Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #10 *ARRESTS*

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The fact that now FD's representaive NP is still going after JD's reputation so vehemently makes me think FD is still simmering
and vindictive and raging mad. Apparently the violent actions
towards his missing wife did nothing to assuage his brain.
Everyone around this guy needs to watch their back cause he is
indeed dangerous, imo.
Of course he's simmering mad, JD won again. He thought by getting her out of the picture he could win, but now he's in an even worse position than before.
Would that extradition treaty require the children be returned to the US or just the accused?
I seem to recall a Dateline episode where a greek father kidnapped his child (against a custody agreement) and took her to greece and the mom could not get her back without kidnapping her? I will see what I can find out about extradition as I have thought since the beginning the plan was to get everyone out of the country before she was known to be missing - his business was winding down (court documents indicate no cash flow reported by him for 2019) what better time? JMO
ETA: link from international law attorney
Criminal Prosecution and International Child Abduction | The Law Office of Jeremy D. Morley

I have only skimmed this. But money can hide people for quite awhile IMO. He only needed to get them out. I hope he had some plans on the computer they seized. JMO
Would that extradition treaty require the children be returned to the US or just the accused?
I assume this is a rhetorical question as extradition treaties usually only cover criminally charged people. I think there are other international treaties that govern child custody which might come into play if FD was extradited from Greece to the U.S.
I’ve been searching for an hour now for the article to post without success but I’m positive that I read it and I made a mental note of it.
It could have been early on when his FB was open - maybe he had a pilot friend? Also, from the divorce filing something was mentioned about his revenge fantasies and him wanting to drop a brick from a plane on a client? - I read that as well. Because then I thought - oh, is he a pilot? I think we searched the FAA for pilot's licenses then. Maybe thread 1 or 2?
ETA: revenge fantasy
Estranged Husband, Girlfriend Charged in Case of Missing Woman
For example, flying a plane over an ex-client’s home and dropping a brick on his house. I fear for my family’s safety and I believe him to be highly capable and vengeful enough to take the children and disappear.”
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It could have been early on when his FB was open - maybe he had a pilot friend? Also, from the divorce filing something was mentioned about him dropping a brick from a plane on a client? - I read that as well. Because then I thought - oh, is he a pilot? I think we searched the FAA for pilot's licenses then. Maybe thread 1 or 2?
FD did have a long expired Beginner's Pilot License. I've never seen anything about a pilot friend.
It could have been early on when his FB was open - maybe he had a pilot friend? Also, from the divorce filing something was mentioned about him dropping a brick from a plane on a client? - I read that as well. Because then I thought - oh, is he a pilot? I think we searched the FAA for pilot's licenses then. Maybe thread 1 or 2?
OMG! Fotis is smirking!

A-L-I-B-I! Fotis ain’t got no Alibi! He’s sunk!

Since we know LE requested video surveillance footage from May 22nd on its entirely possible that FD drove to New Canaan on the late evening hours of the 23rd or very early morning hours of the 24th. Meaning he was there well in advance of the 6-8 am commute on routes going into NC from Farmington. We know that there are somewhere between 3 and 4 1/2 hours of time FD and his attorney can’t account for. Not without the intrepid damsel under duress, MT. That gives FD roughly an hour 1/2 to 3 hours in NC before making the trip back to Farmington. And honestly possibly more time than that. We simply don’t have any credible information regarding FDs movements as it pertains to JDs disappearance/murder. I would love to hear the explanation for how FD and MT came into the possession of those trashbags with JDs blood on items in them and the adhesive altered license plates? But no matter because...

A-L-I-B-I! Fotis ain’t got no alibi!

I also worry about these children. They're all too young and
immature to be able to learn how to overcome Loss. And they're
going to have "emotional Pain" for this loss for the rest of their lives.
Young people suffering unimaginable loss and the subsequent
mental pain and with no or few coping skills will often turn to
methods that cover up the pain. This is where drugs and suicide
come in. simply trying to lessen the pain.

Jayme Closs’s advocate on her behalf read in court during victim impact statements presentencing of her parents’ murderer and her serial rapist, captor, and violent abuse such a strong table turning well curated emporing statement. The frame of who is a loser ultimately who is powerless ultimately and who re/gains control of this story the Farbers through their attorney and through their family spokesperson have already done such an excellent and masterful job on.

I hope that the missing and spinning and slander part of this narrative from the FD/MT camp ends soon and that Jennifer’s kids and family get whatever help and support they need to carry with them always Jennifer’s character, memory, and advocacy so they can grow up into happy, healthy, strong adults free of FD and MT’s toxic contaminated sick gaslighting. That they refuse to be defined or controlled by the ugliness and brutality of him and they erase his nothingness from the book of her lives and write their own stories and lives, free of the noose and fear and even the dust of him. He deserves worse than the worst anyone would be able to deliver. We should turn our backs to him and silence him, get his name out of the papers and off the air — him and his enablers. FD will never accept responsibility or recognize and attempt to account or atone for anything. He is kin to humanity and those children in the same way a manikin is. No facsimile of a conscience even.

I hope FD’s sister spills her guts about him, corroborates how much she felt confused and betrayed when she learned FD had KD cremated when KD had always made it clear that she wanted to be buried next to her husband, how Re never got to say good bye and about how FD forbid her from speaking to the nanny or talking alone with Jennifer, about how her mother seemed scared every time Re tried to talk to her after FD & Re’s dad died and FD took control of all KD’s assets and financials. About how FD had always been shady and abusive and controlling and violent. About how many affairs FD had, about where his money was hidden, about all FD’s mafia ties in Greece, about how he asked Re a couple years ago if she knew anyone in the U.S. who could do a hit; about how impatient FD was becoming with the divorce dragging out and how much he wanted to dice JD and dump her in the ocean somewhere for the sharks to eat so she’d never be found; about what a pain she was and how she’d never agree to ship the kids off to boarding school in Greece or Switzerland or New Hampshire or anywhere so they’d be able to jet set and party more. About how FD got fired from every job he had, cheated his way through school, terrified wife 1, disappeared his HS gf, and how he just never worked or played well with others and how Re had to exit FORE Group bc he was always getting her wrapped up in something shady and she started to be afraid to him bc he’d explode at her and threaten her if she ever said no to him.

I know it’s all famtasy on my part now, but would this be helpful for the investigation and prosecution of this guy if Re literally and figurateky knew where the bodies were burned or buried and had all the dirt on FD and knew about how to get in touch with the nanny from 2010 and about how terrified that nanny (and KD) was of him. How KD had just the week before asked Re to buy KD plane tickets and come get her and bring her back to Greece. That KD did not feel safe in that house around FD and how KD wanted to move back home to be near Re?

sorry to scare you - For example, flying a plane over an ex-client’s home and dropping a brick on his house. I fear for my family’s safety and I believe him to be highly capable and vengeful enough to take the children and disappear.”
I mean, at least I can say he's fairly creative in the revenge scheme. Not something I would have thought of. :confused:
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