So interesting to learn about this situation. Thanks for bringing it up.
Looking at your very useful like it appears that there are exceptions.....We have learned that FD believes himself to be 'exceptional' in all things so I wonder if he slithered through the exemption process outlined in your link? I wonder how easy it is to get an exception too? But Fd certainly did seem to reside outside of Greece after his equivalent of US high school it seems.
Here in the info from your link:
For information on military matters and legislation in general, please visit the official website of the Legal Service of the Ministry of Defense:
Certificate of Permanent Resident Abroad for military use
The postponement is granted with the certificate of permanent residence abroad, issued only by the Greek Consular Authorities. The supporting documents are filed only once and not every year.
Most important prerequisites to qualify as Permanent Resident Abroad:
a. You have been living permanently outside of Greece for at least eleven (11) years immediately prior, in one or more countries.
You are permitted to stay in Greece, within each calendar year, up to 6 months.
b. You have been working systematically on a full-time basis and have been living continuously outside of Greece for at least seven (7) years in one or more countries.
Years of study abroad and part-time student jobs are NOT included in the 7-year systematic work scheme.
The maximum period that the individual is allowed to stay in Greece within every calendar year is up to 6 months.
The Consular Authority to which you should apply for the issuance of a certificate of permanent residence abroad for military use is dependent on the State where you last resided. In case you have lived in other US States or other countries in the past, you should first contact the corresponding Greek Consular Authority to confirm the years spent in these areas.
If I'm reading this correctly it seems like Fd would have had to worked outside of Greece on a full time basis for at least 7 years after completion of college and graduate school? So, Fd needed to keep working in the US after he left Cap Gemini in order to not serve in the military in Greece if I'm reading this correctly?