Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #21

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Would one of you explain what the purpose of this second arrest was? Why arrest them and release them on the same bond already posted? I just don’t get it. TIA.
Just speculation but here goes!

The search warrants are currently sealed and not available to the defense for another week or so. These seals can be extended but I would think that the State would have to give a good reason why to justify the extension. These arrest warrants show that the investigation is active and ongoing but its slow going. The latest arrest warrant deals with events from June and there are clear gaps in much of the information in the warrant so there is much that LE has been working on that needs to remain secret/sealed so the investigation can continue.

I also believe that as we saw in the MT warrant that she lied for 2 months to LE and was just starting to cooperate slightly as of 8/13/19. This is a recent development and she no doubt has much to share if she chooses to. But based on how I thought her Atty looked at her latest bail visit and the fact that he felt compelled to say that she should be presumed to be innocent (after saying that his personal policy is NEVER to speak to the press on active cases) told me that he has a very very rough row to hoe to get MT to cooperate with the State. My guess is that MT lied to her atty as well as the State and this has put Bowman in a very awkward position as its not easy to represent a liar who most likely is involved with the murder of JD. If MT is choosing to lie because her mother is telling her to do so to wait for a better deal, I would encourage MT to ditch her mom and listen to Atty Bowman, as otherwise she will lose custody of her daughter as she will be spending the next 20 years to life in prison. I also question whether Bowman can stand by MT after what has happened but we shall have to wait and see if he files to be excused from representing her.

This gets to my last guesses as to why more charges now.

The more charges the more potential prison time so if charges can be stacked it might make sense to do it as so far there is no JD body. Murder trials with circumstantial evidence are tricky operations and the State has to present a perfect case to get it right to win a murder conviction for FD and possibly MT. More charges give some leeway that if murder cannot be agreed to by the jury that a long sentence is in store for FD and MT for the other stacked charges.

Reading through the arrest warrants its clear that any number of other charges could have been brought by the State but they didn't. An easy example of this was MT lying to LE which is punishable by prison and yet she wasn't charged for it (YET and this is impt too because they can bring it at a later date if she doesn't stay on the straight and narrow IMO). But the arrest warrant is an official document and it clearly states she admitted to lying to LE multiple times over a 2 month period. Mmmm. Sucks to be MT right now!

The charges also documented in technicolor to Pattisville that the State knows where FD was on the 24th and what he did. No Case Norm has been coming up with off the wall theories for months now including that MT was going to be FD alibi. Well now, all this is off the table and Pattisville actually has to do some legal work to defend their client in court and their flimsy motions to dismiss will no longer fly IMO.

I'm sure there are many other ideas but I am sure it will become clearer as we move on to more charges at some point.

When I heard the statement made today by the State Police Spokesperson about FD specifically trying to pin this crime on the people of Albany Ave, I thought of both your early statement on this topic and what @thekirbyfamily has said about the area and the people. You were correct!

I thought it was a truthful and bold statement today to be made by a State Official but I am sure they wouldn't have said it unless they had evidence to support it. If FO and HO targeted Albany specifically as is alleged by the State then it was just another shameful act in a long list of other awful shameful acts. I wonder if the NBC Dateline folks will ask FD about why he chose Albany Ave! I would actually tune in to hear an answer to that question for sure!

So I am with you that I hope that any and all people that have been wronged by FD step up and provide testimony to LE, even if its an anonymous tip to the NCPD via the website.

Listening to EEs attorney today was also an eye opener as to how EE is a working carpenter with a wife and 3 small children to support and how this process has been financially devastating to him. So, to see the press knocking on his house front door to 'track him down' was upsetting to watch and it will probably get worse as the trial date becomes a reality at some point. EE knew he was being set up and he did what he could to assist LE and protect his family but EEs atty spoke today about how the avg working person cannot afford an atty to protect them from the likes of FD and Pattisville.

I do wonder how many other people like EE might be out there in FD and MT lives? I hope LE has found enough to put on the stand to convince the jury as to the shady business practices of the FORE Group.


That poor man (EE). I didn’t get to hear any of this and won’t on Monday so thank you for telling us. Look at all these lives...I wonder about the Greek nanny, FD’s mom, the horses... MOO.
Great to hear you are planning your 'escape' and from the Nutmeg State! Kudos on the truck purchase. All great journeys start with a small step!! Wish you and your family the best in your escape!!!

The WS site has been very slow and awful recently for posting files but when it is resolved I will post the lot line maps for MS and 585 DC so you can get a sense of the lay of the land and maybe you can help figure it out as I agree with you that this area is critical in some way to this horrific crime.

I keep going back to the most recent FD AW and IMO it was very "UN-FD" like to keep at or below the speed limit the entire way back from NC to Farmington? He has been clocked doing 80mph on 84 and so to see him close to limits was shocking and IMO a DEAD GIVE AWAY THAT SOMETHING WAS UP??? Anyone agree?

Enquiring minds want to know what could have driven a known speed demon and general all around rule breaker like FD to actually comply with traffic posted limits for the ENTIRE trip from NC to Farmington?

Perhaps his compliance on the 24th/missing date was because FD was carrying a murder weapon (or 2), bags of bloody rags, 2 mops, clean up items, JD bloody shirt and clothing and OH YES, FD MIGHT HAVE BEEN CARRYING A BODY! This is what is takes to get FD to follow basic rules and regulations! A few words come to mind: pathetic, sad, typical, predictable and horrible!

Just watched the Dateline trailer and FD/Pattisville are now claiming that JD IS ALIVE! Beyond being disgusted that NBC would televise this drivel from FD/Pattisville I have to be intrigued as to how Pattisville is going to explain to us how someone can lose perhaps 3 liters of blood (avg body I think has 5 liters) and still be alive?

The Pattisville comments about JD being alive that are being used to promote the Dateline special were in very stark and sober contrast IMO to the words coming from the Spokesperson today from the CT State Police who spoke of JD respectfully and only in the past tense. The Spokesperson today said, 'more evidence is yet to come'. I found this statement energizing and encouraging in the face of so much disrespect to the victim being shown still by Pattisville/FD in their latest stunt.

MT IMO is one of the most despicable and amoral crime participants that I have run into on a missing/murder case in quite awhile. I hesitate to use the phrase, "waste of space" but I think if this were in a dictonary you might just see MT's picture there instead of a definition as she is IMO simply that horrible of a human being.

I am still processing how she could have lied continuously to LE for 81 days and just became at best a 'reluctant' witness on 8/13/19. MT wasted LE resources for this entire period while they proved out the lies that she and FD prescripted aka 'alibi notes'. The comments from MT in the latest FD arrest warrant seemed incohert, incomplete and often times implausible.

But, I am going through all the statements she has made and working on trying to put together a MT timeline. I do wonder reading her comments whether she has been sedated or is under doctor care as the statements at times simply make no sense and she sounds like a brainwashed cult member! I do have sympathy for Atty Bowman as what reputable atty wants to be known as the atty that allowed his client to LIE and WASTE LE TIME FOR OVER 2 months? I'm honestly surprised he hasn't shown MT the door!

I was hugely shocked to see that Atty Bowman actually spoke at the MT bail appearance (not sure if it was before or after) but he made the statement about how MT is presumed to be innocent until tried in court by a jury. I'm all for presumed innocent but did Atty Bowman read the arrest warrant and what possible excuse could exist to explain ANY of MT's behavior? I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't advise MT to lie to LE for over 2 months!

Prior to reading the arrest warrant I had a certain degree of respect for Atty Bowman as a professional but why would he allow his client to LIE for over 2 months and why would he be ok with his client LYING TO HIM (assuming he didn't know she was lying to LE)? Baffling why he is staying with her as many attys would drop her life a hot potato IMO. The fact that she stayed on script for FD for over 2 months says alot about her, her relationship with FD as she understood it and what she/her mother think of the US justice system IMO.

My sense is that Mamma MT is guiding MT to lie and prevaricate in order to 'get a better deal'! For my money, I wish MT would listen to Atty Bowman vs her convicted felon mother, but that is just me! Maybe its time for Mamma to head back to Miami and let Atty Bowman do his job! Adios Mamma MT, Vaya Con Dios!

We shall see but MT IMO is no innocent and I am waiting to see if FD put her in charge of any of the damaging clean up duties of this horrific crime and if she offers anything of value to the State.

IMO she should get no deal absent delivering a body and should serve full time for all charges brought and convicted of in a jury trial. She had so many chances and did zero to assist LE.

One question I have regarding MTs timeline, is whether she had to go pick up her daughter the afternoon of 5/24, or did she make plans for her daughter to be away/with friends, etc.
From the warrant, it appears it is usual for MT to pick up her daughter in the afternoon (at least some days). If MT had made arrangements so that her daughter would not be home on the 24th, that would be consistent with MT being knowledgeable of the plan to murder JD ahead of time, and not just an accessory after the fact. On the other hand, if MT did pick up her daughter on the 24th afternoon, that might be consistent with MT not knowing what was going to transpire that day.

The reason that I think MT is hedging and wasting everyone’s time and her attorney’s reputation is that she probably has huge risk of exposure. If she gives up too much, she incriminates herself for murder, albeit maybe able to reduce her sentence. On the other hand, if she doesn’t fully confess, then she plays roulette with the chance she gets away with only the tampering, versus LE having the evidence to nail her full on with murder. They’re probably betting that FD can’t frame her without sinking himself given what LE has put up at this point (which FD ain’t gonna do, just IMO.)

In sum, given what I’ve seen from MT performance with LE (and with no judge of her moral character needed, a separate issue) I think she knew enough in advance to at minimum run risk of accessory charge, which we know doesn’t exist in CT, it’s all or nothing when it comes to murder. And for sure 100% by Saturday 5/25 morning MT knew with certainty that FD had murdered JD, carried JD in the red truck, and the bags they’d thrown away on Albany contained JDs blood if not actual remains.

I also want to acknowledge that English is a 2nd language for MT, and under stress and pressure this isn’t going to help her sound confident and poised. No excuses, but this makes her statements even worse than they already are. This may be especially true regarding verb tenses, which someone else suggested implies guilt in statement analysis. She doesn’t get a pass for this but it’s worth noting it isn’t working to her advantage.

Finally, all the actors looked significantly harrowed at their last appearances (FD on Friday morning Civil appearance, did he cut his hair overnight? He looked hung over for sure going in to court), MT (Traded her heels for sneakers and no blowout and hair flips, and looking more like her felonious self after first arrest) and not least Bowman, who looked like a father dealing with a teenage kid who’s just deeply run aground of the rules- his face the epitome of the expression “furrowed brow”. (NP always looks like #$& IMO).

IMO, Bowman had to say something, otherwise it would appear to be accepting guilt. He maintained his form by saying MT should be presumed innocent- that’s the basis of our justice system, duh- but he didn’t say she was innocent (because obviously she isn’t.) Based on the last part of his statement-“as she should be” makes me think that they are going to go for a defense that MT was a victim of FD herself- she feared him or was somehow “under his spell” and was just naively drawn in by him to this heinous crime. After all look at how FD treats women...

In the first court hearing the state tried to raise the bail a lot higher or to deny it based on the blood on the kitchen faucet; of course they say they have more evidence, but if they had a lot stronger case and evidence why wouldn't it be in the latest filings?

Because LE is Not ready to turn over all the evidence to the Defense yet.

LE is still building their case and it is too early to let NP and FO know what LE has.

Albeit the Reason LE requested that All the Search Warrants be Sealed and the Reason that the Judge Agreed and Ordered it So.

Once LE charges FO with Murder, by Law, they MUST hand over ALL the Evidence to the Defense so that the Defense can build their Defense to the Evidence.

We ALL want to know what the evidence is, but I would rather that LE take their time and get all their T's crossed and all their I's dotted so they can have an Air Tight Case with as much evidence as they can find, when LE Does Charge FO with Murder.

NO Doubt in my mind that LE has a tremendous amount of evidence and LE is only using the minimum amount needed at each step in this case.

The plethora of Evidence in the latest Arrest Warrants, is astounding.

Prime Example -- Yellow School Bus Video Cams.

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Here is some more info about the Porsche, the NC tax bill since 2017 has never been paid on it.
NC tax records show the 2009 Porsche Cayenne registered to JD and the line c/o dba reads Fotis Dulos. (The Range Rover bill does not have FD on it in this space). This probably means they both still own the Porsche together.

But: the taxes due 7/2018 on the Porsche were never paid and there’s interest on them. (You need to look at the PDF of the actual bill to see these details).
FD mentioned in the divorce that JD had been in a car accident after taking medication (but the kids hadn’t been present in the car at that time). I don’t know if the date of that accusation is available or if it’s possible to find out more about this event, but it could have led to damage if she was driving the Porsche. This is conjecture without enough evidence, MOO.
If they owned the Porsche together still and it was damaged badly/not driveable, maybe they just didn’t take it off the registration/tax rolls in NC. (Note that obviously the bill due 2019 isn’t paid either) and it was parked somewhere on FD property. Just because JD has a 3 car garage doesn’t mean that she has 3 cars parked there, it’s very common to have 3 car garage and she was renting this house. Warrant #1 did not mention cars in the garage. Warrant #2 mentions blood on exterior of her Suburban. Where did info about there being cars in the garage on the 24th come from?

I should also note though that the 2016 Range Rover NC tax bill wasn’t paid either in 2018 and also has interest accruing. Presumably this is the car the nanny was driving on the 24th. Oddly though I only see a bill for tax year 2017 on that car and not for tax year 2018 (due this July 2019).
I’m not sure what’s going on here, I only see 3 tax bills for car registrations in NC to JD, 2017 for the Cayenne and Range Rover; and 2018 for just the Cayenne. None of them have been paid.

MOO this post, Please weigh in with any insights.

You are just so good! That’s my thought!
I wouldn't overate what they have. Why would they let Dulos run free on bail if they really had damning evidence, just as they tried to scotch the bail on the first court hearing where they said they had blood evidence in the kitchen? If they had stronger evidence it would be on the table. At this point the strongest murder charges involve blood evidence and the girlfriend and worker's testimony against him.
If you get a chance take a listen to the State of Police Spokesperson today speak about the process of bringing a murder case to conviction. Some solid prosecutors in other states said that they could get a murder conviction on the evidence presented in the most recent arrest warrant for FD but yet we see the State's Atty in CT not choosing this path.

Why? Because he smart and caculating and has a very clear plan. He also is a good poker player too is my guess as its rarely a good strategy to play your best cards first!

There is no hurry as the State just gets one shot at murder but these lesser charges can just keep on coming and coming until the cosmic ATM from Greece is drained and dry. Pattisville knows this and this is also why all the harrassing comments and the immediate motion to dismiss filed in criminal court. Colangelo won't fall for these games and won't take the bait because he is focused and disciplined (which IMO Pattisville is not).

Trying a murder case is potentially a long game and putting any cards down too soon could have devastating consequences down the line.

IMO you underestimate the States efforts at your own risk as right now they are controlling the board. Just have to wait and see how the rest of the cards are placed on the table!

Here is some more info about the Porsche, the NC tax bill since 2017 has never been paid on it.
NC tax records show the 2009 Porsche Cayenne registered to JD and the line c/o dba reads Fotis Dulos. (The Range Rover bill does not have FD on it in this space). This probably means they both still own the Porsche together.

But: the taxes due 7/2018 on the Porsche were never paid and there’s interest on them. (You need to look at the PDF of the actual bill to see these details).
FD mentioned in the divorce that JD had been in a car accident after taking medication (but the kids hadn’t been present in the car at that time). I don’t know if the date of that accusation is available or if it’s possible to find out more about this event, but it could have led to damage if she was driving the Porsche. This is conjecture without enough evidence, MOO.
If they owned the Porsche together still and it was damaged badly/not driveable, maybe they just didn’t take it off the registration/tax rolls in NC. (Note that obviously the bill due 2019 isn’t paid either) and it was parked somewhere on FD property. Just because JD has a 3 car garage doesn’t mean that she has 3 cars parked there, it’s very common to have 3 car garage and she was renting this house. Warrant #1 did not mention cars in the garage. Warrant #2 mentions blood on exterior of her Suburban. Where did info about there being cars in the garage on the 24th come from?

I should also note though that the 2016 Range Rover NC tax bill wasn’t paid either in 2018 and also has interest accruing. Presumably this is the car the nanny was driving on the 24th. Oddly though I only see a bill for tax year 2017 on that car and not for tax year 2018 (due this July 2019).
I’m not sure what’s going on here, I only see 3 tax bills for car registrations in NC to JD, 2017 for the Cayenne and Range Rover; and 2018 for just the Cayenne. None of them have been paid.

MOO this post, Please weigh in with any insights.

And I think you looked before at what was registered to FORE? MOO.
I believe this murder had been planned for awhile. There are too many preplanned markers, from the actual date of the murder, the lying in wait in the garage, the use of EE's red truck, the hour plus drive to Jennifer's house early in the morning, the (IMO) preplanned garbage dumps.

Just because the implementation of his plan was amateurish does not mean this was a spontaneous act. The scenario he had thought of just did not play out the way he thought it would when he was in that garage. Frankly, it is very difficult to kill a human in a hand to hand situation. It is messy and physical and requires some level of physical strength. Victims actually do fight for their lives.

FD thought he knew what to expect, but he was wrong, hence the timing of evidence LE is uncovering. I believe he thought he had planned the perfect murder, though, and his post-arrest(s) conduct is consistent with the fact that he still thinks his plan is working. Obviously MOO!

I agree! I think he probably thought about this option for awhile (maybe since 2017 when she actually left) but the tipping point came when it became obvious to him that he'd run out of delay tactics in the divorce proceedings & her attorneys were about to expose his fraudulent business. His entire life was about to go up in smoke. I think he thought if he got rid of JF, the divorce would stop, his shady finances wouldn't be revealed, he would get custody of the kids as the only surviving parent & then I think he was going to take the children & move himself & MT to Greece or maybe Venezuela. I think he's stashed (translation: stole) enough over the years to live comfortably for the rest of his life. I think that money currently has become the FD Defense Fund (& as I said before, he's the mysterious Greek benefactor).
I also think he planned to strangle her so as not to cause a mess but it went horribly wrong and he found himself having to wing a lot of stuff. I don't think thinking quickly on his feet is his strong point. MOO.
If you get a chance take a listen to the State of Police Spokesperson today speak about the process of bringing a murder case to conviction. Some solid prosecutors in other states said that they could get a murder conviction on the evidence presented in the most recent arrest warrant for FD but yet we see the State's Atty in CT not choosing this path.

Why? Because he smart and caculating and has a very clear plan. He also is a good poker player too is my guess as its rarely a good strategy to play your best cards first!

There is no hurry as the State just gets one shot at murder but these lesser charges can just keep on coming and coming until the cosmic ATM from Greece is drained and dry. Pattisville knows this and this is also why all the harrassing comments and the immediate motion to dismiss filed in criminal court. Colangelo won't fall for these games and won't take the bait because he is focused and disciplined (which IMO Pattisville is not).

Trying a murder case is potentially a long game and putting any cards down too soon could have devastating consequences down the line.

IMO you underestimate the States efforts at your own risk as right now they are controlling the board. Just have to wait and see how the rest of the cards are placed on the table!


Where can I hear that? I know there’s a link here somewhere but I keep missing it.
theres no Porsche registered to Fore in either Farmington or NC going all the way back. Interesting registrations for Fore, though, including a Ford Focus registered to Fore but with GV name on it (not recently) and you can see the 2007 Suburban in the records that the doctored plates went with. Plus all kinds of other odd vehicles that much earlier others determined were trailers and the like.
Disclaimer, I have zero automotive interests so I just screened for anything suspicious or possibly tied to this case.
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I don't remember details if/any LE searches at 585 Deercliff although I'm sure they must have checked there. If FD left the body there in the garage, one would imagine there would be blood, unless on a good waterproof tarp. If there was blood in the truck, anywhere the body was moved or sat for any length of time would likely have gotten blood on it.

I think the answer to where the body is will be connected to what/whether they found at 80MS. If FD had already disposed of the body on his way back to Farmington, such as in NC, there wouldn't be too much blood/cleanup at 80MS. He would just have the bags in the red truck, and the blood in the truck to clean up, which he did with towels, we know from the affidavit. So not as much blood.
If FD had her body still in the truck when he arrived at 80MS, there would be more blood in/around the house somewhere and/or signs of cleanup. And this would be consistent with MT and FD comment to EE in warrant, that they were "cleaning the house" at 80MS. If he buried her or did something with the body in the woods around 80MS, getting her there could leave her scent/blood on the ground leading away from garage/driveway, wherever he pulled up and unloaded. Even for a virile champion waterskiing guy like FD a bleeding 120lb body is unwieldy. LE had a lot of dogs searching the property there so perhaps they have an idea of whether they think the body ended up there, was carried or dragged there, in some way.

Remember that JD's bloody shirt and bra were found on Albany, so the question would be when those were removed. In the garage at Welles? Somewhere along the way before he disposed of the body? Inside the truck at a remote pullout somewhere before dumping in water, so as not to float? Or when he was doing something ghastly to the body, maybe in the house at 80MS, or in the woods around there? How much blood was on them? Were they cut in any way? A t-shirt would have to be slipped over the head and arms, which would be cumbersome and only done for a reason; but if some terrible thing was being done to the body then one would guess it would be cut to make it easier to remove, and that tools to do so would be handy. If the shirt was intact and thus removed by taking off over head, that would have a different connotation. There is also the possibility these clothing items were around in JDs home and grabbed to clean up, although grabbing a bra to clean up seems improbable. (I don't find bras to be the best cleaning rags, personally, but maybe I just haven't found the right ones). More info about the condition of the clothes that were found will be insightful.

IMO, I don't think he took the shirt/bra off at Welles, because then he'd have an unclothed body with him in the truck, why would he do that there? I also don't think he'd do that somewhere along the way, unless he had a nice private place set aside he'd already scoped out. An unclothed body would attract attention, and what would his reason be if he was disposing of the body? The fact that her clothes were removed make me think that he did that inside, likely inside 80MS where it was private, or possibly in a private outdoor space on the property.

This is all MOO, and I was wrong about FD taking the risk to transfer the body along the visible turnout on Lapham Rd, so maybe he is more brazen than I can believe, and he took the clothes off in a more public place.

I thought he removed them or cut them off before cutting or dismembering the body into parts. (Sorry to say it and think it.) I think that because of how fibers from materials can catch in the teeth of knives and saws. He might have only done enough in the garage to make it easier to transport with several parts/bags and did more later like in the garage at his house that he and MT cleaned. Either way, if he was stopped with a body or body parts, clothed or not, he was done for but I’m sure he did obey the speed limit for once and he assumed he could bully any LE officer who stopped him before they knew JD was missing. I’m now thinking he cut the body into several parts there, did further cutting at his house, and put most of it into a drum at the house where banging occurred, and then into water. All MOO. And all so awful.
One question I have regarding MTs timeline, is whether she had to go pick up her daughter the afternoon of 5/24, or did she make plans for her daughter to be away/with friends, etc.
From the warrant, it appears it is usual for MT to pick up her daughter in the afternoon (at least some days). If MT had made arrangements so that her daughter would not be home on the 24th, that would be consistent with MT being knowledgeable of the plan to murder JD ahead of time, and not just an accessory after the fact. On the other hand, if MT did pick up her daughter on the 24th afternoon, that might be consistent with MT not knowing what was going to transpire that day.

The reason that I think MT is hedging and wasting everyone’s time and her attorney’s reputation is that she probably has huge risk of exposure. If she gives up too much, she incriminates herself for murder, albeit maybe able to reduce her sentence. On the other hand, if she doesn’t fully confess, then she plays roulette with the chance she gets away with only the tampering, versus LE having the evidence to nail her full on with murder. They’re probably betting that FD can’t frame her without sinking himself given what LE has put up at this point (which FD ain’t gonna do, just IMO.)

In sum, given what I’ve seen from MT performance with LE (and with no judge of her moral character needed, a separate issue) I think she knew enough in advance to at minimum run risk of accessory charge, which we know doesn’t exist in CT, it’s all or nothing when it comes to murder. And for sure 100% by Saturday 5/25 morning MT knew with certainty that FD had murdered JD, carried JD in the red truck, and the bags they’d thrown away on Albany contained JDs blood if not actual remains.

I also want to acknowledge that English is a 2nd language for MT, and under stress and pressure this isn’t going to help her sound confident and poised. No excuses, but this makes her statements even worse than they already are. This may be especially true regarding verb tenses, which someone else suggested implies guilt in statement analysis. She doesn’t get a pass for this but it’s worth noting it isn’t working to her advantage.

Finally, all the actors looked significantly harrowed at their last appearances (FD on Friday morning Civil appearance, did he cut his hair overnight? He looked hung over for sure going in to court), MT (Traded her heels for sneakers and no blowout and hair flips, and looking more like her felonious self after first arrest) and not least Bowman, who looked like a father dealing with a teenage kid who’s just deeply run aground of the rules- his face the epitome of the expression “furrowed brow”. (NP always looks like #$& IMO).

IMO, Bowman had to say something, otherwise it would appear to be accepting guilt. He maintained his form by saying MT should be presumed innocent- that’s the basis of our justice system, duh- but he didn’t say she was innocent (because obviously she isn’t.) Based on the last part of his statement-“as she should be” makes me think that they are going to go for a defense that MT was a victim of FD herself- she feared him or was somehow “under his spell” and was just naively drawn in by him to this heinous crime. After all look at how FD treats women...

THANKS FOR THIS! Super helpful and much appreciated!

I spent some time digging on the daughter school schedule yesterday and what the transport options are if MT didn't pick her up. Honestly the latest AW was not helpful on this point based mainly on the MT statement that seemed to be more of an offhand statement that maybe she could have/might have picked up her daughter. IDK will have to go back and read it again but the last time I read it I was confused as MT sounds hazy/fuzzy and frankly incoherent. It sounds like MT drives the daughter RT to Simsbury to school (school starts at 8:15 am and ending time depends on activities etc.). The school also has a bus setup from West Hartford that is available either by the term or by the ride so far as I can tell. I have to go back and see if there was early dismissal on the 24th/missing date similar to the situation at NCCS for JD children.

I am sure they gave MT the option to speak in Spanish as this is done all the time and so if she didn't feel comfortable with English then perhaps this was all done in Spanish and that is why the translation back to english is poor? IDK but so far she seems absolutely USELESS/RUBBISH as a witness.

If Colangelo had hair I would say he was pulling it out trying to deal with MT but he has to be both disgusted and angry at both Bowman and MT based on all that has happened.

But Bowman I thought looked terrible and stressed or distressed to see his client called out to the world as a liar to LE in the arrest warrant. IMO that arrest warrant of MT was as much a message to her and her mother as it was to Bowman. It put on the record that MT is a liar and there was no confusion on that point at all and that if she doesn't shape up and step up then they will cut her loose to face her charges which will no doubt continue to stack as the investigation moves on.

As I've said before, based on the fact that I believe strongly that MT knows virtually everything that happened in this sad case and is not victim of FD, IMO unless MT brings the location of the body of JD, I'd just as soon they not waste tax payer money to investigate her statements/lies any further as it simply seems to be a waste of time and money. Sandwich up her charges beyond tampering and hindering and get her up to 25 years of served time and just send her case to court and be done with it and her and if necessary simply deport her to Venezuela if she is not a US citizen.

We've talked alot about DV as it relates to JD but I don't think that FD had to use the same tactics to achieve similar results with MT. MT wanted to please FD and worked hard to do so. I wonder about the level of codependency in the FO + HO relationship but my guess is that it might be extreme to the point of being highly unhealthy.

I also think that FD gave up seeing his children for 10 months to maintain the 'relationship' with MT but I'm not convinced he cared about her a bit but maybe the relationship made him feel good at a time when he was consumed with anger and he was giving the finger to the family court rules. I believe strongly that even if MT made FD feel good about himself that she was viewed at the end of the day as a disposible item and was certainly replaceable. Her error I think was not seeing this. Given Mamma Arrezza pragmatism I would think she would have a come to Jesus meeting with MT daily or she will be visiting her daughter in prison for the rest of her natural life IMO!

We haven't even discussed any civil actions by GF for wrongful death for FD and MT but I think GF will have zero mercy for the Troconis/Arrezza clan and truly why should she after what we saw play out in the MT arrest warrant? Does MT and her family have the financial ability to defend against a civil case from GF? I sincerely doubt it. Do I have any sympathy for MT or the Family? No, not one bit. I don't know how an atty rehabilitiates an acknowledged liar as their value is so diminished IMO to any jury? Perhaps this is why she lied? IDK but I hope she gets her jury trial, is convicted and serves her time. MT is no victim and IMO deserves zero special treatment.

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One reason the warrant might stop there is there was no more footage. The traffic cams on 84 don't record and there's no rest stops.

That being said, there's a couple state parks and reservoirs in the Plainville area that would've been on his way home, but I don't think he would've had enough time.

I'm still convinced JD is either in the ground behind one of his properties or in the nearby lakes/Farmington River/reservoirs.

Hmmm...this made me think about dash-cam video cameras. There may be motorists or truckers who did see/record some of this. Maybe. It was Memorial Day weekend so wouldn’t there have been a lot of LE on the roads looking for speeders and impaired drivers? Any weigh stations in there? MOO.
I'm still not convinced Sturbridge was involved either, but between the time gap, the noises, and the question, it seems to point to something going on there. It's just hard to believe it's involved, EE didn't notice anything, and LE didn't seem to find anything. From what I remember, they weren't there long. They definitely were more concentrated on MS and JX. I'm convinced she is in the woods behind one of those properties. If FD did anything at Sturbridge that day, I would think it was evidence related. I would love to know where FD's cell phone pinged when LE called him the morning of the 25th and what else happened that day that is was included in the alibi scripts.

It’s just that these properties and houses are so big that I can see EE or anyone not seeing all that was going on even if present. MOO.
Girlfriend threw him under the bus! :p:cool: How long did it take her to realize that 1) he did it and 2) she was in enough trouble to be facing some serious jail time? Dumbarse *advertiser censored*. She's finally seen the light and is done with him now. MOO

I hope so because I’ve never seen such appalling behavior except for his but it doesn’t seem like she’s still really cooperating. Can she possibly think she’ll get away with this? MOO.
I'm still not convinced Sturbridge was involved either, but between the time gap, the noises, and the question, it seems to point to something going on there. It's just hard to believe it's involved, EE didn't notice anything, and LE didn't seem to find anything. From what I remember, they weren't there long. They definitely were more concentrated on MS and JX. I'm convinced she is in the woods behind one of those properties. If FD did anything at Sturbridge that day, I would think it was evidence related. I would love to know where FD's cell phone pinged when LE called him the morning of the 25th and what else happened that day that is was included in the alibi scripts.

I cannot believe FD and/or MT and even JD didn’t have a Fitbit. If so or if they had Tiles like you use to help track your belongings such as in your wallet, maybe there’s info there. MOO.
This is confusing since the AW specifically states the 8:05 surveillance image of her car is the last photo of her alive IIRC.

One place in the AW talked about time differences in the video settings. MOO. Just like when people used to set the dates and times in their cameras, that can happen now with home-security cameras. MOO.
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