Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18

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Punched a garage attendant? Wonder what set him off? Maybe meeting with the in-laws didn’t go as planned? Some financial issues that Mr. Farber brought up to FD, I bet. It sounds like the Farbers are very well loved, known and respected. I doubt Mr. Farber would talk to his son in law about how he was treating/mistreating JD at their apartment in the city. I’d see that talk taking place elsewhere. Maybe Mill Pond. Was that the name of the Farber’s other property?
Maybe if Hilliard Farber was alive today, FD would not be defending himself. I’d have called friends in high places to share my grief. FD would be singing in a boy’s choir.
FD probably wanted to park in a handicap spot for his convenience and the parking attendant made the mistake of telling him no. MOO
Because he can. Because he wants to scare GF. Because even after all he has done, there is ZERO shame or remorse. Because when you are a garbage human being, it is fun tightening the screws on the mother of a murdered daughter. Because revenge is all that's left at this point. Because he is a monster. Sorry Norm. I have gone and vilified your client.

He ought to be scared of her, but I think he is too stupid. Even in the unlikely chance that he doesn’t go down for murder, he could and probably will go to prison for an assortment of fraud and tax evasion issues. She’s got his number and she has the means to crush him. And the motivation. And the skilled lawyers...
If FD was using his his Fidelity retirement acct to make bond
Would the bonding company run a credit check?
Maybe? I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't at least get authorization to do so as part of their paperwork. If the person jumps bond it would be another tool they could use to track them down in the future. JMO
Re: boys' medical and school records-
I wonder if acquiring these is part of future plan
to abscond with boys to parts unknown.
He may know he needs these to enroll boys in foreign school and maybe in some backward
country they might show "ownership". ??
Lol-would the medical records include the time they didn’t have health insurance coverage, because he ignored a court order that he pay for it? Does anyone know why he would even request these things, other than that he knew GF would refuse to relinquish them, and he was trying to make a point? To what end was this request made?

FD doesn't believe laws, courts, judges can tell him what to do with his life and his children. In his mind he thinks he will not be held accountable for JD's murder, he will get those kids back and some form of financial help to raise them, and so he is pushing forward with the misguided help of NP and RR. They have convinced him if he is the last man standing and no body is ever found, at the end of this he will have his kids and money back. Fits right in with NP's "Everyone deserves to be defended" motto. The hubris of these three men. I am a little Leary of the family courts from what has come out, what is in the record, and their seeming inability to rein FD in...sort of like they have allowed a fox to live in the hen house and they aren't sure what to do about it now. They are just spinning around in circles. If he just so happens to kill off GF with stress, grief, delay tactics, be it...more money for the kids in the end. Only my opinion.
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There would also likely be brain DNA in the garage, perhaps on the ceiling or the car.

This could be true whether a gun or a blunt instrument was used.

If I remember correctly, people in a rage against someone with a personal relationship to them tend to go for the head and face.

I'm still thinking blunt instrument since we haven't heard that neighbors reported gunshots. (Of course, there's a lot we haven't heard yet!)
BBM Exactly! I think he planned to strangle her because he thought it would be quick, quiet and clean. Once I read about water skiers (particularly champions!) needing very strong arms, I just couldn't get that image out of my mind. I think she got away from him and he ended up bludgeoning the poor woman to death. If he used a gun, I think he used a silencer. Maybe that was what all that banging was about, destroying a weapon?

Time to slip into my MOO MOO!
Does anyone know what HF died from? FD's wide reaching web of deceit being exposed makes me think hurting anyone, especially if it was a person who was causing him trouble, was not off limits to him.
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Jennifer Dulos divorce: Fotis wants children’s medical, school records
n a motion filed late Thursday in Stamford family court, attorney Rich Rochlin said his client has been denied his five children’s “academic, medical, hospital and other health records.”
Rochlin said in his motion that the children’s guardian ad litem, Michael Meehan, advised him that Farber is not willing to release the records to Fotis Dulos. Rochlin said Jennifer Dulos’ divorce attorney has also refused to give up the records.
“More troubling is that plaintiff’s attorney has also weighed in on such request and took the same position as Ms. Farber,” Rochlin wrote. “It is unclear how he is able to take any position (other than his own)— consistent with the Rules of Professional Conduct — without consulting his client.”
Fotis Dulos last saw his children during a supervised visit at his estranged wife’s New Canaan home on May 22 — two days before her disappearance.
Rochlin citing The Rules of Professional Conduct? That's rich. He may want to continue his read of those rules, where he will perhaps learn about the prohibition against making public statements for the purpose prejudicing the opposing party's right to an unbiased tribunal, as well as the prohibition against the use of "frivolous" discovery requests. In fact, I would suggest that he sign up for some professionalism seminars, as he seems to be very rusty in his complete knowledge of the rules.

The lawyers working for GF are clearly boxing below their class. Weinstein's pleadings are consistently concise, well-researched and well-pled. The use of "zingers" is not overdone, does not demean the proceedings, and cleverly hits the mark. Contrast its most recent pleading with the amateurish PR releases that NP and company attempt to pass off as actual pleadings, and the difference between the lawyers becomes even more obvious.

It is the difference between actual litigators and pretend wannabes, whose measure of success is not whether their client is exonerated, but is instead how much media time the lawyer got that day. It is an open secret in most legal communities to which category a particular lawyer belongs. Good thing FD doesn't know the difference between the two. I am enjoying seeing him be led down the primrose path of Scott Peterson, Teddy Bundy and other malignant narcissists, who truly believed they could fool all the people all the time with their steady steam of horse hockey.
Re: boys' medical and school records-
I wonder if acquiring these is part of future plan
to abscond with boys to parts unknown.
He may know he needs these to enroll boys in foreign school and maybe in some backward
country they might show "ownership". ??
Absolutely! Maybe he wants to add them to the portfolio he has created for each child, along with the spreadsheets he maintains for each of them. Throw in some heartwarming photos and it would probably come in handy in his custody case as he portrays himself as the caring father. MOO
I think FD's plan is to divide and conquer his own children!

BBM God bless you and all that you stand for @Jmoose! I applaud you for standing up to disrespectful and bad behavior. LOL The Moose is loose!
Sadly I agree. Remember their former teacher who posted several weeks ago, the children idolized their father. Im sure in their minds it could still be inconceivable to them their father killed their mother. MOO.
He doesn’t learn from his mistakes, does he.

Perfect summary of this sad and tragic tale!

FO and No Case Norm are 'one trick ponies' IMO and no match for the GF legal team IMO. Sadly they are going to take this battle into the mud IMO if the courts allow it to happen. Its tragic that GF has to deal with this situation which has been created by FO and absolutely facilitated by Pattis & Crew.

I remain concerned that the focus on the childrens welfare and of course JD has been lost in all of this. But the decision of Richlin/FO to 'go low' in Family Court to pull apart the children at a time when there is no court in CT that would grant even supervised visitation to FO is something that I cannot understand. We know the GF custody decision has been appealed and will no doubt be heard at some point.

Is the reason for FO/Richlin requesting the childrens records to simply nit pick GF decisions one by one and create further motions to simply waste more time and money? IDK but I hope Judge Heller nips this line of inquiry in the bud at least until the custody issue is heard on appeal.

Didn’t he design a house on Black Island for The Masiellos?
The husband went to Brown with him. Not Henry Masiello
I remember because of theFore Group review and I was surprised they knew his Greek relatives
Before being jailed in connection with the disappearance of Jennifer Farber Dulos, her estranged husband, Fotis Dulos, faced a downward spiral in his business and marriageDulos has attracted some investors for the 80 Mountain Spring development. They included a $600,000 line of credit from Henry Masiello of Coventry, R.I., and a $500,000 mortgage from Ioannis Toutziaridis of Athens, Greece, land records show. Masiello did not return a call seeking comment. Toutziaridis couldn't be reached
Before being jailed in connection with the disappearance of Jennifer Farber Dulos, her estranged husband, Fotis Dulos, faced a downward spiral in his business and marriage
Interesting. Masiello and Toutziaridis are the individuals that each hold a mortgage (behind Danbury Savings Bank) on the Sturbridge NC house. I don't know the amts of these secondary mortgages but these names are listed along with the attachment by GF/Estate. MOO
Lol-would the medical records include the time they didn’t have health insurance coverage, because he ignored a court order that he pay for it? Does anyone know why he would even request these things, other than that he knew GF would refuse to relinquish them, and he was trying to make a point? To what end was this request made?
A Wild Theory here-
somehow this request for med. and educ. records smacks, to me, like something a woman would suggest. Maybe MT said if we
take off for South America, we'll need those.
Usually it's the mothers who gather these records for school admission. She would know.
Maybe she's waiting in the wings for the signal
to pack up and be ready to run.
If they had the 2 older boys it would make one happy little family in S.A. where corrupt crooks
cover for each other.
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