Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #25

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Judge orders Fotis Dulos, estranged husband of missing mom Jennifer Farber Dulos, to appear in court Monday to address GPS monitoring issues
Judge John Blawie scheduled a 2 p.m. hearing after receiving a report from probation officials that raises concerns that Dulos is not properly recharging the batteries of his GPS monitoring system. Pattis said the issue apparently occurred four times between August and September.
Blawie could revoke his probation on Monday but is more likely to admonish Dulos and warn him to adhere to the rules of the GPS monitoring or have his probation revoked. The GPS system is battery operated and defendants are required to charge it at the same time every day or night.
Gee, what jewelry DOES one choose for court? If she wears anything from FD, that's blood jewelry. If you ask me, she's holding her tongue for one of two reasons: hope or fear. She's either afraid to incriminate him and/or herself or she still has hope that they'll all abscond to Greece, be one big happy wealthy family. That's NOT going to happen.

The problem is she doesn't know which direction to go.
She doesn't appear to have any moral compass as far as what we have read.
IMO, she is no match for JD in the IQ, EQ, whatever Q is out there.
She picked up living in Miami with her 10 year old daughter and moved in with him!
She is living in a hotel in Avon as far as we know.
She has NO home!
This is what she did for her man.
And, oh how he has wronged her!
Can't help but wonder about her daughter?
Did she have to give up her CT friends?
Yes, sillybilly said ok. Nightline is ABC which is MSM. Site is doing terrible things. Good luck linking. I can't even like posts now!!!!??!?!?!?!?!?
I agree. I think things are heating up. Not sure Bowman is on board with her shenanigans. Her father appears to be very refined yet gave the stare down to Colangelo, his daughters ENEMY and ACCUSER. Even caught a glimpse at the very end where he slightly shook his head in disagreement. Sort of a half shake. LOL.
My take? They remain defiant.
@afitzy .Can I post a youtube of segment of Nightline here? Reported my OP to a mod to no avail.
Easy solution.


Unbelievable that he is lucky to be 'out' and he cannot even follow simple rule to recharge his device?

I am beginning to think that the State of CT has a constitutional dislike of imposing consequences. We have seen this in Family Court and Civil Court and I HOPE we aren't going to see it in Criminal Court too.

Come on Judge Blawie, please impose some consequences for defiance of CT Court orders for FD!

Judge orders Fotis Dulos, estranged husband of missing mom Jennifer Farber Dulos, to appear in court Monday to address GPS monitoring issues
Judge John Blawie scheduled a 2 p.m. hearing after receiving a report from probation officials that raises concerns that Dulos is not properly recharging the batteries of his GPS monitoring system. Pattis said the issue apparently occurred four times between August and September.
Blawie could revoke his probation on Monday but is more likely to admonish Dulos and warn him to adhere to the rules of the GPS monitoring or have his probation revoked. The GPS system is battery operated and defendants are required to charge it at the same time every day or night.
So done with
Judge orders Fotis Dulos, estranged husband of missing mom Jennifer Farber Dulos, to appear in court Monday to address GPS monitoring issues
Judge John Blawie scheduled a 2 p.m. hearing after receiving a report from probation officials that raises concerns that Dulos is not properly recharging the batteries of his GPS monitoring system. Pattis said the issue apparently occurred four times between August and September.
Blawie could revoke his probation on Monday but is more likely to admonish Dulos and warn him to adhere to the rules of the GPS monitoring or have his probation revoked. The GPS system is battery operated and defendants are required to charge it at the same time every da
Judge orders Fotis Dulos, estranged husband of missing mom Jennifer Farber Dulos, to appear in court Monday to address GPS monitoring issues
Judge John Blawie scheduled a 2 p.m. hearing after receiving a report from probation officials that raises concerns that Dulos is not properly recharging the batteries of his GPS monitoring system. Pattis said the issue apparently occurred four times between August and September.
Blawie could revoke his probation on Monday but is more likely to admonish Dulos and warn him to adhere to the rules of the GPS monitoring or have his probation revoked. The GPS system is battery operated and defendants are required to charge it at the same time every day or night.
Judge orders Fotis Dulos, estranged husband of missing mom Jennifer Farber Dulos, to appear in court Monday to address GPS monitoring issues
Judge John Blawie scheduled a 2 p.m. hearing after receiving a report from probation officials that raises concerns that Dulos is not properly recharging the batteries of his GPS monitoring system. Pattis said the issue apparently occurred four times between August and September.
Blawie could revoke his probation on Monday but is more likely to admonish Dulos and warn him to adhere to the rules of the GPS monitoring or have his probation revoked. The GPS system is battery operated and defendants are required to charge it at the same time every day or night.

I think Blawie should step up and revoke his probation.
It's time, IMO.
I agree. I think things are heating up. Not sure Bowman is on board with her shenanigans. Her father appears to be very refined yet gave the stare down to Colangelo, his daughters ENEMY and ACCUSER. Even caught a glimpse at the very end where he slightly shook his head in disagreement. Sort of a half shake. LOL.
My take? They remain defiant.
@afitzy .Can I post a youtube of segment of Nightline here? Reported my OP to a mod to no avail.

Saw that shake of the head, the whole situation, the actions or the treatment of his child, the drawn American court process???...Not a happy camper.

However, he was publicly supporting MT, who I agree looks pretty frail and out of it. Hope it's the tranquilizers and not a pregnancy...YIKES!

Both MT and FD wore black to court this time. Coincidence...perhaps. The jewelry MT wears is always interesting to think about. Is she sending silent signals to FD? Beats me...just a side-thought in this much more serious situation.
I'm not certain she/or her family are getting in line with the plan or even whether the State has given them a plan. If she is holding out for a 'better deal' and the State said 'no deal' then they could be at a deadlock and the State is simply moving on. My guess is that the State will simply keep stacking the charges until such point as MT/her family wakes up. By then though it might be too late. Bowman understands this game well with 16 yrs as a prosecutor so its not as if he hasn't advised the MT family as to what is going on here. MOO
Because as much as she may not want to cooperate, she knows what Dulos did-and what he is. Maybe she isn't getting the deal she had hoped for, but anything will be better than what she will face with Dulos.
I'm really not sure that we would see the group of them looking the way they appeared today if there was a deal of any sort on the table? This looked like a grim group IMO walking into court and Bowman looked like he had taken a body blow IMO when he showed up at Troop G. If there were a deal and things were resolved with the State IMO we would see a more relaxed outlook from Bowman and MT and the charges filed this last go around for AW2 would not mirror FD. Just a guess but perhaps State is playing hardball with MT given her past lying and wasting time? Bowman by nature isn't very animated but these past 2 appearances (Troop G and today) showed him appearing almost resigned to some situation that I'm not sure we understand. Perhaps Colangelo has said he doesn't need MT and is just letting her hang for awhile with the huge uncertainty of the overall situation? IDK. But the report from the NH reporter of tears in the courtroom was telling I think. Maybe Colangelo feels comfortable enough with the evidence in place to not feel compelled to work hard to deal with MT? IMO something might be up. Perhaps they told her that she will be charged with murder and that resulted in tears? Can you imagine hearing that news? IDK. Something seems off here. MOO
Yeah, afitzy, MT and team look none too pleased, and dad has replaced mom 'at her side'. Something must not have been going as well as they had hoped with their prior tack of mom 'n daughter matching outfits and smiling for the camera, lying to LE, lying about alibis, stonewalling about the evidence dumping, then admitting to a few things under duress, etc., but not coming clean all the way to divulge everything she knows about the planning, murder, hiding evidence, JD's body, etc.

Wouldn't it be ironic if the one piece of knowledge (where FD disposed of JD's body) MT doesn't have is the only thing that she truly has to negotiate her way out of accessory and/or murder charges on top of the tampering and obstructing charges that will stand, IMO, because the evidence LE has outlined in the arrest warrants is bodacious!

I think she's been told she is going down on the 2 sets of charges she has already been arrested for twice (2 each of felony charges for tampering & obstructing) based on only the existing evidence (AW 1 + 2, plus whatever else they have on her involvement) since she has been lying and hasn't lead them to JD. That's many years of prison time right there if she is convicted, separate from / on top of potential murder or accessory to murder charges.

So she is facing prison time no matter what, IMO, and it's just become clear to her and her lawyer. She just came out of her fuzzy thinking period and realized she is not going to be able to get out of spending the next 2 - 10 years (see potential sentences for each charge of 1 - 5 years in links below) wearing that ankle bracelet, not getting to live a 'normal life and raise her daughter, not being able to continue to live in a luxury home on someone else's dollar, not getting to leave the state of CT or the country, and doing time in prison for her part in planning and concocting alibis, hiding evidence of JD's assault and murder, and who knows what else. MOO.

Tampering and Obstruction are Class D Felonies (BBM):

"What is a Class D Felony?
[ ... ] ...a class D [felony] is a serious crime..."

Class D and Level Four Felonies

"Connecticut Felony Crimes by Class and Sentences --
Class D Felonies
A class D felony is ..... punishable by a state prison term of one to five years and a fine of up to $5,000. (Conn. Gen. Stat. § § 53a-35a, 53a-41.)..."
Connecticut Felony Crimes by Class and Sentences
Last edited:
Thanks for posting this article.

Moynihan is now saying there was a 'communication error'?!?!? Convenient stance to take in advance of upcoming elections IMO and I'm calling BS on the entire way Moynihan has handled the situation with NCPD Chief K. and the Police Commission. Chief K. allegedly has been off working on his MBA and so not present for most of the time this process was ongoing IMO. This issue was manipulated pure and simple IMO by Moynihan and the missing/absent/vacationing Police Commission.

Selectman Moynihan, what timeframe will be given to Chief K. for the preparation of the 'comprehensive security plan for the Town of NC'? Or, will citizens just continue to get weekly news blasts to lock their doors, lock their cars and arm their alarm systems as is usually the case? Gangs routinely work the Town and I'm not sure when the last time I read the police report and didn't see yet another report of gang related activity. Increasingly these breakins are when people are at home too. Doesn't this concern the Selectman and Chief K.?

Does Moynihan think voters are imbeciles and didn't understand what the path was when the issue was discussed months ago in a public forum?

There was no communication error IMO, there was just Moynihan and the Police Commission fighting to the mat to kick this issue into the future and beyond the election.

The fact that 2,500 folks signed a petition is a huge deal as there is really no activism in town unless it relates to diminishment of real estate values.

So, to dismiss 2,500 voters and say there was poor communication is something I hope voters reflect upon and think about in the upcoming election.

A path to cameras in New Canaan
There is a public demand for cameras, and it seems that the proper collaboration between commissions and departments could craft a way to install surveillance, which advocates say not only would have prevented some crimes in the park, but could have provided crucial evidence in the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos.
Judge orders Fotis Dulos, estranged husband of missing mom Jennifer Farber Dulos, to appear in court Monday to address GPS monitoring issues
Judge John Blawie scheduled a 2 p.m. hearing after receiving a report from probation officials that raises concerns that Dulos is not properly recharging the batteries of his GPS monitoring system. Pattis said the issue apparently occurred four times between August and September.
Blawie could revoke his probation on Monday but is more likely to admonish Dulos and warn him to adhere to the rules of the GPS monitoring or have his probation revoked. The GPS system is battery operated and defendants are required to charge it at the same time every day or night.

This guy truly believes the law and rules to not apply to him. Is he testing the system? First, he "accidentally" drives into New York and now this. IMO this is deliberate. I hope his probation is revoked. MOO.
It kinda peeves me that NP's derogatory nickname for MT keeps getting used by MSM. It's playing into the defense's hands in the PR game. Imagine if they ran with "Abusive cheating husband" or "Narcissistic bully" every time they described the defendant. If MT is a liar, what the heck does that make FD then?
Judge orders Fotis Dulos, estranged husband of missing mom Jennifer Farber Dulos, to appear in court Monday to address GPS monitoring issues
Judge John Blawie scheduled a 2 p.m. hearing after receiving a report from probation officials that raises concerns that Dulos is not properly recharging the batteries of his GPS monitoring system. Pattis said the issue apparently occurred four times between August and September.
Blawie could revoke his probation on Monday but is more likely to admonish Dulos and warn him to adhere to the rules of the GPS monitoring or have his probation revoked. The GPS system is battery operated and defendants are required to charge it at the same time every day or night.
Gee, I bet nobody saw that coming!
So potentially there are extended periods where the bracelet could not accurately give FDs location on four separate occasions, and whoops he just forgot to charge the device? Not deliberate, of course. Let's hope that LE was keeping personal surveillance at those times and if he did slip out to meet with a certain lying lover or other people who might help him with the case, those outings have been documented.
This guy truly believes the law and rules to not apply to him. Is he testing the system? First, he "accidentally" drives into New York and now this. IMO this is deliberate. I hope his probation is revoked. MOO.

Wonder if MT is getting a little nervous considering what he did to the last woman who challenged his authority. Hmmmmm….:oops:
Hi everyone!
Not sure to make of what the press described as MT tears and clinging onto her dad in court today. Obviously y’all know I’m not at all good with brevity cuz I have tons of theories but...I will spare y’all as I am having problems loading the forum the past two hours.
I thought her court attire such as it can be critiqued was more appropriate than her previous appearances
Now if LittleBitty were facing such charges I’d also be wearing a dark suit. No jewelry except maybe my FitBit watch so I’d have something to look at and also monitor my heart rate and a pony tail and minimal makeup. But LittleBitty wouldn’t be facing these charges. So that’s a mute point.

I am sick of the FD stuff with the ankle bling. ENOUGH as y’all have all said. Why are they giving him until Monday anyway? Or are they monitoring FD closely regardless and are hoping he flees in the middle of the night so he’s back behind bars permanently? Not sure what to make of this either.

Stuff I would really like to know: when and at what time did FD and MT learn that JD was missing? By that I mean when were they notified? Who notified them? This has been bugging me and will continue to bug me?
The reason: the visible blood in the garage and the contentious divorce and custody battle between FD and JD. Why didn’t LE go to 4Jax that evening? Considering that JD might be in danger? Did they go there? Why wasn’t it until 2:47 pm the next day that FD arrived at police HQ? Where they confiscated the phone that he freely gave them as well as password to said phone?

Is the State/LE done with MT given that we know per AW2 that she lied to them a couple of times before coming clean on 8/13 the third interview she gave with LE? Did they find out and can prove she continued to lie more in that interview other than what is in AW2? She could be seen as having no credibility by a jury and also gives FD defense someone to attack and throw reasonable doubt at? Is she a liability? I think so and I think if LE and the State thinks she is untrustworthy and a liability that maybe they won’t use her at all to prove a case against FD. Maybe since 8/13 LE has been diligently putting together a case that doesn’t require her assistance?

Does she think FD is planning to flee? Maybe she does?

So many questions.
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