GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #71

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Where is our colleague @BJarv …… ?…. as some would say, CT jurisprudence never ceases to amaze. SMH at this latest.

IANAL but IIUC seems this was nothing but another continuance for the convicted felon? And it seems to reconfirm that the CT judicial system and investigators have IMO done little to investigate or prosecute the case of contempt. Contempt for what all observed that day in Judge Kevin Randolph’s court. And for which there was abundance of recorded video shown at that time. And there seems to have been little or no investigation into attorneys JS or AF or their potential involvement in this either? Seems this latest ‘hearing’ was nothing but a thinly veiled opportunity for the convicted felon to ‘plead’ her case publicly. Color me appalled and disgusted but not surprised. MOO
Where is our colleague @BJarv …… ?…. as some would say, CT jurisprudence never ceases to amaze. SMH at this latest.

IANAL but IIUC seems this was nothing but another continuance for the convicted felon? And it seems to reconfirm that the CT judicial system and investigators have IMO done little to investigate or prosecute the case of contempt. Contempt for what all observed that day in Judge Kevin Randolph’s court. And for which there was abundance of recorded video shown at that time. And there seems to have been little or no investigation into attorneys JS or AF or their potential involvement in this either? Seems this latest ‘hearing’ was nothing but a thinly veiled opportunity for the convicted felon to ‘plead’ her case publicly. Color me appalled and disgusted but not surprised. MOO
As well as reference the sealed document and outline some of what it contained. Egregious.

How is the State supposes to answer, or a judge, without themselves violating the seal?

Nervy move IMO.

Nervy, not surprising. Sigh.

As well as reference the sealed document and outline some of what it contained. Egregious.

How is the State supposes to answer, or a judge, without themselves violating the seal?

Nervy move IMO.

Nervy, not surprising. Sigh.


“Stamford Advocate”:
Without delving into specifics, the prosecutor referred to motions Frost filed in July asking for more particulars on the contempt charge, as well as a request filed by the defense attorney to subpoena a Massachusetts videographer who operated a camera in the courtroom during the trial.

In filings, Frost has asked a judge to order prosecutors to spell out the charges more precisely, and said he wants to ask the cameraman whether he meant to show Troconis' laptop screen on purpose.

I’m very confused why it’s relevant whether the cameraman meant to show the laptop on purpose? IMO, it’s what she displayed in large font on her screen in court regardless if there was a cameraman filming or not.
And didn't Rose testify at MT's trial?

Personally, I don't think it helped this case that this corruption between the GAL's and Psychologists Ordered to produce reports for family law was running rampant in CT and more than JD was being impacted. There are many stories and citations detailing this. JMO
@Seattle1, YES he did testify and imo BOTH he and GAL Meehan stretched the truth about as far as it can be stretched but both imo didn't tell the 'whole truth and nothing but the truth'. Their testimony was a farce too as Mini Horn really was pushing them both VERY hard to release info about the discredited report and iirc this is when the otherwise stoic Judge Randolph got quite agitated and accused Mini Horn aka person whose name I can never recall of 'crossing a double yellow line'! One of the best callouts imo by the Judge with a great visual too. FWIW Mini Horn didn't care about the reprimand and just continued to do the same thing over and over. It was shameful and shameless imo and an absolutely disgusting display of not following court procedures and listening to the Judge.
TROCONIS UPDATE: Michelle Troconis appeared briefly in court for her contempt case. Assistant State’s Attorney Liz Moran said both sides and Judge Hernandez had a conference this morning. She said no offer was put on the record but they are working towards a resolution.

The big news today is Troconis filed a habeas petition for her release, claiming her constitutional rights were violated in the Jennifer Dulos murder case. I’m working on getting the petition and will post it when I do.

Next court date is Nov. 13 at 2pm.

This is absolutely absurd.

We could line up a classroom of 30 2nd graders (who never agree on anything imo) and they could adjudicate this contempt case in 5 min WITH NO DISPUTE! 2nd graders are brilliant at cutting through BS and my guess is one of the more alert ones would ask "whose arm is that tapping the lady on the shoulder to shut her computer"? They would then ask Judge Hernandez, "Why aren't you charging the Lady that tapped the bad lady on the shoulder to tell her to close her computer?" 2nd graders would get this resolved PRONTO.

Judge Hernandez supposed to be a no BS kinda of Judge and so to see this absolute waste of judicial time and resources spent on something where the facts of the matter aren't even in dispute based on the video evidence is beyond my comprehension. I feel like we have all just been beamed to Mars and back on this stupidity.

What is Atty Moran doing???? Where is her supervisor who so far as I am aware is either Atty Manning or Mannings supervisors who is the guy that spends all his time hiding from the Press or hiding under his desk in Stamford? Ridiculous waste of time when the courts are clogged and KM STILL doesn't have a court date assigned.

What is going on????

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TROCONIS UPDATE: Michelle Troconis appeared briefly in court for her contempt case. Assistant State’s Attorney Liz Moran said both sides and Judge Hernandez had a conference this morning. She said no offer was put on the record but they are working towards a resolution.

The big news today is Troconis filed a habeas petition for her release, claiming her constitutional rights were violated in the Jennifer Dulos murder case. I’m working on getting the petition and will post it when I do.

Next court date is Nov. 13 at 2pm.

I'm holding COVID responsible for double posts! Sorry. Must be big news happening someplace else on WS.
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I saw in the news repost that Petu is back on the scene and part of the Troconis crew after not being there to speak at sentencing (was her price too high?). Gotta love how today in Court we were treated the blind leading the deaf and the really dumb! They continue to believe in an 'innocent' Duchess of York! Love it and they should DM me as I have a bridge in London I'd love to sell them after I'm finished with this wretched COVID.

Sorry but I'm quite cranky due to COVID and so have zero patience today for the entitlement of the likes of the Duchess of York and her court of village idiots led by Mama T and Petu. Simply over them and their comments to reinvent history.

Contempt case not even in discovery it seems and 'close to a resolution'? Only in Corrupticut can you commit a crime on video and nothing happens. Shameful.

I do think Mama T picked the wrong attorney to go after with Atty Bowman. Big mistake imo. She is also taking on Colangelo (also a mistake even though he was wounded by his dismissal but he landed on his feet via the political patronage system of Corrupticut imo). I'm sure she had to dig deep to find an attorney in CT to do this silly case. Will have to research who the latest attorney might be as I'm sure it will be an interesting topic to research.

Surprised though that Mama T didn't go after Horn rather than Bowman as imo he could serve as the definition of 'ineffective counsel' if you looked it up in the law dictionary! Can you imagine looking at the definition and seeing his grizzley mug? YIKES!

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Is anybody else 'highly annoyed' that the Duchess of York and her new attorney chose to continue the trend of victim shaming and blaming in their motion? Blame the victim: check, check and double check!

Will we see the Judge take the high ground and seal up the case or issue a gag? I wouldn't waste a penny on seeing this happen although its imo what is necessary and should have happened in ALL the MT cases imo.

What bothers me is that they could have filed under seal if they had confidential information or sensitive information. BUT NO. They just want the Press robots to pick up the deets that I won't even bother repeating here because they are so irrelevant to anything having to do with the Duchess of York making years worth of poor and stupid life choices, including conspiring to murder JFD!

I do wonder if anyone in the States Atty office went to Horn's office and Mini Horns office to get their copies of the discredited report AND did the same for Mama Troconis and the Duchess of York? My guess is not.

“Stamford Advocate”:
Without delving into specifics, the prosecutor referred to motions Frost filed in July asking for more particulars on the contempt charge, as well as a request filed by the defense attorney to subpoena a Massachusetts videographer who operated a camera in the courtroom during the trial.

In filings, Frost has asked a judge to order prosecutors to spell out the charges more precisely, and said he wants to ask the cameraman whether he meant to show Troconis' laptop screen on purpose.

I’m very confused why it’s relevant whether the cameraman meant to show the laptop on purpose? IMO, it’s what she displayed in large font on her screen in court regardless if there was a cameraman filming or not.
There was some kind of agreement in place about how the defense table was to be covered by camera iirc. IIRC Mini Horn was horning loudly about speaking with the person doing the video to make sure they were complying with the rules. This all seems to be going in a very unfortunate direction and actually doing a U-turn from the reality that the report was captured on video. Looks like a 'blame the videographer' defense rather than just taking a simple plea.

It is kinda funny in a way and totally on brand for the Duchess of York in that its all well and good to break the law repeatedly so long as you aren't captured on camera! Cameras are not the friend of the Duchess of York as the Albany cameras did her in as did the neighbors surveillance cameras.

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Any attorneys out there have any guidance about how a case against an attorney such as what the Duchess of York is doing with her latest filing plays out in practice?

Will the Duchess and Mama T have to waive privilege with Bowman in order to allow him to defend himself? I have no clue either how Colangelo will play into this all but what is interesting is that so much of the interaction was on video so I am curious if more video exists that hasn't been seen yet? My immediate thought with this silly filing was to think of poor retired/semi retired Det. Kimball and the rest of the CSP that will no doubt be dragged into the cesspit of this entire situation too.

I was pleased though to see Atty Bowman say clearly and quickly that there was no merit to anything in the filing made by the Duchess and her attorney. Looks like its 'game on' and I simply cannot wait to learn at what point Atty Bowman knew that the Duchess was up in the murder to her eyeballs and also at what point he ditched her for lying or how their whole relationship unraveled? Can you imagine seeking a deal for a client who lies about lies and then realizing they lied about all the things and not only did the lie but they did over the period of months in 3 separate interviews? Has to be the worst for an attorney. Also curious about Mama T awareness of the Duchess lies and the associated timeline? Mama T no doubt had a lifetime of Duchess lies and couldn't have believed her sorry daughter for a second. All this testimony from Mama T and the Duchess will also unravel their years of lies on social edia. IIRC Mama T told the Duchess not to speak to police AND YET Michelle disregarded Mama T and spoke. These are some of the conversations that me being the inquisitive/nosy person that I am would LOVE to listen to a deposition about! We could have a field day doing questions for a deposition of Mama T and the Duchess! Maybe there will even be a release of the MT cellphone records too as she and her family no doubt sought to discuss these issues amongst themselves! Will be delightful to see the Troconis family groupchat put on blast for public consumption.

I think Mama T and the Duchess simply want to go down in FLAMEs but I also wonder if the pathological lying of MT along with her sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies could be another defense angle here? Will we see a psych report done on the Duchess explaining that she is a pathological liar and incapable of understanding right from wrong or even knowing what is true or false? Oh the irony of yet another psych report! Perhaps they can even dig Dr Herman up from the grave and have him do an encore performance! Simply a farce!

Any attorneys out there have any guidance about how a case against an attorney such as what the Duchess of York is doing with her latest filing plays out in practice?

Will the Duchess and Mama T have to waive privilege with Bowman in order to allow him to defend himself? I have no clue either how Colangelo will play into this all but what is interesting is that so much of the interaction was on video so I am curious if more video exists that hasn't been seen yet? My immediate thought with this silly filing was to think of poor retired/semi retired Det. Kimball and the rest of the CSP that will no doubt be dragged into the cesspit of this entire situation too.

I was pleased though to see Atty Bowman say clearly and quickly that there was no merit to anything in the filing made by the Duchess and her attorney. Looks like its 'game on' and I simply cannot wait to learn at what point Atty Bowman knew that the Duchess was up in the murder to her eyeballs and also at what point he ditched her for lying or how their whole relationship unraveled? Can you imagine seeking a deal for a client who lies about lies and then realizing they lied about all the things and not only did the lie but they did over the period of months in 3 separate interviews? Has to be the worst for an attorney. Also curious about Mama T awareness of the Duchess lies and the associated timeline? Mama T no doubt had a lifetime of Duchess lies and couldn't have believed her sorry daughter for a second. All this testimony from Mama T and the Duchess will also unravel their years of lies on social edia. IIRC Mama T told the Duchess not to speak to police AND YET Michelle disregarded Mama T and spoke. These are some of the conversations that me being the inquisitive/nosy person that I am would LOVE to listen to a deposition about! We could have a field day doing questions for a deposition of Mama T and the Duchess! Maybe there will even be a release of the MT cellphone records too as she and her family no doubt sought to discuss these issues amongst themselves! Will be delightful to see the Troconis family groupchat put on blast for public consumption.

I think Mama T and the Duchess simply want to go down in FLAMEs but I also wonder if the pathological lying of MT along with her sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies could be another defense angle here? Will we see a psych report done on the Duchess explaining that she is a pathological liar and incapable of understanding right from wrong or even knowing what is true or false? Oh the irony of yet another psych report! Perhaps they can even dig Dr Herman up from the grave and have him do an encore performance! Simply a farce!

Mama T taught her how to lie. Remember her little problem with the Medicaid fraud?
Marisa Alter posted the MT filing document in her Court update article for those that want to read them:

Michelle Troconis files petition for release, claims constitutional violations; contempt case continued
Para. 46 --"...Petitioner was provided with extensive information from Fotis, his lawyers, professionals involved as experts in the Dulos divorce litigation, some of which cast Jennifer in a negative light...
Para 47--"...including (A) about a court ordered psychiatric evaluation of Jennifer..."

Okay--State's Atty's office, get on that discovery-- Identity of so-called "professionals involved as experts"; affidavit of MT as to who gave her info. If Meehan or Fotis' lawyers, were they referred to the bar for violating state law for breaching confidentiality of JFD's medical info, in violation of not only court order, but also CT statutes? Since when does a litigant's girlfriend have standing to receive this info?

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