We may be missing the obvious through the chaos. "Attempted suicide." What do we know about FD? He is a planner, just not a good one. The timing of it all. And the method.
Very short window, huge expectation of being found in time. I wonder if FD underestimated the PROCESS of CO poisoning. Thought he'd be pulled from the car, into fresh air, and go to the HOSPITAL. What if he picked 11 am and CO not because he wanted to die, but because he wanted to escape. What if his intent was to stage a suicide, just like all the blood in the Welles garage, hadn't counted on losing consciousness and certainly hadn't counted on serious poisoning to his entire body? And if not escape, sympathy. Hospital visitors....
We'll know more today. Whether there was a suicide note. Whether CPR kept enough blood circulating and with enough oxygen in it. Whether there's hope of recovery.
The one thing I think we can know for sure: narcissists do what they do to manipulate the narrative. Whether he meant to die or it was a poorly executed stunt to avoid jail, THIS couldn't possibly be the outcome he expected.
His actions and his attitude have been deplorable, but he is somebody's father, times five. My heart breaks for his children. Again.