Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #44

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Knowing what a PITA Fd must have been, tells me that Pattis had to have used up whatever retainer he got in aggravation alone, IMO. Personally, I think he was planning on being highly visible with this case for a lot longer than this, and doesn’t want to give up the spotlight, so watch for more and more outrageous motions to be filed. Since he doesn’t seem to carefully consider or even proofread much of what he files, I don’t think it is costing him much at all in either time or effort; for him, it’s a “can’t lose” proposition now because it keeps him visible, even though Fd is dead. I do think he likes the fight, even if he doesn’t realize that he is way overmatched by better legal minds.
Since Pattis got the state to drop the Conspiracy to commit murder charges against Valiente, do you think he’ll offer his services to Bowman or Mawhinney’s attorney.
I was googling something related to this case that brought me here, and I saw some legal professionals were on the board so I thought they might clear it up.

I understand that it is being said that the cases against Kent Mawinny and Michelle Troconis could go forward. This doesn't make sense to me though, because as the state never had and will never have the opportunity to establish that Jennifer Dulos was murdered by her husband, how can these two people be considered to have conspired to commit murder with someone who hasn't even been convicted of murder?

I understand that there is a lot of evidence that is damning against Fotis Dulos, but as the only conviction that has happened is the unofficial court of opinion, how can you convict 2 other people who are being charged with a crime that is dependant on the original crime being convicted first? Would the courts not have to allow the posthumous trial as Norm Pattis is moving for, so that Fotis Dulos can be convicted of the murder, so that they can then move forward on the conspiracy charges against the other 2?
From the Stamford Advocate (It's an "insider" story, so I've abbreviated it here...:
STAMFORD — Now that Fotis Dulos will not stand trial for murder in the death of his wife, defense attorneys say the state’s attention has nowhere to turn but to his alleged accomplices.

“They are in a jackpot load of trouble,” said Westport criminal litigator Neal Rogan.

And as the glare intensifies on ex-girlfriend Michelle Troconis and former attorney Kent Mawhinney, both find themselves with substantially weaker hands to play against what could be convictions and harsh sentences......CUT TO....

“If Fotis Dulos is unavailable she will take the greater weight because I don’t think the state will just let this wither away,” said Rogan.

Both Troconis and Mawhinney are accused of conspiring with Dulos to kill his estranged wife, and and mother of their five children, last May in New Canaan. Mawhinney, 55, is currently being held at the Cheshire Correctional Institution unable to post a $2 million court appearance bond. Troconis, 45, also facing charges of tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution, has posted a $2.1 million bond.

Several attorneys and other case-watchers had speculated that prosecutors would turn to Troconis to compensate for one vulnerability they had in their case — the fact that Jennifer Dulos’ body has never been located.

“Without Troconis putting the pieces of the puzzle together there was always the possibility of a hung jury,” said Stamford litigator Mark Katz.

Discala said he now can’t see Richard Colangelo, the lead prosecutor on the case, offering Troconis much of a deal, even if she knows where the body is.

“Had he been available for trial she would be in a much better position to offer anything she knows about the location of the body, if there was a murder,” Discala said.
With loss of top defendant, focus to shift in Dulos case
Since Pattis got the state to drop the Conspiracy to commit murder charges against Valiente, do you think he’ll offer his services to Bowman or Mawhinney’s attorney.

He could try, but I don’t know if those lawyers, particularly Bowman, would want him anywhere near them. I can’t imagine that NP’s involvement with these other two characters cannot be seen as a conflict of interest in some way. And I think that the evidence of conspiracy against Valiente may be quite different than the evidence against MT and KM. If I was AB, I would run as fast as I could from Pattis & Co. Isn’t it bad enough that he has to have MT’s mother trying to run the show?
I was googling something related to this case that brought me here, and I saw some legal professionals were on the board so I thought they might clear it up.

I understand that it is being said that the cases against Kent Mawinny and Michelle Troconis could go forward. This doesn't make sense to me though, because as the state never had and will never have the opportunity to establish that Jennifer Dulos was murdered by her husband, how can these two people be considered to have conspired to commit murder with someone who hasn't even been convicted of murder?

I understand that there is a lot of evidence that is damning against Fotis Dulos, but as the only conviction that has happened is the unofficial court of opinion, how can you convict 2 other people who are being charged with a crime that is dependant on the original crime being convicted first? Would the courts not have to allow the posthumous trial as Norm Pattis is moving for, so that Fotis Dulos can be convicted of the murder, so that they can then move forward on the conspiracy charges against the other 2?
@Leizl, Welcome.

Your questions are clearly answered in the prior thread 43 and there are various interviews with local attys to explain clearly how the cases will be moving forward in coming days.

CT law doesn't require that Fd be prosecuted in order to prosecute MT and KM for conspiracy to murder. Also check out the Media Thread here on the case which also has a huge database of case articles and legal documents.

Since Pattis got the state to drop the Conspiracy to commit murder charges against Valiente, do you think he’ll offer his services to Bowman or Mawhinney’s attorney.
I've thought about that as well, it's the only way
I can see him continuing to be a star attorney.
AC won't convey that to him, IMO.

Which brings up another observation: The last 2 motions from NP, he allowed his underlings
to sign the motions including his "Certified
Legal Intern". Did they all write the motions
on 1/31 and figured it was their last chance of
getting their names on the case?
Almost immediately after Fd was declared dead, Atty. P. files two motions regarding discovery and substituting the estate in the criminal case. He announces the motions around the same time Fd died. Why do this when the absence of Fd due to suicide effectively terminates the criminal proceeding? Atty. P. IMO simply put up a big sign with these 2 motions and was desperate to make people believe that, "There is nothing to see here"!
I think every attorney interviewed on these 2 motions said the same thing, namely that these motions of 'Norm Barnum' are going nowhere. Yet these effectively toothless motions have dominated the press since the death of Fd and now Atty. P. is planting stories with DA about how Fd was treated by the courts in CT in the divorce action? What gives?

Sadly its Groundhog Day in Pattisville and they just can't get out of the loop IMO.

So, why push 2 motions that will go nowhere and then proceed to talk to every news outlet under the sun about them?

We've been down this path before with Atty. P. and we know that it's usually done in a weak attempt to shift the narrative away from reality and onto planet bizzaro where Press spin rules the day.

The reality is that Fd gassed himself to death. We can debate all day long whether it was a stunt or real but the thing about the entire situation that remains unanswered is why wasn't the alarm raised as to Fd location by Atty Smith? Why did the bonding people have more concern it seems than Fd Counsel as to his location? Why did the monitoring people accept voicemail repeatedly when Fd didn't pick up? What role in the decision to gas himself to death did Atty. P. play? Why did Fd not mention his attorney by name in his 'note'? Had Fd realised that it wasn't possible to have confidence in the Atty. P. strategy? Did Atty. P. tell Fd that he would no longer represent him as he had no money? Had Fd been desperately trying to reach his attorney regarding the bond situation and Atty. P. wasn't taking his calls and Atty Smith couldn't give him the time of day? Fd made the firm of Pattis & Smith IMO look like a bunch of carnival barkers or hucksters with the stunt he and AC tried to pull off. Was Atty. P. involved in the bond stunt? IDK. Nobody knows but Atty. P. doesn't want anyone asking the question.

I do want to know how the other CT bonding Company was able to alert Atty Colangelo so quickly about a potentially fraudulent bond YET Atty. P. who probably knew more about Fd finances than anyone simply sat on his hands it seems and was blowing bubbles and waiting for someone to do their job and check the bond. If Atty. P. knew the bond was a fraud then why not alert the Court or call Colangelo ASAP? Or, was this a situation like with the infamous axe where you just wait for CSP to walk by and find it rather than handing it in as evidence? IMO its hard NOT to believe here that Atty. P. isn't part of the bond issue. Atty. P. described the fraudulent bond issue as relative to 'title insurance'. Sure, you would have title issues if a property were in foreclosure or if title to property wasn't clear due to litigation but thats really NOT THE ISSUE HERE AT ALL. Atty. P. was IMO dancing here hoping not to be called out for being involved with submitting a fraudulent bond to the Court.

The reality also was that fraudulent information was presented to the Court for the bond. Looking at the supplemental bond documents it appears that contrary to what he said earlier, that the Atty. P. PI was involved with the Bond as was AC. AC I believe tried to get the bond situation stabilised by signing a note for $3.0 million paid in instalments. But, ultimately Palmetto, who had issued the bond, simply wanted to leave a very messy situation. Atty. P. looked to be intimately involved with the bonding situation even though it was his clients job to sort it out. Why was Atty. P. so involved with the Bond? Is this why Atty. P. is now representing AC?

Court started at 12. No Fd. Atty Smith said that he alerted at 12:15pm. Why didn't he know where his client was given that his client should have left by 10:30am or risk being a no show. Had Atty Smith made any efforts to locate Fd? How many calls to Atty. P. did Atty Smith make? How many calls to Atty P did Fd make? I'm curious if during this time Atty. P. took a call from Atty Smith but NOT Fd!

The reality is that the individual party to the bond was new Atty. P. client AC. Doesn't seem like Atty. P. much wants to talk about AC and why it seems she was being heavily investigated by Atty Colangelo along with Andreas Tout. Who is AC and was she handing over her money in good faith for the Fd ill fated fraudulent bond or was it possibly Fd money that she had hidden on his behalf from the divorce action?

It appears that AC and Fd tried desperately to salvage the bond but it appears that Palmetto simply wanted out and out quickly. Was Atty. P. too busy with his new client in Washington to sort out a replacement bond for Fd or is the reason he didn't do so was because it was impossible and so he told Fd his only option was to go to jail and this is what put Fd into a tailspin as he knew the Judge was going to send him out Door 2 and straight to BPT? Or, was Atty. P. so angry over the JFd memorial desecration and the fraudulent bond that he and Atty Smith said they would no longer represent Fd?

IMO these are all quite serious matters that shine the light back on Atty. P. and his role in all of these issues. But, Atty. P. doesn't want that light on himself and he doesn't want to be questioned on any of it. Instead Atty. P. wants to talk about Joan of Arc and Constitutional amendments.

I do hope the State does investigate Atty. P. role in all of these matters and ditto for AC and AT as this all seems profoundly shady and possibly unlawful.

He could try, but I don’t know if those lawyers, particularly Bowman, would want him anywhere near them. I can’t imagine that NP’s involvement with these other two characters cannot be seen as a conflict of interest in some way. And I think that the evidence of conspiracy against Valiente may be quite different than the evidence against MT and KM. If I was AB, I would run as fast as I could from Pattis & Co. Isn’t it bad enough that he has to have MT’s mother trying to run the show?
Yea MT's mommy who's middle-age daughter is living with a married man, with 5 children no less. She must be so proud.
From @sleuth66

“Judge Heller has ruled against me over and over. I am not an alcoholic, I am not a drug addict, I am not an abuser,” Dulos wrote. “I am a good father and my children adore me.”
‘I feel like a passenger in a runaway train that is headed to nowhere’: A frustrated, cash-strapped Fotis Dulos fought against judge overseeing his two-year contentious divorce

I’m sorry, but the timing on this HC article penned by DA, on a source directly provided by NP without a doubt, is ridiculous. Why is this news now, and why is the slant one of martyrdom rather than one of the close call for those kids?

The only response to it is, “yes, and if Judge Heller had only ruled harder against you, maybe JD would be alive today. Thankfully she protected the children from unsupervised visits with you, although in retrospect she clearly should have done much more, and that perhaps is the reason they are still living.”

While FD may not have been a known alcoholic or drug addict (but we don't know, since he is also a liar) , we know that he was for sure an abuser (perhaps even an abuser of a corpse, as well as living victims).

These articles from DA do nothing but continue to disappoint IMO. This one though could actually go beyond disappointment into the realm of shameful.

Factually no issues with the DA article but not sure how pointing out 'old news' in Family Court regarding Fd ongoing issue with Judge Heller and claims of discrimination for being "Greek" connects to the rest of the article?

The idea presented by Fd for the reasons for his discrimination based on being "Greek" was ludicrous. Fd was 'losing' and IMO 'losing badly' based solely on his inability to simply follow the rules and get with the program and do what was right in order to gain access to his children. Fd chose to walk away from his children for nearly 10 months and attempted to weaponise the children against their mother. This behaviour from Fd resulted in severe psychological distress for the oldest children and heartache and anxiety for JFD. Fd didn't appear to care much as he did zero to change his behaviour. Judge Heller had reached the end of her rope with the Fd behaviour but sadly wasn't willing to do much to punish Fd and YET he felt discriminated against? Again, it's delusional and yet another temper tantrum for not being able to steamroll through Atty Midler and JFd.

If the "Greek Family" believes they can come to the US and claim via Atty. P. and DA that their now dead brother was discriminated against because of where he comes from then please post your address here and I'll send you a very basic and quite informative basic US History text to quickly get you up to speed. The US is a country of immigrants and has been since its founding. Ethnic, racial and religious slurs don't fly here and won't be accepted as a basis for the treatment of Fd by the US Court system.

Fd IMO wasn't discriminated against because he was Greek, he simply wasn't winning in Court due to what Judge White said last week in Court, namely that Fd was being 'stupid'. Representing himself for months at a time also did zero to help his cause and simply hindered the already slow CT system further.

I do hope that this article isn't setting the stage for unsavoury allegations regarding Judge Heller and the Farber's and JFd legal team or other issues of ethnicity or religion. If so, it would represent a new low even for Pattisville.

Why would DA want to involve himself in the deep muck here when the participants in the divorce action are dead? What is this article about REALLY? I have suspicions and not one is positive or remotely productive for the people here who ARE ALIVE and ARE IMPORTANT and those are the 5 Farber Dulos children.

I'm no fan of Judge Heller's handling of the divorce action for many reasons but Fd suffered very little in the way of consequences under her regime in Court so I'm not sure where Pattisville might be going here. At some point IMO Fd needed to look in the mirror and evaluate his behaviour and figure out what worked and what didn't. IMO Fd never did this and the results speak for themselves.

I very much wish the 'Greek Family' time and space to process their grief outside and away from the situation Fd left behind. I'm not sure going down the path of claiming discrimination offers you and your family anything here and certainly doesn't do justice IMO to the huge file of documented behaviour Fd left behind in multiple courts. Please do not fall for lines from snake oil attorneys peddling promises of 'untold millions' or 'vindication' or 'clearing the name of Fd'. You saw what believing those statements did for Fd.

I am hoping that, to counter the memorial to Fd, that more locals come by and add to Jennifer’s memorial, making Fd’s look puny and miserable (just like him!)
Hah! I mentioned there would probably be an FD memorial there on the 31st, so no surprise there. But it now confirms that the JD memorial was taunting some Greek Grifters who must pass it numerous times a day.
And the fight goes on.
As we move into a new week I was refreshing my memory on outstanding items we were waiting on in terms of information:

One that came to mind:

1. SA filed a FOIA act to obtain the documents regarding the Glock 19 from the Farmington PD. I believe this was a 10 page report of some sort. Farmington PD sent the SA reporter Lisa Backus I believe to CSP.

Its been crickets since this was originally reported.

Why? What is holding up the release of this information as a powerful handgun was released into the public and no information about who has this gun is being made available. Why has there not been a statement from Farmington PD about the gun either to let the public know that there isn't a public safety issue regarding the matter?

Very concerning situation as is the silence of the Press on the matter. If this issue is being 'silenced' due to the ongoing criminal investigation then simply say so. But the fact that the gun was released and we have known violent people involved with this case as well as previously threatened KM STBX out and public along with their family I have to say I'm hugely concerned here.

When will the courts lay the smack down on pattis for breaking the gag order and the frivolous law suits pattis has started .how long will they allow pattis to make a mockery out of the Connecticut courts. It’s so unfair to those 5 children they can read they will hear all this on the news pattis needs to stop his client killed himself so pattis is done he has nothing to do with mk and km case . Moo moo
Knowing what a PITA Fd must have been, tells me that Pattis had to have used up whatever retainer he got in aggravation alone, IMO. Personally, I think he was planning on being highly visible with this case for a lot longer than this, and doesn’t want to give up the spotlight, so watch for more and more outrageous motions to be filed. Since he doesn’t seem to carefully consider or even proofread much of what he files, I don’t think it is costing him much at all in either time or effort; for him, it’s a “can’t lose” proposition now because it keeps him visible, even though Fd is dead. I do think he likes the fight, even if he doesn’t realize that he is way overmatched by better legal minds.
Speaking of which, is there anything GF’s lawyers can do to spark an investigation into NP’s possibly nefarious involvement in FD’s bond issues along with AC?
As to reasons why NP may want to keep Fd's case "alive," the following tweet gives insight into NP's priorities. NP gave his impassioned presentation to the CT Supreme Court and he certainly wants that body to rule on his argument, IMO, too. Is it really all about Norm?

If that body declares the case moot, all NP's work about free speech will be in vain. (I might note the irony of the free speech that NP's wants to insure, he would deprive the public and the media from using in his histrionic motion to continue the trial.)

Aaron Keller


Jan 30

Pattis appears to seek a posthumous trial. Keeping the criminal case against #FotisDulos alive might keep alive the appeal on the gag order, which may make law in Connecticut for future defendants. With Dulos dead, however, the CT Supreme Court may declare that appeal moot.

Quote Tweet

· Jan 30
More from Pattis in motion: They (the children) deserve just answers achieved through just processes even if those just answers do not satisfy the public’s bloodlust for tabloid fodder.
CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

Just wanted to make sure that the investigation (Feds, I hope) into the source of the bail bond money doesn't get buried under Attorney Pattis' frivolous motions.

I would link the two video that @afitzy posted on Thread #43 (page 53, #1052) to the media page...maybe someone here knows how?

The outing of AC's identity
Excellent reporting and summary of the issue with the bail bond by Channel 3 WFSB Courtney Keillor. Keillor got the entire bail documents by FOIA CT Insurance Dept. It is on youtube as well. Pictures of the money orders. That is what we want.

Definitely some kind of coverup facilitated by certain media outlets that are fed scraps from Attorney Pattis. Certain media posted only a snippet of the signature of Jerry Cao, 24/7 Bail Bonds on the paperwork. So someone had access to the bail paperwork and deliberately misled the public by omitting the page with AC's name as an indemnitor paying 24/7 Bail Bonds with cash (Bank of America money order) assuming the public would, through ignorance of the bail process, believe that the bail bond was all in order. It was not at all in order. It was a flagrant attempt to hide AC's identity, IMO.

It was FD's suicide note that outed AC's identity to MSM. That, IMO, was the purpose of the note. Blessed by Attorney Pattis because he leaked it to the press. Why?

IMO, I am not satisfied with just a copy of AC's money order for $147,000. It is the investigation into the source of AC's money order for $147,000 that needs to be thoroughly investigated by the Feds, IRS, so that the victims are made whole. Victims of FD's siphoning of funds from marital assets in a pending divorce action. Victims of mortgage fraud, and IRS fraud. MOO.

Why all the media fuss? Attorney Pattis wants to get paid, that's why.
IMO, Attorney Pattis wants to represent AC because she brokered the investments that were funded by marital assets and Attorney Pattis wants to know where to file his creditor lien on those accounts in order to get paid. Attorney Pattis wants to be able to legitimately receive checks (i.e. a retainer) from AC in order to get paid. AC can't publicly refute Attorney Pattis because he has the dirt on her. Extortion, pure and simple. AC is guilty of aiding in the coverup of the source of funds and FD's elaborate conspiracy over (a decade or more?) to siphon marital assets and bankrupt FORE Group and then run off. I can't believe Attorney Pattis still has his law license. MOO.

What happened to FD's minder on the morning he attempted suicide?
IMO, AC was the minder. FD's sarcasm thanking AC for not letting him flee, which he probably begged her to do that morning. MOO. According to early reports, AC was tasked by Palmetto to bring FD in because AC represented Palmetto in some capacity. AC hooked FD up with Palmetto through her North Carolina network. We need to know more about AC and Palmetto's relationship.

IMO, at some point, IMO, AC was alerted to detain FD so that Attorney McGuigan representing Palmetto could serve proper in person notice on FD that his bail bond was being revoked. AC could have let FD flee, but didn't. AC was by his deathbed and did not commit the worst crime, that of letting FD flee, but her role and the source of her $147,000 must be traced back and the hidden funds recovered for the Estate. MOO.
As we move into a new week I was refreshing my memory on outstanding items we were waiting on in terms of information:

One that came to mind:

1. SA filed a FOIA act to obtain the documents regarding the Glock 19 from the Farmington PD. I believe this was a 10 page report of some sort. Farmington PD sent the SA reporter Lisa Backus I believe to CSP.

Its been crickets since this was originally reported.

Why? What is holding up the release of this information as a powerful handgun was released into the public and no information about who has this gun is being made available. Why has there not been a statement from Farmington PD about the gun either to let the public know that there isn't a public safety issue regarding the matter?

Very concerning situation as is the silence of the Press on the matter. If this issue is being 'silenced' due to the ongoing criminal investigation then simply say so. But the fact that the gun was released and we have known violent people involved with this case as well as previously threatened KM STBX out and public along with their family I have to say I'm hugely concerned here.

maybe you could send an email to Lisa and see where this stands. Curious minds want to know.
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