Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #32

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Atty Pattis YET AGAIN attacks a female reporter for asking a bona fide question outside of Court today about FD credibility and lying on the stand.

I do wonder if Atty. P. has any standards of conduct for EITHER HIMSELF OR his clients? WHY does he only attack female reporters? If he has low blood sugar issues then by all means EAT A SNICKERS BAR or SOMETHING!

Or, is it always about 'whatever works' in Pattisville?

If only that female reported had responded with perhaps Dr. Farber was unavailable because she is busy caring for
Mr.Dulos' five children?
I very sadly have to agree with you about GF and partial ruling.

I do have to say that the Atty. P. criticism of GF not coming to court was totally out of order IMO.

But I do wonder if any court (even a CT court) can allow a person who has been granted a series of loans in a well established pattern over a long period of time to all of the sudden declare them to be gifts with no documentation?

Not sure if even in CT can this be allowed to stand as acceptable, but we will have to see where Judge Noble comes out on all this.

I'm also not sure how Judge Noble will have the resource capacity in chambers to sort through the complex issues of the 'mysterious invoices' from the Pound Ridge property to make some kind of offset to the total judgment amount? My guess is that he would defer to the GF Trustee who I believe said they would 'accept' a judgment of $1.7 million to accommodate for the Pound Ridge property invoices.


I agree Fitzy but it shows his level of desperation. Norm is looking a tad rough.
I agree Fitzy but it shows his level of desperation. Norm is looking a tad rough.
I agree with you. The Civil Case did Atty. P. client FD no good in terms of character and ethics as FD did what we had already seen him do in Family Court. Not only that but it was discovered that the MT affair started in 2015 vs 2016. We also saw the attempt to intimidate potential criminal court witness LA by Atty BM in her deposition which was a particularly bush league ploy IMO. My guess is that Pattisville and all its legal and PI minions will do whatever they can to drag anyone and everyone close to JD, her family, her employees and her children through the mud and it will prove painful to all involved. But this type of behaviour from the Defence is sadly what happens in cases when the truth isn't on your side. But, I am hopeful that if the State proves its cases as outlined in the 2 AW's seen so far then FD and MT will eventually head to prison for many years IMO.

The issue of premeditation will no doubt loom large in the Criminal case and so what we learned in the Civil case was that in FD's mind that 'things changed in 2010'-relationship with JD and the Farber Family most notably. This issue of 'things changing in 2010' was first introduced in the infamous Greek Interview articles. So, this fact shows that FD via FORE had been scheming and grifting JF and the Farber Family since at least 2010 IMO. Money IMO has to go to the top of the motive list and I'm not sure there is anything Atty. P. can do to redeem the character of his client who has proven himself to be a LIAR in both Family Court and Civil Court on the stand and under oath. Lots to unpack here I think in terms of what we have seen in Civil Court.

Any Criminal Case jury would have to wonder if there is anything in the world to stop FD from doing anything to JF if it stood between him and her and her families money? Any jury would also have to think of JD trapped in a marriage with 5 small children with a husband that didn't care about her, her family or her children for seven long and painful years and where a mistress/HO was present since 2015 as an ongoing presence and who eventually came to work each day at 4Jx while JD lived there with her children.

We didn't learn in the Civil Case how much money FD made himself or how much he might have taken from JF or the Farber Family, other than the $2.5-$1.7 million they claim he owes them. Not surprisingly Atty. P. and FD don't feel anything is owed to the Farber family but this didn't stop FD from saying on the stand today that GF owed him the $14,000 gift that he gets each year 'as that is their agreement'! I love the idea that in the mind of FD and Atty. P. that agreements only are relevant when they are in the favour of FD or Atty. P.!

Atty. P. seems to take great pride in his 'look' and personal grooming standards. But I do agree with you that today had Atty. P. looking to be in pain of some kind - perhaps boredom of Civil Court which he was complaining about or not being the centre of attention and having to sit and be quiet or perhaps a lunchtime sandwich that upset his large tummy? IDK but he did a masterful job of playing Mr. Crankypants outside the Courthouse tonight IMO.

But I am sure that for someone like Atty. P. [who doesn't have a case IMO] to sit in Court all day just sitting at the desk and doodling that he probably walked out of that Court and wanted to kill someone and so the first unfortunate person to run into his wrath and boredom was the poor female reporter!

Self control and professional behaviour don't really seem to play any role in the life of Atty. P. IMO, so if he was in a cranky mood and had been bored all day then he was going to lash out at the first person unfortunate enough to run into him and that's what we saw play out!

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I think so! We're getting above my pay grade here. Sorry if I am misunderstanding. Does that mean that the banks don't want to pay the fees involved with an international wire transfer, but can avoid paying those fees if they have a branch/do business in the country the money is going to?
It has nothing to do with fees, it's all about regulating and tracking the money as I understood it. For instance, even though I bank with Citibank, which is an international bank, I can only receive a wire transfer from China through Bank of China (there may be select others, like HSBC, though it wasn't mentioned). On the flip side, I believe I can transfer to most banks in China through Citibank-which makes it confusing. I only found out about these 'Central Banks' after having an issue with receiving from was then explained to me that outside of the US, each country has designated banks who can wire into the US-and it wasn't specific to China. I'll try to get a better explanation/reasoning from my guy at Citibank...I know I'm not doing a very good job of explaining it!
I agree with you. The Civil Case did Atty. P. client FD no good in terms of character and ethics as FD did what we had already seen him do in Family Court. Not only that but it was discovered that the MT affair started in 2015 vs 2016.

The issue of premeditation will no doubt loom large in the Criminal case and so what we learned in the Civil case was that in FD's mind that 'things changed in 2010'-relationship with JD and the Farber Family most notably. This issue of 'things changing in 2010' was first introduced in the infamous Greek Interview articles. So, this fact shows that FD via FORE had been scheming and grifting JF and the Farber Family since at least 2010 IMO. Money IMO has to go to the top of the motive list and I'm not sure there is anything Atty. P. can do to redeem the character of his client who has proven himself to be a LIAR in both Family Court and Civil Court on the stand and under oath. Any jury would have to wonder if there is anything in the world to stop FD from doing anything to JF if it stood between him and her and her families money?

We didn't learn in the Civil Case how much money FD made himself or how much he might have taken from JF or the Farber Family, other than the $2.5-$1.7 million they claim he owes them. Not surprisingly Atty. P. and FD don't feel anything is owed to the Farber family but this didn't stop FD from saying on the stand today that GF owed him the $14,000 gift that he gets each year 'as that is their agreement'! I love the idea that in the mind of FD and Atty. P. that agreements only are relevant when they are in the favour of FD or Atty. P.!

Atty. P. seems to take great pride in his 'look' and personal grooming standards. But I do agree with you that today had Atty. P. looking to be in pain of some kind - perhaps boredom of Civil Court which he was complaining about or not being the centre of attention and having to sit and be quiet or perhaps a lunchtime sandwich that upset his large tummy? IDK but he did a masterful job of playing Mr. Crankypants outside the Courthouse tonight IMO.

But I am sure that for someone like Atty. P. [who doesn't have a case IMO] to sit in Court all day just sitting at the desk and doodling that he probably walked out of that Court and wanted to kill someone and so the first unfortunate person to run into his wrath and boredom was the poor female reporter!

Self control and professional behaviour don't really seem to play any role in the life of Atty. P. IMO, so if he was in a cranky mood and had been bored all day then he was going to lash out at the first person unfortunate enough to run into him and that's what we saw play out!

I’m left with so many unanswered
questions ..arghhh

I wish Weinstein would have had GF on the stand but, I’m sure she didn’t want to be in the same room as FD .

I feel like GF could have spoken on behalf of HF regarding her knowledge of the loan, the $14,000 gift that FD believes he is entitled to, Pound Ridge ..

I wanted Answers from MT!

Oh jeez , I could go on and on so, I’ll just stop!
Marissa Alter‏Verified account @MarissaAlter 1m1 minute ago
Dulos just said “that was the agreement” when Weinstein asked if Farber should gift him money this year when Jennifer is missing and Dulos charged in connection. @News12CT

FD is 'expecting' a 'gift' from GF this year too? Mmmmm. Might be time to call up and make another request for a psych exam as this expectation from FD IMO is bordering on delusional??? MOO

Does this a$$hat really think that anyone with an ounce of brains is going to believe that GF was willing to throw money at this monster, even after it became apparent that he murdered her daughter and refused any financial responsibility for his children. Wow! FD is really banking on the Judge to be as big an idiot as he is. Who in their right mind would believe that GF would ever want to foot the bills since JD left him in 2017, never mind since JD disappeared in May! . I can only pray this judge sees the real FD, through the BS, and does the right thing
Surprise of the month from FD
View attachment 218707

What a repulsive human being.

Every day that he's not behind bars just emboldens him and it's sickening to watch. Justice for Jennifer cannot come fast enough and hoping now that the civil trial is over, LE will arrest him. It's easy to get discouraged but I'm a big believer in karma & while it's taking forever here, I have no doubt in the world that it's coming for him. MOO.
Surprise of the month from FD
View attachment 218707
Oddly enough I don't find the FD statement at all surprising. Nope, he is simply that out of touch with reality to realise how tone deaf his statement might be.

The thing though is that even if he doesn't care about his 5 children, that someday each of those 5 children will have an absolutely huge and perfect legal record present in the State of CT as to who precisely their father is as a human being.

FD shared with the world first in Family Court and now in Civil Court how exactly he conducted himself in his personal life and how he conducted himself in his professional life. IMO he was not shown to be a person of integrity, honour or truth. Nope, not one bit of it because all of those things came between FD and whatever it was he happened to want. Ends justify the means always for FD and this is seen over and over again. IMO there is not one bit of grey in the legal record in CT that his 5 children will eventually come to read. These are also 5 children who haven't really had unsupervised contact with their father/FD in 2 years and they have had no contact with him since 5/24/Missing Date of JD.

I do feel profoundly sad that the 5 children will eventually come to read about their father and how he no doubt treated their mother. But if there is any good in anything in this tragic situation that happened, it was that LA the Nanny brought the 5 Dulos children to safety in NY, regardless of whether there was a 1 week notice period for out of State trips as pointed out by FD. FD only seems to understand rules applying to other people and never to himself so far as I can see. His children with therapy, maturity and time will no doubt come to see FD for the person we have seen and I say this knowing that we have only seen a tiny fraction of who FD is and what he has done.

Does this a$$hat really think that anyone with an ounce of brains is going to believe that GF was willing to throw money at this monster, even after it became apparent that he murdered her daughter and refused any financial responsibility for his children. Wow! FD is really banking on the Judge to be as big an idiot as he is. Who in their right mind would believe that GF would ever want to foot the bills since JD left him in 2017, never mind since JD disappeared in May! . I can only pray this judge sees the real FD, through the BS, and does the right thing

Did she give him money this year or last year? I wish Weinstein had asked him
Dulos testifies in civil suit filed by estranged wife’s mother
Well NP got in some media time today so his presence in court today wasn't a total loss for him. And sure enough he tried to spin it as poor FD being picked on by mean GF:
"We look at GF as the functional equivalent of Mommy Warbucks. She's putting the Farber's great wealth to work to destroy FD. Why?..."

Well, let me try to answer that for ya Norm: Dr. F might have some hard feelings because her son-in-law stole ~ 2.7 million dollars from her (which btw he spent on himself and his mistress to fund an extravagant lifestyle while not providing a penny for his children's support/care) and he's the #1 suspect in the murder of her daughter :(:mad:
Gotta hate it when men, even if they're a lawyer, play dumb...
Oddly enough I don't find the FD statement at all surprising. Nope, he is simply that out of touch with reality to realise how tone deaf his statement might be.

The thing though is that even if he doesn't care about his 5 children, that someday each of those 5 children will have an absolutely huge and perfect legal record present in the State of CT as to who precisely their father is as a human being.

FD shared with the world first in Family Court and now in Civil Court how exactly he conducted himself in his personal life and how he conducted himself in his professional life. IMO he was not shown to be a person of integrity, honour or truth. Nope, not one bit of it because all of those things came between FD and whatever it was he happened to want. Ends justify the means always for FD and this is seen over and over again. IMO there is not one bit of grey in the legal record in CT that his 5 children will eventually come to read. These are also 5 children who haven't really had unsupervised contact with their father/FD in 2 years and they have had no contact with him since 5/24/Missing Date of JD.

I do feel profoundly sad that the 5 children will eventually come to read about their father and how he no doubt treated their mother. But if there is any good in anything in this tragic situation that happened, it was that LA the Nanny brought the 5 Dulos children to safety in NY, regardless of whether there was a 1 week notice period for out of State trips as pointed out by FD. FD only seems to understand rules applying to other people and never to himself so far as I can see. His children with therapy, maturity and time will no doubt come to see FD for the person we have seen and I say this knowing that we have only seen a tiny fraction of who FD is and what he has done.


I totally missed that 1 week notice for out of state trips-that guy is a real whack-a-doo! Especially after threatening to take the children to Greece so the Farbers would never see them again. Yes, it’s Jennifer, GF and the nanny who are the real bad guys!
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