GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #70

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I am new to the case and it really mislead me. Both disappearance and arrest are made out to be close together when instead (I think) there were what, 5 years between disappearance and arrest?

I would have mentioned this if I had known.
No, it was 5 years from the disappearance of Jennifer to the conviction and sentencing of MT.

Arrests happened fairly quickly. The co-defendants were arrested and charged with tampering with evidence within a week of the disappearance, and murder conspiracy charges came about 8 months later. However, MT remained free on bond up until her conviction on March 1, 2024.
No, it was 5 years from the disappearance of Jennifer to the conviction and sentencing of MT.

Arrests happened fairly quickly. The co-defendants were arrested and charged with tampering with evidence within a week of the disappearance, and murder conspiracy charges came about 8 months later. However, MT remained free on bond up until her conviction on March 1, 2024.

Thanks, I was not clear at all about this.
Does anyone know where I can read some of Jennifer’s writings? I have read her articles in the, but if there was anything else I would love to read it. CL mentioned something she wrote in the 1990’s in her closing victim statement, for example.
One of her essays was published in Personals edited by Thomas Beller in 1998. Out of print, but there are still copies floating around.
All her family members and children of course are victims. Are there others they preyed upon?
Yes, MT and FD used MT daughter (then 11-12 yrs old) to circumvent the rules of Family Court that at times permitted FD no access to his children (he would have MT daughter contact his children and he would chat with them online in this way when he was banned from doing so). FD would then have his children LIE to JFD about the presence of MT and her daughter at 4JX. The Dulos children spoke of this horror at the sentencing hearing and the psychological damage inflicted on the 5 children by MT and FD was horrific, particularly on Petros as he spoke about at Sentencing.

In short, MT and FD effectively weaponized her daughter as a tool in their arsenal to torture and torment JFD. Their goal was to turn the 5 Dulos children against JFD and their focus was mainly on the two oldest boys (11-12 at the time). Petros spoke of this issue and the great regret he felt about his relationship with his mother at the time of her death. Make no mistake, this ENTIRE scenario was concocted, orchestrated and planned by MT and FD. FD and MT made a direct play to 'pick off' the two oldest sons with the goal of having them demand to live with FD. It was all quite sick and evil imo and it put pressure on the two oldest that was absolutely inappropriate for their ages and the psychological damage was real and very clearly documented by the Family Court. This is JUST ONE reason that I believe GAL Atty Meehan is an incompetent and why JFD and her attorney were working hard to have him terminated as the GAL as his so called CARE of the Dulos children was anything but what it should have been to protect their mental health.

Make no mistake though, MT knew what was going on and was actively involved with EVERYTHING relating to the custody battle at the time. EVERYTHING. This is all quite clearly documented on the record in Family Court and there are very good reasons why MT and her daughter were not permitted to have access to the Dulos children. Very good reasons.

To be clear, MT daughter was a victim imo of her mothers (and FD who simply used her as a tool to accomplish his goals) abuse in choosing to use her own daughter to facilitate the goals of FD. The baby daddy (Begue) imo was also grossly negligent for allowing his daughter to be used in such a way by MT and FD and in a perfect world Child Protective Services would have been available to remove MT daughter to a different parent, family member or foster care where she wouldn't be a tool in a bitter divorce and custody battle. But, it appears MT manipulated both her daughter and Begue the Baby Daddy and so nothing was ever done to protect Nicole Begue.

I personally hate what FD and MT did in terms of using Nicole Begue to inflict pain and psychological suffering on JF and her children as it was evil but GAL Meehan knew what was going on and took way too long imo to fix the error in the documents that allowed contact between Nicole Begue and the Dulos children. The sad thing is that the psychological stress of the entire situation with the older Dulos children in particular that someone could have lost their lives and I can only imagine the daily torment that JFD endured knowing that this all was going on with her children even though they were under the care of doctors at the time. It was crushing to any mother but in this case it was all done to inflict maximum pain on JFD as FD and MT knew that the children were the entire life of JFD and she would do anything to protect them.

There was a well organized plan by MT and FD to make the life of JFD misery and horror at every turn. We heard at sentencing how MT enrolled her daughter at Renbrook School which is where the Dulos children attended and where JFD had many good friends and was very active in the community. Why do this as there are other solid schools in the area other than to insert MT and her daughter into the community that supported the 5 Dulos children imo.

We heard at sentencing that MT EVEN drove 1.5 hrs from Hartford to NC where she had no business being so that she could tour the school where the Dulos children were enrolled in NC (NCCS). Why do this other than to upset, disrupt and disorient JFD who picked NCCS as a supportive community both for herself and her children.

The MT daughter commentary at sentencing in support of her mother I thought was tragic on so many levels as she no doubt was pressured to speak but it was listening to her words on replay where it hit me that her daughter has chosen to have little to no awareness of the damage she inflicted not only on JFD but the Dulos children. NONE. Nicole Begue COULD HAVE spoken of her regret for what happened and apologized to Petros and Theodore for what happened but she didn't and didn't address the elephant in the room. MT daughter instead got up and spoke about skiing and her life with MT but spoke about nothing having to do with her role in inflicting pain on the Dulos children and in particular Petros and Theordore. But, make no mistake, Nicole Begue as a young child was weaponised by her mother and FD against the Dulos children but more importantly against JFD. Given the family of which she is part, imo Nicole Begue will most likely never take ownership of her role in what happened as she herself was a child as she demonstrated no inclination toward self reflection in her remarks and I feel sorry for her that she doesn't have adults in her life to facilitate this important process. The irony of Mama Troconis standing up and self identifying as a Clinical Psychologist with a Masters (she isn't) and hearing the words that came out of the mouth of Nicole Begue (and MT sisters and brother in law for that matter) simply boggles the mind. ITs just who these people are as humans as they just want what they want and don't care about anything beyond their needs and wants. But, I would have thought that at the sentencing that Nicole Begue (similarly to the Dulos children) might have had some level of self awareness surrounding what happened and her role in the horrific and psychologically damaging situation as a much older person. But, not unsurprisingly this self awareness was not seen in Nicole Begue and instead her world is year round skiing and Zoom calls with MT to work on her homework. Yes, Nicole Begue was a victim but she was also a well used instrument of torture and torment and I found her lack of self awareness about the situation stunning (but given her family its not at all surprising).

Sadly I believe the MT daughter to simply be a product of the great evil present in MT and the rest of her family. ALL the Troconis family knew what was going on with the divorce and custody and KNEW that MT daughter was an integral player in it all and YET they chose to do nothing to remove MT daughter from MT. IMO Begue the Baby Daddy who also spoke with very measured and careful words at the sentencing hearing about MT knew precisely what was going on and how his daughter had been used as a tool of torture and torment for the children and JFD. MT spoke in the LE interviews about her 'excellent and healthy' relationship with Begue but my guess is that this simply meant that he always did what she wanted regarding Nicole Begue and so she had no reason to fight with him. Atty Manning talking about people standing in the way of MT and given what was going on with Nicole Begue at the time she lived at 4JX, imo any parent with two brain cells would have demanded that the child be removed to a different environment. But Begue never seemed to interfere or even demand that his daughter be in boarding school and out of 4JX. Nope, never happened and so Nicole lived for years in the middle of one of the most toxic divorce actions in CT history. To me, its just another data point as to who MT and her entire family are as human beings and Nicole Begue was simply collateral damage in the games of many adults that imo should have known better.

IMO MT daughter given the circumstances of having a mother who thought it appropriate to use her young daughter to facilitate FD goals and a baby daddy who was on the other end of the world literally and figuratively and had is own family and life and didn't appear to care what happened to Nicole Begue in the time that she wasn't with him, would have been better off in boarding school, foster care or some other family member and NOT at 4JX.

So much time was spent at the farcical sentencing hearing talking about MT 'as a mother'. Make no mistake, this is a so called 'mother' most loosely defined imo who used her young daughter to facilitate the games and manipulation of FD to effectively wage psychological warfare with JFD via using the children that she loved more than life itself. This is who MT is 'as a mother' and as a human being and its just one reason why she was not permitted to be around the Dulos children by Court Order.

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I am new to the case and it really mislead me. Both disappearance and arrest are made out to be close together when instead (I think) there were what, 5 years between disappearance and arrest?

I would have mentioned this if I had known.
There sadly was a months long gap between disappearance/murder and arrests in great part due to the hindering and tampering by MT who lied repeatedly to LE. FD never spoke with LE and so all the repetition of the 'alibi script' came from MT. This gap in time no doubt also facilitated destruction of unknown evidence and possibly the disposal of the remains of JFD even though the exact circumstances about the body have never been disclosed by LE. MT eventually was charged with conspiracy to commit murder but it was only after wasting LE time with her lies imo FOR MONTHS (see below AA for the conspiracy charge in 1/20).

The pretrial period was quite long (nearly 4 years) and the trial itself was also delayed by COVID as CT Courts ground to almost a standstill during COVID and are still playing catch up.

To be noted is that I think FD might have spent a total of almost a week in jail (he complained to his sister Rena about the rats in jail and she blamed the jail conditions on his decision to commit suicide).

MT never spent any time in jail (just stayed overnight I believe in NC jail with take out food) in the entire time that this tragic case has been going on. MT's family posted her bond ($2 million), she wore an ankle monitor for a time, was on house arrest for 9 months or so and her attorney Jon Schoenhorn wasted Court time for 4 years filing motion after motion claiming MT was being 'tortured' by having to stay to CT and wear the ankle bracelet. The real reason for her anger about the bracelet was that she was unable to ski (water or snow) with it on. Eventually the lenient Judges in CT caved to the demands of MT and her attorneys who imo abused the legal system extensively over petty matters and allowed her to leave CT and move to CO where she has spent the last 4+ years with her daughter who I now believe is 17 and spoke at the sentencing.

MT Arrest Warrant - 35 pages

All her family members and children of course are victims. Are there others they preyed upon?

1. I would say that Pawel G was a victim of the MT and FD.
2. Also, MT's daughter even though she might not ascribe that label.
3. All friends of these kids have lost something vital-- a sense that you can trust adults in your sphere to be good humans, take care of you, and not manipulate you.
4. Neighbors at 4Jx who had to deal with the FD trying to manipulate them into being friendly with MT. And further, he tried to get them to unsee what they experienced after the disappearance of JFD.
5. Classmates of the Dulos children who had to deal with the unspeakable horror that these kids were living.
6. The children of the friends of JFD who wound up having to lose their innocence and live in fear. But, further (although it is probably a blessing) they had their parents leave their home (in places like NC) to take care of the Dulos kids. I am sure they understand but the pain of lives upended is hard.
7. All of the people who believed FD that he was honorable. And, that MT was also honorable.

These are the victims that go beyond the immediate children, family and friends.
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Yes, MT and FD used MT daughter (then 11-12 yrs old) to circumvent the rules of Family Court that at times permitted FD no access to his children (he would have MT daughter contact his children and he would chat with them online in this way when he was banned from doing so). FD would then have his children LIE to JFD about the presence of MT and her daughter at 4JX. The Dulos children spoke of this horror at the sentencing hearing and the psychological damage inflicted on the 5 children by MT and FD was horrific, particularly on Petros as he spoke about at Sentencing.

In short, MT and FD effectively weaponized her daughter as a tool in their arsenal to torture and torment JFD. Their goal was to turn the 5 Dulos children against JFD and their focus was mainly on the two oldest boys (11-12 at the time). Petros spoke of this issue and the great regret he felt about his relationship with his mother at the time of her death. Make no mistake, this ENTIRE scenario was concocted, orchestrated and planned by MT and FD. FD and MT made a direct play to 'pick off' the two oldest sons with the goal of having them demand to live with FD. It was all quite sick and evil imo and it put pressure on the two oldest that was absolutely inappropriate for their ages and the psychological damage was real and very clearly documented by the Family Court. This is JUST ONE reason that I believe GAL Atty Meehan is an incompetent and why JFD and her attorney were working hard to have him terminated as the GAL as his so called CARE of the Dulos children was anything but what it should have been to protect their mental health.

Make no mistake though, MT knew what was going on and was actively involved with EVERYTHING relating to the custody battle at the time. EVERYTHING. This is all quite clearly documented on the record in Family Court and there are very good reasons why MT and her daughter were not permitted to have access to the Dulos children. Very good reasons.

To be clear, MT daughter was a victim imo of her mothers (and FD who simply used her as a tool to accomplish his goals) abuse in choosing to use her own daughter to facilitate the goals of FD. The baby daddy (Begue) imo was also grossly negligent for allowing his daughter to be used in such a way by MT and FD and in a perfect world Child Protective Services would have been available to remove MT daughter to a different parent, family member or foster care where she wouldn't be a tool in a bitter divorce and custody battle. But, it appears MT manipulated both her daughter and Begue the Baby Daddy and so nothing was ever done to protect Nicole Begue.

I personally hate what FD and MT did in terms of using Nicole Begue to inflict pain and psychological suffering on JF and her children as it was evil but GAL Meehan knew what was going on and took way too long imo to fix the error in the documents that allowed contact between Nicole Begue and the Dulos children. The sad thing is that the psychological stress of the entire situation with the older Dulos children in particular that someone could have lost their lives and I can only imagine the daily torment that JFD endured knowing that this all was going on with her children even though they were under the care of doctors at the time. It was crushing to any mother but in this case it was all done to inflict maximum pain on JFD as FD and MT knew that the children were the entire life of JFD and she would do anything to protect them.

There was a well organized plan by MT and FD to make the life of JFD misery and horror at every turn. We heard at sentencing how MT enrolled her daughter at Renbrook School which is where the Dulos children attended and where JFD had many good friends and was very active in the community. Why do this as there are other solid schools in the area other than to insert MT and her daughter into the community that supported the 5 Dulos children imo.

We heard at sentencing that MT EVEN drove 1.5 hrs from Hartford to NC where she had no business being so that she could tour the school where the Dulos children were enrolled in NC (NCCS). Why do this other than to upset, disrupt and disorient JFD who picked NCCS as a supportive community both for herself and her children.

The MT daughter commentary at sentencing in support of her mother I thought was tragic on so many levels as she no doubt was pressured to speak but it was listening to her words on replay where it hit me that her daughter has chosen to have little to no awareness of the damage she inflicted not only on JFD but the Dulos children. NONE. Nicole Begue COULD HAVE spoken of her regret for what happened and apologized to Petros and Theodore for what happened but she didn't and didn't address the elephant in the room. MT daughter instead got up and spoke about skiing and her life with MT but spoke about nothing having to do with her role in inflicting pain on the Dulos children and in particular Petros and Theordore. But, make no mistake, Nicole Begue as a young child was weaponised by her mother and FD against the Dulos children but more importantly against JFD. Given the family of which she is part, imo Nicole Begue will most likely never take ownership of her role in what happened as she herself was a child as she demonstrated no inclination toward self reflection in her remarks and I feel sorry for her that she doesn't have adults in her life to facilitate this important process. The irony of Mama Troconis standing up and self identifying as a Clinical Psychologist with a Masters (she isn't) and hearing the words that came out of the mouth of Nicole Begue (and MT sisters and brother in law for that matter) simply boggles the mind. ITs just who these people are as humans as they just want what they want and don't care about anything beyond their needs and wants. But, I would have thought that at the sentencing that Nicole Begue (similarly to the Dulos children) might have had some level of self awareness surrounding what happened and her role in the horrific and psychologically damaging situation as a much older person. But, not unsurprisingly this self awareness was not seen in Nicole Begue and instead her world is year round skiing and Zoom calls with MT to work on her homework. Yes, Nicole Begue was a victim but she was also a well used instrument of torture and torment and I found her lack of self awareness about the situation stunning (but given her family its not at all surprising).

Sadly I believe the MT daughter to simply be a product of the great evil present in MT and the rest of her family. ALL the Troconis family knew what was going on with the divorce and custody and KNEW that MT daughter was an integral player in it all and YET they chose to do nothing to remove MT daughter from MT. IMO Begue the Baby Daddy who also spoke with very measured and careful words at the sentencing hearing about MT knew precisely what was going on and how his daughter had been used as a tool of torture and torment for the children and JFD. MT spoke in the LE interviews about her 'excellent and healthy' relationship with Begue but my guess is that this simply meant that he always did what she wanted regarding Nicole Begue and so she had no reason to fight with him. Atty Manning talking about people standing in the way of MT and given what was going on with Nicole Begue at the time she lived at 4JX, imo any parent with two brain cells would have demanded that the child be removed to a different environment. But Begue never seemed to interfere or even demand that his daughter be in boarding school and out of 4JX. Nope, never happened and so Nicole lived for years in the middle of one of the most toxic divorce actions in CT history. To me, its just another data point as to who MT and her entire family are as human beings and Nicole Begue was simply collateral damage in the games of many adults that imo should have known better.

IMO MT daughter given the circumstances of having a mother who thought it appropriate to use her young daughter to facilitate FD goals and a baby daddy who was on the other end of the world literally and figuratively and had is own family and life and didn't appear to care what happened to Nicole Begue in the time that she wasn't with him, would have been better off in boarding school, foster care or some other family member and NOT at 4JX.

So much time was spent at the farcical sentencing hearing talking about MT 'as a mother'. Make no mistake, this is a so called 'mother' most loosely defined imo who used her young daughter to facilitate the games and manipulation of FD to effectively wage psychological warfare with JFD via using the children that she loved more than life itself. This is who MT is 'as a mother' and as a human being and its just one reason why she was not permitted to be around the Dulos children by Court Order.

There sadly was a months long gap between disappearance/murder and arrests in great part due to the hindering and tampering by MT who lied repeatedly to LE. FD never spoke with LE and so all the repetition of the 'alibi script' came from MT. This gap in time no doubt also facilitated destruction of unknown evidence and possibly the disposal of the remains of JFD even though the exact circumstances about the body have never been disclosed by LE. MT eventually was charged with conspiracy to commit murder but it was only after wasting LE time with her lies imo FOR MONTHS (see below AA for the conspiracy charge in 1/20).

The pretrial period was quite long (nearly 4 years) and the trial itself was also delayed by COVID as CT Courts ground to almost a standstill during COVID and are still playing catch up.

To be noted is that I think FD might have spent a total of almost a week in jail (he complained to his sister Rena about the rats in jail and she blamed the jail conditions on his decision to commit suicide).

MT never spent any time in jail (just stayed overnight I believe in NC jail with take out food) in the entire time that this tragic case has been going on. MT's family posted her bond ($2 million), she wore an ankle monitor for a time, was on house arrest for 9 months or so and her attorney Jon Schoenhorn wasted Court time for 4 years filing motion after motion claiming MT was being 'tortured' by having to stay to CT and wear the ankle bracelet. The real reason for her anger about the bracelet was that she was unable to ski (water or snow) with it on. Eventually the lenient Judges in CT caved to the demands of MT and her attorneys who imo abused the legal system extensively over petty matters and allowed her to leave CT and move to CO where she has spent the last 4+ years with her daughter who I now believe is 17 and spoke at the sentencing.

MT Arrest Warrant - 35 pages


It will take awhile getting into this.

There was one tiny moment in the movie where a child said something, I didn't get it, and it affected visitation. I forgot about it. You are giving detail about it and wow, no wonder he lost custody.

I think it was a kid was told not to tell the mother something but it was just this one thing, having MT over I think.

But obviously they (TV show) left out too much and focused too much on fictional conversations between JD and FD. Melodrama between them with bouts of FD temper tantrums.

So you are my "go-to girl" or "go-to guy" for this case...

THANK YOU ... !!!
1. I would say that Pawel G was a victim of the MT and FD.
2. Also, MT's daughter even though she might not ascribe that label.
3. All friends of these kids have lost something vital-- a sense that you can trust adults in your sphere to be good humans, take care of you, and not manipulate you.
4. Neighbors at 4Jx who had to deal with the FD trying to manipulate them into being friendly with MT. And further, he tried to get them to unsee what they experienced after the disappearance of JFD.
5. Classmates of the Dulos children who had to deal with the unspeakable horror that these kids were living.
6. The children of the friends of JFD who wound up having to lose their innocence and live in fear. But, further (although it is probably a blessing) they had their parents leave their home (in places like NC) to take care of the Dulos kids. I am sure they understand but the pain of lives upended is hard.
7. All of the people who believed FD that he was honorable. And, that MT was also honorable.

These are the victims that go beyond the immediate children, family and friends.
Also, Lauren Almeida, who was terrified of Fotis.

It will take awhile getting into this.

There was one tiny moment in the movie where a child said something, I didn't get it, and it affected visitation. I forgot about it. You are giving detail about it and wow, no wonder he lost custody.

I think it was a kid was told not to tell the mother something but it was just this one thing, having MT over I think.

But obviously they (TV show) left out too much and focused too much on fictional conversations between JD and FD. Melodrama between them with bouts of FD temper tantrums.

So you are my "go-to girl" or "go-to guy" for this case...

THANK YOU ... !!!
This case is a maze through the Courts of CT. If you are interested in the MT aspect of the case then I suggest seeing if Law & Crime still has the days in Court where the MT interviews with LE were played in their entirety (6 hrs roughly and tough going but imo gives best view of who/who MT is as a human). Other places to check on youtube would be WFSB and Fox61. I don't know how long these outlets will keep the trial in its entirety on their websites but imo its worth listening to the testimony of Det. Kimball (then lead detective which lasted iirc 2 days) and some of the forensic testimony. Some youtubers did a great job summarising the trial for those that didn't watch it live. I suggest Lawyer Lee as she followed the trial with a 1 day delay and gave highlights and helpful commentary. IIRC there is another youtuber I think called the 13th Juror who followed the trial as well although I didn't watch all their coverage but I think they were the one that did these amazing visual representations of the movements of FD and MT that imo were very helpful in understanding the quite confusing activities of the case. Gray Hughes (I don't recommend) once upon a time did a google earth view of FD in New Canaan on the murder date which imo was super helpful to understanding the movements of FD from Farmington to NC and he had a wonderful video on where he speculated the body of JFD might have traveled. You might find these episodes on archive or wayback somewhere but sadly Gray Hughes removed them from his site for reasons unknown but my guess is has something to do with money but just my speculation as he followed the case of FD initially but complained he wasn't making any money with his episodes on MT so he stopped his coverage. IMO Gray loves true crime but only to the extent it makes him money and so his coverage of the mystery of whereabouts of JFD remains sadly continues.

WS folks on this thread are an absolutely amazing and dedicated group and have been chatting about this case since day 1/2 so you can go back and read the comments and follow along with the twists and turns in understanding. Just so you know, MSM for this case isn't very useful as they were used first by FD and his attorneys and then MT and her attorneys to manipulate the public perception of their clients. So, be careful looking at commentary from NBC CT/NBC, CBS, Hartford Courant and all the Hearst publications including the Stamford Advocate (favorite leaking location for Pattis and Schoenhorn). The New Canaanite (Mike Dinan Owner and Investigative Reporter) did some great early articles about FD finances and also the Family Court situation which imo are probably some of the best coverage of the case and are worth a look (they are in the Media Thread here).

Also, this thread was blessed to have @Niner tracking the court cases event by event and its an absolutely incredible visual representation of this case. You can find these entries by simply searching by User @Niner using the search bar.

The Family Court record of Dulos v Dulos is largely public with some of the documents sealed and not available but if that is you area of interest then suggest going to the CT Judiciary website and searching out the case as its a matter of public record.

Good luck.

1. I would say that Pawel G was a victim of the MT and FD.
2. Also, MT's daughter even though she might not ascribe that label.
3. All friends of these kids have lost something vital-- a sense that you can trust adults in your sphere to be good humans, take care of you, and not manipulate you.
4. Neighbors at 4Jx who had to deal with the FD trying to manipulate them into being friendly with MT. And further, he tried to get them to unsee what they experienced after the disappearance of JFD.
5. Classmates of the Dulos children who had to deal with the unspeakable horror that these kids were living.
6. The children of the friends of JFD who wound up having to lose their innocence and live in fear. But, further (although it is probably a blessing) they had their parents leave their home (in places like NC) to take care of the Dulos kids. I am sure they understand but the pain of lives upended is hard.
7. All of the people who believed FD that he was honorable. And, that MT was also honorable.

These are the victims that go beyond the immediate children, family and friends.
@kaen, fabulous list. As I was reading through it all as you wrote it what then went through my mind was that FD and MT really were such toxic individuals that they tainted almost all that they touched. They simply seemed to use people to accomplish their aims and then move on. Going back to the civil trial there were all the shady business dealings, the lying to the many banks and who can forget the subcontractors he stiffed and the bills left unpaid at the time of his death. FD and MT were wrecking balls in the pursuit of what they wanted. The financial story of FORE is one I was always fascinated by and PG I am sure could tell a few tales to explain it all better. But, I do think the Civil Trial uncovered a bit of information and it makes me sad that the IRS and CT Revenue never chose to investigate FD, MT and FORE as I believe it was just another vehicle to take money from Farber family (HF in particular) and JFD. Is the money with Rena, Andreas or the shady RI friend that worked with FD to keep money from GF on the Sturbridge House foreclosure in NC?

But, I think your placement of PG at the the top of your list is absolutely correct and well done. PG knew FD and MT probably the best and was clearly someone that helped JFD to the extent that he could given the issue of being fearful of being fired by FD for helping her and the children. I wish PG had disclosed more about MT and FD at trial but his famous MT quote about her wanting JFD "buried next to the beloved family dog" was one for the record books.

It bothered me greatly that the Troconis family, MT and Schoenhorn continued to defame PG on social media and in Court now for nearly 4 years. I'm not sure when all their collective chatter veered into the territory of defamation but I do wish Attorney Lindsay Urso on behalf of PG would sue them collectively for defamation as their statements against PG have been horrific.

I don't recall what I was watching last night but the quote reminded me of the saga of MT and LE. The person speaking said that their advice to people involved with having knowledge about a crime is always, "Do you want to be a witness or a Defendant"? Its a very basic question for sure, BUT it can imo have a profound impact on the course of your life. MT chose to be a Defendant as she had 3 opportunities from LE to become a witness. We will never know why exactly she choose this path but she did and look at what it gave her: 14.5 or less years in prison, unable to see her daughter graduate from school or get married, unable to attend the funerals of her parents or siblings and on and on. Most people don't get 1 chance to become a witness but MT had 3 chances and the world watched it all play out in the 6 hrs of LE interviews. Stunning stuff.

This case is a maze through the Courts of CT. If you are interested in the MT aspect of the case then I suggest seeing if Law & Crime still has the days in Court where the MT interviews with LE were played in their entirety (6 hrs roughly and tough going but imo gives best view of who/who MT is as a human). Other places to check on youtube would be WFSB and Fox61. I don't know how long these outlets will keep the trial in its entirety on their websites but imo its worth listening to the testimony of Det. Kimball (then lead detective which lasted iirc 2 days) and some of the forensic testimony. Some youtubers did a great job summarising the trial for those that didn't watch it live. I suggest Lawyer Lee as she followed the trial with a 1 day delay and gave highlights and helpful commentary. IIRC there is another youtuber I think called the 13th Juror who followed the trial as well although I didn't watch all their coverage but I think they were the one that did these amazing visual representations of the movements of FD and MT that imo were very helpful in understanding the quite confusing activities of the case. Gray Hughes (I don't recommend) once upon a time did a google earth view of FD in New Canaan on the murder date which imo was super helpful to understanding the movements of FD from Farmington to NC and he had a wonderful video on where he speculated the body of JFD might have traveled. You might find these episodes on archive or wayback somewhere but sadly Gray Hughes removed them from his site for reasons unknown but my guess is has something to do with money but just my speculation as he followed the case of FD initially but complained he wasn't making any money with his episodes on MT so he stopped his coverage. IMO Gray loves true crime but only to the extent it makes him money and so his coverage of the mystery of whereabouts of JFD remains sadly continues.

WS folks on this thread are an absolutely amazing and dedicated group and have been chatting about this case since day 1/2 so you can go back and read the comments and follow along with the twists and turns in understanding. Just so you know, MSM for this case isn't very useful as they were used first by FD and his attorneys and then MT and her attorneys to manipulate the public perception of their clients. So, be careful looking at commentary from NBC CT/NBC, CBS, Hartford Courant and all the Hearst publications including the Stamford Advocate (favorite leaking location for Pattis and Schoenhorn). The New Canaanite (Mike Dinan Owner and Investigative Reporter) did some great early articles about FD finances and also the Family Court situation which imo are probably some of the best coverage of the case and are worth a look (they are in the Media Thread here).

Also, this thread was blessed to have @Niner tracking the court cases event by event and its an absolutely incredible visual representation of this case. You can find these entries by simply searching by User @Niner using the search bar.

The Family Court record of Dulos v Dulos is largely public with some of the documents sealed and not available but if that is you area of interest then suggest going to the CT Judiciary website and searching out the case as its a matter of public record.

Good luck.


Most detail of information I have ever seen ... I am very interested in looking into your suggestions.
You are a wealth of information, thanks so much!

How sad her body wasn't found. I wonder if they offered MT a plea deal in exchange for revealing the body? But by going to trial she refused to talk.

If she was offered a plea deal I wonder if it was less than the 14 years she got.

The MT interviews with LE will be incredible, you get a whole feeling for a person during interrogation interviews. She shouldn't have done any interviews, no one should interview with LE unless with an attorney right there whether arrested or not.

Suspects often incriminate themselves or change stories and juries hate changing stories. I wonder if MT's interviews hurt her with the jury? 6 hours of interviews is crazy.
This case is a maze through the Courts of CT. If you are interested in the MT aspect of the case then I suggest seeing if Law & Crime still has the days in Court where the MT interviews with LE were played in their entirety (6 hrs roughly and tough going but imo gives best view of who/who MT is as a human). Other places to check on youtube would be WFSB and Fox61. I don't know how long these outlets will keep the trial in its entirety on their websites but imo its worth listening to the testimony of Det. Kimball (then lead detective which lasted iirc 2 days) and some of the forensic testimony. Some youtubers did a great job summarising the trial for those that didn't watch it live. I suggest Lawyer Lee as she followed the trial with a 1 day delay and gave highlights and helpful commentary. IIRC there is another youtuber I think called the 13th Juror who followed the trial as well although I didn't watch all their coverage but I think they were the one that did these amazing visual representations of the movements of FD and MT that imo were very helpful in understanding the quite confusing activities of the case. Gray Hughes (I don't recommend) once upon a time did a google earth view of FD in New Canaan on the murder date which imo was super helpful to understanding the movements of FD from Farmington to NC and he had a wonderful video on where he speculated the body of JFD might have traveled. You might find these episodes on archive or wayback somewhere but sadly Gray Hughes removed them from his site for reasons unknown but my guess is has something to do with money but just my speculation as he followed the case of FD initially but complained he wasn't making any money with his episodes on MT so he stopped his coverage. IMO Gray loves true crime but only to the extent it makes him money and so his coverage of the mystery of whereabouts of JFD remains sadly continues.

WS folks on this thread are an absolutely amazing and dedicated group and have been chatting about this case since day 1/2 so you can go back and read the comments and follow along with the twists and turns in understanding. Just so you know, MSM for this case isn't very useful as they were used first by FD and his attorneys and then MT and her attorneys to manipulate the public perception of their clients. So, be careful looking at commentary from NBC CT/NBC, CBS, Hartford Courant and all the Hearst publications including the Stamford Advocate (favorite leaking location for Pattis and Schoenhorn). The New Canaanite (Mike Dinan Owner and Investigative Reporter) did some great early articles about FD finances and also the Family Court situation which imo are probably some of the best coverage of the case and are worth a look (they are in the Media Thread here).

Also, this thread was blessed to have @Niner tracking the court cases event by event and its an absolutely incredible visual representation of this case. You can find these entries by simply searching by User @Niner using the search bar.

The Family Court record of Dulos v Dulos is largely public with some of the documents sealed and not available but if that is you area of interest then suggest going to the CT Judiciary website and searching out the case as its a matter of public record.

Good luck.

Thank you for pointing out places to find this valuable information! Im hoping someone will use it and reveal the true evil of mt and fd and what really happened to JFD. Other than reading here I never would have known what they did by using mt’s own daughter. The planning and execution is horrific.
Of course km can say he had nothing to do with JFD’s murder. He knows where she is buried or has something to do with her remains. That’s why he dug the hole at the gun club. That was his part.
Most detail of information I have ever seen ... I am very interested in looking into your suggestions.
You are a wealth of information, thanks so much!

How sad her body wasn't found. I wonder if they offered MT a plea deal in exchange for revealing the body? But by going to trial she refused to talk.

If she was offered a plea deal I wonder if it was less than the 14 years she got.

The MT interviews with LE will be incredible, you get a whole feeling for a person during interrogation interviews. She shouldn't have done any interviews, no one should interview with LE unless with an attorney right there whether arrested or not.

Suspects often incriminate themselves or change stories and juries hate changing stories. I wonder if MT's interviews hurt her with the jury? 6 hours of interviews is crazy.
As BJarv just said, her lawyer, and LE did apparently try to turn MT into a witness and not a defendant. Clearly, it would have been entirely to MT’s benefit to be a witness, and I wish I could’ve been a fly on the wall when Andy Bowman implored her, as I am sure he did, to cooperate. What she did not comprehend, is that LE would have taken her as either a witness OR a defendant-of course, it would have been much better for all of them if she cooperated, but they would have merely facilitated having her tried as a defendant. She and her family are more stupid than I even realized. I imagine that she would have gotten less than 5 years for assisting FD, much of which would likely would have been probation. She rolled the dice and lost-it appears to me that she fully expected to be out of jail while spending years appealing her conviction, or maybe even having her entire sentence to be probation, as a “first time offender”.
Most detail of information I have ever seen ... I am very interested in looking into your suggestions.
You are a wealth of information, thanks so much!

How sad her body wasn't found. I wonder if they offered MT a plea deal in exchange for revealing the body? But by going to trial she refused to talk.

If she was offered a plea deal I wonder if it was less than the 14 years she got.

The MT interviews with LE will be incredible, you get a whole feeling for a person during interrogation interviews. She shouldn't have done any interviews, no one should interview with LE unless with an attorney right there whether arrested or not.

Suspects often incriminate themselves or change stories and juries hate changing stories. I wonder if MT's interviews hurt her with the jury? 6 hours of interviews is crazy.
Pretrial, there were weeks of suppression of evidence hearings. Specific to the recorded interviews of MT by LE, her attorney was by her side for each interview (three of them). This fact was one of the reasons why they were allowed admitted for trial and played for the jurors.

When MT was arrested the first time and waiting for her attorney at NCPD, Attorney Bowman told LE he was enroute, and that MT would not be talking to LE. We know that after he arrived and met with his client, this changed.

IMO, talking to LE was on MT. (She's smarter than her attorney and the Investigators). If you watch her interviews, it's all too obvious she was fishing. She told them nothing, and changed her story from one interview to the next. But it's not unusual for suspects to change up their story to fit the evidence.

For example, first interview, MT tells investigators that on the date of the murder, FD joined her in the shower where they were intimate. In the third interview, after presented with evidence it was unlikely FD was at home when she showered, MT says she must have confused sex in the shower on that date because this was their routine. To be clear, this interview wasn't months later-- it was a week after the murder!

The truth being that it was a stormy night, MT slept with her daughter, and showered alone in the morning. You need to ask yourself what was MT's purpose for ever bringing up sex in the the shower with Investigators? MOO
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