Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #16

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It's true FD and MT haven't been convicted of anything, it's way too early for that. But they have been charged with serious crimes by LE, and trying to make sense of their crazy behavior, the possibility of their use of alcohol and drugs has come up in discussions here, just like their professional careers, financial status, going to their potential behavior, motives, etc. IMO
Sadly, I don't think any of these cases "make sense" and drugs or money for that matter certainly don't help in making sense of anything. I just get nervous when the catastrophizing mentality sets in and it's a free-for-all when it comes to trying to make sense of things. It's dangerous, tangental and irresponsible. Not really what WS is about, hopefully. MOO. MOO. MOO.
This is so foreign to me. IMO he looks healthy. Clear skin good coloring, clear eyes. Are you saying he couldn't stay fit at his age without some kind of drug enhancement? He couldn't look this way just being diligent by working out?
That’s probably all he does work out because it sounds like he didn’t do much with his family except waterski
This is so foreign to me. IMO he looks healthy. Clear skin good coloring, clear eyes. Are you saying he couldn't stay fit at his age without some kind of drug enhancement? He couldn't look this way just being diligent by working out?

I don’t think he looks so much like a drug abuser, but I do think MT looks like she might be. She is quite thin, and while that could just be her natural build, her skin and coloring don’t look good to me, and neither does her hair-her hair is thin and rough looking (but maybe she just needs a haircut). She is probably a smoker which could account for that ashy skin tone, but, putting it all together at least indicates to me that she indulges in some bad habits of some sort.
I guess she stopped when none of it made sense any more. The beginning of the end.
I know from my life that when you start sharing and realize how crazy it is you pull back. Partly because having others see your reality or truth makes it hit you right between the eyes. It is too real to avoid any longer.
I apologise for the naive questions...does Patti's know the crime committed or is he discovering as we are? If attrny knows perp committed a heinous crime, aren't they bound to a set of ethics?
Defense attorneys do have to wait for the state to hand over discovery, but IMO, NP knows what's what. That's why he is constantly running his mouth to the media in an effort to confuse matters. It depends on the attorney as far as whether they even want their clients to tell them if they did it or not. But Norm's no dummy. He's an *advertiser censored*, but no dummy. That's why he's been saying all of these desperate things. MOO. MOO.
Just mulling over the timeline from the perspective of FD. He’s meeting with this woman, calling?, texting?, cajoling her to meet? FaceTime? Skype? With an equally reprehensible character, WHILE at the SAME TIME setting up a “routine” truck exchange, finding old license plates and altering them with tape, going to his visitation time in NC, carefully staying out of house and holding his bladder so he doesn’t leave DNA inside, shaving his head, planning a dinner party for the 23rd, stealing a purse so MT has an alibi, surveying all 4JX neighbors cameras so he can find a ‘not in view’ pathway out of his yard, digging multiple “just in case” graves?, buying cement?, gathering contractors bags, making advance/attack plans, making escape/disposal plans, driving around Hartford looking for trash dump options, throwing a fed ex box into the car....and all this is only what we know about!

What little helpers were helping this guy function?? The communication with His equally lovely lawyer friend and MT had to be providing some psychological release and dysfunction positive support. I hope LE is also leaning on you know who hard. He might jump at the chance to mitigate his own pesky legal problems. MT better raise her hand first if she wants the best offer.

Hmmmm.....for all we know MT was pondering being first to spill the beans before we knew about "you know who". But LE knew (the wife's words + deleted emails, perhaps?)

As we learn of other possible players it may explain why she had the three hour meeting with LE and what's on her video from that day. (Picture MT waving her hand...."Me first, me first! Unless you have white Ralph Lauren jumpsuits in the hoosegow!")
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Defense attorneys do have to wait for the state to hand over discovery, but IMO, NP knows what's what. That's why he is constantly running his mouth to the media in an effort to confuse matters. It depends on the attorney as far as whether they even want their clients to tell them if they did it or not. But Norm's no dummy. He's an *advertiser censored*, but no dummy. That's why he's been saying all of these desperate things. MOO. MOO.
I did some background on NP because he turns my stomach and discovered a blog he writes. He shares why he takes the clients he does and defends them. Basically he looks at them as he looked at himself as a boy with a messed up life.
Hmmmm.....for all we know MT was pondering being first to spill the beans before we knew about "you know who".

As we learn of other possible players it may explain why she had the three hour meeting with LE and what's on her video from that day.
Can't get that three-hour meeting out of my head. I was hoping it would lead to FD's rearrest, but perhaps LE still got something they needed to make that happen. IMO, MT is priceless as a witness of FD's behavior, no matter how deeply involved she became.
I did some background on NP because he turns my stomach and discovered a blog he writes. He shares why he takes the clients he does and defends them. Basically he looks at them as he looked at himself as a boy with a messed up life.
I can only imagine which complex Pattis has. Likely several. If he is fishing for sympathy for having a childhood, I invite him to speak with the five Dulos children. MOO
Addicts do not always look like sniveling messes. They are your friends, family and neighbors. If drugs had something to do with this situation, LE will make that clear. Until then, this is a moot point.
Well, you have just thrown me a curve ball. This was about how the defendants looked when arrested. You seemed to take issue with other posters assessments that they were abusing drugs. I supported your claim that it didn't seem that way to me. I agree that if drugs are an issue that LE will visit that. MOO.
This unsubstantiated talk about FD and MT drug use troubles me deeply. I don't see how it is any different than NP and FD bashing JFD as an unfit mother, heroin addict and "Gone Girl". IMO, FD committed murder, or had someone do so for him, and NP is deplorable. However, I see many people here gleefully accuse certain people of terrible behavior, yet clutch their pearls when NP opens his blow hole and does the same.

It is easy to get carried away and vilify people when it's more than likely they committed an atrocious crime. But nobody has been convicted of anything. And unfortunately, the way FD and MT looked could be explained by the enormous pressure and anxiety they were experiencing, whether or not they did something (which IMO, they did). Drug accusations are out of order.

I think WS is great. But some of these posts trouble me. I'm sure this post will be unpopular, but I feel it's important to have some levity. I've been a little bullied here for my thoughts before and it doesn't bother me. Wrong is not right as long as your heart is in the right place. We all want justice for Jennifer. However, that should not mean we be unjust to others. I am in NO WAY pro-FD or -NP. I only want the people who did this to be held accountable, and I think FD is one of them and MT as well.

This is a sensational case and easy for all of us to be taken with when none of us are actually going thru it directly. MOO, MOO, MOO.
You should not be bullied for your opinion. I am fine with the drug speculation. FD is a person/creature that should be vilified, IMO. It doesn't matter to me if he has not been convicted. These boards are not a court of law. If people like FD were more harshly judged, they wouldn't get away with so much. Nobody has been unjust to FD. He deserves way worse than he will ever get here. Even if he was not a suspect in a murder case, he is still an awful person. His character is being analyzed because it can give insight into what may have happened and how. There is a reason why people think the JD heroin claims are ridiculous and easily believe that FD may be involved with drugs.
I'm just thinking he could have been struggling with ageing, and taking performance enhancing drugs would help him keep up with the level of fitness he was used to (if they work). And he looks pretty 'wild eyed' in several photos to me (and steroids can definitely affect your temper and self control, so....). As an alternative to the possibility of him using to recreational drugs like cocaine, speed, etc. IMO alot of men around 50 and older feel they 'hit the wall' physically then, and I wouldn't put it past FD as one of these older men to try to turn back the clock with PE drugs like many athletes. JMO
I agree he could have been on them. I think even if you are in great condition it would be difficult to do competitive waterski at 50. Was that ehat he was doing 10 days a month? I think I remember that. At any rate, he sure just did things he wanted to do never really taking a father role helping with children etc. very self centered to go away 10 days every month for yourself! JD did not have 10 days a month to herself.
Well, you have just thrown me a curve ball. This was about how the defendants looked when arrested. You seemed to take issue with other posters assessments that they were abusing drugs. I supported your claim that it didn't seem that way to me. I agree that if drugs are an issue that LE will visit that. MOO.
That was my point--if FD and MT looked a mess in their mugshots, it doesn't mean they are drug addicts. No issue with what you said, sorry if you took it that way.
Sadly, I don't think any of these cases "make sense" and drugs or money for that matter certainly don't help in making sense of anything. I just get nervous when the catastrophizing mentality sets in and it's a free-for-all when it comes to trying to make sense of things. It's dangerous, tangental and irresponsible. Not really what WS is about, hopefully. MOO. MOO. MOO.
I don't think it's dangerous, IMO.
I agree he could have been on them. I think even if you are in great condition it would be difficult to do competitive waterski at 50. Was that ehat he was doing 10 days a month? I think I remember that. At any rate, he sure just did things he wanted to do never really taking a father role helping with children etc. very self centered to go away 10 days every month for yourself! JD did not have 10 days a month to herself.
I guess I just don't understand what drugs, even if he was on them, truly have anything to do with him likely murdering her. I know we look for answers and reasons, but they had a long, protracted battle in the courts before any of this occurred. I know drugs complicate things, but I don't think they really CAUSE these things to happen. IMO, this is more about domestic violence. I agree, FD is a bad man. Awful. MOO.
I agree he could have been on them. I think even if you are in great condition it would be difficult to do competitive waterski at 50. Was that ehat he was doing 10 days a month? I think I remember that. At any rate, he sure just did things he wanted to do never really taking a father role helping with children etc. very self centered to go away 10 days every month for yourself! JD did not have 10 days a month to herself.
Come to think of it, I’d like to go away by myself to a spa 10 days every month!
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