Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18

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I make it my practice not to engage in lawyer bashing because I know many outstanding, ethical, criminal defenders, who are some of the best lawyers practicing in my circuit. The lawyers in this case, however, have engaged in some of the most unethical, unprofessional conduct I have ever witnessed. Accordingly, I have no problem pointing out that their conduct is NOT consistent with their ethical obligations. [BBM]


I too thought long and very hard early on how hard to come down on the group of attorneys we have seen representing FD. But at a certain point the 'pile on' effect of attorney statements simply builds to the point where silence IMO is NOT AN OPTION. For me it was the weeks of victim shaming followed by the "Gone Girl" and "heroin addict" allegations by Pattis, which when combined with his unethical use of the stolen Family Court psych report that tipped the scales. I think we all have personal limits and at that point I'd reached mine. In my mind victim shaming is off limits and I have seen some fabulous and BTW very effective defense work done WITHOUT VICTIM SHAMING.

Its sad to see IMO when well educated and trained legal professionals take the very low road and they just don't do it once but they do it as a standard operating procedure.

Rochlin was interviewed early in this case (his interview has been posted in a number of threads but I will go and dig it up yet again) as he talked about the long road ahead for FO in terms of even speaking or talking to his children. He sounded pragmatic about the FO legal path as it related to custody. Frankly based on the latest filing from FO/Defense, I'm not sure what kind of 'guiding hand' is being provided by Rochlin. As I said in a prior post I think the only 'hand' involved here by Rochlin is between FO checking account and his wallet! IMO totally pathetic example of quality legal representation. No different than what we saw in civil court with Atty Bill Murray filing yet another objection (along with many excuses IMO) for the financial disclosure being asked of his client by GF. Its all just an escalating game of 'tit for tat' worthy of toddlers and the system is such that it is allowed. SAD IMO.

But putting FO aside (where he belongs IMO), its the impact of dragging 2 13 yo children into this situation that IMO is absolutely unconscionable.

Either FD or his relatives have been in contact with the kiddos....or even MT's daughter....There are MANY secret sites with messages that disappear. I'm not sure that there is any way to track all of them.

And, we need to be realistic...these early teens have had their lives drastically changed at a challenging moment in their development. If their physical and mental opportunities have been limited this summer, they must be restless. The idea of freedom with the "fly-by, fun" father certainly may have a charm and appeal to them, especially if they've received messages from others that FD is innocent and being persecuted by GF and LE. AND, I'm sure that whoever is communicating with them has told them to not share that fact with anyone else.

Here's an article that includes numerous ways that teens can use their ipads, phones, etc., some secretly. The article also discusses why parents should be concerned.
18 Social Media Apps and Sites Kids Are Using Right Now

The courts will have a difficult time denying parental rights to visitation, etc., while FD is accused but not convicted of a crime I'm afraid. Hopefully the system will work in favor of the long-term needs of the children.


I don’t think there is any doubt at all about this. And remember, while GF’s apartment is a spacious one by NYC standards, it’s still very small for 5 children, especially when they have been used to much, much more space. I also don’t doubt that FD has taught his boys not to respect women, even their mother and grandmother. This lesson begins very early, and it is relentless. I know this because I work for a wealthy family, where the 12 year old son doesn’t respect his mother. Where did he learn it? From his father. I don’t have that problem with the boy, because he is afraid of me (I tamed their guard dog, who was a biter, and I don’t put up with crap from children, either)
I don’t think there is any doubt at all about this. And remember, while GF’s apartment is a spacious one by NYC standards, it’s still very small for 5 children, especially when they have been used to much, much more space. I also don’t doubt that FD has taught his boys not to respect women, even their mother and grandmother. This lesson begins very early, and it is relentless. I know this because I work for a wealthy family, where the 12 year old son doesn’t respect his mother. Where did he learn it? From his father. [BBM]I don’t have that problem with the boy, because he is afraid of me (I tamed their guard dog, who was a biter, and I don’t put up with crap from children, either)
I agree with you!

My sense is that FO is trying his best to bring GF to her knees and play on her love and care of the 5 children. This is emotional torture and torment no different from what JD endured and discussed in her court testimony and in a more muted way in her blog postings.

I think FD underestimates women and their strength in general and GF in particular and he does so at his own peril both legally and personally IMO.

Mmmm. Of all the things this atty could have said about something as important as this situation, why say that, "...obviously (the children) have not been influenced by the defendant, with whom they have had no contact with since May 22, 2019"?

Methinks thou doth protest too much...perhaps? Craziness. Where did FD find this attorney clown Rochlin?

This all seems to be just another legal ploy by FO to agitate this sad, tragic and pathetic situation and torture and torment GF. Problem is though FO wasn't content to just torment GF/JD, nope. Now he is weaponizing his children in the war. Hope the Judge sees this ploy for what it is and shuts it down!

Not sure of the 'quality' of representation FO is getting here as poking a bear rarely has good results. Sadly IMO this all just seems to be the legal work of a local hack attorney Rochlin looking to bill the hours while there is still money in the game for a maniacal client intent on revenge. If this local hack is doing this for the money I hope he got a sizable retainer or IMO his firm will be sitting on a sizable uncollectable account (wouldn't this be sad? NOT!).

We shall see how the court and GF/atty responds to this request.

Seems like this request would have to be approved by the court. Part of the court discussion is who would pay for this representation. Given that FD has been pleading poverty now for 2 years I'm surprised he is offering to pay for this additional expense? My guess is that he will again plead poverty and ask the court to have GF pay. Given that GF is now saddled with GAL fees of roughly $300,000 a year is it reasonable to expect that she also carry an atty or 2 for 2 minor children that while they may have a POV as to where they want to be, really don't have a realistic option other than GF at this point.

Why do this to a minor child that has most likely just lost a parent?

Why present the idea to the children that they might have a choice to be with their father when it seems unlikely to impossible for the court to allow any changes to custody or visitation at this time given the criminal proceedings which might drag on for 2-3 years?

What kind of person would choose to drag his 13 year old sons into a proceeding and potentially set them up to battle against their own grandmother and/or the known wishes of their own mother? Only printable TOS word that comes to mind here is a MONSTER!

I think what has me almost speechless about this request from the Defense/FO, is why subject your children to this process when the likihood of the Judge changing ANYTHING having to do with visitation or custody given the criminal proceedings is nil/none.

To put this motion before the court just as the children are getting ready to head back to school is also something that IMO shows little to no consideration of the stress/strain that these children will no doubt be under as they head back to school. Does FO care about any of this? Nope. Not at all. Its all about him 24/7 IMO.

Seeing this info pop up on the Court website today had me thinking that FO is simply a drowning pathetic individual that won't be content until he either murders everyone around him or at least drags them down to his own level.


There is something seriously wrong with FD’s mental health. I’m not a psychiatrist, or in any related field. MOO. But something’s loose up there and I’m thinking the worst. He’s capable of anything at this point bc he could just snap.[/QUOTE]
:::high five:::
As much as I hate to even think about this, what would happen if, God forbid, GF passed away? Lord knows, FO is trying to kill her too, and the stress that she’s been living under these past few months, has just got to be nearly unbearably at times. Oh, I so worry for her and the children. He truly is a monster!
Either FD or his relatives have been in contact with the kiddos....or even MT's daughter....There are MANY secret sites with messages that disappear. I'm not sure that there is any way to track all of them.

And, we need to be realistic...these early teens have had their lives drastically changed at a challenging moment in their development. If their physical and mental opportunities have been limited this summer, they must be restless. The idea of freedom with the "fly-by, fun" father certainly may have a charm and appeal to them, especially if they've received messages from others that FD is innocent and being persecuted by GF and LE. AND, I'm sure that whoever is communicating with them has told them to not share that fact with anyone else.

Here's an article that includes numerous ways that teens can use their ipads, phones, etc., some secretly. The article also discusses why parents should be concerned.
18 Social Media Apps and Sites Kids Are Using Right Now

The courts will have a difficult time denying parental rights to visitation, etc., while FD is accused but not convicted of a crime I'm afraid. Hopefully the system will work in favor of the long-term needs of the children.


I wonder what sort of safeguards GF has in place for the above bolded? Even if she isn’t up on it, maybe she knows someone who is. If I was the judge in this matter, I would be plenty po’d to find out for certain that FD or one of his henchmen was contacting those kids in any way, after being told not to.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if/when FD gets some form of visitation with them, though. Only time will tell. I can’t imagine that he will get custody of the two older boys, though, as an indigent person who has no way of supporting himself in any style, much less the one to which he’s become accustomed. Especially when there is another relative who currently has them and is caring for them and financially supporting them in an appropriate way. What I worry about is if she ever gets sick or when she dies, and he is still not convicted of any of the crimes that we are pretty sure he is guilty of. Even if he’s convicted of the current charges, what is that-a couple of years in prison? He might be out just in time to take them all when GF can no longer care for them.
A bit off topic relative to the Family Court roller coaster but a question for @thekirbyfamily about the storm drain they saw on Albany where the Fedex envelope was supposedly found by LE. I keep thinking about the 2 license plates and your excellent pictures and reporting of these storm drains and about how construction has been ongoing along Albany Ave.

Someone else posted earlier in the thread about the idea that FO could have left these license plates for someone else to pick up. I was trying to remember if the location on Albany where the Fedex envelope with the license plates was left had been upgraded such that there was a below ground piping system for the envelope to drop to. Or, was the place the Fedex envelope was left the old style drain that wasn't connected to any underground system of drains so could be accessible to someone coming to pick them up?

I wonder if LE found any other fingerprints on the fedex envelope other than FO/HO?

I wonder also if the JD body had been disposed of prior to the disposal of the license plates? Or, were the license plates to be picked up by the person/s that were charged with body disposal?

Its maddening to not yet understand how/when/why these plates were used or even understand if they were used by FO or an accomplice/s.

I wonder what sort of safeguards GF has in place for the above bolded? Even if she isn’t up on it, maybe she knows someone who is. If I was the judge in this matter, I would be plenty po’d to find out for certain that FD or one of his henchmen was contacting those kids in any way, after being told not to.

Policing social media for children/teens IS SO SO HARD. Its hard even if you know what you are doing IMO. Between hidden apps and screen names and unknown apps I'm not sure how you can do it. It just takes one communication to set the ball rolling. Most teens are quite saavy and its not hard to borrow someone elses device or computer or even use a school computer. IMO if the children want to contact someone either they or a friend will do it for them and I'm not sure what if anything can be done to stop it. Our lives are digital and access is everywhere IMO.

I also wonder if FD had a back door to his 2 older sons in place all along or if it was done via a Doulos cousin or MT daughter?

IMO this is just another form of sick entertainment for FO to put back on GF and her team and IMO its a tough one to deal with.


As much as I hate to even think about this, what would happen if, God forbid, GF passed away? Lord knows, FO is trying to kill her too, and the stress that she’s been living under these past few months, has just got to be nearly unbearably at times. Oh, I so worry for her and the children. He truly is a monster!

This is a question that I hope some responsible
people have a plan in place in case the 'what happens when" scenario takes place.

If GF becomes incapacitated or deceased, who
will come forward to take her place?

Who can give up their current lifestyle to take
on 5 active children including 3-4 teens?

Would an outsider be named? Wonder if GF
has this taken care of at this point?
Since there's very little developments in terms of the missing persons case or murder, folks seem to be focused more and more on custody and GF. Custody is really a totally different issue. None of us know what the kids think, or what their life is like with GF or without FD. Folks are ready to canonize JD and they make GF out to be a hero. That may all be true, but I, for one, don't know. It's really a distraction to create these personas for GF, JD, or FD. Sure, it seems FD did the deed, but he hasn't been charged yet. It does seem he genuinely loves the kids so I don't fault him for trying some legal maneuvering to get to see them. True, that if he did kill their mother (which it does seem to be the case), it's a strange way to show his love. It's why I'm so impatient with LE. If they have something yet are waiting for more, they are hurting the kids and GF. If they don't have anything more then they should go with what they've got and let the chips fall where they may. If this case is one that will go on for the next 4 years, then FD has every right to see his kids, and even raise them. It's getting to the point where I'm pretty disappointed in LE.
I would not be surprised if Fotis is attempting and/or succeeding at contacting his children through intermediaries. In fact, it’s on the record he did so with relatives, and it’s on the record he was willing to be an intermediary for his lawyer charged with rape.

The statement in the filing doesn’t prove his contact attempts, in my opinion. It is very rare children are without their own opinions-it’s like saying children need nutritious foods.

And, while I (like Jennifer and GF) do not believe Fotis’ financial claims, if they were true, his not having any money should not be a consideration. A parents’ credibility doesn’t hang on ability to pay.

This is what I would ask my attorneys to express to the judge:

Jennifer was violently attacked and may be dead. She was the children’s primary parent. Fotis claims to care about the children. Yet he has not even done the most basic thing he can do to help the children find their mother- which is give the police all he knows about the Albany Avenue trip, what he knows about his altered plates, details about his alleged alibi until 9:00.... there is much he can do to help law enforcement. That would show me and the court that the well being of his children, who are living in a hellish limbo when they need predictable routine and normalcy, come first.

Once LE has all the info Fotis can share about where Jennifer is, he should scramble to get his financial records to the court, no games. That would show me and the court he does not wish to delay, and he wants to share his money with his kids.

Then, while doing those two things, he should obey court orders about contacting the children and tell any potential intermediary to support him by doing the same. That will show me he is concerned with their psychological well-being, and show the court he respects the court.

Then he can turn to good faith filings. Instead of asking for a lawyer for the kids when he hasn’t seen them since May, how about requesting a return to supervised visits? And/or family therapy? That would show me and the court that seeing the children and being part of their lives, and supporting their psychological well-being, is what matters to Fotis.

Either FD or his relatives have been in contact with the kiddos....or even MT's daughter....There are MANY secret sites with messages that disappear. I'm not sure that there is any way to track all of them.

And, we need to be realistic...these early teens have had their lives drastically changed at a challenging moment in their development. If their physical and mental opportunities have been limited this summer, they must be restless. The idea of freedom with the "fly-by, fun" father certainly may have a charm and appeal to them, especially if they've received messages from others that FD is innocent and being persecuted by GF and LE. AND, I'm sure that whoever is communicating with them has told them to not share that fact with anyone else.

Here's an article that includes numerous ways that teens can use their ipads, phones, etc., some secretly. The article also discusses why parents should be concerned.
18 Social Media Apps and Sites Kids Are Using Right Now

The courts will have a difficult time denying parental rights to visitation, etc., while FD is accused but not convicted of a crime I'm afraid. Hopefully the system will work in favor of the long-term needs of the children.


I agree that (for good reason) it is difficult to deny parental visitation- and I agree that insofar as he loves anyone, he loves his children the most. But what made Fotis chose to file for court appointment of attorneys over resuming supervised visitation? Why not ask if he can join in therapy? Why not ask if he can send them (for example, because I think one of them asked) pictures of their rooms? Perhaps through an appropriate intermediary like their therapist? The attorney has nothing to do with seeing his oldest kids sooner- and nothing at all to do with his younger three.

A bit off topic relative to the Family Court roller coaster but a question for @thekirbyfamily about the storm drain they saw on Albany where the Fedex envelope was supposedly found by LE. I keep thinking about the 2 license plates and your excellent pictures and reporting of these storm drains and about how construction has been ongoing along Albany Ave.

Someone else posted earlier in the thread about the idea that FO could have left these license plates for someone else to pick up. I was trying to remember if the location on Albany where the Fedex envelope with the license plates was left had been upgraded such that there was a below ground piping system for the envelope to drop to. Or, was the place the Fedex envelope was left the old style drain that wasn't connected to any underground system of drains so could be accessible to someone coming to pick them up?

I wonder if LE found any other fingerprints on the fedex envelope other than FO/HO?

I wonder also if the JD body had been disposed of prior to the disposal of the license plates? Or, were the license plates to be picked up by the person/s that were charged with body disposal?

Its maddening to not yet understand how/when/why these plates were used or even understand if they were used by FO or an accomplice/s.

Awesome questions and I can answer them!!! The construction was to the corner of the prior block before Garden Street and Albany Avenue, just about to cross over to in front of the convienence store. It could have by now because it looked as if they would be doing it any day now. As for what I thought was the only storm drain there, in my original description of it I described it as looking almost like the sidewalk had buckled and it was some sort of grate holding it together, maybe until the upgrades could get there?? It was dilapidated, old, barely looked like a storm drain to begin with, and did not look to be functioning at all. I would not be surprised if that was the plan, for someone else to retrieve them. It was in full and unobstructed view of the city camera at the corner a few feet away and they probably were watching him do it, wondering why.
Either FD or his relatives have been in contact with the kiddos....or even MT's daughter....There are MANY secret sites with messages that disappear. I'm not sure that there is any way to track all of them.

And, we need to be realistic...these early teens have had their lives drastically changed at a challenging moment in their development. If their physical and mental opportunities have been limited this summer, they must be restless. The idea of freedom with the "fly-by, fun" father certainly may have a charm and appeal to them, especially if they've received messages from others that FD is innocent and being persecuted by GF and LE. AND, I'm sure that whoever is communicating with them has told them to not share that fact with anyone else.

Here's an article that includes numerous ways that teens can use their ipads, phones, etc., some secretly. The article also discusses why parents should be concerned.
18 Social Media Apps and Sites Kids Are Using Right Now

The courts will have a difficult time denying parental rights to visitation, etc., while FD is accused but not convicted of a crime I'm afraid. Hopefully the system will work in favor of the long-term needs of the children.

I think family court judges view these situations much differently than they did even 5 years ago. The case where the husband murdered his wife in Utah (I don't believe her body was ever located, but LE knows he murdered her), and subsequently blew himself and his two sons to smithereens (excuse the description), during court ordered supervision, and while a DCF worker was on the phone to 911, has changed everything. IME courts are increasingly reluctant to expose children to a clearly established danger of abuse/violence merely because a person asserts their "parental rights."

This motion is going before the very same judge who has heard FD's narcissistic demands over and over and over again. She is also the same judge who has seen FD assert his 5th when asked about what happened to JD. She has seen this playbook before, this pretending to care about the children's interests so that FD gets what he thinks he deserves. How dare anyone keep FD from his children! He, and only he, knows what his best for his possessions, er, children!

Hey dude, you want to show you give a solitary dam* about any of those kids? Start paying a single PENNY toward their support. Quit asserting your 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination, and tell your children the TRUTH about what really happened the day their mother "disappeared". Quit directing your lawyers to disparage the mother of your children as a mentally ill drug addict. Quit your ridiculous charade of "devoted" father while publicly pronouncing your love for the woman who, at minimum, helped hide evidence of their mother's murder!

Of course, if FD actually cared about his children's well-being, he wouldn't have begun to cheat while married to their mother and then demand that she live, in the home her parents paid for, with his mistress. He would not have put the children through the trauma of the last two years of emotional manipulation. He would not have specifically instructed these very same children, the oldest two, to lie in previous matters before this same judge! He would have accepted financial responsibility for their care and would not have committed money laundering to hide assets. He would have not routinely violated court orders put in place to protect the children's well-being.

FD has done nothing to support and protect these children and everything possible to advance his own selfish interests. His conduct is not going to be excused or overlooked by Judge Heller this time around the mulberry bush. IMO, FD and his attorney are, in street slang "smoking crack" if they believe this judge is going to allow FD to inflict further damage on those poor kids. His continued lawyer-sanctioned temper tantrums have been wholly ineffective in advancing his cause (IMO), and serve only to prove how far he will go to get what he thinks he deserves.
It infuriates me the way that FD is trying to bleed is very unlikely, IMO, that those two children would be placed back in the home with him, and I am sure he knows this. But it doesn’t matter; he is still going to stick her with the entire cost of their legal representation-since he is penniless. And if he is penniless, why would any child advocate recommend allowing the children to live with him? This is solely designed to drain GF’s finances and cause undo stress in a home where his 5 children reside because he killed their mother. I wonder what GF’s current financial structure for the kids might be, and if FD’s desire to have them with him would change if he learned that the money doesn’t follow the children wherever they reside?

I agree.

HF was Very Intelligent, Especially with money. It was his profession. Albeit why, HF was able to set up the Trust Funds for JD, her sister, and each of the 5 grandchildren.

IMO, HF Protected those Trust Funds and No One could access them or control them personally.

Trust Funds for minor children, are set up that bills, like Education, are sent to the Fund Manager, and they pay the bill.

The type of expenses paid is stated within the Trust Fund Documents, and any expenses Not pre approved, will Not be paid by the Trust Fund Manager.

IMO, JD's children's Trust Funds would only pay for K4-12 Grade Education and a University Education. The bills would be paid by the Trust Fund Manager directly to the entity and not the child or the parent.

IMO, HF gave JD a monthly allowance for daily expenses, groceries, vehicle expenses, etc, while she was at Brown and then NYU. However, I do not believe these expenses were paid by the Trust Fund.

IMO, FO would NEVER have control over the trust fund. EVER.

HF set up JD's Trust Fund to give her an 'Annual Income' and JD never had full access to the Trust Fund, and she was 50 years old.

IMO, if JD had full access to the fund, it would have been depleted by FO Immediately after saying 'I do' (take all your money, that is) in August of 2004.

IMO, even the children will not have any control over their own Trust Funds and would not receive an 'Annual Income' from their Trust Funds until they reach an 'Age of Maturity' set by HF.

With Most Trust Funds, this is After the completion of a University Education, and/or Married, and/or the receiver reaches the predetermined 'Age of Maturity'.

The child's educational expenses and all that entails, would be paid by the Trust Fund, but they would not have the full 'Annual Income' until the 'Age of Maturity' and other stipulations set within the Trust Fund.

Albeit why, GF was paying for a lot of the Family Court expenses since JD Only received the $400,000 per year income and not a penny more.

Thank Goodness those Trust Funds are Protected.

IMO, the children's Trust Funds were paying for their Tuition, even before JD Escaped her captor at 4JC. IMO, HF set up the children's Trust Funds the same way he did JD's.

IMO, once the children reach the 'Age of Maturity' with their Trust Fund, they too would only receive an 'Annual Income' and not have full access to the funds, Ever.

IMO, HF set up All the Trust Funds with guidelines and restrictions in place to prevent any of them from being depleted and abused by the likes of FO.

With a MOO MOO here and a MOO MOO there, here a MOO, there a MOO, everywhere a MOO MOO.
If you remember, JD said in an early court filing that FD wanted to take the two oldest and disappear. I worry that FD has been in contact with them...I worry about some of the decisions I've seen 13-year-olds make, especially when life with one parent seems better than with another. FD cannot afford to take care of these kiddos; he can't pay for their tuition, if can't pay the plumbing contractors; he can't give them the life they had with JD's money; doubt he knows how to schedule dental appointments, doctor's appointment, diet, etc....he cannot pay for the the travel, the water skiing, etc., they think they'll enjoy with him.

FD is going at GF where he knows it will hurt the most.....It makes me really, really sad. MOO! MOO!
He probably plans on is sweet "Michy" to take care of them...because she is such a fine-upstanding mother. This makes my blood boil...arrest him ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!! jmo
Since there's very little developments in terms of the missing persons case or murder, folks seem to be focused more and more on custody and GF. Custody is really a totally different issue. None of us know what the kids think, or what their life is like with GF or without FD. Folks are ready to canonize JD and they make GF out to be a hero. That may all be true, but I, for one, don't know. It's really a distraction to create these personas for GF, JD, or FD. Sure, it seems FD did the deed, but he hasn't been charged yet. It does seem he genuinely loves the kids so I don't fault him for trying some legal maneuvering to get to see them. True, that if he did kill their mother (which it does seem to be the case), it's a strange way to show his love. It's why I'm so impatient with LE. If they have something yet are waiting for more, they are hurting the kids and GF. If they don't have anything more then they should go with what they've got and let the chips fall where they may. If this case is one that will go on for the next 4 years, then FD has every right to see his kids, and even raise them. It's getting to the point where I'm pretty disappointed in LE.
I share your impatience with no arrest yet.
It's human nature to take up for the good guys and despise the villain.
I would suspect the children are very conflicted being wrenched from their home, missing their mother and father, trying to fully understand it all.
That's why GF is a hero to me.
I have seen nothing, IMO, to support his love for his children.
Just the opposite, in fact.
If you remember, JD said in an early court filing that FD wanted to take the two oldest and disappear. I worry that FD has been in contact with them...I worry about some of the decisions I've seen 13-year-olds make, especially when life with one parent seems better than with another. FD cannot afford to take care of these kiddos; he can't pay for their tuition, if can't pay the plumbing contractors; he can't give them the life they had with JD's money; doubt he knows how to schedule dental appointments, doctor's appointment, diet, etc....he cannot pay for the the travel, the water skiing, etc., they think they'll enjoy with him.

FD is going at GF where he knows it will hurt the most.....It makes me really, really sad. MOO! MOO!

He wants access to their trusts, survivor benefits, inheritances and probably child support from JD's estate. Also I bet he knows GF would support them in the fashion they are accustomed to and he will get to go along for the ride and keep his Foho life.
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