Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #17

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Excellent point, @Chicago54 : he is saying he knew he would be looked at, WHILE he was planning the murder. Every step he made took that into consideration.
However, I don't recall reading anywhere that he arrived at NCPD in an "anguished" state. Please share if you can recall where you read/heard that.
Definitely no “anguish” being seen from my end. I think he considered his showing up at station would be enough to show “concern and attention”, that was all he could muster up!
Excellent point, @Chicago54 : he is saying he knew he would be looked at, WHILE he was planning the murder. Every step he made took that into consideration.
However, I don't recall reading anywhere that he arrived at NCPD in an "anguished" state. Please share if you can recall where you read/heard that.

How anguished could he be if he showed up with his attorney?

JD was Not trying to get Anything, Monetarily from FD.

It is Standard Procedure in Family Court, for whomever is currently providing for the family health insurance, to continue to do so through the end of the divorce as Court Ordered.

JD was Using the fact that FD stopped paying the insurance premiums, as Evidence in her quest to gain full custody of the children.

It was Evidence against FD, ONLY.

JD did Not want FD's money, regardless of whether he had any money.

JD had her Own money. JD did Not Need any money from FD.

JD just wanted to get the children away from this guy who was Delusional (this word is in court documents) and who wanted them all to live as one big happy family with MT and her daughter.


JD was just trying to keep her 5 beautiful children and if FD had any kind of physical custody, JD would never see her children again. As FD threatened on more than one occasion.

IMO, JD did not even ask for child support.

She just wanted her children. It is just that simple.

Just because NP decides to accuse JD of taking HER money out of a joint account, does not mean that it actually happened.

Although, SHE was Definitely Entitled to that money if she did take the money out.

It was HER money and HER name was also on the account or how else would she have been able to take the money.

Depending on when JD would receive, in whole or in part, the $400,000 income per year from HER trust fund, I am sure that at least some of HER money was in the account and it was HER's to take when she left.

IMO, IF she took the money, she just took what was HERS and not a penny more.

You are really preaching to the choir on almost every point you make. I have never in a single sentence ever even mentioned JD and the supposed taking of money from an account. So not sure why the comments to me about that. I would not be surprised if she did take it and if she didn't, she should have. I already stated I am aware of standard procedure regarding health insurance. I'm not stupid. I think FD was losing the custody battle primarily on points other than financial. I am sure that JD was following the advice of her lawyer. I never meant for my posts to be taken as JD trying to get money out of FD. I am aware of every single point you have made. The point I was trying to make is that I don't feel the strategy used by the lawyer was efficient or productive. I disagree with it. That is all. IMO.
@afitzy , do you think a Doofus family member was in the spectator's box at the hearing? Assuming you don't mean KW, as we know what he looks like, and didn't appear to be in the video background. Someone noted that Meehan exited about midway through the hearing, and I was surprised because he looked older and frumpier than someone I would expect to be in that type of role. MOO, as I'm only now learning about the whole GAL role.

My bet is that this 'alibi' was sitting directly behind FD on camera this week in court and to whom the State referred in their comments about family members being used to contact children in contravention of FD no contact order. Purely speculation on my part.

The other 'Greek Connection' that we have talked about on here before was the FORE website webmaster that is from Greece. Would make total sense that you might be on a phone call asking your webmaster to make changes to the site etc. Does anyone recall what we know about this webmaster and connection to FD? Is this company any relation to FD?

Huge MOO!
Excellent point, @Chicago54 : he is saying he knew he would be looked at, WHILE he was planning the murder. Every step he made took that into consideration.
However, I don't recall reading anywhere that he arrived at NCPD in an "anguished" state. Please share if you can recall where you read/heard that.
The arrest warrant was clear that FD did not do anything to assist in the investigation so I am not at all sure he was in anything remotely approaching an "anguished" state. But if an article is out there to support this idea by al means share!

In the Channel 4 interview FD couldn't even say his STBX wifes name so I am not sure what emotions he was feeling at the time. But I do believe the convo with GAL Meehan where FD was reported to have called in an "excited" state was more accurate as to FD state of mind during this period. We have seen no calls from FD for assistance to find his STBX, no curiosity as to status of investigation into missing JD and very little affect in even mentioning his 5 children.

Frankly IMO he has been an emotional ZOMBIE and not at all in line with the anguish that most families go through in similar cases.

We all need (IMO) to breathe, stretch, and pray (though I am not the praying type) for some breaks and movement and justice for the Farber/Dulos family. I don't think I've ever felt so emotionally invested in any case, ever ... this past two and a half months feels like forever, but I recognize it isn't with an investigation like this. And things said via a keyboard often sound different than they do over a beer. So don't be afraid to clarify, clarify, as @BellaVita did. And keep posting your thoughts!
You are really preaching to the choir on almost every point you make. I have never in a single sentence ever even mentioned JD and the supposed taking of money from an account. So not sure why the comments to me about that. I would not be surprised if she did take it and if she didn't, she should have. I already stated I am aware of standard procedure regarding health insurance. I'm not stupid. I think FD was losing the custody battle primarily on points other than financial. I am sure that JD was following the advice of her lawyer. I never meant for my posts to be taken as JD trying to get money out of FD. I am aware of every single point you have made. The point I was trying to make is that I don't feel the strategy used by the lawyer was efficient or productive. I disagree with it. That is all. IMO.
Yes, that was said.

However, just because a call came to his cell or his home phone, does not mean that FD was with either of those phones.

Someone could have been handy and just picked up the home phone when Greece called and just set the phone down while still connected.

Someone could say they were on the phone with FD, but how can the caller testify to the location of FD at the time of the call.

Calls to the home phone can be forwarded to a cell phone.


Yes, yes, yes. I have said that about the phone call to Greece...someone called the number in Greece, someone picked up the phone but no real conversation took place. But how does one prove no conversation took place....just an open line from CT to Greece.
You are really preaching to the choir on almost every point you make. I have never in a single sentence ever even mentioned JD and the supposed taking of money from an account. So not sure why the comments to me about that. I would not be surprised if she did take it and if she didn't, she should have. I already stated I am aware of standard procedure regarding health insurance. I'm not stupid. I think FD was losing the custody battle primarily on points other than financial. I am sure that JD was following the advice of her lawyer. I never meant for my posts to be taken as JD trying to get money out of FD. I am aware of every single point you have made. The point I was trying to make is that I don't feel the strategy used by the lawyer was efficient or productive. I disagree with it. That is all. IMO.
I think I get what you are trying to say on the JD lawyering so correct me if I'm wrong in how I interpret your prior statements. Its a super interesting debate I think!

In terms of JD atty strategy in the divorce is your view that JD atty was working hard legally to 'score' as many points as he could on behalf of JD. So, the atty hit hard on as many points as he could in a very aggressive and unrelenting way to effectively 'beat down' FD legally? It seems like its the strategy that is seen used by JD atty that you are saying isn't 'efficient' or 'productive', if I'm reading you correctly? Right?

I guess that is why the convo's here are so interesting and thought provoking IMO. We can all generally see the similar/same facts/event or patterns and interpret them slightly differently or entirely differently. Sometimes seeing other POV generates change in our views and sometimes not. But we keep rolling as eventually things come together most times.

Actually I don't disagree with your view of the atty's strategy at all and sure there are many ways to get from A to B in any legal situation -- JD atty was playing hardball and never quit so he was a total pitbull. Its so incredibly hard to understand the family court case with the documents not all out publicly, the entire file is so large and its impossible to see how the parties were working together (or not) in the beginning of the case and if this situation changed over time.

We just know that many many documents were filed, parties rarely agreed on much, FD didn't comply with financial disclosure, FD didn't contribute financially to his childrens care/well being etc., and JD was singlemindedly focused on custody while at the same time, with her mother, footing the bills for virtually everything including FD legal bills, housing etc. We also have FD moving his mistress and her daughter into 4Jx which didn't probably do much for working morale in the case either IMO.

From just looking at the nearly 500 documents/motions/orders etc. filed in the case (this is public info on the state of ct website), to me at least it looked like FD atty fought back every single time to a motion from JD atty. Judge Heller in the recent custody decision order I think actually said FD filed 30+ more motions than JD. What is so sad though in looking at the public info, it doesn't seem like the divorce action was ever going to settle and that it was heading to trial. It just seemed that the 2 parties were at total loggerheads and simply could not agree on anything ever. You combine this inability to agree with FD non compliance with financial disclosure and inability to follow basic rules with the custody arrangements and its seems inevitable that you end up with a totally toxic and combustible situation.

The FD situation was unwinnable IMO against the vast resources of the Farber family and logic might say that it was in his best interest to settle early and move on with his life. With settlement FD would have gotten some kind of support arrangement, might have gotten 4Jx and been able to keep on at some level with the FORE business sham, if that is what he wanted to do. BUT, he didn't settle and so fought on and on, even with minimal resources vs the Farbers. To me at least it looks like FD was willing to throw a match and pour gasoline on not just his life but his business in order to 'win' against the Farbers and his decision making was not logic based on any level IMO. I can't wrap my head around setting your life on fire at aged 50 but who knows, perhaps FD is an optimist and was going to regroup and rebuild his life. IDK.

How do you deal with an opponent in a litigation that is willing to burn down everything in their life in order to win? This person won't stop and the legal action will simply never end? To me, one legal option is to simply crush the opponent and I think this is what JD atty might have been trying to do. Just a guess on my part!

I am curious with your insight into the legal process where you think JD atty could have operated differently and possibly averted a nearly 2 year period in court with little accomplished other than the custody? Your question of strategy is a super interesting one and I'm curious what you think!

To your point about the JD lawyering, could different tactics and strategy possibly ended up in a different result or settlement? I guess anything is possible, but if the person you are engaging with in your legal action has zero interest in settling and simply wants to fight on the death, I'm not sure what other options were available from a strategy standpoint from JD attys. but I'm open to hearing options!

Yes, yes, yes. I have said that about the phone call to Greece...someone called the number in Greece, someone picked up the phone but no real conversation took place. But how does one prove no conversation took place....just an open line from CT to Greece.

Unless LE was sitting there watching FD talking on the phone at 4JC, FD cannot prove that he was there that morning talking to Greece when it is So easily proved otherwise.

NP can bark all he wants about this supposed FD alibi, but the fact remains, he can't prove it without a physically present Eyewitness and who is going to believe MT or KM?

The caller from Greece could testify that they spoke with FD that morning, but that in of itself does not put FD Physically at 4JC.

FD's original alibi was that he was on a call From Greece to his home.

With Call Forwarding, FD could have literally been Anywhere and also be on that call.

Someone a few threads back linked in information on how to do this without the Cell Phone pinging elsewhere and of course he could have used a burner phone.

Or, someone at 4JC could just pickup the handset of the home phone and either talk to the person in Greece or set the handset down and stay connected.

Either way, FD did not have to physically be at 4JC to be on that call.

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BBM: To me at least it looks like FD was willing to throw a match and pour gasoline on not just his life but his business in order to 'win' against the Farbers and his decision making was not logic based on any level IMO.

I think I get what you are trying to say on the JD lawyering so correct me if I'm wrong in how I interpret your prior statements. Its a super interesting debate I think!

In terms of JD atty strategy in the divorce is your view that JD atty was working hard legally to 'score' as many points as he could on behalf of JD. So, the atty hit hard on as many points as he could in a very aggressive and unrelenting way to effectively 'beat down' FD legally? It seems like its the strategy that is seen used by JD atty that you are saying isn't 'efficient' or 'productive', if I'm reading you correctly? Right?

I guess that is why the convo's here are so interesting and thought provoking IMO. We can all generally see the similar/same facts/event or patterns and interpret them slightly differently or entirely differently. Sometimes seeing other POV generates change in our views and sometimes not. But we keep rolling as eventually things come together most times.

Actually I don't disagree with your view of the atty's strategy at all and sure there are many ways to get from A to B in any legal situation -- JD atty was playing hardball and never quit so he was a total pitbull. Its so incredibly hard to understand the family court case with the documents not all out publicly, the entire file is so large and its impossible to see how the parties were working together (or not) in the beginning of the case and if this situation changed over time.

We just know that many many documents were filed, parties rarely agreed on much, FD didn't comply with financial disclosure, FD didn't contribute financially to his childrens care/well being etc., and JD was singlemindedly focused on custody while at the same time, with her mother, footing the bills for virtually everything including FD legal bills, housing etc. We also have FD moving his mistress and her daughter into 4Jx which didn't probably do much for working morale in the case either IMO.

From just looking at the nearly 500 documents/motions/orders etc. filed in the case (this is public info on the state of ct website), to me at least it looked like FD atty fought back every single time to a motion from JD atty. Judge Heller in the recent custody decision order I think actually said FD filed 30+ more motions than JD. What is so sad though in looking at the public info, it doesn't seem like the divorce action was ever going to settle and that it was heading to trial. It just seemed that the 2 parties were at total loggerheads and simply could not agree on anything ever. You combine this inability to agree with FD non compliance with financial disclosure and inability to follow basic rules with the custody arrangements and its seems inevitable that you end up with a totally toxic and combustible situation.

The FD situation was unwinnable IMO against the vast resources of the Farber family and logic might say that it was in his best interest to settle early and move on with his life. With settlement FD would have gotten some kind of support arrangement, might have gotten 4Jx and been able to keep on at some level with the FORE business sham, if that is what he wanted to do. BUT, he didn't settle and so fought on and on, even with minimal resources vs the Farbers. To me at least it looks like FD was willing to throw a match and pour gasoline on not just his life but his business in order to 'win' against the Farbers and his decision making was not logic based on any level IMO. I can't wrap my head around setting your life on fire at aged 50 but who knows, perhaps FD is an optimist and was going to regroup and rebuild his life. IDK.

How do you deal with an opponent in a litigation that is willing to burn down everything in their life in order to win? This person won't stop and the legal action will simply never end? To me, one legal option is to simply crush the opponent and I think this is what JD atty might have been trying to do. Just a guess on my part!

I am curious with your insight into the legal process where you think JD atty could have operated differently and possibly averted a nearly 2 year period in court with little accomplished other than the custody? Your question of strategy is a super interesting one and I'm curious what you think!

To your point about the JD lawyering, could different tactics and strategy possibly ended up in a different result or settlement? I guess anything is possible, but if the person you are engaging with in your legal action has zero interest in settling and simply wants to fight on the death, I'm not sure what other options were available from a strategy standpoint from JD attys. but I'm open to hearing options!

He's failed to show up for family court (I believe) matters. Too bad there (apparently) isn't a blanket penalty, where you need to pay up for no showing on ANY appearances.
Jail is used in other cases but was never used here so far as I can tell. Its so hard to second guess but I wonder if the situation could have been deescalated by the Judge by punishing non compliance both financially and with jail earlier in the case so things didn't drag as long?

The time this case kicked around had to just be building the anger and fueling hatred and that is never a good thing. @gitana1 has weighed in on this before I think. It just seems if both parties are determined to fight that attys and the court will simply take their money and let them battle it out.

IDK. Its an interesting question. Both parties in the case no doubt had had enough and I'm not even sure the light at the end of the tunnel was all that close. Trial would have happened eventually but it unclear when?
I think I get what you are trying to say on the JD lawyering so correct me if I'm wrong in how I interpret your prior statements. Its a super interesting debate I think!

In terms of JD atty strategy in the divorce is your view that JD atty was working hard legally to 'score' as many points as he could on behalf of JD. So, the atty hit hard on as many points as he could in a very aggressive and unrelenting way to effectively 'beat down' FD legally? It seems like its the strategy that is seen used by JD atty that you are saying isn't 'efficient' or 'productive', if I'm reading you correctly? Right?

I guess that is why the convo's here are so interesting and thought provoking IMO. We can all generally see the similar/same facts/event or patterns and interpret them slightly differently or entirely differently. Sometimes seeing other POV generates change in our views and sometimes not. But we keep rolling as eventually things come together most times.

Actually I don't disagree with your view of the atty's strategy at all and sure there are many ways to get from A to B in any legal situation -- JD atty was playing hardball and never quit so he was a total pitbull. Its so incredibly hard to understand the family court case with the documents not all out publicly, the entire file is so large and its impossible to see how the parties were working together (or not) in the beginning of the case and if this situation changed over time.

We just know that many many documents were filed, parties rarely agreed on much, FD didn't comply with financial disclosure, FD didn't contribute financially to his childrens care/well being etc., and JD was singlemindedly focused on custody while at the same time, with her mother, footing the bills for virtually everything including FD legal bills, housing etc. We also have FD moving his mistress and her daughter into 4Jx which didn't probably do much for working morale in the case either IMO.

From just looking at the nearly 500 documents/motions/orders etc. filed in the case (this is public info on the state of ct website), to me at least it looked like FD atty fought back every single time to a motion from JD atty. Judge Heller in the recent custody decision order I think actually said FD filed 30+ more motions than JD. What is so sad though in looking at the public info, it doesn't seem like the divorce action was ever going to settle and that it was heading to trial. It just seemed that the 2 parties were at total loggerheads and simply could not agree on anything ever. You combine this inability to agree with FD non compliance with financial disclosure and inability to follow basic rules with the custody arrangements and its seems inevitable that you end up with a totally toxic and combustible situation.

The FD situation was unwinnable IMO against the vast resources of the Farber family and logic might say that it was in his best interest to settle early and move on with his life. With settlement FD would have gotten some kind of support arrangement, might have gotten 4Jx and been able to keep on at some level with the FORE business sham, if that is what he wanted to do. BUT, he didn't settle and so fought on and on, even with minimal resources vs the Farbers. To me at least it looks like FD was willing to throw a match and pour gasoline on not just his life but his business in order to 'win' against the Farbers and his decision making was not logic based on any level IMO. I can't wrap my head around setting your life on fire at aged 50 but who knows, perhaps FD is an optimist and was going to regroup and rebuild his life. IDK.

How do you deal with an opponent in a litigation that is willing to burn down everything in their life in order to win? This person won't stop and the legal action will simply never end? To me, one legal option is to simply crush the opponent and I think this is what JD atty might have been trying to do. Just a guess on my part!

I am curious with your insight into the legal process where you think JD atty could have operated differently and possibly averted a nearly 2 year period in court with little accomplished other than the custody? Your question of strategy is a super interesting one and I'm curious what you think!

To your point about the JD lawyering, could different tactics and strategy possibly ended up in a different result or settlement? I guess anything is possible, but if the person you are engaging with in your legal action has zero interest in settling and simply wants to fight on the death, I'm not sure what other options were available from a strategy standpoint from JD attys. but I'm open to hearing options!


IMO-“crushing her opponent” was the only way to go for JD. She’d had more than enough, considering what we know already about FD, and I am sure there’s lots of stuff we don’t know about. While their divorce had already dragged on for nearly 2 years before she vanished, the only way to get on with her life was to make him understand that she was no longer going to tolerate him ****ing with her, her emotions, her money and her family-not to mention issues emanating from FD’s non-compliance where the kids were concerned. She already knew that he wasn’t averse to breaking any law that he didn’t like. And I don’t really see this so much like crushing him; everything she and her lawyer did were necessary. She knew him for what he was by the time she took the children and left. The fact that he killed her proves to me that she was doing everything she thought she had to do. Others had figured him out, too, because he wasn’t allowed on the school property anymore. The administrators didn’t just take her word for everything (although I’m sure he thinks it was because she was telling them lies about him). They don’t ban a parent from the premises just on the other parent’s say-so. On the outside, it is easier to recognize an anti-social individual, and I think school officials did see him that way, as we do here. I think JD and her attorney knew the things he had done, but I wonder if they thought their hardline approach with him would end in her death. I know she was physically frightened of him, but I wonder if she knew he would premeditate killing her?
@afitzy , do you think a Doofus family member was in the spectator's box at the hearing? Assuming you don't mean KW, as we know what he looks like, and didn't appear to be in the video background. Someone noted that Meehan exited about midway through the hearing, and I was surprised because he looked older and frumpier than someone I would expect to be in that type of role. MOO, as I'm only now learning about the whole GAL role.
Here is one of the best articles I've found on GAL process in CT and Atty Meehan. Jennifer Dulos divorce shows controversial role of court-appointed child guardians

Both atty's so far as I am aware have motions in Family Court to dismiss GAL Meehan following his role in the psych report debacle (he allegedly gave draft report to FD former atty and then FD supposedly "stole" the draft to give it to Pattis who then disclosed it to the Press). IMO I am not seeing how Judge Heller can have much confidence in GAL Meehan given the psych report situation. But, given the custody issue hasn't been fully resolved my guess is that he will remain for the near term and be punted at some point to give Judge Heller piece of mind that there are no shenanigans going on and that the interests of the 5 children are being cared for with absolute integrity. MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO

Picture of GAL "Show me the Money" Michael Meehan from above article:


Quote from article:

"The high-profile case of Jennifer Dulos, a New Canaan mother of five who vanished May 24 after dropping off her kids at New Canaan Country School, has some questioning the role of guardians ad litem, the Latin term for guardian at law".

"GALs, who are often licensed attorneys but can also be licensed mental health professionals, are appointed by the court amid contentious legal battles. Once appointed by a judge, a GAL conducts an independent and unbiased investigation and ultimately makes a recommendation based on the best interests of the child."

"In family court, guardians ad litem recommend a parenting plan for a child relating to issues such as custody and family visitation while ensuring the plan addresses the child’s developmental, medical, emotional and educational needs. Guardians ad litem also help to enhance the parents’ abilities as caregivers".

"In the Dulos divorce, both sides are now calling for Meehan to be removed as guardian ad litem. Fotis Dulos’ attorneys have previously called for Meehan to be removed. In June, Reuben Midler, who is representing Jennifer Dulos, filed a motion accusing the GAL of wrongly releasing a sealed psychological evaluation done on the family".

"The evaluation ended up in the hands of Fotis Dulos’ new attorneys and has been used to support Norm Pattis’ “Gone Girl”and “revenge suicide” theories for Jennifer Dulos’ disappearance".

"Meehan could not be reached for comment for this story".

Other: Pattis made multiple references to FD family visiting from Greece to offer up support to him. So, my assumption is that these folks might have been in the gallery to support FD on Friday.
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Yes, yes, yes. I have said that about the phone call to Greece...someone called the number in Greece, someone picked up the phone but no real conversation took place. But how does one prove no conversation took place....just an open line from CT to Greece.
I think this is another million dollar question!

Initially I thought the CCTV cameras from the neighbors might have proven that FD was home or not. Then we got the info that MAYBE FD was aware of the cameras and so slipped out the rear of 4Jx to perhaps a car waiting for him at 80MS or 585 Deerfield. This opens up many possibilities I think for any trip down to NC from Farmington.

IDK if its connected but LE returned the Jeep Cherokee and Chevy Suburban to FD this past Friday in court, so I'm not sure if either of these are involved but I don't think we can rule these vehicles out either. LE kept the Ford 150 Raptor and didn't return it to FD so my guess is that it played a primary role somehow as all we know about so far is Rapton on Albany Ave with MT and the black contractor bags event.

I've always wondered about the FD Chevy Suburban being used to drive to NC as it blends in perfectly to the many other Suburbans but is also quite close in looks I think to JD Suburban. Suburban in NC is like hiding in plain sight in my mind. We will see I guess if it was used.

We don't know the entire net of security cameras in around Farmington to see if perhaps Doofus was captured somewhere/somehow on the morning of the 24th or possibly evening of 23th?


A vigorous debate gets the heart pumping. Woo Hoo.

In My Opinion Only and I am Not debating that someone else's opinion is not correct, just different.

My Only point is that there is another side to the coin.

Everything involved in Family Court was to Prove what kind of person FD is and was, so that JD could get full custody of the children.

Thief, Liar, Con Artist, Defier of Court Orders, Money Launderer, and let us not forget about the Domestic Violence.

Feel free to add more descriptions to this list.

The financials of FD, sorry Doofus, and Fore would Prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt what kind of person Doofus is.

It is not, nor was it, about JD getting Any money From Doofus.

Having FD's financials could even prove that JD owed Doofus alimony. Not IMO, but she was taking a chance there.

Do we even know If Doofus was asking for Alimony?

JD had enough money and access to money for her and the children.

No need to go after what ever money Doofus had.

It was just a strategy.

Agree with you.

I do wonder though if in order to avoid footing the bill for FD to hit the beaches full time in Miami or Mykonos or Argentina for the rest of his life with a non-working MT, whether JD and her atty had to prove that FD had the ability to support himself and the children at some basic level. Could this have been why she was fighting so hard for FD financial disclosure? IDK.

The other thing that is hard here is that FD had an excellent education in Greece and US and that on the surface at least should be able to provide for himself and children without assistance from JD, just probably not at the level they were living with JD income etc. FD worked for a major consulting operation in NY so even though he is 50 might have been able to return to that life and work for a salary. IDK.

The question of what support FD might have rec'd in a divorce trial is one I'm not qualified to answer. If @gitana1 returns maybe she can explain possible outcomes with regard to FD getting support from JD in the trial.

Here is one of the best articles I've found on GAL process in CT and Atty Meehan. Jennifer Dulos divorce shows controversial role of court-appointed child guardians

Both atty's so far as I am aware have motions in Family Court to dismiss GAL Meehan following his role in the psych report debacle (he allegedly gave draft report to FD former atty and then FD supposedly "stole" the draft to give it to Pattis who then disclosed it to the Press). IMO I am not seeing how Judge Heller can have much confidence in GAL Meehan given the psych report situation. But, given the custody issue hasn't been fully resolved my guess is that he will remain for the near term and be punted at some point to give Judge Heller piece of mind that there are no shenanigans going on and that the interests of the 5 children are being cared for with absolute integrity. MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO

Picture of GAL "Show me the Money" Michael Meehan from above article:

View attachment 198028

Quote from article:

"The high-profile case of Jennifer Dulos, a New Canaan mother of five who vanished May 24 after dropping off her kids at New Canaan Country School, has some questioning the role of guardians ad litem, the Latin term for guardian at law".

"GALs, who are often licensed attorneys but can also be licensed mental health professionals, are appointed by the court amid contentious legal battles. Once appointed by a judge, a GAL conducts an independent and unbiased investigation and ultimately makes a recommendation based on the best interests of the child."

"In family court, guardians ad litem recommend a parenting plan for a child relating to issues such as custody and family visitation while ensuring the plan addresses the child’s developmental, medical, emotional and educational needs. Guardians ad litem also help to enhance the parents’ abilities as caregivers".

"In the Dulos divorce, both sides are now calling for Meehan to be removed as guardian ad litem. Fotis Dulos’ attorneys have previously called for Meehan to be removed. In June, Reuben Midler, who is representing Jennifer Dulos, filed a motion accusing the GAL of wrongly releasing a sealed psychological evaluation done on the family".

"The evaluation ended up in the hands of Fotis Dulos’ new attorneys and has been used to support Norm Pattis’ “Gone Girl”and “revenge suicide” theories for Jennifer Dulos’ disappearance".

"Meehan could not be reached for comment for this story".

Other: Pattis made multiple references to FD family visiting from Greece to offer up support to him. So, my assumption is that these folks might have been in the gallery to support FD on Friday.

Not to go too far afield from the current interesting discussion, I just finished watching the video of the hearing for the 3rd time. (Glutton for punishment.)

In response to the "other" in your post @afitzy, I was interested in the demeanor and interest shown by the attractive women with the pink/peach top and large gold earrings behind FD to the right of the screen. She almost mirrored all of FD's emotions, except his reddened face and frown at the end of the hearing with the discussion of the upcoming MT hearing and the "going forward" admonition to FD about his relatives' comments while communicating with the children.

Do we know/think this is a Greek relative or ?????
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@afitzy , do you think a Doofus family member was in the spectator's box at the hearing? Assuming you don't mean KW, as we know what he looks like, and didn't appear to be in the video background. Someone noted that Meehan exited about midway through the hearing, and I was surprised because he looked older and frumpier than someone I would expect to be in that type of role. MOO, as I'm only now learning about the whole GAL role.
I wasn’t able to watch the entire video of the recent hearing. At any point did Norm mention the Dulos children and how Fotis wants to see and speak to his kids? All I’ve seen is concern about moving his ankle bracelet to his wrist!
I think I get what you are trying to say on the JD lawyering so correct me if I'm wrong in how I interpret your prior statements. Its a super interesting debate I think!

In terms of JD atty strategy in the divorce is your view that JD atty was working hard legally to 'score' as many points as he could on behalf of JD. So, the atty hit hard on as many points as he could in a very aggressive and unrelenting way to effectively 'beat down' FD legally? It seems like its the strategy that is seen used by JD atty that you are saying isn't 'efficient' or 'productive', if I'm reading you correctly? Right?

YES! You have stated so eloquently what I was trying to convey. I do think JD lawyer was being a zealous advocate, technically. You know the smarter, not harder...

I guess that is why the convo's here are so interesting and thought provoking IMO. We can all generally see the similar/same facts/event or patterns and interpret them slightly differently or entirely differently. Sometimes seeing other POV generates change in our views and sometimes not. But we keep rolling as eventually things come together most times.

Actually I don't disagree with your view of the atty's strategy at all and sure there are many ways to get from A to B in any legal situation -- JD atty was playing hardball and never quit so he was a total pitbull. Its so incredibly hard to understand the family court case with the documents not all out publicly, the entire file is so large and its impossible to see how the parties were working together (or not) in the beginning of the case and if this situation changed over time.

HA! I know someone who hired a pit bull. The ad in the yellow pages proclaimed: We fight for men and we fight to win! The opposing lawyer was very soft spoken and advised his client thus: We want him to think he is winning. He talked softly but carried a big stick.

We just know that many many documents were filed, parties rarely agreed on much, FD didn't comply with financial disclosure, FD didn't contribute financially to his childrens care/well being etc., and JD was singlemindedly focused on custody while at the same time, with her mother, footing the bills for virtually everything including FD legal bills, housing etc. We also have FD moving his mistress and her daughter into 4Jx which didn't probably do much for working morale in the case either IMO.

Was JD name on all that property? It wouldn't matter anyway as anything acquired during the marriage would be included in equitable distribution. The situation was horrendous. Why was she paying legal bills for him? Just asking....did you see that in documents? As for financial disclosure, did he submit some and they were asking for more? There was never going to be a fully accurate disclosure. That is one of the points I feel the lawyer should have just let go. Move on. IMO.

From just looking at the nearly 500 documents/motions/orders etc. filed in the case (this is public info on the state of ct website), to me at least it looked like FD atty fought back every single time to a motion from JD atty. Judge Heller in the recent custody decision order I think actually said FD filed 30+ more motions than JD. What is so sad though in looking at the public info, it doesn't seem like the divorce action was ever going to settle and that it was heading to trial. It just seemed that the 2 parties were at total loggerheads and simply could not agree on anything ever. You combine this inability to agree with FD non compliance with financial disclosure and inability to follow basic rules with the custody arrangements and its seems inevitable that you end up with a totally toxic and combustible situation.

Agreed. Never going to settle.

The FD situation was unwinnable IMO against the vast resources of the Farber family and logic might say that it was in his best interest to settle early and move on with his life. With settlement FD would have gotten some kind of support arrangement, might have gotten 4Jx and been able to keep on at some level with the FORE business sham, if that is what he wanted to do. BUT, he didn't settle and so fought on and on, even with minimal resources vs the Farbers. To me at least it looks like FD was willing to throw a match and pour gasoline on not just his life but his business in order to 'win' against the Farbers and his decision making was not logic based on any level IMO. I can't wrap my head around setting your life on fire at aged 50 but who knows, perhaps FD is an optimist and was going to regroup and rebuild his life. IDK.

I should look at the available documents. Did any docs ever state what each party was asking for? Usually that would be stated by now.

How do you deal with an opponent in a litigation that is willing to burn down everything in their life in order to win? This person won't stop and the legal action will simply never end? To me, one legal option is to simply crush the opponent and I think this is what JD atty might have been trying to do. Just a guess on my part!

You may be right and probably are right about the intent of JD attorney.

I am curious with your insight into the legal process where you think JD atty could have operated differently and possibly averted a nearly 2 year period in court with little accomplished other than the custody? Your question of strategy is a super interesting one and I'm curious what you think!

IMO, no matter how much he held FD feet to the fire, I don't think it would have affected the financial outcome. Because it's equitable distribution and impossible to know what FD has really done with money and even if you know, you're not getting it back. You can maybe get a judgment for it, but good luck trying to collect. Since JD was paying for everything, when that happens in divorce, that money is figured into the equation at the divorce trial and the final settlement takes that into account. I don't think there is much traceable money left to draw from. There are the properties, but what is the true value/equity? The financial value of anything related to FD diminishes by the day and has been for some time.

To your point about the JD lawyering, could different tactics and strategy possibly ended up in a different result or settlement? I guess anything is possible, but if the person you are engaging with in your legal action has zero interest in settling and simply wants to fight on the death, I'm not sure what other options were available from a strategy standpoint from JD attys. but I'm open to hearing options!

I think my point all along is that all the motions and court dates by both sides were a waste. I don't think the result would be much different without all the motions. I feel like JD lawyer couldn't see the forest for the trees. In fact, things were getting worse and worse in the finance area. I think JD was given poor advice. Was there ever a contempt motion for failure to comply? If not, why not? Why not send FD to jail for 10 days and let him think about complying? If you are serious about getting info, that's what should have happened. Otherwise, let it go and move toward trial. They can't win if you don't play. Some have been critical of my criticism of JD attorney and taken that as a criticism of her as well. It is NOT. She was just following legal advice. I am 100% for Jennifer. Any maybe I am 100% wrong about the advice she received. IMO.

They both asked for alimony and child support :
189.00 02/05/2018 P MOTION FOR SUPPORT
Motion for Alimony and Child Support, Pendente Lite

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