GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #71

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TY for sharing this background. I've only heard via attorney neighbors that his reputation as a lawyer is/was quite tainted. As far as his criminal case associated with Jennifer Farber, it took 8 months to arrest him and it’s been 4 years and 6+ months since the arrest date that he’s been on the docket for a trial (in/out of prison and chronic GPS monitor, which can't be comfortable). How long can a defendant be on the docket for a trial that is never scheduled in the State of Connecticut?
I don't think there is a time limit by the State if he waived his right to speedy trial. Oddly I don't think his legal team has filed to dismiss the case either which always baffled me given the amt of time that has passed? I don't recall how he filed his case as i'm guessing that he waived right to speedy trial. I'll add that question to my list as I honestly don't recall how those early hearings went. He also iirc was the contact connection to the apparently crooked car dealer (might have been Armenian but I'd have to go back and check) and then there is the current case he is involved with iirc where he provided a mortgage or something along those lines to a convicted child *advertiser censored* purveyor. I read the highlights of that one is its classic KM imo. KM seemed to know the underbelly of Hartford area and by all accounts he shared his contact list with FD. I've never gotten the feeling that KM was a cooperating witness in a traditional sense but perhaps the State is keeping him on a short leash for reasons that might not be clear to us as outsiders? IDK but its certainly an odd way to treat someone accused of a serious crime. I do wonder how many people in KM category exist on the CT Judiciary docket? My guess is not that many even though the system doesn't work on a good day imo.

She gets a public defender but the documents that allow her a public defender are not available to the public. :|
Well, when people apply for Medicaid or SNAP, it can become obvious they were found eligible if seen using the benefit, bit it doesn't mean the actual information given to the State to demonstrate eligibility would be public. So maybe it's like that.

So true. So many damn coincidences....Odd that? Not really. Liars simply lie and then lie again imo. Narcs will say and do whatever it takes to get what they want and look at how many times we saw this from both MT and FD....its an endless cycle of lies and reinvention! This case was curious in that we as outsiders saw FD no doubt manipulating MT and yet MT continues to follow orders without question. It was clear that MT knew the plan and understood the orders too which was what really made her a classic co-conspirator imo. She could never claim lack of knowledge imo and I'll never understand why she took this path from virtually day 1. Curious that and I've always wondered why? Being a bit cynical I simply refuse to believe one of the early MT quotes to explain her behaviour in this horrific crime which iirc was, "I loved FD". Yep, single mother without a pot to piss in other than financial support from an illegitimate child whose father she didn't even tell about the existence of said child for nearly 6 years and where the gravy train ended when her daughter reached 18 (tick tock imo too as MT needed money almost as badly as FD as she had no nest egg, no employment and no retirement benefits or even a house to live in!), who at 40 years old was booted out of 4JX and moved via black garbage bags and a rental car assisted by her convicted almost felon mother because she had money to pay movers and no real home (it technically belonged to her daughter) and who had put in idk call it 3-4 years into a no doubt tough and difficult relationship with FD once he was cut off from the Faber financial gravy train etc. MT imo should have been a ball of anger and outrage imo against FD and yet we never saw it. How come?

IIRC MT allegedly made a call/s to Greece to profess her 'love for FD' even after he had moved on to Anna Curry aka "Moneybags". Was MT not concerned about Anna Curry because she knew that FD was 'doing it' simply for the money? Sometimes I wonder....I'm laughing as I type this as MT is no doubt sweating her *advertiser censored* off in York with limited AC and creature comforts and now for 5 years we have all watched her not really speak out much against FD. WHY? She did everything and more imo that he asked of her and then he turned on her and dumped her to the curb for someone that could pay his bills in return for sex. Did FD give money to his sister or the imo corrupt Andreas and they paid for MT legal bills or are they keeping some nest egg for when she calls the taxi to leave York?

Even in the LE interviews her comments against FD were mild and iirc were along the lines of "I shouldn't have trusted him" etc. There was no passion or real anger from MT against FD and so I do wonder if in some way us 'healthy' people cannot simply understand, that these two 'unhealthy' imo people did have some kind of folie a deux going that is never going to be understood. Again, WHY? MT seemed unmoved by the quick move in of Anna Curry to 4JX and seeing FD simply behaving like a male version of a prostitute it seemed, simply for the money to keep his faux lifestyle going for a period of time until he decided to commit suicide.

So many questions as to MT behavior over a long period of time and given her reflexive action to lie about everything, I don't think we shall ever know and even if she does speak it won't carry much weight because she simply has zero credibility and any secondary sources around her to corroborate her statements probably has the same level of credibility imo. Its just lies on top of lies across all the participants in this tragic crime imo. Even if KM speaks (I don't think he ever will), the reality is that he too is so damaged by prior acts that I'm not sure he could be believed either.

She waited until the bus left the station, AND until he was dead anyway, to throw Fotis under the bus.

She had so much negotiating power and could have had a much easier punishment. I imagine Bowman was so frustrated.

Well, when people apply for Medicaid or SNAP, it can become obvious they were found eligible if seen using the benefit, bit it doesn't mean the actual information given to the State to demonstrate eligibility would be public. So maybe it's like that.

She is a convicted felon, living in prison, living off the tax dollars of the citizens of the state, asking for the citizens to pay for an appeal - I think that is different than a HIPPA violation but maybe I'm wrong. I think the documents should be open to the public period. MOO JMOO
So true. So many damn coincidences....Odd that? Not really. Liars simply lie and then lie again imo. Narcs will say and do whatever it takes to get what they want and look at how many times we saw this from both MT and FD....its an endless cycle of lies and reinvention! This case was curious in that we as outsiders saw FD no doubt manipulating MT and yet MT continues to follow orders without question. It was clear that MT knew the plan and understood the orders too which was what really made her a classic co-conspirator imo. She could never claim lack of knowledge imo and I'll never understand why she took this path from virtually day 1. Curious that and I've always wondered why? Being a bit cynical I simply refuse to believe one of the early MT quotes to explain her behaviour in this horrific crime which iirc was, "I loved FD". Yep, single mother without a pot to piss in other than financial support from an illegitimate child whose father she didn't even tell about the existence of said child for nearly 6 years and where the gravy train ended when her daughter reached 18 (tick tock imo too as MT needed money almost as badly as FD as she had no nest egg, no employment and no retirement benefits or even a house to live in!), who at 40 years old was booted out of 4JX and moved via black garbage bags and a rental car assisted by her convicted almost felon mother because she had money to pay movers and no real home (it technically belonged to her daughter) and who had put in idk call it 3-4 years into a no doubt tough and difficult relationship with FD once he was cut off from the Faber financial gravy train etc. MT imo should have been a ball of anger and outrage imo against FD and yet we never saw it. How come?

IIRC MT allegedly made a call/s to Greece to profess her 'love for FD' even after he had moved on to Anna Curry aka "Moneybags". Was MT not concerned about Anna Curry because she knew that FD was 'doing it' simply for the money? Sometimes I wonder....I'm laughing as I type this as MT is no doubt sweating her *advertiser censored* off in York with limited AC and creature comforts and now for 5 years we have all watched her not really speak out much against FD. WHY? She did everything and more imo that he asked of her and then he turned on her and dumped her to the curb for someone that could pay his bills in return for sex. Did FD give money to his sister or the imo corrupt Andreas and they paid for MT legal bills or are they keeping some nest egg for when she calls the taxi to leave York?

Even in the LE interviews her comments against FD were mild and iirc were along the lines of "I shouldn't have trusted him" etc. There was no passion or real anger from MT against FD and so I do wonder if in some way us 'healthy' people cannot simply understand, that these two 'unhealthy' imo people did have some kind of folie a deux going that is never going to be understood. Again, WHY? MT seemed unmoved by the quick move in of Anna Curry to 4JX and seeing FD simply behaving like a male version of a prostitute it seemed, simply for the money to keep his faux lifestyle going for a period of time until he decided to commit suicide.

So many questions as to MT behavior over a long period of time and given her reflexive action to lie about everything, I don't think we shall ever know and even if she does speak it won't carry much weight because she simply has zero credibility and any secondary sources around her to corroborate her statements probably has the same level of credibility imo. Its just lies on top of lies across all the participants in this tragic crime imo. Even if KM speaks (I don't think he ever will), the reality is that he too is so damaged by prior acts that I'm not sure he could be believed either.

Why indeed...

They were under a no contact order iirc.... though they did....

Perhaps the Lothario was still crooning to MT about how much he loved her, how faithful to her remained (lie!), that AC was 'just a friend' ... and Michi thought she still had a meal ticket.

Is there a payout somewhere, that she's holding out for?

She is a convicted felon, living in prison, living off the tax dollars of the citizens of the state, asking for the citizens to pay for an appeal - I think that is different than a HIPPA violation but maybe I'm wrong. I think the documents should be open to the public period. MOO JMOO
She's in effect a ward of the State. And We, the People are the State... so we, the taxpayers should get to see how our money is spent. And if she says she's broke, we should get to see the paperwork ... going back to at least the date of the crime to ensure there was no hide-and-seek with assets.

I smell a smelly rat, because the day she's released, she's going to be immediately not-indigent, and all the nuts she squirreled away will magically reappear. That's not right, that's not the spirit of the law, and it's tantamount to theft. From all of us.

She's in effect a ward of the State. And We, the People are the State... so we, the taxpayers should get to see how our money is spent. And if she says she's broke, we should get to see the paperwork ... going back to at least the date of the crime to ensure there was no hide-and-seek with assets.

I smell a smelly rat, because the day she's released, she's going to be immediately not-indigent, and all the nuts she squirreled away will magically reappear. That's not right, that's not the spirit of the law, and it's tantamount to theft. From all of us.

100 percent my thoughts. Hiding the documents create doubt. Why do that when you can be transparent and eliminate all doubt. Checks and balances work for me. MOO

And MOO she should have to surrender any privacy rights if she is asking for public taxpayer money.
Why indeed...

They were under a no contact order iirc.... though they did....

Perhaps the Lothario was still crooning to MT about how much he loved her, how faithful to her remained (lie!), that AC was 'just a friend' ... and Michi thought she still had a meal ticket.

Is there a payout somewhere, that she's holding out for?

If I recall correctly, Pattis was using the media to communicate to her for Fotis, it appeared, conveying Fotis' love, etc.

Bowman must have like, "Dude, you are in a stronger position without him than with him!" She seemed heck-bent on sticking with Fotis all the way through her conviction.

Michelle made her own choices. It's the decisions to murder and then not help LE find Jennifer that irk me most.

If she had had some hidden payout coming, which is pure speculation, I would speculate that the grifters who were supposed to hold it for her "lost" it the minute they didn't need Michelle any more. Which was well before her trial.

So true. So many damn coincidences....Odd that? Not really. Liars simply lie and then lie again imo. Narcs will say and do whatever it takes to get what they want and look at how many times we saw this from both MT and FD....its an endless cycle of lies and reinvention! This case was curious in that we as outsiders saw FD no doubt manipulating MT and yet MT continues to follow orders without question. It was clear that MT knew the plan and understood the orders too which was what really made her a classic co-conspirator imo. She could never claim lack of knowledge imo and I'll never understand why she took this path from virtually day 1. Curious that and I've always wondered why? Being a bit cynical I simply refuse to believe one of the early MT quotes to explain her behaviour in this horrific crime which iirc was, "I loved FD". Yep, single mother without a pot to piss in other than financial support from an illegitimate child whose father she didn't even tell about the existence of said child for nearly 6 years and where the gravy train ended when her daughter reached 18 (tick tock imo too as MT needed money almost as badly as FD as she had no nest egg, no employment and no retirement benefits or even a house to live in!), who at 40 years old was booted out of 4JX and moved via black garbage bags and a rental car assisted by her convicted almost felon mother because she had money to pay movers and no real home (it technically belonged to her daughter) and who had put in idk call it 3-4 years into a no doubt tough and difficult relationship with FD once he was cut off from the Faber financial gravy train etc. MT imo should have been a ball of anger and outrage imo against FD and yet we never saw it. How come?

IIRC MT allegedly made a call/s to Greece to profess her 'love for FD' even after he had moved on to Anna Curry aka "Moneybags". Was MT not concerned about Anna Curry because she knew that FD was 'doing it' simply for the money? Sometimes I wonder....I'm laughing as I type this as MT is no doubt sweating her *advertiser censored* off in York with limited AC and creature comforts and now for 5 years we have all watched her not really speak out much against FD. WHY? She did everything and more imo that he asked of her and then he turned on her and dumped her to the curb for someone that could pay his bills in return for sex. Did FD give money to his sister or the imo corrupt Andreas and they paid for MT legal bills or are they keeping some nest egg for when she calls the taxi to leave York?

Even in the LE interviews her comments against FD were mild and iirc were along the lines of "I shouldn't have trusted him" etc. There was no passion or real anger from MT against FD and so I do wonder if in some way us 'healthy' people cannot simply understand, that these two 'unhealthy' imo people did have some kind of folie a deux going that is never going to be understood. Again, WHY? MT seemed unmoved by the quick move in of Anna Curry to 4JX and seeing FD simply behaving like a male version of a prostitute it seemed, simply for the money to keep his faux lifestyle going for a period of time until he decided to commit suicide.

So many questions as to MT behavior over a long period of time and given her reflexive action to lie about everything, I don't think we shall ever know and even if she does speak it won't carry much weight because she simply has zero credibility and any secondary sources around her to corroborate her statements probably has the same level of credibility imo. Its just lies on top of lies across all the participants in this tragic crime imo. Even if KM speaks (I don't think he ever will), the reality is that he too is so damaged by prior acts that I'm not sure he could be believed either.

Thanks BJarv! And yes……. and there is some further consolation perhaps in this?

As a convicted felon, IIUC one part of a parole consideration is I believe acknowledging past bad acts and taking responsibility for such and their conviction for their role in the murder / conspiracy.

So if this convicted felon’s appeal efforts are not successful, and refuses to accept the responsibility - then that position would thwart or virtually make nil any prospects for parole? So there is that perspective…… which maybe one day in the future might become a factor? IANAL. MOO

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