.
Nope, not a victim. Not a pansy. An active and willing participant. Who covered for FD, knew exactly where he was and what he was doing, committed her part to memory, abd didn't react to JFd's bloody shirt because she'd seen it before and it was her personal victory. It was probably everything she could do not to smile when it was held up in court. Duper's delight. Devil's smirk.

Nope, not a victim. Not a pansy. An active and willing participant. Who covered for FD, knew exactly where he was and what he was doing, committed her part to memory, abd didn't react to JFd's bloody shirt because she'd seen it before and it was her personal victory. It was probably everything she could do not to smile when it was held up in court. Duper's delight. Devil's smirk.


She isn't smiling now

Michelle Troconis speaks with her attorney, Jon Schoenhorn, during her sentencing hearing in Connecticut Superior Court in Stamford, Connecticut, May 31, 2024.

At what point in time did MT identify herself in this way-I missed that part
No idea what date she claimed out loud to be his wife, but at the 2018 Company Xmas party/open house she was photographed with a very large diamond ring. They were posing as husband/wife in front of clients very close to when JFD was apparently expressing her concerns about FD and MT committing fraud to her sister.

Makes me wonder who that ring rightfully belonged to, but I have a guess.
“We’re polished compared to other builders. We can speak to the CEOs and CFOs at their level.” - American Builders Quarterly.
This article with Fd interview why his company is superior to others. He did have a successful business at one time. Was it only because of HF’s money he borrowed to start Fore group? What was the downfall of Fore group? The housing market was not hot for selling luxury homes at the time and they were mortgaged to the hilt. Was that the only reason? and did it spill over into the plan to murder JFD?
“We’re polished compared to other builders. We can speak to the CEOs and CFOs at their level.” - American Builders Quarterly.
This article with Fd interview why his company is superior to others. He did have a successful business at one time. Was it only because of HF’s money he borrowed to start Fore group? What was the downfall of Fore group? The housing market was not hot for selling luxury homes at the time and they were mortgaged to the hilt. Was that the only reason? and did it spill over into the plan to murder JFD?
I have often wondered about MT's salary. Was FD billing that out of JFd's father? Calling it operating expenses, with JFd's father unaware it was going to FD's mistress? And did it go to her? Or did FD create the line item just to get more money, did not pay MT and was using that money to try to keep everything afloat?

I absolve FD of nothing, but in the final analysis, five children are orphans because MT arrived on scene.

That's the ugly truth.

I have often wondered about MT's salary. Was FD billing that out of JFd's father? Calling it operating expenses, with JFd's father unaware it was going to FD's mistress? And did it go to her? Or did FD create the line item just to get more money, did not pay MT and was using that money to try to keep everything afloat?

I absolve FD of nothing, but in the final analysis, five children are orphans because MT arrived on scene.

That's the ugly truth.

I wondered the same re: MT’s “salary”. She may never have seen a dime of that money.
To me, the most damning evidence of MT on the day Jennifer disappeared was the phone. As the judge said, she was a woman who knew FD was a womanizer. If she truly didn't know where he was she would have been texting him and accusing him. So, as she got caught as being the manipulator of the phone, it meant only one thing-- she was in on the plan. Both of them missed that as a critical alibi. She would have been texting him and if he had forgotten his phone she would have been fighting with him when he returned home rather than making him a sandwich. And, certainly suspicious enough, that she might have been tooooo angry to go on the coffee and garbage run. Biggest give away. IMHO.
Yes kaen…..^^…. so very true. That phone!

And who knows, IMO maybe FD had another phone never recovered and perhaps he was already talking with another friend even then? I can’t recall exactly how soon he had moved on to AC. But it was relatively quickly IIRC?

And the summations by Michelle Manning and Sean McGuinness with the 30 or so coincidences were stellar as well. MOO
When does the presumption of innocence end in the judicial system? Doesn’t that end when the jury gives its verdict, and the judge sentences the defendant? I understand that her family will always claim that she is innocent, but certainly the rest of us now know what she is…and why is Schoenhorn still acting as her attorney? I thought she is supposed to have an appelate attorney now-this is no longer an on-going trial. It’s over!
When does the presumption of innocence end in the judicial system? Doesn’t that end when the jury gives its verdict, and the judge sentences the defendant? I understand that her family will always claim that she is innocent, but certainly the rest of us now know what she is…and why is Schoenhorn still acting as her attorney? I thought she is supposed to have an appelate attorney now-this is no longer an on-going trial. It’s over!
She's been convicted. She no longer enjoys the freedoms of a defendant awaiting trial.

Her family must still be paying JS.

Remember how FD tricked them all? Yeah? Well, the inmate tricked them. She's as callous as he was. She is wholly capable of the charges for which she was convicted, choices she freely chose.

Said this before, doesn't matter how many horses you rode or good deeds people think you did, you participate in the murder and disappearance of another human being, yeah, that's gonna cancel out your good karma every time.

Be glad you can talk to your family on the phone, Inmate #433612.

Jennifer can't.

MT made sure of it.



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I've not read the latest Motion by JLS but after letting defense pontificate at sentencing, Judge Randolph finally reminded JLS that an appellate bond is NOT a constitutional right, and the Court was declining to set an appellate bond.

IMO, if an appellate bond is at the discretion of the Court in CT, the Court made it's decision. Case adjourned, the end. Hasta la bye, bye.

ETA: Appeal bond transcript begins at about 5:59:20 below:

Randolph Sentencing comments begin at 5:39:44 (YT court feed):

Court's back in session good afternoon your honor good afternoon please be
seated court has heard the remarks of council
remarks from family
members the remarks from what the court would consider victims of the
[Music] crime almost always there is no
single appropriate sentence other wise the legislature
would have designated a single appropriate sentence for every
offense the charges here are conspiracy to commit murder which is a class B
felony the legislature has set the sentencing
range not less than one year nor more than 20 years
which means the legislature contemplated in some
instances sentences of no more than a year and in the same instance sentences
of 20 years the legislature has
given the Judiciary
arrange conspiracy to tamper with physical EV evidence is a Class D
Felony maximum 5
years tampering with physical evidence a Class D Felony maximum 5
years hindering prosecution is a class C felony not less than one year nor more
than 10 years
the court relies on what the law states and what the law allows to be
proper considerations setting a
sentence the court relies on the nature and circumstances of the
offense the history and background and character of the
offender after such consideration the court turns to what are called the
traditional purposes of sentencing specific
deterrence General deterrence punishment
incapacitation Rehabilitation vocational or educational
training and medical treatment those factors are not all
given equal wait depending on the nature and circumstances of the
offense and the history background and character of the
offender the court does not take
sides if the court knew possibly any one of you and had a bond with any one of you this court would not have tried that
case it's not the Court's role to side or favor one side or
another sentencing in many ways is a dispassionate
exercise the court has no bond with any individual who spoke to
or any other individual involved in the
case the court cannot develop the passions that one side or the other
has in State versus UI that's 199 Connecticut 121 at 126 a 1986 case
the Connecticut Supreme Court held that the sentencing court may consider information that would be inadmissible
at trial for the purpose of
sancy that same Court held that evidence of crimes for which the defendant was
indicted but neither tried nor convicted may be considered
well the word indicted and the process of indictment
is not generally employed in Connecticut essentially that means where there has
been a finding of probable cause but there has been no trial or no
conviction additionally as a matter of due process the court may consider information that has a minimum indicia
of reliability now that minimum indic of reliability is not limited to
unfavorable information Court can consider favorable favorable information
that has a minimum indic of
reliability the court certainly considers the victim impact
statements every victim has the right to be heard before the court sentences a
defendant that's part of the Connecticut victims Bill of Rights
which is read every day in every Courthouse here in Connecticut the court would
clarify what it perceives
as perhaps a misconception of what the Court's role
is the court does not deliberate with the jury
the court does not deliberate on the evidence at all the court hears the evidence as the
evidence comes into the to the
record so when you hear that the court has a view of the evidence the court has no view of
the evidence what the court has is a
verdict and what could would have been the reasonable and logical
inferences from the evidence that was adduced the court would not know what the jury discussed over those many
hours what the court can find is
this it was clear during the jury charge
jury instructions that the court instructed the jury that it may draw any reasonable and logical inferences from
the facts found to have been
proven based on the verdict the jury could have found the
following reasonable and logical inferences fotus doulos was not
home at Fort Jefferson Crossing the morning of May
24th when his wife was murdered but the defendant said he was
out when the defendant admitted that he was not home
the defendant who had been angry about
dulos's talking to other women did not even ask him where he had
been the defendant who was angry that he had visited his his wife did not ask him
if he had visited her in fact the defendant as the court
remembers the evidence didn't ask him
anything the jury could draw a reasonable and logical inference that the defendant knew where he was and knew
what he was
doing the defendant said she saw Kent mnny and fotus doulos together in the
office at Fort Jefferson Crossing on the morning of May
24th but the defendant did not see fotus doulos and K mnni in the office at Fort
Jefferson Crossing on the morning of May
24 there was a phone call made to dulos's phone which doulos left
intentionally at Fort Jefferson Crossing the defendant answered
it and the jury could draw a reasonable and logical inference from all of the
evidence that the defendant answered the phone to make it appear that doulos took
the call himself on the morning of May 24th at
Fort Jefferson Crossing when he was really on his way to or in new
Canan when I a police officer came to Fort Jefferson Crossing soon after the
murder the defendant did not even go to the door even though her daughter who was
not home may have been the subject of that
conversation at the door now it has been clear that the defendant cares deeply for her daughter
the jury could draw a reasonable and logical inference that the defendant did not go to the
door because the defendant knew the reason the officer was there to find out more about The
Disappearance of Jennifer
du these are reasonable and logical inferences from the facts that were
induced of the case during the trial the defendant traveled through a
part of Harford with doulos as he dumps the bloody clothing of his
wife the jury could draw a reasonable and logical inference that on the same
day the defendant helped him pretend he was home in the morning but in the evening accompanied
him to get rid of the evidence the defendant's DNA profile was
found on one of the bags disposed of in Hartford the jury could draw a reasonable and
logical inference that the defendant helped dispose of the evidence
knowingly the jury could draw a reasonable and logical inference that the defendant helped fotus dulos's
cleanup traces of evidence at 80 Mountain Spring Road because the defendant and doulos
were there together cleaning on the same day that the coma
traveled to new
Canan this is a flurry of irregular activity all on the same
day the jury could draw a reasonable and logical
inference that the activities of that day were so irregular that the defendant
could not possibly forget them in the span of two
weeks even if the jurors individually had doubts about the defendant's
guilt each one of them ultimately concluded that their doubts were not
reasonable this is not a view of the the Court's view of the
evidence these are logical and reasonable inferences that the jury could have
drawn court is going to talk a little about the philosophy of
sentencing is not the product of the Court's passions or
prejudices the court doesn't have a bond with anyone involved in the
case it's a dispassionate

exercise the court did not investigate the case the court did not talk to the
victims the court has no conversation with the defendant or the defendant's
family so there are some questions that are age-old does the court the senten in
court adopt the public appr probium the indignation of the
community when does retribution turn into
Revenge what's the role of
empathy should the court exercise sympathy for one side or
another these are age- old questions
the court relies on what the law
says the court can consider the nature and circumstances of the offense the
history background and character of the
offender every exercise is not an either or or exercise
often the good and the bad are
true what is the purpose of the Court taking into consideration the victim impact
statements is that only for the purpose of sympathy
the court uses the victim impact statements to assign in its view the
proper weight to any one of those traditional purposes of
sentencing sentencing is not arbitrary or capricious it's not a matter of how the judge feels that
day Court wants to also address what has become over the
course of perhaps
centuries perhaps not a cliche Michelle Trona says life is in
your hands Michelle tron's life is in her own

hands what Michelle tronis decides to do today tomorrow and the next day is up to
her from what the court has heard she has a
great deal to offer court has no control over what her
decisions will be her life is
hers the following sentences are going to run
concurrently on the count charge in conspiracy to commit murder 20 years execution suspended
after 14 A2 years to serve 5 years probation tampering with physical
evidence 5 years execution suspended after four years 5 years
probation conspiracy to tamper with physical evidence 5 years execution suspended after 4 years 5 years
probation the second count of tampering with physical evidence 5 years execution suspended after four years 5 years
probation hindering prosecution 5 years execution suspended after four years
probation after four years rather 5 years probation total effective sentence
20 years execution suspended after 14 and 1/2 years 5 years
probation you will have an opportunity to challenge every finding that the jury made and
every ruling that the court made Madam clerk you can give the defendant her notice of right to
appeal judge I'm going to um orally state that Mr kones does intend to appeal I'm going to ask the court to set
a reasonable appeal Bond I will state that
um this the uh the appeal bond that the court set was not something that Miss
tronus or her family were able to uh meet I'm asking for something more in
line with what she had been released on bond for for the last five years I would
note that after your honor went on vacation the state asked for additional conditions which included um making her
move to Connecticut and remain within the bounds of Connecticut my position
your honor is the court obviously took that into consideration when it set that
high bond that she was not a resident of Connecticut because that's what the state had then argued I'm asking that if
there if she's going to be released that the court said a $2 million Bond but with a condition that to reside in
Connecticut and not leave without permission and cour is going well Council court is going to decline to set
a an appeal Bond it's not a constitutional right
has the defendant sign the notice of right to appeal stand to journ All

Court feed -- unedited transcript MT sentencing for Jennifer Dulos case

In his Motion, JLS suggests that the Court should consider the federal standard where the Court must find the defendant poses a risk to the community to deny bail.

Is he serious?

5 children begged the Court to detain MT for 50 years because of the pain and fear she caused them and continues to cause them. ^^This from the woman who intentionally projected the sealed Herman Report in Court during her trial (in contempt of a Court Order) and is still waiting on the outcome of this pending criminal charge! :mad:
I have often wondered about MT's salary. Was FD billing that out of JFd's father? Calling it operating expenses, with JFd's father unaware it was going to FD's mistress? And did it go to her? Or did FD create the line item just to get more money, did not pay MT and was using that money to try to keep everything afloat?

I absolve FD of nothing, but in the final analysis, five children are orphans because MT arrived on scene.

That's the ugly truth.

The salary issue with MT was discussed at the Civil Trial and was iirc identified as a line item found in FORE books (FD kept at least 2 sets of books fwiw) over multiple years. The amount mentioned was $100,000 range per year iirc.

To be noted (Atty Weinstein spoke extensively of this issue at civil trial) was that FD made this 'payment' allegedly to MT WHILE AT THE SAME TIME PROVIDING $0 to his children's support during the 2 year period of Dulos v Dulos. JFD paid for everything for the children and FD paid for nothing and he even reneged on payment of the Court mandated insurance for his children. Yep, that is who FD was and MT knew all about this issue as it was discussed extensively in Family Court and in the Civil Trial.

What also bothered me about the claim of the $100,000 payments each year to MT was that we never saw the MT tax returns to see what she actually claimed for income. FD tax records were delinquent and no doubt were suspect imo. I'm surprised that the MT tax returns didn't come up in the criminal trial as I think they would be quite instructive on any number of issues. I strongly believe that MT did get paid by FORE but most likely didn't disclose the income to CT Rev and IRS.

The issue about whether MT actually received any money from FD/FORE is murky (by design imo as imo she is culpable along with FD for the fraud that FORE was as a business) and imo due to the fact that MT in her infamous deposition took the 5th on all questions in the Civil Trial and Atty Andrew Bowman managed to get MT excused from the Civil Trial so she never testified. I tend to believe that MT did get the money (even though she seemed to intimate in the LE Interviews that she lived on baby daddy child support) because her entire discussion of her financial life in the LE interviews made little sense imo and was also suspect imo due to her excessive focus on details (who can ever forget the long discussion of KEEPING RECEIPTS and Detective Kimball saying, "Your car was not that clean"!.

MT didn't visibly 'work' except at FORE (even though imo she was intentionally vague on this topic as well in the LE Interviews). My guess here is that she knew the financial sham that was FORE and had been told by Atty Bowman long ago to stay away from acknowledging any payment or direct knowledge etc.that would tie her to FORE. FD had bought the White Jeep for MT use and no doubt paid for the gas via FORE but I struggle to understand how MT supported herself even though she didn't pay rent at 4JX?

The MT so called 'rug business' simply seemed like another sham and god knows what was being brought up to CT as MT 'imported' the rugs from Argentina - was MT possibly also working with the sister and her mother on their 'import/export' business? I do very much wonder if Petu and her business was involved in the MT importing of 'rugs' and whatever they might have contained? MT had no visible means of support imo for the duration of her relationship with FD and simply functioned as a mistress who tagged along with FD on most of his business calls.

The money issues surrounding the Troconis family imo are many. Mama Troconis has no visible means of support since she was shut down by the Feds for her Medicare fraud operations, Papi "Doc" hasn't appeared to work on the books as he can't practice in the US due to lack of credentials and lack of MD for over 25 years. So if he was working imo was either working illegally in the US or going to Dominican Republic or or LA Country to work off the books etc. The one sister seems to have a grift going to exploit parents of spectrum children in the US while the other sister might be involved with import/export business with Mama Troconis in the Dominican Republic. Mama Troconis family is publicly tied to corrupt Venezuelan Govt and numerous relatives of her family are on the US 'no fly' list.

The other 'tip off' imo about MT lying about how she supported herself was the LONG explanation that she gave about the topic in the LE interviews. She went on and on about what she paid for and what FD paid for and what the Baby Daddy paid for etc. Frankly it seems that she largely grifted off the baby daddy support money provided for her own daughter, but imo this wouldn't have been enough for her to feed and clothe them both and live in CT. So, per usual nothing MT said about her $$$ made sense imo except alot of details about NOTHING. I do wonder though about both/either MT or FD selling drugs or other illegal items possibly imported from Argentina or SA via her supposed "rug business'. Sadly the State didn't appear to investigate or discuss this issue at the MT trial.

So, MT it seems dodged responsibility (yet again) for any responsibility in what most likely was ongoing financial shenanigans and no doubt CT State and Federal Tax Fraud at FORE. Make no mistake, MT knew where every penny of FORE $$$ was and knew the FORE operations inside and out too and her knowledge of the FORE operations was imo evident in the 6 hrs of LE interviews and I believe that testimony about FORE might have been the only NON LIES in those 6 hrs! MT was doing 'marketing' for FORE and no doubt was working on website photos and presentation.

FD also tried to get MT a 'commission kickback' for participating in the sale of one of his properties (don't recall which one) but I believe this caused friction with the broker (could have been Mr Bland from the trial AKA Steven Reich iirc). I recall laughing when hearing this entire story about FD seeking commission kickbacks for MT. The CT Real Estate Salespersons test is quite simply the easiest test on the planet and involves taking an even easier short course and then sitting for the exam. The fact that MT is so fundamentally lazy that she couldn't even take this test YET wanted a kickback yet again showed MT as wanting money but not willing to do anything to earn it (she was doing something but that had nothing to do with cracking open a book and taking a simple test imo).

MT imo watched FD and FORE LIKE A HAWK. I think it was the MT knowledge of FORE and FD business details that gave absolute LIE to her statement that she didn't question the Albany Avenue trip because she had been with FD toss out project refuse in the past. This is imo a total lie (just one of many) in this case as MT knew that the house in NC/Sturbridge was done and there was no refuse, the 4JX garbage had been picked up on Friday and ditto I believe for 80MS. There were no ongoing projects by FORE that would have had any refuse to toss (illegally or otherwise). MT knew this. MT knew all the properties (past, present and future) along with their value - she even knew the properties that FD had options on. I am also convinced that its likely that FD had property (possibly with his shady friends) that Probate process didn't find (it was clear Atty Weinstein looked hard for the FD assets but I'm not convinced that it would be possible to find property held in LLCs or using names of friends etc.). FD worked VERY hard to hide any/all assets from JFD.

I do believe money was at the core of concerns of both MT and FD and it was disappointing to not see this discussed in greater (or frankly any) detail at the MT Trial. The State no doubt wanted to simplify their presentation and so avoided a more complicated topic. But, I do think the murder of JFD was almost entirely related to $$$ as MT never had any personal money and her child support was just going to be available until her daughter was 18 and FD was sitting on 5-6 houses at the time of his suicide that were mortgaged to the hilt that couldn't be sold due to market conditions and which were all subject to foreclosure. FD spent the 2 years of the Family Court sham taking out as much equity from his properties as the stupid local CT banks would allow. Without JFD father overseeing FD and making sure that properties were sold after being built in a timely fashion, FD kept building houses and used the houses to get more and more money from banks. Its speculation but I believe FD wanted to bankrupt FORE and tear down everything that had been given to him by the Farber family. Thing is that its unclear where the money went as I'm not sure it was all blown on travel with MT. Did FD purchase other real estate somewhere (Miami or CO) that MT knows about? Did FD purchase real estate in MT name or possibly in the name of her daughter that the State of CT doesn't know about? I'm sure Atty Weinstein looked into figuring all this out as possibly did the Probate Court. But, my guess is that whatever might have been done was done carefully and with the full knowledge of MT and most likely one or more of FD shady friends (RI and Greece imo).

The Civil Trial cleared up some of the FD financial games at FORE but by no means resolved it. Sadly the State of CT did nothing it seems to investigate FD shady friends and MT for their roles in FORE. FD sister Rena was supposedly 50% owner of FORE and she it seems was never investigated by the State of CT either. Is Rena holding FORE money for MT possibly? All we know from Probate Court is that FD had nothing left to give his children anything. This simply seems improbable and so i wonder what MT knows about it all?

In his Motion, JLS suggests that the Court should consider the federal standard where the Court must find the defendant poses a risk to the community to deny bail.

Is he serious?

5 children begged the Court to detain MT for 50 years because of the pain and fear she caused them and continues to cause them. ^^This from the woman who intentionally projected the sealed Herman Report in Court during her trial (in contempt of a Court Order) and is still waiting on the outcome of this pending criminal charge! :mad:
@Seattle1, I'm confused by the entire argument that the defendant doesn't pose a risk to the community as this issue simply seems irrelevant as MT was CONVICTED by a jury of her peers and sentenced to prison by Judge Randolph. Judge Randolph was quite clear that the issue of bail pending appeal was not a constitutional right. Colour me confused. This just seems like another 'blunt blowin' Motion by Schoenhorn to waste more time.

It is quite laughable that Schoenhorn is horning on about the LONG list of appealable items yet doesn't specify. MT spent 1-2 nights in NC jail prior to being sent to York and this I believe was OVER A 5 YEAR PERIOD! How many other then Defendants could travel at will pending trial like MT did and all Schoenhorn can talk about is how MT had to stay in CT and pay for her own house arrest? If she couldn't afford it then why not simply go to jail?

As you point out, MT has demonstrated through the many sorry and pathetically unproductive and uncharitable years of her life, that simply by virtue of her being 'out and about' that she has the capacity to harm others, no differently than the way she harmed her own daughter by weaponizing her in the FD Divorce Action and the way she participated with FD to harm the 5 dulos children.

We don't know the extent of the MT financial crimes either individually, with FD via FORE or with some other individuals (Petu possibly) or her family.

I look forward to reading the States motion on the matter.

It appears that Schoenhorn (or whoever will be handling the appeals) simply is trying to do what they have already done for MT and her daughter now for 5 years. Namely drag the pretrial period with time wasting motions and demands for Court time that are only rarely decided in their favor. The huge inefficiency, poor mgmt and simple judicial corruption in CT allowed MT to effectively be with her daughter for the past 5 years in CO!

MT has always imo represented a flight risk and has zero ties to CT. Why the State of CT allowed the past 5 years sham to happen is a mystery of 'white privledge' that makes zero sense to me and so I hope to see the Appellate Court deny the MT motion. It would be entertaining to see the motion denied without a hearing as that imo would send a clear message as to the ridiculous nature of the MT request.

I have often wondered about MT's salary. Was FD billing that out of JFd's father? Calling it operating expenses, with JFd's father unaware it was going to FD's mistress? And did it go to her? Or did FD create the line item just to get more money, did not pay MT and was using that money to try to keep everything afloat?

I absolve FD of nothing, but in the final analysis, five children are orphans because MT arrived on scene.

That's the ugly truth.

@Megnut, The 5 Dulos children also didn't get a dime from FD during the 2 year period of Dulos v Dulos and certainly didn't get anything from FD in his death?

Donde esta el dinero MICHELLE???????????

Wonder if its the money that she has to access that is driving her need to be out pending appeal? She probably didn't count on being immediately remanded by Judge Randolph either and so was unprepared for prison.

@Megnut, The 5 Dulos children also didn't get a dime from FD during the 2 year period of Dulos v Dulos and certainly didn't get anything from FD in his death?

Donde esta el dinero MICHELLE???????????

Wonder if its the money that she has to access that is driving her need to be out pending appeal? She probably didn't count on being immediately remanded by Judge Randolph either and so was unprepared for prison.

I always wondered if a pot of gold wasn't waiting in Greece...

But in truth, at this point she's grifting her family. And they can't see it.

She is 100% 1-ply

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