GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #71

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For some reading amusement with a big dose of pure disgust, here is an article in El Pais with Mama Troconis 'from Ohio'.....

And let the attempt to revise history via the MSM commence imo:

This comment was classic and it played equally poorly imo in the spanish version:

“Michelle has been unfairly blamed… she’s received all the blame in the absence of Fotis, who’s the one who’s really responsible for [all of this],” says Marisela, in a conversation with EL PAÍS via video call from Ohio. “We’re disenchanted with the American judicial system, even though we’re all American citizens and feel part of this country. The prosecutors weren’t interested in knowing the truth. Instead, they found the weakest person to be able to get [a speedy trial], since Fotis killed himself. He didn’t want to accept the trial that he would have had to endure.” The family believes that Michelle — because she’s Latina — was “the scapegoat of the judicial system.” BBM

It gets better:

"Michelle is currently incarcerated at York Correctional Institution, in southeastern Connecticut. There, “she’s studying and reading a lot, feeding her soul so as not to collapse,” says another of her sisters, Daniela Troconis, with a broken voice, via a video call from Florida. “She’s a strong woman, but this is making her very anxious. Imagine: she lost trust in people, she doesn’t trust anyone. And that’s to be expected. But I believe that the same support that she has from us, her family, is helping her live day-to-day,” Daniela adds. “Besides, she has the truth on her side. I think that helps her get through it.”

Now you will need a shot of something strong imo:

"In love and without any suspicion that she was being manipulated — as alleged by her family — Michelle decided to move to Connecticut to live with Fotis in September 2017. Before doing so, Michelle consulted with her entire family.”When she decided to move, she talked about it with the family. [Fotis] told us that he was separated, in an amicable divorce,” Daniela recalls. “We all asked him questions — it’s obvious that we would ask — and those were his answers. And he said that Jennifer was okay with him [moving out to live with Michelle]. He even showed us text messages he had with Jennifer, so it all seemed to be true. We all approved,” she sighs. “But that was my sister’s mistake.”
Time for a deep breath and a good long laugh imo:

"The Troconis family insists that they were unaware of these details of the divorce battle between Jennifer and Fotis, until everything came to light during the trial. “[When we met Fotis], we accepted what he told us. He said that he was going through a divorce and that his wife, Jennifer, was okay with each of them moving on with life and with Michelle going to live in Connecticut,” Marisela recounts. Daniela adds that her family and Fotis’ celebrated Christmas of 2017 together in Connecticut. “We spent some very nice days with the children... we lived with Fotis for 10 days and everything was normal. He seemed to be a father who was dedicated to his children, kind and patient,” she recalls".
“When you’re in a relationship with a narcissist who has created a fantasy for you, a different, dolled up world — who tells you that ‘this is an amicable divorce, Jennifer agrees with this relationship, don’t worry’ — [this is someone who’s] disguising reality. Later on, when a trial occurs and they’re revealed to the other person…” Marisela trails off. “It was like a bucket of cold water fell on all of us. They removed our blindfolds at the trial,” she shudders.."

Just keeps getting better and better imo:

"The Troconis family is convinced that, if Michelle weren’t Latina, the trial would have progressed very differently. “They manipulated and fabricated stories to incriminate Michelle, the easiest target, the Latina,” Marisela decries. “The Latina is the perfect scapegoat to accuse, [so that the police can] close the chapter and make the victim’s family happy, because they found someone to blame. But what about Michelle and her family? This is the biggest disgrace.”

“To this day, Michelle feels cheated, used and disenchanted. And you start beating your head: how is it possible that I didn’t realize this before? But you can’t tell if the person is wearing a disguise,” Marisela admits. “It’s difficult to digest. Because everything we’re experiencing is because of Fotis Dulos. In other words, he left behind orphaned children [and] he did what he must have done to his ex-wife… and he ruined the life of the person that he supposedly loved — Michelle — and he destroyed her family, too.”

Simply cannot make this stuff up!

View attachment 518741
Cry me a river.
The cost/compensation at the barbed wire Ritz works out to about $300 a day....

Michi must not be very good at the maths.

She could have stayed at a REAL hotel leaving FD to abide by the terms of his divorce mandate.

Couple of spa days, a mini fridge, maybe a luxurious bathrobe...

And JFd could still be ALIVE. If greed, entitlement and impatience hadn't gotten the best/worst of Michi.

Amicable divorce? She had NO IDEA? REALLY? Wasn't whining to every ear about her torture? About the INJUSTICE of having to move out of JENNIFER'S BED from time to time? Yeah no. They're STILL condemning JFd and her children. Where's the enlightenment? Where's the shock, the transparency, where are the fried blinders? They knew.

They knew absolutely.

JFd had a lock on the money MT wanted.

MT is why JFd is dead.

Not to mention she was privy to the custody reports of which she tried desperately to get on the record.
Generic question about appeals....

In a criminal trial, as we watched here, the State lays out their case with great care. Chronology, chain of custody, etc. The officer who responded, the swab, the analyst. We see the evidence bag, we see the analyst who sealed it unsealed it....

Then we watch the contents move about the room ....

But in a fresh trial, that seal has already been broken, multiple hands have touched it -- so, is THAT what a new jury gets to see? Open, torn, handled evidence? How weird would that be?

I don't think I've ever witnesses an appeal, does a jury know a case has been tried, a verdict reached, but overturned?

How is it not messy as heck?

In THIS case, may her appeal fall flat.

I believe that the Justices on the Appellate Court decide the case. Sometimes like what just happened with the MT appeal of the Judge Randolph 'no bail pending appeal' ruling, the two sides submit their motions and the Justices decide 'on the papers' meaning without oral argument (Horn per usual wanted oral arguments but State did not and Court sided with State). Because MT is bringing the request for appeal then the burden is on her to present the record and outline the disputed issues: "The party making the claim on appeal bears the burden of presenting an adequate recordfor review. P.B. § 61-10".

My understanding of the Appellate world in State Court is limited to situations where there were oral arguments (with a time limit usually) and then the Justices decide and this decision process can take a good amt of time and isn't immediate. My recollection is that one case I saw was that the oral arguments were around 20 min and there were questions and some back and forth with the Justices and then it was over and then 6 months later there was an opinion on the matter.

CT Bar website had a short document outlining the process and its attached below. I love the way the document ended its decision tree analysis: "If you reach the end of the decision tree and the answer is no, it is time to give up". My strong suspicion is that the Duchess of York appeal will end the decision tree with a 'no' but its just a guess on my part as a non atty. If you want a good laugh then take a gander at the first couple of pages of the below document regarding, "Lawyers’ Principles of Professionalism"! Will have to send a copy of the list to Horn and Mini Horn as their compliance ratio "ain't that good" so perhaps they both need a list to remind them of proper behavior in Court!



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