Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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What time did FD talk to the bondsman on the phone the day of his suicide incident?

What time did Anna leave the house (and FD) to run errands? Did FD and AK discuss anything before she left?

Of all the mornings to leave him! She couldn’t wait until after the bond hearing to run errands to ensure he was ok?

How was FD supposed to get to the bond hearing?
Yeah, then what was it? It can’t be just sex-a pretty girl with money wouldn’t have any trouble at all finding that. And if she is wealthy in her own right, what did she need his money for? I still don’t think Fd would have ever been classified as “loaded”, even when Jennifer was with him, from everything I’ve seen. Smoke and mirrors is more like it. The loans he got for properties in which he had no collateral are puzzling, too. Did they look at him as a good risk by rolling the dice and hoping he stayed married to “Liz Claiborne’s” niece or something?
you're right on many fronts-
AC was a 43 yr. old burned out ex- financial
advisor, only licensed 5 yrs so not a booming success, having her mid-life crisis, no man, no
marriage, no future.
FD was a playmate in need. She answered the call w/ no future guaranteed.
But who's money was it? why would a woman
go in hock for $18,000 mo for over a year to help out an old friend?
There's a lot more to this story soon to come out , I hope.
If she's known FD for 20 years, it's certainly enough time for his psychopathology to have become apparent.

I just think there is something very off about her involvement with him. She has very famous and wealthy friends. She has a degree from Duke University. She seems more like a socialite than the financial planners I know .

There's just something off about her

She 41. Not married. Has kids? No? Yes? Sound like anyone we know?
For real, yo. I do find it interesting that NP is so cathected emotionally to FD. Perhaps FD was a figure of great meaning (besides $) to NP. Perhaps NP needs to convince himself that it's not just about money for him, because FD's estate is next to non-existent, will take time to settle and NP isn't going to see another dime of it.
Will be interesting (and telling) to see if he'll put in a claim as a creditor.
I know the girlfriend has a great college education. However, how does a degree in history prepare one to guide clients and invest their funds?
It doesn't, but good question.
When I went through the licensing some years
back, we were put through much additional
schooling once we hooked up with a financial co. I was sent up to Wall St several times for
a couple months each time to get accelerated
training and education from some real whiz's in the financial world.
Not all advisors get this type training, especially with a smaller firm.
We had many ex- lawyers and physicians in our classes. Some real sharp people. Not all made it to success. It's a very intense vocation
and takes specific skills not just money management.
AC obviously didn't stay in the field for whatever reasons. She seemed to be wandering looking for her next step- sorta like MT but better educated and smarter.
He is odd and nuts but he is a defense attorney. Some attorneys enjoy the thrill to get justice for their client. Honestly, I have never heard a defense attorney on record throw out F bombs like they did yesterday though.... JMO

Norm needs a psych evaluation! His antics are unprofessional and unhinged. A loose cannon. Couch sessions failing. Moo
Yeah, then what was it? It can’t be just sex-a pretty girl with money wouldn’t have any trouble at all finding that. And if she is wealthy in her own right, what did she need his money for? I still don’t think Fd would have ever been classified as “loaded”, even when Jennifer was with him, from everything I’ve seen. Smoke and mirrors is more like it. The loans he got for properties in which he had no collateral are puzzling, too. Did they look at him as a good risk by rolling the dice and hoping he stayed married to “Liz Claiborne’s” niece or something?
IMO FD must have been possessed of the sociopathic charm that a small, but real, handful of these malignant narcissists possess. The lovebombing phase is a powerful drug. Undoubtedly AC was still experiencing the lovebombing bc FD needed her money. ...and even intelligent, successful, well-adjusted person can fall for the narcissist in this phase—like JD. This honeymoon is followed by hot-cold hot-cold where the victim keeps waiting for things to go back to ‘normal’ — a normal that never existed. JD wrote about this in her journal entries and MT even admitted to LE that she and FD fought all the time. Then the discard phase — the phase where your narcissist, say, spends most of his time away from home waterskiing and cheating and when he’s home he’s exploding about small things. No doubt FD was lovebombing the hell out of his mark AC, and yet did not give her even a moment's thought when he implemented his suicide plan. He must have known AC would find him dead in his car. A monster, through and through. MT and AC have their own respective culpability for their parts, of course, but FD is the classic abuser and he just happens to be very very good at the lovebombing part. MOO MOO
If it was a non-refundable prepayment he wouldn't have to do any extra work to retain all of the money. Most people just call those "flat fee" arrangements or "prepayment" since "retainer" has such a well-known and defined meaning of a payment put forth by a client to secure representation which will be spent down as services are provided.

If Pattis was being paid by the State of CT for Dulos' defense as "assigned counsel", there wouldn't have been a retainer agreement, and NP would have no worries about his fees or expenses.
Someone Needs to Demand that PATTISVILLE STOP. Just STOP.

Can we PLEASE Think About The Children at this point?

Don't Tell me that the children Need all this Freaking C[REDACTED]P so that Pattisville can make a Futile Attempt at proving Fd innocent, so they can Demand and Lavish in Their 15 Minutes of Fame.

It is Bad Enough that they have lost a Loving Mother at the hands of a Deranged father without Pattisville putting on this CIRCUS of Stupidity.

IMO and With a MOO MOO Here and a MOO MOO There.
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She sure as hell had a career. A long one. And the money to go with that such that she had to help FD, not the other way around.

God only knows how that psychopath charmed her or why a woman as educated, attractive and independently wealthy would want to align with a creep like him.

Psychopaths are capable of great charm. Hypomania is contagious. A person can feel quite safe around a psychopath, if he decides to beguile them. Many people who suffer from anxiety are attracted to antisocial/narcissistic (cluster B) types because those people have an almost magical power to influence others' emotions (and inside mental hospitals, they are quite difficult to manage and often get all the other patients on their side, then split into warring groups, all for the amusement and promotion of the Leader Psychopath). Most psychiatrists and psychologists either will not accept these types into their practices OR they will only have 1-2 at a time.

Other people's strong emotions are certainly transmissible, especially to empathic people. So an anxious, empathic woman would fall under his spell. There are a lot of anxious, empathic women.
I don’t think he meant to kill himself. At 9:38 he was calling new bonding company. No one told him new bonding co. in the works. NP wasn’t picking up calls bc flying to DC. So at 10:00 he’s all rigged up with his latest stall tactic. He was counting on new friend to find him when she left for the store. Which would have been a little bit later. Or to get back from store earlier. And find him. Or monitoring company to come get him. By 10:20? or so when bond guy called back, he was already sucking in CO. 10:30 was target. For monitoring company to realize he wasn’t en route. It takes about 1.5 hrs travel time. New girlfriend didn’t go into garage as expected at 10:30. Must have parked his car outside.
If there is a note? Maybe he meant it.
If he really wanted to kill himself, he would have pulled a trigger. This was a cry for help. Like pills.
We will never know. I don’t care. He deserved to be snuffed out for his crimes. At least we know he won’t get acquitted. And cannot kill another person.
this makes no sense at all. he would not be revived if he was sucking 90 min of highly concentrated CO. AC left areound 10:30 then FD immediately got to work maybe because he was timing when she would come back. The bondsman called him at 10:34 and FD told him "its all set" but he ws out of breathe because he was barricading the garage doors and the door leading into the house from the garage. He forgot to or purposely did not barricade the glass door with a hole in it now. He turned off his phone before he turned on the car since when the probation people were calling him his phone went straight to voicemail. That means he turned off his phone before he started killing himself.
Am I getting the facts about AC wrong? Too much information in one day!

She was 21 when she met Dulos (who was 31)? And had been friends with him for years? 21 years or thereabouts.

During that time, she finished university and started a financial planning business? She is approximately 42 now.

Am I close?
* Background behind the reporters FOTIS DULOS IS DEAD*

NP: We recommend moving his body out of the country since we fear his grave in Farmington will be desecrated.
Reporter: AC will not be receiving any of the the bond money bacj

News at 5 will talk more about the "note" doubt they will actually read it.

Look at BG's Red face
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