Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #8 *ARRESTS*

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Do we know the employees timeline at the Sturbridge Hill home on 5/24? If that employee left Farmington at say 7am he would have arrived at Sturbridge at around 8:30. How long did he stay at Sturbridge? If the employees job was a rather quick one (1-2 hrs) that employee would be back on the road at 10:30 at the latest. A transfer of the body could possibly be done here undetected. Waveny Park is approximately 3.2 miles from Sturbridge.
At 7am, during rush hour, going south on I-95, I doubt very much he could have made it to the Sturbridge House in 1.5 hrs. Much longer IMO.

Before retiring, I drove northbound on I-95 at that time of day. There was little traffic, unless a major MVA occurred, but I could see the traffic backed up for miles, barely moving, going southbound, which the employee did. Unless he took the Merritt Pkway, which is just as bad, if not worse.

I am not sure I believe this is the reason for the BBQ. Why would JD host a Greek name day celebration for FD's side of the family and invite him to her house in the middle of a contentious divorce and when she feared him? Also, if it was a name day celebration, why wouldn't it be on the actual name day? Wasn't the BBQ on the 22nd? It is not like one of those days was a weekend. They were a Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.
His visitation was for Wednesday’s per the judges order link is in the media thread
Ok, it's clear that he had his worker come to his house early on the 24th in his own Toyota--pick up keys to Raptor, drive to spec house, park his Toyota and then take the Raptor to NC to work on spec house there. FD's alibi is "I was in Farmington all day at home" He walks to spec house, then takes worker's Toyota down to NC, kills her in the garage, cleans up and loads the body and evidence into the Toyota and heads back to Farmington. Uses two hours to deal with the body, takes the Toyota to a car wash then brings it back to spec house (that took 2 hours), he then walks back home. His worker drives the Raptor up to his house to pick him up in the Raptor and bring him to his Toyota so he can go home. FD then drives back to his house in the Raptor and deals with the rest of the details. This is the basic framework, I have to assume after the murder in the garage and the clean up, he drove her car to the park, and jogged back before leaving. Here are the open issues: I believe this was 100% premeditated. What was his ORIGINAL plan for the body? Did he bring her back and in those 2 hours up at the spec house dismember her with tools (thus the 30 bags?) 30 bags is A LOT. Unless they were really small bags, I just can't image 30 bags of bloody sponges and clothes. It is possible that he is the MOST diabolical, and he is trying to frame is coworker and the 30 bags had items from the work site/worker's clothes/his tools with his fingerprints etc. The alternative is that something DID NOT go as planned on the day of the murder. IE-too much blood, took too long to clean etc. And in that case, what was his original plan for a "simple" dispose of body scenario? My gut says dump in water. I just can't get past his dumping 30 bags on a busy street instead of something less stupid. There is something BIG we are all missing/don't know about. How could you get 2 adults to agree that dumping bags on such a busy street is a good idea? Did they thing that poor areas don't have cameras? Or it's too dark for the cameras to pick them up, although it's not totally dark at 7PM. I mean, are they that dumb? Friday of Labor Day Weekend dumping evidence? In my town, the next pick up day is Tuesday! Maybe he called and know there would be Saturday or Friday PM pickup. And the license plates. That makes no sense, no need to put them on his worker's Toyota right? The only thing I can come up with again is a diabolical plot to frame his worker, ie, switch those plates onto the Raptor while the worker was driving it in NC (on camera, Pattis kept stressing that Raptor was on camera in NC and FD not driving), dump evidence that has worker's DNA in Hartford, and plates in separate place to be found on purpose. Or maybe he put them on Toyota to hide the fact that workers car was used at all. Very dark if he is trying to outright frame his worker. If the worker was wearing white shirt/black pants/ hat on day of murder, and FD decided to wear same think in Hartford dump or during murder that would freak me out. I hate to say it but I'm leaning toward this scenario, and if the worker got a lawyer, he must think same thing.
AGREE, everyone in that wealthy world has nanny cams and more. It being a rental should have no bearing bc the technology is so simple now. It almost defies login that she wouldn't have them. I think if he was caught on camera in the house he would be arrested by now, however.

Yes, at a minimum a front door /RING camera notification, perimeter cameras as the house backs onto a forest, a driveway cam, garage cam, a cam at the door between the garage and the house.
Ok, it's clear that he had his worker come to his house early on the 24th in his own Toyota--pick up keys to Raptor, drive to spec house, park his Toyota and then take the Raptor to NC to work on spec house there. FD's alibi is "I was in Farmington all day at home" He walks to spec house, then takes worker's Toyota down to NC, kills her in the garage, cleans up and loads the body and evidence into the Toyota and heads back to Farmington. Uses two hours to deal with the body, takes the Toyota to a car wash then brings it back to spec house (that took 2 hours), he then walks back home. His worker drives the Raptor up to his house to pick him up in the Raptor and bring him to his Toyota so he can go home. FD then drives back to his house in the Raptor and deals with the rest of the details. This is the basic framework, I have to assume after the murder in the garage and the clean up, he drove her car to the park, and jogged back before leaving. Here are the open issues: I believe this was 100% premeditated. What was his ORIGINAL plan for the body? Did he bring her back and in those 2 hours up at the spec house dismember her with tools (thus the 30 bags?) 30 bags is A LOT. Unless they were really small bags, I just can't image 30 bags of bloody sponges and clothes. It is possible that he is the MOST diabolical, and he is trying to frame is coworker and the 30 bags had items from the work site/worker's clothes/his tools with his fingerprints etc. The alternative is that something DID NOT go as planned on the day of the murder. IE-too much blood, took too long to clean etc. And in that case, what was his original plan for a "simple" dispose of body scenario? My gut says dump in water. I just can't get past his dumping 30 bags on a busy street instead of something less stupid. There is something BIG we are all missing/don't know about. How could you get 2 adults to agree that dumping bags on such a busy street is a good idea? Did they thing that poor areas don't have cameras? Or it's too dark for the cameras to pick them up, although it's not totally dark at 7PM. I mean, are they that dumb? Friday of Labor Day Weekend dumping evidence? In my town, the next pick up day is Tuesday! Maybe he called and know there would be Saturday or Friday PM pickup. And the license plates. That makes no sense, no need to put them on his worker's Toyota right? The only thing I can come up with again is a diabolical plot to frame his worker, ie, switch those plates onto the Raptor while the worker was driving it in NC (on camera, Pattis kept stressing that Raptor was on camera in NC and FD not driving), dump evidence that has worker's DNA in Hartford, and plates in separate place to be found on purpose. Or maybe he put them on Toyota to hide the fact that workers car was used at all. Very dark if he is trying to outright frame his worker. If the worker was wearing white shirt/black pants/ hat on day of murder, and FD decided to wear same think in Hartford dump or during murder that would freak me out. I hate to say it but I'm leaning toward this scenario, and if the worker got a lawyer, he must think same thing.
Re FD wearing same clothes as the employee, on the day of the murder:
My ex had his own construction company and all the employees, including sub-contractor employees, all wore white shirts with the company name & logo on them. So they all wore the same “outfit”.

Maybe FD and his employee wore company shirts, also.

Ugh, I make that very same mistake! *cringe*
I, however, don’t submit writing to be widely published. I also have a Dental Hygiene degree, not a journalism degree. My possessive grammar mistakes will be the cross I die on, as it now seems ingrained.
But, least I’m not a murdering psycho stalker who has an ego as large as the sky! Oh, I meant *alleged* murderer. Yeah, that...:rolleyes:
So just to set it straight...
There is possessive and plural possessive.
If "Fotis" were plural then the possessive would be Fotis'.
But Fotis is not plural so the possessive is Fotis's.
ex. referring to a single dragon.."The dragon's scales..."
referring to a family of dragons.." The dragons' scales..."
It's not whether the noun has an "s" on the end, but whether the noun is singular or plural.

and yes you surely get points for not being a murdering psycho stalker!
Ok, it's clear that he had his worker come to his house early on the 24th in his own Toyota--pick up keys to Raptor, drive to spec house, park his Toyota and then take the Raptor to NC to work on spec house there. FD's alibi is "I was in Farmington all day at home" He walks to spec house, then takes worker's Toyota down to NC, kills her in the garage, cleans up and loads the body and evidence into the Toyota and heads back to Farmington. Uses two hours to deal with the body, takes the Toyota to a car wash then brings it back to spec house (that took 2 hours), he then walks back home. His worker drives the Raptor up to his house to pick him up in the Raptor and bring him to his Toyota so he can go home. FD then drives back to his house in the Raptor and deals with the rest of the details. This is the basic framework, I have to assume after the murder in the garage and the clean up, he drove her car to the park, and jogged back before leaving. Here are the open issues: I believe this was 100% premeditated. What was his ORIGINAL plan for the body? Did he bring her back and in those 2 hours up at the spec house dismember her with tools (thus the 30 bags?) 30 bags is A LOT. Unless they were really small bags, I just can't image 30 bags of bloody sponges and clothes. It is possible that he is the MOST diabolical, and he is trying to frame is coworker and the 30 bags had items from the work site/worker's clothes/his tools with his fingerprints etc. The alternative is that something DID NOT go as planned on the day of the murder. IE-too much blood, took too long to clean etc. And in that case, what was his original plan for a "simple" dispose of body scenario? My gut says dump in water. I just can't get past his dumping 30 bags on a busy street instead of something less stupid. There is something BIG we are all missing/don't know about. How could you get 2 adults to agree that dumping bags on such a busy street is a good idea? Did they thing that poor areas don't have cameras? Or it's too dark for the cameras to pick them up, although it's not totally dark at 7PM. I mean, are they that dumb? Friday of Labor Day Weekend dumping evidence? In my town, the next pick up day is Tuesday! Maybe he called and know there would be Saturday or Friday PM pickup. And the license plates. That makes no sense, no need to put them on his worker's Toyota right? The only thing I can come up with again is a diabolical plot to frame his worker, ie, switch those plates onto the Raptor while the worker was driving it in NC (on camera, Pattis kept stressing that Raptor was on camera in NC and FD not driving), dump evidence that has worker's DNA in Hartford, and plates in separate place to be found on purpose. Or maybe he put them on Toyota to hide the fact that workers car was used at all. Very dark if he is trying to outright frame his worker. If the worker was wearing white shirt/black pants/ hat on day of murder, and FD decided to wear same think in Hartford dump or during murder that would freak me out. I hate to say it but I'm leaning toward this scenario, and if the worker got a lawyer, he must think same thing.

One theory is that he parked the Red Toyota near Waveny Park and walked through the woods to JD's house, bringing a large f0lded up waterproof dive bag with him.

Then lay await by the garage for her to return. Slipped inside to murder her and ended up causing her to bleed much more than he planned, but didn't notice blood had pooled under the vehicle. Attempted a cleanup with items in the garage, put body in bag in the back of the Suburban. Put the fake plates on JD's Black Suburban and drove to the park where he parked it, drove Red Toyota next to it and moved her body from Black Suburban to Red Toyota. Remove fake plates, walk back to Red Toyota to continue on.

If he wanted to frame the employee, leaving a work glove or piece of a shirt, or a used disposable cup = something with employee's DNA taken from his car and leave it in the garage with some blood on it would do it. OR - as the Black Suburban parked at the park was the decoy, leave a bloody glove of the employee's in the park for LE to find.

Perhaps something else of the employee's (note punctuation!) was disposed of in the garbage bag odyssey of stupidity.

LE now has employee's DNA and you can bet they are testing all sorts of stuff for a match. And as someone in a past post mentioned, FD was notorious for arguments with contractors. Perhaps he had a beef with this employee and decided to get even by this as well. Then FD could always claim the employee had it out for him when the planted DNA would be found and wanted to get even.

It would also sway his choice if the employee had a prior police record for a crime that required DNA be taken - like robbery or something so LE would be able to quickly match the planted DNA from the crime scene.

Just thinking.
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At 7am, during rush hour, going south on I-95, I doubt very much he could have made it to the Sturbridge House in 1.5 hrs. Much longer IMO.

Before retiring, I drove northbound on I-95 at that time of day. There was little traffic, unless a major MVA occurred, but I could see the traffic backed up for miles, barely moving, going southbound, which the employee did. Unless he took the Merritt Pkway, which is just as bad, if not worse.

I would expect anyone in construction to hit the road by 6 am. Probably would get there easily in 90 minutes if not sooner on the Parkway.
No kidding! I had a neighbor who put 12 bags of trash at the bottom of my driveway on garbage day once; she wasn’t paying for trash removal apparently, and would place her bags at neighbors’ houses instead. Fotis must have made 30 or more stops so that all of that trash wouldn’t attract anyone’s attention, the way my neighbor did. Fotis would likely have gotten away with it, had it not been for phone pings giving the police the opportunity to check surveillance cameras.

Hmm, so in his overplanning frenzy, he would know that there were C4 cameras in the area but by using a substantial number of decoy bags, would lessen the chance that LE would find the ones with damnable evidence.......

sounds exactly like a Fotis plot: Weird, too intense, too many moving parts with huge obvious gaps of reason
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One theory is that he parked the Red Toyota near Waveny Park and walked through the woods to JD's house, bringing a large f0lded up waterproof dive bag with him.

Then lay await by the garage for her to return. Slipped inside to murder her and ended up causing her to bleed much more than he planned, but didn't notice blood had pooled under the vehicle. Attempted a cleanup with items in the garage, put body in bag in the back of the Suburban. Put the fake plates on JD's Black Suburban and drove to the park where he parked it, drove Red Toyota next to it and moved her body from Black Suburban to Red Toyota.

If he wanted to frame the employee, leaving a work glove or piece of a shirt, or a used disposable cup = something with employee's DNA taken from his car and leave it in the garage with some blood on it would do it.

Perhaps something else of the employee's (note punctuation!) was disposed of in the garbage bag odyssey of stupidity.

LE now has employee's DNA and you can bet they are testing all sorts of stuff for a match. And as someone in a past post mentioned, FD was notorious for arguments with contractors. Perhaps he had a beef with this employee and decided to get even by this as well. Then he could always claim the employee had it out for FD when the planted DNA would be found.

It would also sway his choice if the employee had a prior police record for a crime that required DNA be taken - like robbery or something.

Just thinking.
I highly doubt he would frame his employee. Any involvement of the employee would be a direct connection to him.

Everyone would suspect the employee was a hit man which would point right to FD
Can someone make a map timeline that lists where we know FD ( and MT) were sited the day this happened and showing MD home, kids school, park where her car found, waterski pond, MD moms home, FD home, all FD company properties for sale, dumpsters, license plate gutters, afternoon cell ping.
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Okay... I was just pondering some things that just don't "add up"? This may have been brought up before, but some of the pages I skimmed over to get caught up.

The housekeeper was there at 12 and did not notice anything amiss. Did she go into the garage? I don't think so. If someone has a housekeeper, you would think that one of the area's that would be cleaned would be the Kitchen and that cleaning solutions would be used to clean especially around the sink. Why didn't she notice any blood on or around the sink? Could it not have been there at the time that the housekeeper was in the house? That Jen's blood and Fotis DNA was deposited after the housekeeper cleaned?

What time did the housekeeper leave? Is there a possibility, time wise, that Fotis could have started clean up and disposal before the housekeeper arrived? Then, gone back to Jen's house to make sure everything was cleaned up after the housekeeper left (thus blood and DNA on the sink). The reason I ask this, is that the warrant stated that there were "attemptS" to clean the crime scene. If he had been stalking the house, he may know the housekeeper's routine.

Trash Dumping reported as of 7:10 pm. My question is when did Fotis and MT leave their house? considering Jen was reported missing at 7pm?

Time line:
8:00 AM - around 8:00 Jennifer's kids dropped off at school
12:00 Housekeeper at Jennifer's house. doesn't observe anything amiss.
1:36 Fotis cell phone at home on Jefferson crossing
1:37 Fotis cell phone indicates movement from Jefferson crossing to 80 spring Road, Farmington. Cell phone at 80 Spring Road for approx. 2 hours before heading back to Jefferson Crossing
3:37 Cell phone travels back to Jefferson crossing.
5:42 cell phone travels back to 80 spring Road, stays for approx.. 10 minutes.
7:00 Jennifer reported missing to NC police by 2 friends.
7:00 (?) blood stains located in Jennifer’s garage. Evidence suggest attempts to clean crime scene determined that Jennifer was a victim of “serious physical assault”
7:00 – Jennifer’s SUV was found shortly after being reported missing at Lapham Rd near Waveny Park, New Canaan.
7:10 - 7:41 – Trash Dumping. According to arrest warrant, individuals with resemblances to Fotis and Michelle, were seen on video stopping at 30 trash bins in Hartford dumping garbage bags. These bags were contained Jennifer’s blood. Video also showed an individual that resembled Fotis inserting an item into a storm drain. This item was later determined to be an altered license plate registered to a vehicle that Fotis used to own.
8:10 – security video shows an image resembling Fotis arriving at Jefferson Crossing address and checking mail.
10:43 – Silver Alert issued for Jennifer.

edited to correct time.
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I would expect anyone in construction to hit the road by 6 am. Probably would get there easily in 90 minutes if not sooner on the Parkway.
I thought of this too after I posted the 7am time. If the drive from Farmington to NC takes 90 min on the average then I would agree it must be nuts during rush hour? Maybe the employee did leave at 6 maybe even earlier? Maybe he left so early that FD and his employee didn’t communicate face to face that morning and FD left the keys in the Rapture or some where else on the Farmington property?
AGREE, everyone in that wealthy world has nanny cams and more. It being a rental should have no bearing bc the technology is so simple now. It almost defies login that she wouldn't have them. I think if he was caught on camera in the house he would be arrested by now, however.

I have looked at the pictures online many times and I do not see any cameras. The garage has a flood light (maybe motion) but there is not anything I would think was a camera. I agree, if there were cameras FD would be arrested for murder.
I thought of this too after I posted the 7am time. If the drive from Farmington to NC takes 90 min on the average then I would agree it must be nuts during rush hour? Maybe the employee did leave at 6 maybe even earlier? Maybe he left so early that FD and his employee didn’t communicate face to face that morning and FD left the keys in the Rapture or some where else on the Farmington property?

Many of the construction jobs require workers to be at site promptly by 630; residential construction and high end jobs may be a little later but still promptness is vital. In New Canaan there are noise ordinances, not as strong as Greenwich but limiting decibels, etc. to certain hours.

A sideline the word "Dulos" is interesting, theologians know it as the word for "slave", very common in the New Testament. Names have meaning, "Satan" means adversary. In this case Fotis whatever his lineage was looking to distance himself from Greek culture and throw off the servant's yoke in every regard; using his wife's money; nasty entitlement mentality; bad treatment of workers, contempt for law enforcement, etc..

I'm curious what FD's frame of mind was on the Wednesday visit? He sees his kids who he takes a lot of pride in, he gets to thinking about how that strong emotional connection does so much for him and his pride, which cements in his thinking how right he is and how the wife isn't doing much for them. The entitlement thinking is off the charts with these people; NC country day school is over $20K plus for each of the 5 kids, talk about the silver spoon upbringing. That is a town that prides itself on quality schools. As sad and tragic as this is, they will be lavished with care and attention unlike the vast majority. There was a funeral for the untimely death of a local kid at the RC church--it was unreal with open casket funeral and clogged traffic several times! A good chunk of local people are not like that, they would actually have some shame over conspicuous consumption.
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Last word on this from me, before a mod admonishes us for getting off-topic. I am 63, and was taught the same as y'all, but if kids today want to spell 'cat' some other way than 'c-a-t', that is okay. You can have a 'kat' or a 'khat'. You will still get a participation trophy at the end of the non-existent spelling bee. Most kids don't even use whole words when writing or texting. RU following me? Where to place the apostrophe is the least of our grammatical issues these days.
Apparently no more cursive writing either. Another lost art.
Good morning sleuths! I have been following this case and just found this amazing site! Thank you for all of your fantastic detective work!

I have some random questions/thoughts that keep me pondering so I hope it’s okay if I list them for your input. All MOO.

1. I wonder if JD has a nanny cam on a shelf or somewhere hidden; as she lived in fear I would imagine she has a camera. I know it’s been controversially mentioned that Alexa or echo/dots etc. can “spy”. It was a popular gift, perhaps they have one? Could LE check?

2. The garbage bags that were dropped in Hartford, did they come from JD’s home? If so, fingerprints on the cabinet? If from FD’s house, suggests premeditation? Cc statement listing stores. Amazon account etc . Listing purchases. Same question about towels and sponges found. I read clothing was found. Whose? JD’s, why would he remove hers? If his, they could prove it was him by size and maybe it’s a tee shirt with logo like his waterskiing club, etc. that was captured on film, FB, IG, tied to him.

3. If he FD was trying to make it look like she was jogging, or if he accosted her while running, does she have earphones, or ear buds etc. Are they missing? Sneakers? Sunglasses? Hat? I know others mentioned, keys, purse, phone? Surely her friends could share what she commonly wore.

4. I wonder if she wrote a note that is in her nightstand or hidden somewhere that indicates if FD came, she would leave a clue and maybe she did leave the clue.

5. Was her make-up all out on the counter in her bathroom and clothes out for her appointment? Shower wet? Trying to determine a timber he arrived at her house.

6. If FD was searching online for info. related to his plan, he may have used a library’s computer. Could LE check with the local libraries for surveillance or use of library card? I know you have to enter your code at my library to use the computer.

7. If he went to her house on the previous Wednesday and entered the house which is still in question, he could’ve unlocked a window for him to later enter?

I have so many more thoughts! I’m so upset for her family and this case is consuming me.
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