GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #70

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Sigh. I cannot forget the forgetful defense expert whose name I forget who attempted to go to great lengths to educate the courtroom on the limitations on comprehension with English as a second language, the one who iirc spoke with the defendant/felon for all of about five minutes before pontificating.

But alas, you know what I see when I read the felon's letter? A COLLEGIATE level of English. Punctuation, grammar, spelling, both concrete and abstract comprehension, literal and figurative language.

But frankly, I don't care WHAT LANGUAGE she speaks in, dreams in, remembers in, she had PERFECT recall of the events she memorized and a curious amnesia for every single action/event that day that corresponded to the disposal of evidence. Inn't that somethin'? No memory of dodging PG, no memory of wearing and tossing ponchos, no memory of holding any trashbags, no memory of her courier service all afternoon, no memory of afternoon fires, no memory of Albany Avenue, no memory of FedEx mailers, mailed to the sewer. If she was oblivious, why be withholding?

I don't care how long and hard she was willing to help LE look for JFd in a place where MT knew JFd was not. Let me help her with her English there. The word isn't 'helping', it's 'hindering'. Hindering with an investigation.

Funny how MT knew to run interference so PG couldn't take his truck (no key), funny how FD also ran interference, taking PG on that otherwise pointless wall behind 80 MS so that MT could (IMO) unload the Tacoma into the Cherokee before PG could see it. She almost succeeded too. Just needed one more minute to grab the bucket --

Wrongly convicted? Rightly convicted, too lightly sentenced.

Where is Jennifer, MT?
Article in El Pais

She and her family think Michi is the only victim in this. What a bunch of fake sympathy the whole tribe had for those kids.
Yes, her affection was for what was theirs - their father and their home, all to get her mitts on their inheritance. And she participated in the forever stealing of their mother from them with THAT foremost on her mind.

Charitable, my backside.
John Kimball said it struck him that many of the people who spoke and wrote letters on her behalf met her “post murder.”

“She tried to reinvent herself and tried to make herself look like the stupid innocent person who was just manipulated by Fotis Dulos. And don’t get me wrong, I have no doubt he was a master manipulator, but he’s not the only master manipulator in this case,” he said…

“I found her conduct during the course of the trial to be concerning,” Kimball said…

Kimball said that whenever there is movement in the case, a flurry of new tips come in. Tips can still be sent in to

The detectives continue checking them and follow through on as many as they can. They run into roadblocks, like locations they can’t legally search or access, but they do their best to pursue every lead.

“We definitely haven’t given up,” he said. “And anything that comes in we vet out to the degree possible.”

“There’s no question that Michelle Troconis, if she chose to, she could provide more information. But that would harm her appeal,” Kimball said.

Article in El Pais

I didn't think I could hate her kind more.

But I do.
John Kimball said it struck him that many of the people who spoke and wrote letters on her behalf met her “post murder.”

“She tried to reinvent herself and tried to make herself look like the stupid innocent person who was just manipulated by Fotis Dulos. And don’t get me wrong, I have no doubt he was a master manipulator, but he’s not the only master manipulator in this case,” he said…

“I found her conduct during the course of the trial to be concerning,” Kimball said…

Kimball said that whenever there is movement in the case, a flurry of new tips come in. Tips can still be sent in to

The detectives continue checking them and follow through on as many as they can. They run into roadblocks, like locations they can’t legally search or access, but they do their best to pursue every lead.

“We definitely haven’t given up,” he said. “And anything that comes in we vet out to the degree possible.”

“There’s no question that Michelle Troconis, if she chose to, she could provide more information. But that would harm her appeal,” Kimball said.

New rule: NO ONE who has been convicted of (conspiracy to) murder should be granted parole nor release UNLESS OR UNTIL a body is located.

Short list of what MT knows:

How FD actually appeared at 80 MS.
How the ponchos got bloody.
How many bags of trash.
Why they were dodging PG, it was over more than just the seats. IMO she'll game. FD and MT both were taking turns switching the walnuts. If MT was unloading the Tacoma while FD took PG on that odd walk, she was cleaning the Tacoma. Why do that, MT? How did FD spill coffee on a seat he wasn't sitting in? Old truck, Michi, what do you care if the seats are soiled? Unless....

She knows what vehicles he was driving, knows how long he was or wasn't at 80 MS. Knows what pillow talk FD employed, Pages ripped from his own How To Leave A Lover, or rather, WHERE to leave her.

What happened to the rugs she intended to deliver to Barb but suddenly couldn't locate?

Where were y'all from 3 to 5 and 5 to 7?

Where she slept, the night before. WHETHER she slept the night before. Whether ANYONE slept the night before.

What time FD left.

What happened to his beloved bike.

And that's just a start.
Me, too. The more they speak, the angrier I get.
Absolutely agree....Grrrrr....

What's even more "interesting" the clan is starting this attempted media blitz prior to the Contempt of Court hearing on July 10th. (MT hasn't submitted a plea?) They shouldn't be so ignorant as to assume appealing to Latinos, appealing to the media to "right an injustice", etc., will enhance MT's standing in front of a judge. SMH....IMO, Group IDIOCRACY.
New rule: NO ONE who has been convicted of (conspiracy to) murder should be granted parole nor release UNLESS OR UNTIL a body is located.

Short list of what MT knows:

How FD actually appeared at 80 MS.
How the ponchos got bloody.
How many bags of trash.
Why they were dodging PG, it was over more than just the seats. IMO she'll game. FD and MT both were taking turns switching the walnuts. If MT was unloading the Tacoma while FD took PG on that odd walk, she was cleaning the Tacoma. Why do that, MT? How did FD spill coffee on a seat he wasn't sitting in? Old truck, Michi, what do you care if the seats are soiled? Unless....

She knows what vehicles he was driving, knows how long he was or wasn't at 80 MS. Knows what pillow talk FD employed, Pages ripped from his own How To Leave A Lover, or rather, WHERE to leave her.

What happened to the rugs she intended to deliver to Barb but suddenly couldn't locate?

Where were y'all from 3 to 5 and 5 to 7?

Where she slept, the night before. WHETHER she slept the night before. Whether ANYONE slept the night before.

What time FD left.

What happened to his beloved bike.

And that's just a start.

All true (bloody ponchos, missing bike, etc.) additionally, if innocent, why not gladly (and immediately) turn over your phone to the authorities? Why not tell the truth vs. only when evidence proves otherwise?

Innocent people do not mislead or blatantly lie to law enforcement (or try to research a legal document regarding inheritance prior to a murder etc.). They cooperate after quickly leaving a very unstable situation when you know it’s unsafe for you and your daughter and go directly to the authorities with your phone in your hand and any other information. They explain that they need an interpreter because they have difficulty understanding/communicating in English (which she does not) and share the “14 month” experience living with someone who might be involved in the murder of his soon-to-be ex wife. If this innocent person did all of the above, Fotis would still be alive and incarcerated and she would be living her life with her daughter and on a witness list for his murder trial of killing his soon-to-be beautiful ex wife.

This recent article in “El Pais” is astounding. I honestly can’t believe the Troconis family believes MT and her trial was manipulated because she is Latina. I just want to tell them to zip it and get real!

Looking forward to the 10th. I sure hope it’s not a typical State of Connecticut disappointment.
Absolutely agree....Grrrrr....

What's even more "interesting" the clan is starting this attempted media blitz prior to the Contempt of Court hearing on July 10th. (MT hasn't submitted a plea?) They shouldn't be so ignorant as to assume appealing to Latinos, appealing to the media to "right an injustice", etc., will enhance MT's standing in front of a judge. SMH....IMO, Group IDIOCRACY.
The judge’s last name is Hernandez, so maybe they think he will be more likely to be cognizant of bias against latina/latino people. Except-the judge was educated at Harvard for his undergrad work, and he attended Stanford law school. I would imagine this guy understands plenty, and will not likely be biased in their favor. I think this latest blitz was poorly planned.
All true (bloody ponchos, missing bike, etc.) additionally, if innocent, why not gladly (and immediately) turn over your phone to the authorities? Why not tell the truth vs. only when evidence proves otherwise?

Innocent people do not mislead or blatantly lie to law enforcement (or try to research a legal document regarding inheritance prior to a murder etc.). They cooperate after quickly leaving a very unstable situation when you know it’s unsafe for you and your daughter and go directly to the authorities with your phone in your hand and any other information. They explain that they need an interpreter because they have difficulty understanding/communicating in English (which she does not) and share the “14 month” experience living with someone who might be involved in the murder of his soon-to-be ex wife. If this innocent person did all of the above, Fotis would still be alive and incarcerated and she would be living her life with her daughter and on a witness list for his murder trial of killing his soon-to-be beautiful ex wife.

This recent article in “El Pais” is astounding. I honestly can’t believe the Troconis family believes MT and her trial was manipulated because she is Latina. I just want to tell them to zip it and get real!

Looking forward to the 10th. I sure hope it’s not a typical State of Connecticut disappointment.
What-they think all latinas who have been charged with…well, anything, are innocent and being railroaded? Because a latina cannot be guilty of anything? They are really crazy to think this will work. I mean, especially in the contempt case-she was seen doing it, and it was recorded for posterity!

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