Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #6 *ARRESTS*

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Do we know anything about these "armed guards" ?
Isn't this something FD said and everyone just ran with it? He comes across as extremely manipulative and as someone that will inflate things for his own benefit.

So a security guard or a bodyguard can't be just that... he has to be an "armed guard" as if Gloria Farber (that is JD's mom name iirc?) is royalty and not just a concerned mother looking out for the kids.

It's been reported by several MSM outlets that the family has hired private security and had an armed private security guard at JD's mother's home where the children have been staying. Perhaps it was at some point, but I don't recall that information being attributed to FD.

I'm not sure I understand the point here. What's the difference for a guard to be described as armed versus a security guard or a bodyguard? Security guards and bodyguards tend to be armed. Private security tends to be armed. This is not an unusual thing. Malls and some stores have armed private security. Many office and residential buildings have armed private security. All kinds of private companies have armed private security at their facilities. Amusement parks have armed private security. Big events have armed private security.

And of course, one simple reality is that private security costs money. The Farber family can apparently afford it. Many others can't. But it seems to me most people who have commented on JD's mom's apparent hiring of private security believe it was motivated out of concern over FD or someone connected to him trying to take or harm the kids.
You ask an interesting and I think relevant question. I wish we knew more about how the family spent its free time in happier times. Maybe FD lived in his own world even though he was surrounded by a wife and 5 children? Maybe some Farmington locals can chime in on places to take young children to play? Or, how would a young family spend a free weekend day? Did the family spend the fall weekends watching their kids play soccer or was there time spent learning to swim or skate? Where would you do these things in Farmington area?

We know about the water skiing obsession and the local club that was set up for water skiing. We learned the other night when someone (sorry forgot who) found the tax records and saw an offroad motor cycle. We learned that FD traveled outside the country to participate in watersking events (such as when he was in Italy when his mother was injured and lated died).

Its strange but I wonder how integrated the family unit was and whether FD was just off on his own doing his own thing with any free time while JD took care of the children and seemed to get more and more anxious over time? Wish we knew more about so many things having to do with how the family spent its free time. My guess is that also with having so many children so close together that there wasn't much in the way of free time. I wish we knew the family better.

I'm brand new to this site but have lurked in the past on a few cases.

Aside from what is still accessible from Jennifer's blog, there additional blog posts/articles that she published on Patch in 2012. She infers at some point that when Fotis is around, he throws off her groove with the kids. She mentions him being gone/coming back quite a bit. She barely mentions him, but when she does, it's often about him criticizing her or overreacting to a suggestion (such as whether to get second master bathroom or what to name their last baby). BTW, he said to her that if she named the baby after his mother (yes, the one that was killed in the accident), he would disown the child! IMO, he comes off as an extremely cold and controlling spouse. JMO
It's been reported by several MSM outlets that the family has hired private security and had an armed private security guard at JD's mother's home where the children have been staying. Perhaps it was at some point, but I don't recall that information being attributed to FD.

I'm not sure I understand the point here. What's the difference for a guard to be described as armed versus a security guard or a bodyguard? Security guards and bodyguards tend to be armed. Private security tends to be armed. This is not an unusual thing. Malls and some stores have armed private security. Many office and residential buildings have armed private security. All kinds of private companies have armed private security at their facilities. Amusement parks have armed private security. Big events have armed private security.

And of course, one simple reality is that private security costs money. The Farber family can apparently afford it. Many others can't. But it seems to me most people who have commented on JD's mom's apparent hiring of private security believe it was motivated out of concern over FD or someone connected to him trying to take or harm the kids.

I know two people personally who do armed private security (pretty nice gig, with the perks included), I think people would be surprised if they knew the amount of people who hired armed security to protect them, in some cases you would have no idea they were even there. I also worked in a pretty upscale nightclub during college, quite a few people had "staff" with them at all times. I don't think hiring armed security is that big of a deal, the Farber's I'd assume as they have much more money than anyone I am talking about, probably regularly have armed security, and probably called them and booked them long term. I'd be willing to wager large amounts of money this isn't the first time these security guards have been used. MOO
I just don’t understand, JD had income of 400k, 3 expensive vechiles, private school, Nannie, housekeeper and no home security system/cameras, even though she feared for her life.

It just doesn’t make sense. Not even a $500 Sams Club home system. No door cam.

I'm going to caveat what I'm about to say by making clear that I am making no judgment about or giving any opinion on what JD included in her divorce filing--I have zero personal knowledge of what went on between her and her FD so I really have no basis to make an opinion. I don't even know if what you're saying about no home security or cameras is accurate.

But there is the old adage that actions speak louder than words. Just because someone says they were fearful, doesn't mean they truly, deeply were. Again, not saying that's the case here --obviously, if things turn out as it appears, there was reason for JD to be fearful of FD--but you raise a good question.
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It's been reported by several MSM outlets that the family has hired private security and had an armed private security guard at JD's mother's home where the children have been staying. Perhaps it was at some point, but I don't recall that information being attributed to FD.

I'm not sure I understand the point here. What's the difference for a guard to be described as armed versus a security guard or a bodyguard? Security guards and bodyguards tend to be armed. Private security tends to be armed. This is not an unusual thing. Malls and some stores have armed private security. Many office and residential buildings have armed private security. All kinds of private companies have armed private security at their facilities. Amusement parks have armed private security. Big events have armed private security.

And of course, one simple reality is that private security costs money. The Farber family can apparently afford it. Many others can't. But it seems to me most people who have commented on JD's mom's apparent hiring of private security believe it was motivated out of concern over FD or someone connected to him trying to take or harm the kids.

She may have had it before JD went missing. Scared of what he may have done to her to make her lawsuit go away.
So FD tried to dispose of evidence in a low-income area to make it seem as if he wasn't connected to the crime. Could he have done the same with the body?

Depending on which route he took to get from NC to Farmington, he could've gone through or near Bridgeport, Stratford, New Haven, Hamden, Meriden, Berlin, New Britain, and Waterbury. All low to mid/low- income areas.

He also could've driven through or near Naugatuck State Forest, Mattatuck State Forest the Housatonic River, Quinnipiac River Marsh Area, Easton Reservoir, the Connecticut River, as well as smaller forests and bodies of water. There are so many possibilities as to where JD could be, it's infuriating.
I just don’t understand, JD had income of 400k, 3 expensive vechiles, private school, Nannie, housekeeper and no home security system/cameras, even though she feared for her life.

It just doesn’t make sense. Not even a $500 Sams Club home system. No door cam.
I have had to skip over a few pages over the past few days - can you point me to MSM/LE about no security at the rental house where JD was living? tia
I have had to skip over a few pages over the past few days - can you point me to MSM/LE about no security at the rental house where JD was living? tia

I don't think there is actually something stating that. IMO, I think people were equating MSM not stating that there was security as proof that there wasn't, if that makes sense.
I read this and almost broke down when they mentioned bedtime back rubs. Every night I put my daughter to bed, I rub her back for one minute, then I tell her good night. Most nights, she asks for one more minute, so obviously I stay for another minute because my child needs and wants me there. It breaks my heart to know she still gave those children back rubs and now they're suddenly without that comforting touch.
I read in one of her posts about how she loves to carry her baby around, and how she’ll always be there to carry her, even when she’s 14. <\3 :(
The lawyer who worked on the bond package for Fotis Dulos says he is “under direction not to say a word." He also has to rent a car because all of his were seized in the investigation into the disappearance of #JenniferDulos 19 days ago #NBCCT

Justin Schecker on Twitter

Following his probation meeting Fotis Dulos rented a car in West Hartford. UPDATES @NBCConnecticut 11am #NBCCT. #JenniferDulos #MissingMom #NewCanaan

Jennifer Joas NBC CT on Twitter

Darnit, why couldn't he rent a car in EAST Hartford so I can leave work and chase him around. >_<
I have had to skip over a few pages over the past few days - can you point me to MSM/LE about no security at the rental house where JD was living? tia
in our media page, one of our sleuthers found pictures of security cameras of the rental and what looks to be a keypad at the front door. We don't know if they were operational, if LE has the footage or if they were disabled. The pictures are good IMO - I will see if I can find them
Did anyone find out how the 2nd hearing went today when FD took the 5th when asked to testify? OP above said Judge wouldn't rule on motion? Why? Do we know? I missed the end but I'd be interested to see what the Family Court experts thought of the answers we heard today from the GAL. Thought the GAL didn't appear to advocate very strongly for the children in a few of the questions that were directed to him IMO.
She decided not to rule from the bench, meaning she said she wasn’t going to give her ruling immediately. She said she was going to review evidence/law and release a written decision. It’s completely normal. I’m thankful. I think one motive for delaying decision is she may be hoping for more evidence to be found? More charges brought?
It's been reported by several MSM outlets that the family has hired private security and had an armed private security guard at JD's mother's home where the children have been staying. Perhaps it was at some point, but I don't recall that information being attributed to FD.

I'm not sure I understand the point here. What's the difference for a guard to be described as armed versus a security guard or a bodyguard? Security guards and bodyguards tend to be armed. Private security tends to be armed. This is not an unusual thing. Malls and some stores have armed private security. Many office and residential buildings have armed private security. All kinds of private companies have armed private security at their facilities. Amusement parks have armed private security. Big events have armed private security.

And of course, one simple reality is that private security costs money. The Farber family can apparently afford it. Many others can't. But it seems to me most people who have commented on JD's mom's apparent hiring of private security believe it was motivated out of concern over FD or someone connected to him trying to take or harm the kids.
I have always been bothered by the 'armed guard' ... this suggestion came from FD lawyer early on in the case. Was this ever actually confirmed? I always thought this was a tactic on FD to have GF/JD family look irrational... It then spread thru MSM and poof ... a "fact" was born? Really. How do we know in fact GF hired an armed guard.
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