Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #12 *ARRESTS*

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Hmmm. There was this time when my daughter’s phone was doing this weird thing where if we called it, it wouldn’t go through or go to voicemail but other people not on our account could call it. On top of that, she was going through a GB of data a day even when she was at work in a place where no phones are allowed. Verizon kept saying it was her apps even when the phone was off and being returned to them. Finally, a tech person asked why her calls were being forwarded to a NY number. We had no idea as she didn’t know anyone with that number, etc. It turned out that someone had hacked our Verizon account and, without having the phone, had gone into the account to forward calls to her number to this NY one. Whoever it was, was playing online games and using lots of data with her number. Very odd. It was easy to do in retrospect if you could get into the online account. I have no idea if this could relate to FD.

I do know you can have a phone number through Google Voice. I don’t know how it works except that it’s like a phone number for you that’s not really your own “real” phone number. Professors sometimes use these if they don’t want to give their cell numbers to all their students. People selling items use these, too, and, sure, I’m sure that some people with nefarious aims do. And wait...FD must know something about tech as he set up GF’s Facebook.
Yes a google number can be used to communicate - but if someone is monitoring the call history those numbers can be blocked too once discovered IMO
In her blog JD spoke of going to Greece so suspect that she knew the family/extended family a bit.

FD sister spoke in her letter today about how she was in email communication with JD up until 6 months ago when atty had her stop (did anyone else think it was odd that her atty would say this to her? this got me spinning on whether she had more involvement with FORE Group than just the architectural consulting work). To me this was a strange piece of info to insert into this particular letter.

FD sister also mentioned attending JD/FD wedding in NY.

Got that. I was referring to MT.
Agree with you.
Ex-employee was very much aware he was set up to take the fall. It
was mentioned in an article early on. Which is why he immediately had to lawyer up to protect himself. Poor guy.

Somewhere I read that MT gave up the info on Red Truck and Ex-Employee, which is also when LE started putting FD's travels
together. If true, then she really did assist LE.
Anyone else see this about MT?

IMO the system fails us that EE needs to pay for an attorney. im never a fan of the handouts and not paying for what you want in life, but this guy making 20/hr got thrown into the fire
IMO the system fails us that EE needs to pay for an attorney. im never a fan of the handouts and not paying for what you want in life, but this guy making 20/hr got thrown into the fire
Absolutely Agree.
Once this investigation is over and in the court system, I think we'll see dozens and dozens of good people who were tainted
in some way by FD's antics. Think of the numbers we know about now. Multiple dozens.
this snake has bitten too many people, it's a shame people didn't realize he was a snake before they got involved.
I'm gonna go with some kind of financial/Federal charges being looked into??

When you see how much is going on with his weaselly dealings that you guys have found, seems there's plenty to put him away for at least a few years. While he's in there, they build the air tight murder case so he'll be away for the rest of his worthless life. All just my opinion, of course.
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Are certain introductory statements generally typical of a translation of the Greek language into English? "Is it relevant" reminds me so much style wise of the "I would like to mention" disclaimer in FD's police statement with regard to his mother's accident.
Maybe a poor attempt in ancient Greek theory/philosophy/mythology?
I could almost see one raised bent forearm reaching out from under the wrapped-over side of a Toga (wait that’s Roman...) while reading
“Is it relevant”
I’d like for Jerry Lundergard a/k/a William H. Macy or Michael Sottile to play Faux Dulos.

For Norm Pattis, I was thinking Joe Pesche or Steve Buscemi.

There are a lot of sleazy actors who could play him like Eric Roberts, John Malkovich, Gary Cole, Christopher Walken, James Woods, Dennis Hopper, David Spade, William Macy, James Spader; not sure if they are all still active, Quaid is not. The lawyers in "The Pelican Brief" set a pretty nasty bar for intimidation (White & Blazevich). As for Fotis, that would not be too hard, someone with a thick foreign accent.
So.... what happened to the Fore Group's lucrative business between 2015 (when at least a few people with 'credentials' worked there) and 2019 (when FD is the sole employee of his own company)?

Ummm, since 2015 he 'escalated' in his little world of deceit and treachery, and turned out to be a psychotic mess of a business owner, partner, husband, father, son-in-law, etc., and JD had to file for divorce two years later in 2017 just after her dad died, who she was close to and had funded FD over $13mil over the 15+ years of his daughter's marriage to him to build these great places to live in CT. Then the next two years of what sounds like terrible trouble when JD tried to divorce him and protect the children and do as much 'distancing' from him as she could.

These sociopathic con artists do escalate when they feel they have gotten what they came for. They are now restless and whatever wonderful things have been provided like love, children and even money, they are still not satisfied. They need more, more, more. They are never satisfied and they get high from the deceit. Unfortunately, I could write a book.
Ok, so FD wasn’t the greatest businessperson or builder, and he was a sleazy aggressive @#& on top. But the real thing that hit Fore Group the hardest was the terrible real estate market in CT between 2012-now. Between 2012-2017 CT had the slowest housing market in the country and the biggest problem is at the highest end. High earners continue to leave the state in droves. His whole model didn’t work, and is only getting worse. For those who live in CT and are in this demographic, I know you get what I’m saying. For others a quick google can confirm that this is what likely hit Fore the hardest, and FDs poor management, playboy lifestyle, and abusive personality just made it all the worse.
just trying something different to see if we all like it. Here is a list of facts and some interesting findings.

FD cell phone pings back and forth between his home and property he built few miles away on 5/24 between 2-5
Not sure if factual, but good indication FD walked home around 4:30 from his property to his home (possibly to leave red truck)
FD and MT were seen the night 5/24 in hartford dumping bags containing items used in JDs cleanup
FD let his EE us the black ford raptor on 5/24 am, and obviously got it back around 5pm that evening
5/25 (saturday the following day) FD cooperates and goes to NC to meet with police. Gives them his cell phone.
JD cars is found in wav park area shortly after missing person alert.
Blood of FD is found on kitchen faucet.

Interesting Findings
The ring MT wears. Sign they are still together?
FD sweeping with that one black vinyl glove after release. Hide the black and blue finger?
The banging noise early am the day after disappearance at NC home FD owns. Random?
JD very punctual. Her first appt in city was 11. She would need to leave NC at 9:30. Being it was a few doc appt more than likely she would shower and prepare for a day/night in the city. Hard to believe she went for a jog that am.
IF as stated, a neighbors camera caught FD getting his mail that evening after hartford, then you have to assume LE has video of that am as well (unless it was only a 24 hr loop and they got it too late.)
IF EE with raptor was at the NC property most of the day on 5/24, does it make sense FD brings body there?
They spent an extreme amount of time at the waste plant. you have to assume thats where they think she wound up.
The altered plates. You have to assume these were used. If they were never used, he wasnt looking to do spring cleanup that night in hartford. the only logical thing i come up with is they were used on red truck.

please add and ill keep an ongoing list if everyone likes it.
I'm gonna go with some kind of financial/Federal charges being looked into??

When you see how much is going on with his weaselly dealings that you guys have found, seems there's plenty to put him away for at least a few years. While he's in there, they build the air tight murder case so he'll be away for the rest of his worthless life. All just my opinion, of course.

I agree with this. I think there is more being investigated besides just JD’s murder, and FD’s role in it. The financial aspect is likely his motive, and I think they want to fully explore this before they arrest FD. I’m willing to be patient so the authorities can put everything together before he is arrested and charged.
Also, how did he think the blood evidence would go unnoticed? Really? I know he wanted her to be seen as merely missing, not murdered, but the way he did things reeks of murder done by a person known to the victim. I hate having to think like a killer, but smarter to have left her there and destroyed any DNA evidence bleach, fire, etc. IMO.
It’s possible that he thought it was cleaned up beyond recognition. When they say “spatter” that can be very small trace amounts not immediately apparent. They can use a chemical called luminol that reacts with the iron in blood to emit light, which will show up blood in crime scenes that aren’t visible to the naked eye. He seems like a guy who feels he can get away with anything, and he’d set up for a different story of an abduction, so I don’t think it was like he left a huge mess behind. Although things may not have gone as smoothly as he’d planned...
Ok, so FD wasn’t the greatest businessperson or builder, and he was a sleazy aggressive @#& on top. But the real thing that hit Fore Group the hardest was the terrible real estate market in CT between 2012-now. Between 2012-2017 CT had the slowest housing market in the country and the biggest problem is at the highest end. High earners continue to leave the state in droves. His whole model didn’t work, and is only getting worse. For those who live in CT and are in this demographic, I know you get what I’m saying. For others a quick google can confirm that this is what likely hit Fore the hardest, and FDs poor management, playboy lifestyle, and abusive personality just made it all the worse.[/QUOTE]
yes and yes...
What I've observed over the years is that successful builders
are able to weather the storms and they are flexible and learn to
adjust their market based on the overall market. If the market is
poor in high end, they go down a couple wrungs and build in
whatever price range is selling. that's just the nature of the
real estate game. He may not have been in the business long enough to have understood this trend of up and down market.

He could have saved his business, IMO. fire sale the large
white elephants he was sitting on, re-invest the money in the
market that is moving and continues to build where there
are more buyers in the lower price ranges.

But he was hard headed and obstinate and he got greedy.
the Peter Principle came to visit FD IMO.
I agree with this. I think there is more being investigated besides just JD’s murder, and FD’s role in it. The financial aspect is likely his motive, and I think they want to fully explore this before they arrest FD. I’m willing to be patient so the authorities can put everything together before he is arrested and charged.
Majorly agree with money being huge, huge motive. Arrogant big I Am’s
Feel deflated and can’t run their schemes without large amounts of it.
The GF lawsuit was a straw for sure. Then put all the other motive and blood /video / girlfriend evidence.

All he is is out on bail. He’s going down.

To play him on the screen - put Billy Bob Thornton in a velvet blaze and BAM!
I thought we discovered on thread 2 or 3 MT was born in TN and is a US citizen? I suspect those docs may be for the sister?

Or nanny/nannies

More personal use of corporate (which in many jurisdictions given asset commingling and that FoRe has become just a solo/front/alter ego for FoDu, community property — more motive for FoDu’s book & ball hiding)

If some of those were applications sold to feds as legit skilled or unskilled workers and expensed/deducted from FoRe rolls, but used for household servants and nannies ideally all not English speaking but Greek only so FoDu could control them but JD could not easily communicate with them, this would be a huge fraud and attractive scheme to FD.

It’s possible he was even able to work it so he grifted off both sides of the transaction. He may have billed the domestic staff to Jennifer’s accounts or personal joint accounts, but also pulled/paid the same workers out of corporate accounts as employees, and may have even had the additional plus of some desperate people or families in Greek willing to pay to get themselves or their attractive young ladies out of Greece with the promise of a successful unpaid business internship with a Brown, Harvard, and Columbia grad backed by NYC’s financial giants. FoDu would personally sponsor these people but actually it was FoRe papering it and FD working his three-way magic to cash in on every angle and use the employee not as a corporate intern but as slave labor and a valuable mole to obsessively keep tabs on Jennifer and the kids.

Most 2017 escape if not before, Jennifer likely wised up and put an end to allowing embedded Team FoDu spies with her kids and in her home, but FoDu would never cough up the books, so her legal team and the court never got a look at any accurate financial or legal records of anything FD was up to via FoRe or otherwise.

If FoDu installed spyware or some other backdoor access on GF’s computer when so generously and graciously creating GF’s Facebook account, who knows what else FD did or had done there. I hope GF has turned over all her mobile devices and computers to investigators.

Earlier I misposted about ReDu’s current location based on assumptions drawn from earlier teasers from Team FD and NCN’s pitter patter. The article later posted suggests FD got a somewhat clueless advance team from Greece (i.e. the Back To The Future niece, she of sushi and hoverboard fame) — the closest prop he could get to suggest “how good FD is with kids” as MT’s girl ain’t nowhere near and right now FoDu not allowed to see his kids.

Between The Niece From Greece (in case you missed this Dr. Seuss posthumous), NP’s pitter patter, the infamous glove and blazer, and actual red tape, FoDu ‘s got a *relatively* stable human shield against the press lately that’s playing the press somewhat better than the “Take me back, Tina; Ike didn’t mean it” MT outreach.

<deep breath>

So now that it’s known ReDu is NOT yet back in the USSA, this helps explain the repeated handwringing on NP’s demanding and requesting FoDu’s devices back as well as why the ReDu statement release has been so long in coming.

NP/FD are not yet sure what his alibi witness is supposed to say in terms of the alleged Farmington phone calls — they can’t be sure what FD’s devices will or won’t corroborate — so it was critical that ReDu not tie down or even tease the timeline — just do that non statement about Fauxy is a good guy and the truth as I know it is very far from what MSM and team JD are saying about this great guy if that is relevant or important which I’ll phrase as a hypothetical so as to further commit to nothing actually.

Until FD/NP can see what the state/feds have on computer or phone forensics and/or obtain the return of FoDu’s devices, it’s critical that the defense keeps ReDu as far away from U.S. soil as possible.

The last thing NP/FD want is the sister actually interviewed, deposed, or questioned formally or informally about what she knows of anything, let alone what she knows of FD’s communications the weekend of Memorial Day — in particular May 24th & May 25th.

I don’t think the reason ReDu is still in Greece is about no funds for airfare. If Norm was confident ReDu could back up FD’s alibi, Re’d have already been front and center with the press, turned over her devices, and speaking with police.

It’s doubtful RD will ever make her way back over to Connecticut willingly, so long as the case/s against FoDu and/or MT and FoRe are pending. IMO, she is more risk than plus, pending NP review of computer/cell phone forensics, which for now stay in custody of police.

Ok, so FD wasn’t the greatest businessperson or builder, and he was a sleazy aggressive @#& on top. But the real thing that hit Fore Group the hardest was the terrible real estate market in CT between 2012-now. Between 2012-2017 CT had the slowest housing market in the country and the biggest problem is at the highest end. High earners continue to leave the state in droves. His whole model didn’t work, and is only getting worse. For those who live in CT and are in this demographic, I know you get what I’m saying. For others a quick google can confirm that this is what likely hit Fore the hardest, and FDs poor management, playboy lifestyle, and abusive personality just made it all the worse.
yes and yes...
What I've observed over the years is that successful builders
are able to weather the storms and they are flexible and learn to
adjust their market based on the overall market. If the market is
poor in high end, they go down a couple wrungs and build in
whatever price range is selling. that's just the nature of the
real estate game. He may not have been in the business long enough to have understood this trend of up and down market.

He could have saved his business, IMO. fire sale the large
white elephants he was sitting on, re-invest the money in the
market that is moving and continues to build where there
are more buyers in the lower price ranges.

But he was hard headed and obstinate and he got greedy.
the Peter Principle came to visit FD IMO.[/QUOTE]

And let’s remember, JD left him in 2017 and moved to, New Canaan! Every article about Fore from the 2014-17 period mentions how he wants to get into Fairfield County and/or how Farmington compares to Fairfield County, and as his relationship soured with JD in 2016/early 2017 they were making plans to move to NC together (this was reported in MSM, also the reason they transferred schools to NCCS, application would have had to have been made in Fall 2016).
He clearly had a chip on his shoulder and JDs access to wealth and privilege irked him to no end, yet he was totally dependent on it.
When she up and left and moved into an $18K/month rental in New Canaan on her own, he must have been beside himself with envy and rage. Thus his push to go even higher end when the market was saying no, and I think we’re seeing that now with all the time he’s spending in NC, out eating sushi, etc- finally living the NC life that he aspired to, and that JD always one-upped him on.
Maybe a poor attempt in ancient Greek theory/philosophy/mythology?
I could almost see one raised bent forearm reaching out from under the wrapped-over side of a Toga (wait that’s Roman...) while reading
“Is it relevant”

ITA @Svyt !
I imagine Theatre students everywhere are looking forward to memorizing and reciting this new monologue in UIL oratory competitions across the U.S. Fall 2019.

It’s going to be a tough choice between ReDu’s Ode and AbLi’s Gettysburg Address.
Something's going on w/ our forum. Messages getting on the wrong avatar.
Has FD invaded us?? Shudders.
just trying something different to see if we all like it. Here is a list of facts and some interesting findings.

FD cell phone pings back and forth between his home and property he built few miles away on 5/24 between 2-5
Not sure if factual, but good indication FD walked home around 4:30 from his property to his home (possibly to leave red truck)
FD and MT were seen the night 5/24 in hartford dumping bags containing items used in JDs cleanup
FD let his EE us the black ford raptor on 5/24 am, and obviously got it back around 5pm that evening
5/25 (saturday the following day) FD cooperates and goes to NC to meet with police. Gives them his cell phone.
JD cars is found in wav park area shortly after missing person alert.
Blood of FD is found on kitchen faucet.

Interesting Findings
The ring MT wears. Sign they are still together?
FD sweeping with that one black vinyl glove after release. Hide the black and blue finger?
The banging noise early am the day after disappearance at NC home FD owns. Random?
JD very punctual. Her first appt in city was 11. She would need to leave NC at 9:30. Being it was a few doc appt more than likely she would shower and prepare for a day/night in the city. Hard to believe she went for a jog that am.
IF as stated, a neighbors camera caught FD getting his mail that evening after hartford, then you have to assume LE has video of that am as well (unless it was only a 24 hr loop and they got it too late.)
IF EE with raptor was at the NC property most of the day on 5/24, does it make sense FD brings body there?
They spent an extreme amount of time at the waste plant. you have to assume thats where they think she wound up.
The altered plates. You have to assume these were used. If they were never used, he wasnt looking to do spring cleanup that night in hartford. the only logical thing i come up with is they were used on red truck.

please add and ill keep an ongoing list if everyone likes it.

On the morning of the homicide with a tight timeline between dropping kids off and leaving for the city; someone knew her schedule, did not want any security triggers that would cause JD to alert others what was happening. Welles Lane is a cul de sac with a large turn around, was the perpetrator's vehicle laying in wait on the side of road in the dead end? How did the perpetrator get JD to open the garage as it was no doubt secure? Did they have an unscrambler of codes to get it to rise? How to not draw possible attention from neighbors seeing suspicious vehicles at Welles or hearing screams? I am staying with the accomplice(s) narrative as the whole crime pulled off by one mastermind FD is too much of a stretch.
I'm curious to see how GF's loan lawsuits against FD will proceed now. If financial crimes were committed perhaps this will come out in discovery. Also, if all of his attorneys are withdrawing, who will represent him in these actions? NP?
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