Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18

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Brrr. Grrrr. Agree!

I wish we knew more about the license plate reading happening on I95/Merritt/91/84 etc. to figure out why plate alteration was even needed by FO. It also might not have been about plate readers on highways as it could have been meant to evade camera detection as well and that could come from something as simple as a RING doorbell to more elaborate corporate or residential camera systems. RT123 south into Norwalk has a number of cameras in the area where vehicles enter the connector for 95 and Merritt and South Norwalk access.

My first thought was that the faux plates were used in NC but there the risk is more residential cameras vs plate readers and Town owned security as we know that is limited to the point of being irrelevant on the roads and parking areas and non existent in the parks. NCCS has some security and camera usage so was it necessary there as someone followed JD home after the school drop off? Winter club across the street seems to have at least one camera of its lot so could someone have waited there to follow JD home?

It seems like the risk of plate readers could be greatest if heading south to NY via any of the major highways into the city or north via major highways heading towards Boston. Both routes have active toll programs (MA and NY but none in CT).

It also sounds like the plate doctoring wasn't the best and so might have been detectable with investigation by MA and NY tolls. IDK. Maybe the doctoring might have been good enough to fool a lower quality camera used in a residential setting or commercial parking lot or gas station?

Just thinking obvious answers so far as I can see unless the plates were simply another ruse for LE along the lines of dropping JD Suburban at Waveny? IDK.


It seems to me that using the doctored plates would have to have been very risky-unless the alteration was very, very good. Many, if not all, police cars have plate readers in them. And I don’t know about all of you, but I wouldn’t feel confident that my alteration would pass the test of the reader. If it was me, and I had a body or bloody evidence in my car, I wouldn’t have altered plates on the car. I wouldn’t want to give any officer a reason to pull me over. Is it possible that the plates were never used at all, and were only altered and discarded in the way they were, to make it look like some specific other person used or had possession of them? Could this be another thing that he would claim EE had access to? It still doesn’t even make sense to me, because the plates lead back to FD-you wouldn’t think he’d want to do that.
Perfect! You describe the way it looks in your pictures in the buckled portion.

What I wonder is how much FD knew about the Albany Ave project progress? Was he aware that the place he left the license plates/fed ex envelope had no means of connecting to an underground sewer system? Or, did he know that these license plates had no place to drop into the sewer system? Was he trying to dispose of the plates or leave them to be picked up by someone else?

We know FD lived for a number of years in NY and NYC has a very old but elaborate underground sewer system and street drainage system. Maybe FD assumed that Hartford had a similar underground sewer system to NYC? IDK. I have to admit to being super surprised by the wonder pics taken by @thekirbyfamily that show at least on Albany that there wasn't yet a fully functioning underground sewer drainage system for the the entire street/area. Hartford has been a money pit (local, state and federal funds) IMO for any number of years and so to see what we saw in the @thekirbyfamily really surprised me as I thought there would be a fully functioning system in place to deal with run off/street drainage.

Good out of the box thinking on the plates, which is what is needed of course.

However, if FD was leaving the box with the altered plates in the drain to be picked up by someone else, why hadn't that person picked them up by a week later? It was one week between the Friday 5/24 Albany Ave ride and 5/31 when LE searched the drains and found them, right? And the box was still there. MOO.

MOO, I lean towards FD needing a place that was even more secure than the trash cans to put the plates, since they had direct incriminating evidence tied to him. If the body was also in the trash, then he'd want to make sure that the plates were not connected to the body in any way, so that there was nothing with the body connected to him. That's why he went to Albany Ave after all.

How stupid can you get, he should have just taken the tape off the plates and put them in his own trash! Or hung them back in his garage without the tape. That would have been less suspicious. Were the plates used on the trash run? And he needed to get rid of them quickly? That's the only reason I can think of that he wouldn't just take the tape off and leave them at home, put them back wherever he had been storing them. Unless as you conjecture, that he might have thought he'd need to go back for them later, possibly.

On that note, the warrant explicitly stated they saw MT leaning out of the Raptor and picking up or putting something out on the ground on Albany Ave. That must hold meaning, otherwise they wouldn't have put it in the warrant. Was that to send a message about the level of detail they have on camera to MT and FD?
Remember that the warrant stated that "clothes and household items, including sponges" were found in the trash bags, and then it was revealed it was actually clothes linked to JD. The warrant has less detail than LE actually has, but FD (and maybe MT) know themselves what that means- if FD reads in the warrant that LE found bloody clothes, he knows they have JDs clothes, because he knows what he put in there. Likewise with MT and whatever it was she was picking up or putting down. LE probably knows what that is or they wouldn't have put it in there. MOO on all of this of course.
THIS policy, I would like to see more of. Most of us here on WS + our parents "managed to get by" throughout school (and college!) without cell phones. If there was an emergency, responsible parents had and recognized the school phone... and the school has parents' numbers, in addition to medical records, etc.
Sorry for the soapbox, but it drives me nuts how distracted kids must be in school today!
Sadly IMO phones enter the picture in middle school for many/most NC children and social media access as well.

The NCCS guidelines are very clear and are outlined below.

Found this info in NCCS Policies brochure


Generally, mobile devices such as cell phones or iPods should not be brought to school. If it is a family necessity for your child to have a cell phone, it must be turned off and kept in your child’s locker during school hours. Please be sure these items are labeled with the child’s name in case they are misplaced. Students should not use mobile devices to be in touch with parents during the school day. Mobile devices will be confiscated if used during the school day without specific permission. Early Childhood and Lower School students may not bring mobile devices to school or use them on the bus.



Should a parent or guardian need to get a message to their child during the day, they should call the Telephone Office. Messages are relayed directly to the class or homeroom teacher. Students should not use personal electronic devices to be in touch with parents during the school day. Except in an emergency, students are not permitted to use school telephones without faculty permission. We will, of course, convey any message of an urgent or emergency nature as soon as possible.
FO just wants the 13 year olds?

FO is telling the other children that FO does not want them?

Great (sad) point, @CTGrammy . Seriously?! :mad:

That is Exactly what I was thinking.

FO just wants the 13 year olds?

FO is telling the other children that FO does not want them?

Judge Heller has Already Ordered that Fo have NO contact with any of the children based on FO's Crimes in Criminal Court.

What could the children say that would change that?

FO is a Danger to the children. Plain and Simple. Psychological Damage is VERY Real. One of these boys already has issues, that has been noted within Family Court.

I highly doubt the older two children want to have anything to do with the person who Killed their Mother.

At least one of the boys does NOT want to ski, so what is going to happen when that child is Forced to train, compete, and Must Win at all costs?

Is FO going to request that his passport be returned so that FO can take the children to their competitions overseas?

FO is supposedly Broke, so does FO Only want the children in hopes of getting JD's Annual Income from her Trust Fund?

As I have noted up thread, FD would not have access to the children's Trust Fund except for Education and that money would be paid by the Trust Fund Manager directly to the school.

However if FD has some or all of the children, he might have a sliver of a chance in getting JD's Annual Income from Her Trust Fund of $400,000 per year.

Let's not forget that FD would ABSOLUTELY Abscond with the children, if he even had 1 minute alone, with them.

I wonder, what if FD got his hands on some of the money and left without the children? Can you imagine what that would do to the children's psychological health?

Would he be entitled to child support? From whom-he is a widower! I don’t think her estate would pay the surviving spouse, even if he hadn’t killed her, would it?

I guess child support isn't exactly the word I should have used. Her trust may be set up to that in case of her death her surviving spouse could get the payout to raise their kids.

Imo that is a motive in itself as to why he would kill her even without all his control issues. They were not divorced yet so he is now a widower not and ex.
THIS policy, I would like to see more of. Most of us here on WS + our parents "managed to get by" throughout school (and college!) without cell phones. If there was an emergency, responsible parents had and recognized the school phone... and the school has parents' numbers, in addition to medical records, etc.
Sorry for the soapbox, but it drives me nuts how distracted kids must be in school today!
I'm with you! Had to control what I think of cell phones in the classrooms in NC Public schools as it reached the level of interference with learning and the classroom long ago with no visible action from school 'leadership'. The sharing of unauthorized video/audio of teachers in the classrooms is also rampant on social media too (against policy but its ongoing too). School either doesn't care or has no clue of what to do. A parent awhile back suggested cell signal blockers during school hours and the outcry FROM PARENTS was unreal.

Some days I just want to do a video compliation of all the children walking around doing what I call the 'zombie stroll' simply putting one foot in front of the other while staring intently at their phones and often with headphones/ear buds on. I've seen children walk into signs, fall and trip or even run into someone else or a car door.

New Caanan HS Policy Guideline:

Use of Cell Phones and Electronic Devices During the School Day

New Canaan High School recognizes that laptops, tablets and other electronic devices are an integral part of instruction and learning and that cell phones are sometimes used for emergencies or other vital communication between parents and students. However, it is essential that these devices are utilized responsibly and that they not become a distraction to learning or used for non-instructional purposes while class is in session.

If a student is caught using a cell phone or electronic device for non- instructional purposes during class, the teacher will have the right to confiscate the phone or device and it may not be returned until a parent comes to school to claim it. Unless directed by the teacher or designated within a student’s individual education plan (IEP) or 504, a student using a cell phone or other electronic device during an assessment will result in a grade of zero for that assessment.

At no time during the school day or at school events may photographs be taken or recordings be made of any student or staff member without their explicit permission.

Just included the above guideline for a bit of an afternoon 'chuckle' as anyone spending more than a couple of minutes in any of the schools would quickly realize phones are treated as 'rights' rather than 'privileges' and the ship has sailed long ago on enforcement of these guidelines.

Overall IMO its a sad state of affairs but I think the issue is shared by most other public schools unless they benefit from strong administrative leadership.

FO just wants the 13 year olds?

FO is telling the other children that FO does not want them?

Great (sad) point, @CTGrammy . Seriously?! :mad:
Yes, but could he 'want' the 13 yo's simply because they are of an age per the courts to be 'useful' to him in his campaign of torture? My guess is if the other children had been closer to 13 he would have roped them in too to his crazy plan.

His FB is full of pics of the older boys so perhaps he has an 'affinity' to them. But my sense from this latest move is that its strictly tactical rather than specific to the 2 13 yo boys. Its all speculation.

But FO has his eye on some 'prize' or whatever he deems as 'winning', just don't know what it is yet?!? MOO
I had thought about saying this earlier...we don't know they have those devices. Maybe JD didn't allow them. There are a lot of private schools that ban them too. I belong to a group of families I know here who do not let their kids have those things.

Well, I think we do know that they have those devices because how else would GF’s side know that FD or his associates have tried to communicate with the children. I don’t think anybody called GF’s house phone; I’m sure the overtures were secretive ones that she wasn’t supposed to know about.
I think family court judges view these situations much differently than they did even 5 years ago. The case where the husband murdered his wife in Utah (I don't believe her body was ever located, but LE knows he murdered her), and subsequently blew himself and his two sons to smithereens (excuse the description), during court ordered supervision, and while a DCF worker was on the phone to 911, has changed everything. IME courts are increasingly reluctant to expose children to a clearly established danger of abuse/violence merely because a person asserts their "parental rights."

This motion is going before the very same judge who has heard FD's narcissistic demands over and over and over again. She is also the same judge who has seen FD assert his 5th when asked about what happened to JD. She has seen this playbook before, this pretending to care about the children's interests so that FD gets what he thinks he deserves. How dare anyone keep FD from his children! He, and only he, knows what his best for his possessions, er, children!

Hey dude, you want to show you give a solitary dam* about any of those kids? Start paying a single PENNY toward their support. Quit asserting your 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination, and tell your children the TRUTH about what really happened the day their mother "disappeared". Quit directing your lawyers to disparage the mother of your children as a mentally ill drug addict. Quit your ridiculous charade of "devoted" father while publicly pronouncing your love for the woman who, at minimum, helped hide evidence of their mother's murder!

Of course, if FD actually cared about his children's well-being, he wouldn't have begun to cheat while married to their mother and then demand that she live, in the home her parents paid for, with his mistress. He would not have put the children through the trauma of the last two years of emotional manipulation. He would not have specifically instructed these very same children, the oldest two, to lie in previous matters before this same judge! He would have accepted financial responsibility for their care and would not have committed money laundering to hide assets. He would have not routinely violated court orders put in place to protect the children's well-being.

FD has done nothing to support and protect these children and everything possible to advance his own selfish interests. His conduct is not going to be excused or overlooked by Judge Heller this time around the mulberry bush. IMO, FD and his attorney are, in street slang "smoking crack" if they believe this judge is going to allow FD to inflict further damage on those poor kids. His continued lawyer-sanctioned temper tantrums have been wholly ineffective in advancing his cause (IMO), and serve only to prove how far he will go to get what he thinks he deserves.

"In an appeal of a Superior Court decision in a case dissolving a marriage and awarding custody of a minor child, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled that the trial court did not abuse its discretion in deciding the child's wish to live with one parent was not in her best interests. The Supreme Court ruled that “Section 46b-56(b) does not require that the trial court award custody to whomever the child wishes, it requires only that the court take the child's wishes into consideration” (Knock v. Knock, 224 Conn. 776, 788-9 (1993)). Although a child's preference is one factor the court considers, it is not the only or the determinative one."
Yes, but could he 'want' the 13 yo's simply because they are of an age per the courts to be 'useful' to him in his campaign of torture? My guess is if the other children had been closer to 13 he would have roped them in too to his crazy plan.

His FB is full of pics of the older boys so perhaps he has an 'affinity' to them. But my sense from this latest move is that its strictly tactical rather than specific to the 2 13 yo boys. Its all speculation.

But FO has his eye on some 'prize' or whatever he deems as 'winning', just don't know what it is yet?!? MOO
Didn't we read that he hadn't seen his children for 2 long years? Wasn't that one of his complaints? Am I imagining that?
Well, I think we do know that they have those devices because how else would GF’s side know that FD or his associates have tried to communicate with the children. I don’t think anybody called GF’s house phone; I’m sure the overtures were secretive ones that she wasn’t supposed to know about.
Not to mention they can't have been completely cut off from their friends. MOO.
I was thinking maybe JD was sick and not doing well which is why NP wants it out there
And she told FD or he snooped and found out not -hard to do
And she told him that she, GF and her sister were going to change their wills and raise age limits on all trusts so if she died he would get the kids but no money.
Maybe she told him she’d do this before they were headed back to court to give their financial statements.
Maybe she told him GF would still sue him and that GF was going to let the kids move back into the house but since GOD knows what is going on in there now
he would have to move and pay for it yourself. And find a real job!
That may be why MT sold or mortgaged her condos.

So his plan was to kill her and make it look like a suicide but she fought back and that’s when he freaked and did what he did to her body and belongings.
Since he didn’t plan her fighting back he did it when KW was away so he had to take a divorce attorney with him to the police station instead.
As for the boys maybe the teens and other children have been left money from another relative that he can control.
Didn't we read that he hadn't seen his children for 2 long years? Wasn't that one of his complaints? Am I imagining that?
I think it was 2018/2019 period where FO + HO had the issue of MT/HO at 4Jx against court orders, FD engaging the children to lie on his behalf and JD finding out about the situation and reporting it. I don't think the period was 2 years but most likely was 10-11 months as the court ordered FO to therapy after the lying with the children incident. I actually would like to see a list of court related orders that FO did comply with over the 2018/19 period as I think its a much shorter list than the rules he and HO disregarded. MOO
I would think that the amount spent on getting to that level and to keep improving one would spend a lot more than the prize money. Then add in travel costs to he comps. I would think it would take many years for an athlete to actually turn a profit.
But FD wasn’t paying for anything himself
On JDs blog she talks about FD and the boys training with the best water ski coach in the world
Good out of the box thinking on the plates, which is what is needed of course.

However, if FD was leaving the box with the altered plates in the drain to be picked up by someone else, why hadn't that person picked them up by a week later? It was one week between the Friday 5/24 Albany Ave ride and 5/31 when LE searched the drains and found them, right? And the box was still there. MOO.

MOO, I lean towards FD needing a place that was even more secure than the trash cans to put the plates, since they had direct incriminating evidence tied to him. If the body was also in the trash, then he'd want to make sure that the plates were not connected to the body in any way, so that there was nothing with the body connected to him. That's why he went to Albany Ave after all.

How stupid can you get, he should have just taken the tape off the plates and put them in his own trash! Or hung them back in his garage without the tape. That would have been less suspicious. Were the plates used on the trash run? And he needed to get rid of them quickly? That's the only reason I can think of that he wouldn't just take the tape off and leave them at home, put them back wherever he had been storing them. Unless as you conjecture, that he might have thought he'd need to go back for them later, possibly.

On that note, the warrant explicitly stated they saw MT leaning out of the Raptor and picking up or putting something out on the ground on Albany Ave. That must hold meaning, otherwise they wouldn't have put it in the warrant. Was that to send a message about the level of detail they have on camera to MT and FD?
Remember that the warrant stated that "clothes and household items, including sponges" were found in the trash bags, and then it was revealed it was actually clothes linked to JD. The warrant has less detail than LE actually has, but FD (and maybe MT) know themselves what that means- if FD reads in the warrant that LE found bloody clothes, he knows they have JDs clothes, because he knows what he put in there. Likewise with MT and whatever it was she was picking up or putting down. LE probably knows what that is or they wouldn't have put it in there. MOO on all of this of course.

There always has been some question as to when this stuff was found I think and we have had a time here pinning it all down and making sense of what happened when. I think all the confusion is on purpose, it's LE's way of keeping us guessing, and allowing them to keep a handle on what they have/know/want us to know they have vs. what they don't have/don't know/don't want us to know they don't have.

This is why I get so mad at NP and his statements about LE leaking things...their investigation has been stealthly top notch, fluid, and expertly managed from day one. I have never seen a criminal case here so professionally handled and guarded.

I think LE is completely in control and releases something exactly when they want to like the knife, pants, and bag contents and other times there quietness is a rouse for old FD to make him think either they really are struggling and he can let his guard down or to induce panic attacks in him. But, they are always watching him.
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How does that work? I still don’t understand about hashtags, and how and where they are used
Let’s say my kid is a swimmer and she uses the htag swimfansmith on all of her social media accounts
I’ll always know what he’s up too even when not swimming and if his location is on I’ll know where he is
Example #swimfansmith #norwalk #imissyou
they don’t have to @ you when they post just use the #
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