Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18

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Lol-would the medical records include the time they didn’t have health insurance coverage, because he ignored a court order that he pay for it? Does anyone know why he would even request these things, other than that he knew GF would refuse to relinquish them, and he was trying to make a point? To what end was this request made?

In my mind it's possible that this request is further proof that someone is talking to the boys who is sharing or getting information from the older boys. Nothing thirteen-year-olds like better than complaining about things like, "It was a boring summer..Granny made us see all these doctors (school physicals?)….we never got out of the water skiing, etc." Wonder if someone who is communicating with the boys has been sharing that information with FD...Maybe water skiing friends, school friends, etc. Often there are back-to-school get togethers at the end of summer...birthday parties....etc. the kids might be attending.
Rochlin citing The Rules of Professional Conduct? That's rich. He may want to continue his read of those rules, where he will perhaps learn about the prohibition against making public statements for the purpose prejudicing the opposing party's right to an unbiased tribunal, as well as the prohibition against the use of "frivolous" discovery requests. In fact, I would suggest that he sign up for some professionalism seminars, as he seems to be very rusty in his complete knowledge of the rules.

The lawyers working for GF are clearly boxing below their class. Weinstein's pleadings are consistently concise, well-researched and well-pled. The use of "zingers" is not overdone, does not demean the proceedings, and cleverly hits the mark. Contrast its most recent pleading with the amateurish PR releases that NP and company attempt to pass off as actual pleadings, and the difference between the lawyers becomes even more obvious.

It is the difference between actual litigators and pretend wannabes, whose measure of success is not whether their client is exonerated, but is instead how much media time the lawyer got that day. It is an open secret in most legal communities to which category a particular lawyer belongs. Good thing FD doesn't know the difference between the two. I am enjoying seeing him be led down the primrose path of Scott Peterson, Teddy Bundy and other malignant narcissists, who truly believed they could fool all the people all the time with their steady steam of horse hockey.
Well said!!

Rochlin seems to enjoy the limelight perhaps a bit too much so I wonder how it will play out with No Case Norms love the limelight and deep need to control ALL! IDK.

Rochlin is also sadly an attorney that feels compelled to be active on social media and I believe in contravention of court orders in a specific divorce case that he was involved with recently. Rochlin made the choice to post demeaning photos of the STBX female spouse who at the time was undergoing treatment for breast cancer on social media (Rochlin was representing her husband in the case).

Both wife and Rochlin had court orders to stay off of social media regarding the case. His decision to attack someone online that was undergoing treatment looked petty at best and cruel and highly unprofessional at worst. Then, to top things off and in an interesting twist he wrote a 'letter of explanation' about the matter to a FB Group involved with the JD Case. So, it seems we might just have another individual that has issues with questionable personal choices and is lacking in impulse control. I would love to see what the CT Bar Association would make of this overall situation as it looks like this is an attorney that believes that attacking his clients STBX on social media is ok and part of his brief EVEN when the court had told him to stay off of social media.

Sadly, these are the kinds of attorneys that FO has in his "corner". IMO they are sad, pathetic and highly unprofessional.

We know there is security at the apartment GF
owns and houses the kids in. I wonder if there's
any real security at the school the older boys will be attending.
What's to prevent a plan for the 2 boys to leave
the school grounds and meet up with an intermediary that whisks them off to a little
airport in NY or NJ or even Ct. , meet up w/ FD, MT and daughter and fly into the wild blue yonder?
Would only the FBI go after them? Interpol? Since IRS
may have opened a criminal case against him,
they could request FBI.
I came cross this and thought it was interesting to hear Dr. Gloria Farber talk, especially about successfully educating children:

I also love this picture of her smiling and I like to think she is talking to Jennifer, saying something like "I'm on it baby girl!"
This made my day viewing this!! GF is such a lovely caring giving woman..she raised her two girls, and JD was a loving and caring mother to her children..with JD never coming back, GF is more than validated to help her grandchildren the best...

I think FD is jealous of what an outstanding family he married, fueling even more anger in him..the vision of him brutally killing and disposing JD is the vision of only a demon could do..FD will pay the eternal price in the next world, and there is no water there......
We know there is security at the apartment GF
owns and houses the kids in. I wonder if there's
any real security at the school the older boys will be attending.
What's to prevent a plan for the 2 boys to leave
the school grounds and meet up with an intermediary that whisks them off to a little
airport in NY or NJ or even Ct. , meet up w/ FD, MT and daughter and fly into the wild blue yonder?
Would only the FBI go after them? Interpol? Since IRS
may have opened a criminal case against him,
they could request FBI.
This is clearly a huge issue of providing security for the children.

I am sure GF is all over this and has things well in hand. I almost wish that GF could petition Family Court in a sealed document due to the security issues involved to petition to place the 2 older boys in a boarding school far far away from the reach of FD. Its not optimal but might be the only way to protect them.

Entire situation IMO is pathetic but it looks like the Pattis & Crew strategy is to 'go low' so GF needs to be prepared IMO for virtually anything. MOO
I thought FD just asked some friends to write fake letters for him to show at his deposition and now GF wants receipts and he doesn’t have them
I agree that the consistency and language of these have a whiff of fakery- someone should do some text analysis on these a la Fakespot.
Fake or real, the problem is that FD is boxing himself in, it serves one purpose for FD to frame Fore as a victim of the divorce stemming back years, but it backfires when he tries to block discovery on the basis that GF is trying to decimate his successful business and livelihood. Ditto for all the other scams he’s trying to pull. It’s a good temporary cover ruse, and maybe he can get away with some of it, but when the chips fall it isn’t going to be pretty for FD.
Didn’t he design a house on Black Island for The Masiellos?
The husband went to Brown with him. Not Henry Masiello
I remember because of theFore Group review and I was surprised they knew his Greek relatives
Before being jailed in connection with the disappearance of Jennifer Farber Dulos, her estranged husband, Fotis Dulos, faced a downward spiral in his business and marriageDulos has attracted some investors for the 80 Mountain Spring development. They included a $600,000 line of credit from Henry Masiello of Coventry, R.I., and a $500,000 mortgage from Ioannis Toutziaridis of Athens, Greece, land records show. Masiello did not return a call seeking comment. Toutziaridis couldn't be reached
Before being jailed in connection with the disappearance of Jennifer Farber Dulos, her estranged husband, Fotis Dulos, faced a downward spiral in his business and marriage
I can't see any of these people ever getting any of their money back at this point or at least anytime soon. These houses IMO will only be sold at fire sale prices or auction under court order. MOO
I thought FD just asked some friends to write fake letters for him to show at his deposition and now GF wants receipts and he doesn’t have them
Yes, @sds71 but at what point does the civil court Judge call "BS" on this entire process and issue order in favor of GF? GF responded to the last ridiculous motion from Atty Bill Murray/FO and so we are waiting for response from Judge. But if the receipts don't exist because its all an elaborate lie then at some point this will have to be dealt with by the court. Just hope its sooner rather than later?!? MOO
Absolutely! Maybe he wants to add them to the portfolio he has created for each child, along with the spreadsheets he maintains for each of them. Throw in some heartwarming photos and it would probably come in handy in his custody case as he portrays himself as the caring father. MOO
Marissa Alter

Marissa Alter posted the 3 page document filed by Rochlin on behalf of FO for information about his children.
FD doesn't believe laws, courts, judges can tell him what to do with his life and his children. In his mind he thinks he will not be held accountable for JD's murder, he will get those kids back and some form of financial help to raise them, and so he is pushing forward with the misguided help of NP and RR. They have convinced him if he is the last man standing and no body is ever found, at the end of this he will have his kids and money back. Fits right in with NP's "Everyone deserves to be defended" motto. The hubris of these three men. I am a little Leary of the family courts from what has come out, what is in the record, and their seeming inability to rein FD in...sort of like they have allowed a fox to live in the hen house and they aren't sure what to do about it now. They are just spinning around in circles. If he just so happens to kill off GF with stress, grief, delay tactics, be it...more money for the kids in the end. Only my opinion.
Agree with you up until when u stated more money for the kids.....would add more money to FD pockets...he would scam his own children..
Interesting. Masiello and Toutziaridis are the individuals that each hold a mortgage (behind Danbury Savings Bank) on the Sturbridge NC house. I don't know the amts of these secondary mortgages but these names are listed along with the attachment by GF/Estate. MOO

Has he got second mortgages on all of the houses that he built? Does anyone here know if that’s a normal thing to do on a house you don’t even live in?
Has he got second mortgages on all of the houses that he built? Does anyone here know if that’s a normal thing to do on a house you don’t even live in?
I'm working my way through all the research now but my guess is that for Sturbridge he didn't have cash here in the US so used Danbury Savings Bank and the 2 private mortgages to complete the project. Even so, you can tell by looking at the project that he ran out of money for landscaping, stone patio and pool plans were scapped.

I am not sure if the attachment amt. from GF/Civil Case on Sturbridge is $500,000 still as I don't believe the court had yet ruled on the issue of increasing the amount as requested by GF.

Has he got second mortgages on all of the houses that he built? Does anyone here know if that’s a normal thing to do on a house you don’t even live in?
No, its not typical but if he had equity in the property and could demonstrate income or provide other collateral perhaps this is how it happened. My guess is that these second mortgages are 'private' meaning unconventional loans from non financial institutions. FORE financial issues and FO personal issues with divorce were well known or certainly well rumored in Farmington Valley according to court documents in the civil case presented by GF going back to 2017. MOO
And she’s feuding online with RR
Well said!!

Rochlin seems to enjoy the limelight perhaps a bit too much so I wonder how it will play out with No Case Norms love the limelight and deep need to control ALL! IDK.

Rochlin is also sadly an attorney that feels compelled to be active on social media and I believe in contravention of court orders in a specific divorce case that he was involved with recently. Rochlin made the choice to post demeaning photos of the STBX female spouse who at the time was undergoing treatment for breast cancer on social media (Rochlin was representing her husband in the case).

Both wife and Rochlin had court orders to stay off of social media regarding the case. His decision to attack someone online that was undergoing treatment looked petty at best and cruel and highly unprofessional at worst. Then, to top things off and in an interesting twist he wrote a 'letter of explanation' about the matter to a FB Group involved with the JD Case. So, it seems we might just have another individual that has issues with questionable personal choices and is lacking in impulse control. I would love to see what the CT Bar Association would make of this overall situation as it looks like this is an attorney that believes that attacking his clients STBX on social media is ok and part of his brief EVEN when the court had told him to stay off of social media.

Sadly, these are the kinds of attorneys that FO has in his "corner". IMO they are sad, pathetic and highly unprofessional.

and, if I’m understanding this correctly, that same STBX has been quoted and pictured in media since JD has gone missing, as a friend of JDs. So it’s quite the mess.
Has he got second mortgages on all of the houses that he built? Does anyone here know if that’s a normal thing to do on a house you don’t even live in?
It's not that common amongst financially strong
builders but obviously the bank did not want to go over *advertiser censored* dollars at risk on that home with
FD as builder.
Banks, IMO, looked at FD w/ a bit of side eye.
Which is why he had to get help financing even
his personal home at 4JC.
People that loan money (banks) for a living and do this day in and out would be able to tell
quickly that FD was a risk taker, had grandiose
ideas, and wasn't good for the whole roll.
So instead of totally turning him down for a loan, they just approve a portion of what he was
asking for.
Does anyone know what HF died from? FD's wide reaching web of deceit being exposed makes me think hurting anyone, especially if it was a person who was causing him trouble, was not off limits to him.
I don't think it's been publicly stated what HF died from, but IIRC it was from a lingering illness over at least a few months to a year that he did not recover from.

It's possible FD may have poisoned HF and JD and his own mother; they all three were "ill" in the time leading up to their deaths. JD had lost a lot of weight and had been seeing several doctors before she disappeared. FD's mother was having "dizzy spells" before she fell and was hit by the Greek nanny with the SUV. HF was ill, with no specifics on what he died from in any MSM or obituaries.

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I don't think it's been publicly stated what HF died from, but IIRC it was from a lingering illness over at least a few months to a year that he did not recover from.

It's possible FD may have poisoned HF and JD and his own mother; they all three were "ill" in the time leading up to their deaths. JD had lost a lot of weight and had been seeing several doctors before she disappeared. FD's mother was having "dizzy spells" before she fell and was hit by the Greek nanny with the SUV. HF was ill, with no specifics on what he died from in any MSM or obituaries.

Honestly, if this horrible tragedy wasn’t a reality, it would make an amazing movie.
I know this is not a popular opinion here and I also know I've shared it before but until FD is convicted, or at the very least charged with murder, I really can't claim he's guilty. Hell, LE doesn't believe he's guilty enough to charge him. And as long as that's the case, he has every right to try to see them, get medical records, want custody, get them legal representation. Given that there appears to be no evidence that he killed JD or had her killed, he should get custody. Let's say he was a jerk. Say he yelled, was a philanderer, was irresponsible with money. Those aren't reasons to take his kids away from him. The way he probably sees it is that GF and JD were vindictive. GF has lots of money and lots of lawyers and can get her way and he sees this as unfair. And if it were you or me, I think we'd feel the same way. Folks on this site have convicted him or murder based on the trash dump and the personality we see from the media. Sure, it makes me highly suspicious too. But this belief that he's not entitled to due process or to raise his kids is not correct. It doesn't matter how much money, or how little, money he has or how much GF has. If he's guilty, charge him and convict him. If LE can't do that, or if it is going to take a long long time to do that, then let him raise his kids. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I believe it's the correct one. If my wife disappeared, LE could not charge me with her disappearance, and I had a rich mother-in-law that could hire better lawyers than me and was holding the kids against their own will (presumably), I would be upset and I would feel I was treated unfairly. So, until LE charges this guy, give him a break. And if LE knows he did it, then charge him already and I'll go back under my rock.
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