Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18

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Since there's very little developments in terms of the missing persons case or murder, folks seem to be focused more and more on custody and GF. Custody is really a totally different issue. None of us know what the kids think, or what their life is like with GF or without FD. Folks are ready to canonize JD and they make GF out to be a hero. That may all be true, but I, for one, don't know. It's really a distraction to create these personas for GF, JD, or FD. Sure, it seems FD did the deed, but he hasn't been charged yet. It does seem he genuinely loves the kids so I don't fault him for trying some legal maneuvering to get to see them. True, that if he did kill their mother (which it does seem to be the case), it's a strange way to show his love. It's why I'm so impatient with LE. If they have something yet are waiting for more, they are hurting the kids and GF. If they don't have anything more then they should go with what they've got and let the chips fall where they may. If this case is one that will go on for the next 4 years, then FD has every right to see his kids, and even raise them. It's getting to the point where I'm pretty disappointed in LE.
They have much more evidence than any of us know IMO, but the system is designed to ensure that every defendant receives a fair trial. Not to sound trite, but this isn't a TV show; it takes a LOT of time to build a case. There is a reason the charge of first degree murder does not have a statute of limitations and that reason is the seriousness of the offense. It is crucial to get it right. There is absolutely no reason for LE to rush its investigation, and every reason for it to take the time necessary to make sure all evidence, pointing to both guilt and innocence, is fully examined.

I take issue with two of your observations. though. First, I have seen no evidence that FD "genuinely" loves his kids. Men who genuinely love their kids do not move their mistress into the family home and then refuse to contribute a dime to their support for years. Men who "genuinely" love their kids at least act like they care when their childrens' mother goes missing. Men who "genuinely" love their kids do not pronounce their love for their mistress for millions to see during this traumatic time for their children.

Second, FD has invoked his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination as it relates to JD's disappearance, as is his legal right in his criminal case. By doing so in the family case, however, he is now stuck with the "adverse inference", which is a very, very well-recognized legal doctrine, that he invoked because what he would have said would implicate him in JD's disappearance.

FD is no innocent victim, being unfairly denied access to his children by a biased legal system. He is a cold-blooded killer, who has taken advantage of every legal remedy available to him. In determining visitation, the question is no longer about what the parent demands. Even recognizing parental rights, the issue here is about what is in the best interests of these already traumatized children. IMO no judge is going to require visitation so long as criminal charges remain pending (and most likely, even long beyond that time).
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Since there's very little developments in terms of the missing persons case or murder, folks seem to be focused more and more on custody and GF. Custody is really a totally different issue. None of us know what the kids think, or what their life is like with GF or without FD. Folks are ready to canonize JD and they make GF out to be a hero. That may all be true, but I, for one, don't know. It's really a distraction to create these personas for GF, JD, or FD. Sure, it seems FD did the deed, but he hasn't been charged yet. It does seem he genuinely loves the kids so I don't fault him for trying some legal maneuvering to get to see them. True, that if he did kill their mother (which it does seem to be the case), it's a strange way to show his love. It's why I'm so impatient with LE. If they have something yet are waiting for more, they are hurting the kids and GF. If they don't have anything more then they should go with what they've got and let the chips fall where they may. If this case is one that will go on for the next 4 years, then FD has every right to see his kids, and even raise them. It's getting to the point where I'm pretty disappointed in LE.

Speaking for myself only (MOO), my opinions regarding the individuals involved are based solely on their actions and words from their own mouths or writings as noted in court or reliably published records such as JD’s blogs. Even if I go solely by actions, GF and JD look very admirable because of how they’ve acted—showed up, stood up, did things that clearly are intended to benefit the kids. No one here ever said we feel either is perfect; of course we know they cannot be since they are human. But (in MOO), they are quite perfect enough in the ways that matter—the ones clearly dedicated to helping the kids—based on their actions. GF’s efforts on the money owed also fall into that category since she has and is using HER money to support and benefit those kids.

Now, onto FD and company: Again, my view of them is based solely on his and their actions and words from his own mouth and those of his associates, and I speak for myself only: MOO. Based on those actions, I do not see regard for what is best for those kids; I see supreme regard for what is best for FD only. The list is long and it is ugly and clear to anyone looking objectively as in based on the records. He didn’t show up for their school events, he forced at least one child to continue in skiing when the child didn’t want to do so, he had a blatant affair with another woman while still living in the house with JD—his wife!—, he wanted to move the mistress into the house with JD and his kids, he used JD’s money and her parents’ money in massive amounts and did not continue paying what he owed them, he’s been arrested related to killing JD, he has whined publicly about how he is the one suffering, and in no way can I see actions that indicate he loves those kids for the good of the kids especially since he’s trying to disrupt their lives in any way possible. I doubt any of the kids wants to be around him (MOO) but even if they did, I imagine it would be related to pressure from FD and I would want professional, unbiased psychiatrists to assess whether that would be good for them given that kids might want to hang out with a tiger but that would not be good for them. Again, I don’t believe it’s even true as the lies spewed from FD’s direction are legion. Your effort to blame LE employs yet another logical fallacy in a long list of those you’ve given here. All MOO; I do not agree with you at all, BluesCluesO (Blues Clouseau?). I feel quite confident that few others except you and your associates do, either.
Awesome questions and I can answer them!!! The construction was to the corner of the prior block before Garden Street and Albany Avenue, just about to cross over to in front of the convienence store. It could have by now because it looked as if they would be doing it any day now. As for what I thought was the only storm drain there, in my original description of it I described it as looking almost like the sidewalk had buckled and it was some sort of grate holding it together, maybe until the upgrades could get there?? It was dilapidated, old, barely looked like a storm drain to begin with, and did not look to be functioning at all. I would not be surprised if that was the plan, for someone else to retrieve them. It was in full and unobstructed view of the city camera at the corner a few feet away and they probably were watching him do it, wondering why.
Perfect! You describe the way it looks in your pictures in the buckled portion.

What I wonder is how much FD knew about the Albany Ave project progress? Was he aware that the place he left the license plates/fed ex envelope had no means of connecting to an underground sewer system? Or, did he know that these license plates had no place to drop into the sewer system? Was he trying to dispose of the plates or leave them to be picked up by someone else?

We know FD lived for a number of years in NY and NYC has a very old but elaborate underground sewer system and street drainage system. Maybe FD assumed that Hartford had a similar underground sewer system to NYC? IDK. I have to admit to being super surprised by the wonder pics taken by @thekirbyfamily that show at least on Albany that there wasn't yet a fully functioning underground sewer drainage system for the the entire street/area. Hartford has been a money pit (local, state and federal funds) IMO for any number of years and so to see what we saw in the @thekirbyfamily really surprised me as I thought there would be a fully functioning system in place to deal with run off/street drainage.

He wants access to their trusts, survivor benefits, inheritances and probably child support from JD's estate. Also I bet he knows GF would support them in the fashion they are accustomed to and he will get to go along for the ride and keep his Foho life.
@MDATCA - LOVE your term, "Foho life."
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IMO all the parties in this sorry case have long records (some in court and in the public domain) that speak clearly as to who they are and what they stand for.

I don't believe we can sleuth family per TOS so I will only put out there I am projecting nothing onto GF other than what her long and distinguished professional record demonstrates (this is all in the public domain and easily searched) and her most basic actions seen in this case of caring for her 5 grandchildren when her daughter was declared missing.

Ditto to the above for JD, FD and MT.

IMO actions speak louder than words and the Family Court documents that have been brought into the public domain are the 'tip of the iceberg' IMO as to the story of who/what FD is both as a person and a father.

Nobody is perfect and there are few true heros in this world but IMO what we have seen GF do on behalf of her daughter perhaps comes close. But this is just my POV and so feel free to disagree!

Everyone has an opinion and we differ and that is what makes WS good IMO because we can do all this sharing of opinions and ideas and keep on going as we are focused on the victim and the victims family.

I would not be surprised if Fotis is attempting and/or succeeding at contacting his children through intermediaries. In fact, it’s on the record he did so with relatives, and it’s on the record he was willing to be an intermediary for his lawyer charged with rape.

The statement in the filing doesn’t prove his contact attempts, in my opinion. It is very rare children are without their own opinions-it’s like saying children need nutritious foods.

And, while I (like Jennifer and GF) do not believe Fotis’ financial claims, if they were true, his not having any money should not be a consideration. A parents’ credibility doesn’t hang on ability to pay.

This is what I would ask my attorneys to express to the judge:

Jennifer was violently attacked and may be dead. She was the children’s primary parent. Fotis claims to care about the children. Yet he has not even done the most basic thing he can do to help the children find their mother- which is give the police all he knows about the Albany Avenue trip, what he knows about his altered plates, details about his alleged alibi until 9:00.... there is much he can do to help law enforcement. That would show me and the court that the well being of his children, who are living in a hellish limbo when they need predictable routine and normalcy, come first.

Once LE has all the info Fotis can share about where Jennifer is, he should scramble to get his financial records to the court, no games. That would show me and the court he does not wish to delay, and he wants to share his money with his kids.

Then, while doing those two things, he should obey court orders about contacting the children and tell any potential intermediary to support him by doing the same. That will show me he is concerned with their psychological well-being, and show the court he respects the court.

Then he can turn to good faith filings. Instead of asking for a lawyer for the kids when he hasn’t seen them since May, how about requesting a return to supervised visits? And/or family therapy? That would show me and the court that seeing the children and being part of their lives, and supporting their psychological well-being, is what matters to Fotis.


From your post....BBM
Jennifer was violently attacked and may be dead. She was the children’s primary parent. Fotis claims to care about the children. Yet he has not even done the most basic thing he can do to help the children find their mother- which is give the police all he knows about the Albany Avenue trip, what he knows about his altered plates, details about his alleged alibi until 9:00.... there is much he can do to help law enforcement. That would show me and the court that the well being of his children, who are living in a hellish limbo when they need predictable routine and normalcy, come first.

You should just send this on to the attorney working with GF. ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING SUMMARY!
Since there's very little developments in terms of the missing persons case or murder, folks seem to be focused more and more on custody and GF. Custody is really a totally different issue. None of us know what the kids think, or what their life is like with GF or without FD. Folks are ready to canonize JD and they make GF out to be a hero. That may all be true, but I, for one, don't know. It's really a distraction to create these personas for GF, JD, or FD. Sure, it seems FD did the deed, but he hasn't been charged yet. It does seem he genuinely loves the kids so I don't fault him for trying some legal maneuvering to get to see them. True, that if he did kill their mother (which it does seem to be the case), it's a strange way to show his love. It's why I'm so impatient with LE. If they have something yet are waiting for more, they are hurting the kids and GF. If they don't have anything more then they should go with what they've got and let the chips fall where they may. If this case is one that will go on for the next 4 years, then FD has every right to see his kids, and even raise them. It's getting to the point where I'm pretty disappointed in LE.
He wants access to their trusts, survivor benefits, inheritances and probably child support from JD's estate. Also I bet he knows GF would support them in the fashion they are accustomed to and he will get to go along for the ride and keep his Foho life.

You touched on my thoughts and questions for @CTGrammy...I understand what she is saying about the trusts but wouldn't there be other income, survivor benefits, inheritances, child support from JD's estate as @MDATCA says once a death is either recorded or confirmed with discovery of a body?
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Since there's very little developments in terms of the missing persons case or murder, folks seem to be focused more and more on custody and GF. Custody is really a totally different issue. None of us know what the kids think, or what their life is like with GF or without FD. Folks are ready to canonize JD and they make GF out to be a hero. That may all be true, but I, for one, don't know. It's really a distraction to create these personas for GF, JD, or FD. Sure, it seems FD did the deed, but he hasn't been charged yet. It does seem he genuinely loves the kids so I don't fault him for trying some legal maneuvering to get to see them. True, that if he did kill their mother (which it does seem to be the case), it's a strange way to show his love. It's why I'm so impatient with LE. If they have something yet are waiting for more, they are hurting the kids and GF. If they don't have anything more then they should go with what they've got and let the chips fall where they may. If this case is one that will go on for the next 4 years, then FD has every right to see his kids, and even raise them. It's getting to the point where I'm pretty disappointed in LE.

Oops, I accidentally hit reply before writing my reply - yikes & sorry about that!!
What I wanted to say was that I respectfully disagree with your comment that FD seems to genuinely love his children. He may say those words but his actions are
an entirely different story. If he "loved" his children he wouldn't have inflicted so much emotional damage on them over the years that a court of law gave custody to JD, severely limited his access to them & now has given custody to GF with a no contact rule. If he "loved" his children so much he would have been a responsible parent & paid for their schooling, health insurance, housing & whatever else fell to JD & her mom to cover. If he "loved" his children, he wouldn't have made the outrageous demand that they & their mother live in a home with his mistress & her child. If he "loved" his children, he wouldn't be the main suspect in their mother's disappearance. If he "loved" his children, he wouldn't let his attorney repeatedly disparage their mother in front of the world. I could go & on but I think you get the idea. The man appears incapable of loving anyone but himself. And in these circumstances where the ante has been upped to possibly include murder, I think a guy like this could be a danger to the children. MOO (& another MOO for good
measure :))
Perfect! You describe the way it looks in your pictures in the buckled portion.

What I wonder is how much FD knew about the Albany Ave project progress? Was he aware that the place he left the license plates/fed ex envelope had no means of connecting to an underground sewer system? Or, did he know that these license plates had no place to drop into the sewer system? Was he trying to dispose of the plates or leave them to be picked up by someone else?

We know FD lived for a number of years in NY and NYC has a very old but elaborate underground sewer system and street drainage system. Maybe FD assumed that Hartford had a similar underground sewer system to NYC? IDK. I have to admit to being super surprised by the wonder pics taken by @thekirbyfamily that show at least on Albany that there wasn't yet a fully functioning underground sewer drainage system for the the entire street/area. Hartford has been a money pit (local, state and federal funds) IMO for any number of years and so to see what we saw in the @thekirbyfamily really surprised me as I thought there would be a fully functioning system in place to deal with run off/street drainage.


The construction has been going on for about 3 years on Albany Avenue. It started just over the West Hartford/Hartford line near Scott's Jamaican Bakery and went in the direction of Garden Street/Albany Avenue, which is 12-14 blocks away.

Albany Avenue is predominantly African American and a very high crime area, with Garden Street/Albany Avenue being the epicenter. I think Garden Street has more murders than any other street in the state. When I first had to go there for work, I was stared at, watched, followed, etc. to the point it really made me nervous and I would avoid going there if I could at all costs. I've had people answer the door with a gun in their waistband, offer me crack if I would turn tricks for them, and witnessed several crimes and acts of violence taking place. There used to be another Jamaican Bakery on Albany Avenue, one block before Garden that has since closed that the owner was very nice and would watch out for me. Then the barber shop next door would and I sort of felt like I had made in roads with some of the locals. I hope I am not offending anyone and I am only saying this to illustrate the point FD and MT would have absolutely stood out instantly and been stared at/watched for the entirety of their ride, especially in that nice pickup truck and behaving so oddly. If nothing else, people would have been running to see just what they were dumping. I think there must be a plethora of witnesses and knife guy was just one LE let out to scare FD. Moo.
I would not be surprised if Fotis is attempting and/or succeeding at contacting his children through intermediaries. In fact, it’s on the record he did so with relatives, and it’s on the record he was willing to be an intermediary for his lawyer charged with rape.

The statement in the filing doesn’t prove his contact attempts, in my opinion. It is very rare children are without their own opinions-it’s like saying children need nutritious foods.

And, while I (like Jennifer and GF) do not believe Fotis’ financial claims, if they were true, his not having any money should not be a consideration. A parents’ credibility doesn’t hang on ability to pay.

This is what I would ask my attorneys to express to the judge:

Jennifer was violently attacked and may be dead. She was the children’s primary parent. Fotis claims to care about the children. Yet he has not even done the most basic thing he can do to help the children find their mother- which is give the police all he knows about the Albany Avenue trip, what he knows about his altered plates, details about his alleged alibi until 9:00.... there is much he can do to help law enforcement. That would show me and the court that the well being of his children, who are living in a hellish limbo when they need predictable routine and normalcy, come first.

Once LE has all the info Fotis can share about where Jennifer is, he should scramble to get his financial records to the court, no games. That would show me and the court he does not wish to delay, and he wants to share his money with his kids.

Then, while doing those two things, he should obey court orders about contacting the children and tell any potential intermediary to support him by doing the same. That will show me he is concerned with their psychological well-being, and show the court he respects the court.

Then he can turn to good faith filings. Instead of asking for a lawyer for the kids when he hasn’t seen them since May, how about requesting a return to supervised visits? And/or family therapy? That would show me and the court that seeing the children and being part of their lives, and supporting their psychological well-being, is what matters to Fotis.


BBM-you are absolutely right; no parent’s right to “parent” should have a financial threshold. But as the “indigent” parent, you do not have the right to expect a far wealthier relative to foot the bill. I am not talking about taxpayers who pay for things some families can’t afford; in a civilized society that’s what we do. GF has no real responsibility to funnel money to her grandchildren, and by virtue of that, to FD. Unless there is something in the estate of HF that is irrevocable, and FD knows it. I wonder if that’s the case? Maybe she can’t turn off the spigot, and if he gets the kids, he gets the money? Hmm...
Policing social media for children/teens IS SO SO HARD. Its hard even if you know what you are doing IMO. Between hidden apps and screen names and unknown apps I'm not sure how you can do it. It just takes one communication to set the ball rolling. Most teens are quite saavy and its not hard to borrow someone elses device or computer or even use a school computer. IMO if the children want to contact someone either they or a friend will do it for them and I'm not sure what if anything can be done to stop it. Our lives are digital and access is everywhere IMO.

I also wonder if FD had a back door to his 2 older sons in place all along or if it was done via a Doulos cousin or MT daughter?

IMO this is just another form of sick entertainment for FO to put back on GF and her team and IMO its a tough one to deal with.


You can deal with it by taking away their devices, but who, really, is going to do that?
He wants access to their trusts, survivor benefits, inheritances and probably child support from JD's estate. Also I bet he knows GF would support them in the fashion they are accustomed to and he will get to go along for the ride and keep his Foho life.

Would he be entitled to child support? From whom-he is a widower! I don’t think her estate would pay the surviving spouse, even if he hadn’t killed her, would it?
Would he be entitled to child support? From whom-he is a widower! I don’t think her estate would pay the surviving spouse, even if he hadn’t killed her, would it?
I would think in order to be award child support - he would actually have to have custody of the children? I'm beginning to think her body was in the garbage mess - sigh. JMO
You can deal with it by taking away their devices, but who, really, is going to do that?
Agree. Its a tough tough situation.

Phones are personal security devices as well so I'm not sure removing them would make much difference to internet access as computers are accessible in schools, public libraries and from friends.

The best shot GF has I think is to communicate clearly with the children the reasons behind the request to not communicate with their father and his extended family and MT daughter. The idea of courts is perhaps a bit abstract but my guess is that the older children are quite aware of court and what it is all about. But most children can understand basic rules. Whether they follow them is the big unknown though. But I would bet that the psychologist working with the children will assist in this process of explanation as well. This is a tough tough road IMO.

Here is the old NYP article talking about how GF was working to address some of these issues with the children:

Quotes from article:

"Despite the new rules, the kids, ages 8 to 13 — who have been ensconced at their maternal grandmother Gloria Farber’s Fifth Avenue apartment — aren’t being kept entirely in the dark".

“We are sharing with them, as is age appropriate, what we know — because that is only fair to them. They want to know where their mother is and what is happening. They miss their mother terribly,” the source said".

"Jennifer’s inner circle has sought advice from professionals to ensure that they are handling the situation with the utmost care".

“This is completely unexpected and unprecedented for every one of us and we have to use our best instincts and are working hand-in-hand with experts to figure out what is the best way to be honest with the kids,” said the source".

“The older children have a different curiosity and seem to have a different awareness of what might have happened. We make sure they learn things pretty much as we learn them.”
Perfect! You describe the way it looks in your pictures in the buckled portion.

What I wonder is how much FD knew about the Albany Ave project progress? Was he aware that the place he left the license plates/fed ex envelope had no means of connecting to an underground sewer system? Or, did he know that these license plates had no place to drop into the sewer system? Was he trying to dispose of the plates or leave them to be picked up by someone else?
We know FD lived for a number of years in NY and NYC has a very old but elaborate underground sewer system and street drainage system. Maybe FD assumed that Hartford had a similar underground sewer system to NYC? IDK. I have to admit to being super surprised by the wonder pics taken by @thekirbyfamily that show at least on Albany that there wasn't yet a fully functioning underground sewer drainage system for the the entire street/area. Hartford has been a money pit (local, state and federal funds) IMO for any number of years and so to see what we saw in the @thekirbyfamily really surprised me as I thought there would be a fully functioning system in place to deal with run off/street drainage.

Great finds @afitzy and everyone! I had an 'ahah!' moment when reading about the Albany Avenue project and connections to the sewer system, and this (BBM): Was he trying to dispose of the plates or leave them to be picked up by someone else?
Methinks he placed them there to be picked up by someone later on. There must have been a fair amount of research and planning on FD's part to pick Albany Avenue trash receptacles to dispose of items related to JD's assault and disappearance, including the location (a sizeable stretch of disenfranchised, high crime, nobody is looking or cares inner city blocks), timing (right before a holiday weekend), where the trash would be taken to (the MIRA facility where it would be shredded and incinerated), and, primarily, IMO, it was 70 miles from where JD disappeared, but local to FD, yet an urban enough environment where 'anything could happen', and poor and homeless people and 'regular criminals' or the 'downtrodden' who wouldn't 'bat an eye' at someone getting rid of bloody evidence would not be heard and/or could be framed.

More and more, the confounding aspects of this case appear to have been well thought out by a criminal mastermind with no moral compunction who expected to pass it all off on to someone else.

I'm not at all impressed by any of it, just nauseated that he thought it would all fly... Ugghh. I feel so badly for the innocent people he took advantage of, and for anyone who crossed his path. He's truly a wolf in sheep's clothing. Brrrr. Grrrr.
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