Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #45

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Hate to admit it, but I do worry that a judge will throw out her police interviews because of the pretend language barrier thing. She was well represented at the time and that attorney didn’t have an issue with her English. She didn’t have an issue with her English. She doesn’t have an issue with her English. But... I still worry because courts often rule conservatively so as not be be overturned on technicalities. So until then... fingers and toes crossed.

I wouldn’t worry too much. Her English language statements (known to the public) are such mush-mash that they are not worth much at all. I can’t think of too many verbal responses that are significant. Maybe ID of photos. What is she going to say in Spanish? “Ay Dios mío. No Dije que era yo. La mujer en la foto parecía a mi, no fue yo.” (It’s been a while forgive me if I butchered the language.)
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I can’t really say that I “like” the motions he’s made, but I suppose that from the defense perspective, he had to make these motions in order to do his job adequately. But I do think he is going to find that at least some of this isn’t going to work, and I think he is going to find that LE has evidence that he and MT aren’t going to be able to outrun-no amt of spanish/english translation will help that.
Thanks for the positive thoughts. I hope you are right. Justice for Jennifer.
Sorry but one of the LAST folks in the train wreck that was Fd who I believe to be any kind of victim is MT.

Nope, sorry, simply don't see it.

MT started her affair while both she and Fd were both married and it went on for 2 years (at least) before Fd told JFd anything about it. MT then husband dumped her quickly in a 'quickie' divorce in FL.

MT moved to CT and stayed so long as the Fd/Farber money train kept cranking out cash. IMO that is how MT rolls (literally and figuratively IMO) and its how she has rolled over and over and over again in her relationships with men over the years. IMO if there is a female equivalent of a PREDATOR then that person would IMO be MT as she doesn't care if people are married, in a relationship or not, she simply does what she wants with zero cares in the world.

Here is the article about how MT and Fd long flaunted their affair in Farmington.

Missing Mother’s Estranged Husband Flaunted Affair With His Mistress Before Wife Vanished

How many local women do you think would 'embrace' MT after reading this article? Probably zero except her alleged friend with the store Petu who IMO was the only reason MT sought to have her restrictions removed in Court this week, so she could go visit her friend. The MT dead animal rug business IMO is a farce with its marketing done via a PRIVATE INSTA account. IDK why Atty Colangelo didn't ask for some financial statements or even incorporation documents to prove the business is viable and operating but I guess he had bigger fish to fry that this ongoing farce of MT and Mama A being in business.

I'm very much looking forward to MT 'new atty' backing up the bus on his story about the MT 'fabric business' as to my knowledge MT, Mama A and her sister only have the dead animal rug business. Gotta love an attorney that doesn't even know what kind of business his client has and the irony of calling the dead animal rug business a 'fabric business' is in itself hilarious.

MT in AW3 admitted to arguing with Fd ALL THE TIME and YET SHE STILL STAYED.

MT stayed WITH HER DAUGHTER at 4Jx for years amidst the ongoing turmoil of the Dulos divorce. How many parents would knowingly subject a child to that environment which you would guess to be volatile and toxic? BUT MT STILL STAYED.

We talked a lot on here about the "Greek Family" of Fd, but the MT "Troconis/Arrezea Clan" has been front and centre at 4Jx living the high life off of Fd/JFd dime for years now and ditto for Miami. We see the MT clan strutting into the Stamford Courthouse wearing stillettos and sunglasses but this same group of people has been supportive of her ongoing relationship with Fd FOR YEARS. Just give a second to thinking about a parent supporting a child who was then married in conducting an affair with a very much married father of 5! Mama A and MT sisters and father ALL DID THIS.

This is simply who these people are and they were very much willing to partake of the Fd parties, travel and restaurant dinners and who knows what else as long as the cash kept rolling and the free plane tickets mysteriously kept showing up. MT family IMO has rallied around her for years and was very much supportive of her ongoing and VERY DETERMINED campaign to be the 'QUEEN of 4Jx' in Farmington. There IMO was no lack of knowledge here on the part of any of the family members as they knew that Fd was married with 5 small children and MT knew JFd personally and worked daily in 4Jx while JFd was still living there for at least a year.

I'm just putting this out there in case there is any doubt that the family of MT didn't know about the situation with Fd. Nope, they knew yet there is extensive social media evidence in the form of pictures (now mostly scrubbed online but held by news outlets such as the DM and NYP and others) that show the family with Fd when he was still married as was MT.

Sometimes we see families as victims in these cases, but in the case of MT and Fd, their families were aware, vested and present IMO in the affair and ongoing relationship.

I will never forget hearing Atty Bowman in Court make the statement that MT had no motive in this case and I think it was him uttering that statement that showed me he didn't truly understand either his client or much about this case. Frankly I was surprised he lasted as long as he did in this case as it was clear that MT was lying to him, her family was lying to him and MT was lying to LE. Kudos to him for escaping from these IMO toxic and lying people who really cannot legally be saved from themselves in great part due to the fact that they continue to live by gaming the legal system. IMO this might work in an overburdened FL Federal legal system but when in comes to Conspiracy to Murder in the State of CT, IMO this simply won't stand or be tolerated. MT missed the boat on some kind of plea deal and simply sunk her chances at a plea deal via her lying campaign. I'm surprised she found another attorney to take her on as even defense attorneys don't have much patience for clients that lie to them and LE and have that fact documented in now 3 AWs.

So, no, MT is NOT a victim. MT knew precisely what she was doing and she stayed with Fd amidst a horrific ongoing divorce drama (of which she was well aware about IMO) and she stayed for a very specific reason and IMO that reason was $$$$$ and it wasn't just the $120,000/yr that she got paid from FORE, IMO it was the promise of a life of leisure and no financial worries. MT signed up for this ALL and she fought hard and IMO engaged in a murder to gain this for herself. MT only cared about herself ever and never gave 2 seconds of time for JFd.

So well said. I was going to bold some parts, but I can't - all of the points are important! :)
Does he speak Spanish? I don't know. MT has spent many years in the US and I don't believe for one second she can't understand English. I do believe she has a right for an interpreter, especially for the legalese she may experience in court that her English vocabulary might be lacking of, but this interpreter they brought in seemed to be a joke. He was like the sign language person for the deaf that you see in a lot of situations, except this guy was loud and distracting. I think at most she might need someone who is more like a English/ Spanish dictionary for her explaining things quietly as needed. American schools afford this to every English as a second language student across the country and I am sure people in our judicial system also have the same right.
Big difference in interpreters that I have seen in other cases. For example, Mollie Tibbetts (who also has a thread here on Websleuths). JMO
Protothema Article from Greece about Death of Fd:

Google Translate

Google Translate

The Greek Family is allegedly doing interviews in Greece about the treatment Fd received in the US. If anyone finds video of these interviews please post them in the media thread or on this main thread.

In the suicide note found, Doulos claimed that his lawyers have proof of his innocence.

Then why didn't his lawyers use this information to clear him if they had proof
of his innocence. Because it's BS no evidence or he would have been cleared months ago JMO
Big difference in interpreters that I have seen in other cases. For example, Mollie Tibbetts (who also has a thread here on Websleuths). JMO
Another case I have followed since the beginning. Has so many elements of the perfect storm, just like this case here. Before we lived in CT, we lived very close to her hometown in Iowa while my husband was getting his Ph.D.
Sorry but one of the LAST folks in the train wreck that was Fd who I believe to be any kind of victim is MT.

Nope, sorry, simply don't see it.

MT started her affair while both she and Fd were both married and it went on for 2 years (at least) before Fd told JFd anything about it. MT then husband dumped her quickly in a 'quickie' divorce in FL.

MT moved to CT and stayed so long as the Fd/Farber money train kept cranking out cash. IMO that is how MT rolls (literally and figuratively IMO) and its how she has rolled over and over and over again in her relationships with men over the years. IMO if there is a female equivalent of a PREDATOR then that person would IMO be MT as she doesn't care if people are married, in a relationship or not, she simply does what she wants with zero cares in the world.

Here is the article about how MT and Fd long flaunted their affair in Farmington.

Missing Mother’s Estranged Husband Flaunted Affair With His Mistress Before Wife Vanished

How many local women do you think would 'embrace' MT after reading this article? Probably zero except her alleged friend with the store Petu who IMO was the only reason MT sought to have her restrictions removed in Court this week, so she could go visit her friend. The MT dead animal rug business IMO is a farce with its marketing done via a PRIVATE INSTA account. IDK why Atty Colangelo didn't ask for some financial statements or even incorporation documents to prove the business is viable and operating but I guess he had bigger fish to fry that this ongoing farce of MT and Mama A being in business.

I'm very much looking forward to MT 'new atty' backing up the bus on his story about the MT 'fabric business' as to my knowledge MT, Mama A and her sister only have the dead animal rug business. Gotta love an attorney that doesn't even know what kind of business his client has and the irony of calling the dead animal rug business a 'fabric business' is in itself hilarious.

MT in AW3 admitted to arguing with Fd ALL THE TIME and YET SHE STILL STAYED.

MT stayed WITH HER DAUGHTER at 4Jx for years amidst the ongoing turmoil of the Dulos divorce. How many parents would knowingly subject a child to that environment which you would guess to be volatile and toxic? BUT MT STILL STAYED.

We talked a lot on here about the "Greek Family" of Fd, but the MT "Troconis/Arrezea Clan" has been front and centre at 4Jx living the high life off of Fd/JFd dime for years now and ditto for Miami. We see the MT clan strutting into the Stamford Courthouse wearing stillettos and sunglasses but this same group of people has been supportive of her ongoing relationship with Fd FOR YEARS. Just give a second to thinking about a parent supporting a child who was then married in conducting an affair with a very much married father of 5! Mama A and MT sisters and father ALL DID THIS.

This is simply who these people are and they were very much willing to partake of the Fd parties, travel and restaurant dinners and who knows what else as long as the cash kept rolling and the free plane tickets mysteriously kept showing up. MT family IMO has rallied around her for years and was very much supportive of her ongoing and VERY DETERMINED campaign to be the 'QUEEN of 4Jx' in Farmington. There IMO was no lack of knowledge here on the part of any of the family members as they knew that Fd was married with 5 small children and MT knew JFd personally and worked daily in 4Jx while JFd was still living there for at least a year.

I'm just putting this out there in case there is any doubt that the family of MT didn't know about the situation with Fd. Nope, they knew yet there is extensive social media evidence in the form of pictures (now mostly scrubbed online but held by news outlets such as the DM and NYP and others) that show the family with Fd when he was still married as was MT.

Sometimes we see families as victims in these cases, but in the case of MT and Fd, their families were aware, vested and present IMO in the affair and ongoing relationship.

I will never forget hearing Atty Bowman in Court make the statement that MT had no motive in this case and I think it was him uttering that statement that showed me he didn't truly understand either his client or much about this case. Frankly I was surprised he lasted as long as he did in this case as it was clear that MT was lying to him, her family was lying to him and MT was lying to LE. Kudos to him for escaping from these IMO toxic and lying people who really cannot legally be saved from themselves in great part due to the fact that they continue to live by gaming the legal system. IMO this might work in an overburdened FL Federal legal system but when in comes to Conspiracy to Murder in the State of CT, IMO this simply won't stand or be tolerated. MT missed the boat on some kind of plea deal and simply sunk her chances at a plea deal via her lying campaign. I'm surprised she found another attorney to take her on as even defense attorneys don't have much patience for clients that lie to them and LE and have that fact documented in now 3 AWs.

So, no, MT is NOT a victim. MT knew precisely what she was doing and she stayed with Fd amidst a horrific ongoing divorce drama (of which she was well aware about IMO) and she stayed for a very specific reason and IMO that reason was $$$$$ and it wasn't just the $120,000/yr that she got paid from FORE, IMO it was the promise of a life of leisure and no financial worries. MT signed up for this ALL and she fought hard and IMO engaged in a murder to gain this for herself. MT only cared about herself ever and never gave 2 seconds of time for JFd.

Very well said! @afitzy
@Diddian Thank you for sharing! This was very informative, and also, Welcome to Websleuths. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Thank you for the welcome. Keep in mind that I am a latecomer and am slowly catching up so my posts are only partially informed.

Since I posted the comment you replied to, I've caught up to some of the mid-to-end-of-2019 civil filings involving Farber vs. Dulos/FORE and am more inclined than I previously was to think state and federal officials should be investigating Dulos/FORE Group money/Troconis cash (and possibly other asset) movements and reporting.

Sufficient evidence has already been presented to justify arrests for one alleged murder (incl. body disposal). IMO, It seems increasingly apparent that murder may have been motivated at least as much by intent to keep Dulos/FORE Group activity and status/location of assets concealed from various interested parties as it was by divorce/custody issues. While GF's attorneys have done outstanding work on behalf of GF, family trusts, and the estate on behalf of the children, it seems that an investigation to get to the bottom of this particular "tangle protected by violence" should be conducted by state and federal officials who carry guns, wear armor, and have greater ability to pierce obstructions.
In the suicide note found, Doulos claimed that his lawyers have proof of his innocence.

Then why didn't his lawyers use this information to clear him if they had proof
of his innocence. Because it's BS no evidence or he would have been cleared months ago JMO
That's why NP is taking 2 weeks off - he needs to come up with something truly creative if he's going to follow through with that one! ;)
Definitely, St. Barts. Can’t you just see him all lubed up in suntan oil, with his straggly grey ponytail hanging down his back, while he soaks up the sun wearing his Speedo.:cool: And Ray Bans, of course.

Sorry, your image was perfect but just couldn't resist this image too and am posting it in memory of all the 4.20 motions written and submitted to the Court by Atty. P. that we all will no longer have to read (unless you are following the Morales case....):

speedobong.png speedobong.png speedobong.png speedobong.png speedobong.png speedobong.png

Thank you for the welcome. Keep in mind that I am a latecomer and am slowly catching up so my posts are only partially informed.

Since I posted the comment you replied to, I've caught up to some of the mid-to-end-of-2019 civil filings involving Farber vs. Dulos/FORE and am more inclined than I previously was to think state and federal officials should be investigating Dulos/FORE Group money/Troconis cash (and possibly other asset) movements and reporting.

Sufficient evidence has already been presented to justify arrests for one alleged murder (incl. body disposal). IMO, It seems increasingly apparent that murder may have been motivated at least as much by intent to keep Dulos/FORE Group activity and status/location of assets concealed from various interested parties as it was by divorce/custody issues. While GF's attorneys have done outstanding work on behalf of GF, family trusts, and the estate on behalf of the children, it seems that an investigation to get to the bottom of this particular "tangle protected by violence" should be conducted by state and federal officials who carry guns, wear armor, and have greater ability to pierce obstructions.

Not sure if you have gotten to the part where the MT deposition was being 'negotiated' by Atty Weinstein and Atty Bowman and then Atty Bowman very abruptly did a 180 turn and shut it all down in terms of their discussion and MT deposition terms were decided by the Judge. Atty Bowman then wrote his infamous [REDACTED] memo which he chose to not send to Atty Weinstein and so just sent it to the Judge where he claimed that there were no questions MT could safely answer. The concern of Atty Bowman during this time for his client seemed IMO to dramatically shift and so he didn't want her speaking to anyone. We clearly don't know why this might have been happening but the suspicion has long been that FBI and other Federal Authorities have been assisting. Atty Bowman was a former Federal Prosecutor and I've long wondered if he was perhaps tipped off as to what was going on with a Federal investigation? IDK.

The issues with Fd (bank loans/not filing federal or state taxes) etc. were quite clear but it also became increasingly clear that MT was in the crosshairs of the exact same allegations.

I have to admit to being puzzled by Atty Colangelo not fixing his focus on MT and taxes and her residency. FL is a very well used spot for CT residents to utilise to reduce the huge bite of CT State Taxes. MT kept her FL condo and drivers license and yet collected income from FORE while living in CT for over 2 years and its unclear whether she filed CT RESIDENT taxes or claimed NON RESIDENT status. Seems like Atty Colangelo could file paperwork to sort out this question along with associated Federal tax questions for MT.

But, the deposition questions asked of MT (Judge ruled she only had to answer around 18 if I recall, including her name) told us quite a lot about what Atty Weinstein was looking for in his investigation of Fd and MT.

I agree with you that the MT role in FORE was clear and we saw this in AW3 when she was the one on the phone with the Computer Consultant dealing with the file storage issues and possibly wiping her phone and FORE computer records. There was an early Press report that was quickly scrubbed about how when LE showed up with the first search warrant for 4Jx that they found MT at the computer in the office and she was allegedly deleting files. We never got clarity on how all this ended up and so I do hope at trial the issue of MT as effectively functioning as the 'right hand' of Fd at FORE is hammered home as everything we have learned suggests that this is clearly the fact and that Fd and MT lived virtually 'attached at the hip' from the day they met! Until MT was easily replaced by Fd with yet another 'Stepford Wife' who was younger and certainly had more money along with and income!

Thank you for the welcome. Keep in mind that I am a latecomer and am slowly catching up so my posts are only partially informed.

Since I posted the comment you replied to, I've caught up to some of the mid-to-end-of-2019 civil filings involving Farber vs. Dulos/FORE and am more inclined than I previously was to think state and federal officials should be investigating Dulos/FORE Group money/Troconis cash (and possibly other asset) movements and reporting.

Sufficient evidence has already been presented to justify arrests for one alleged murder (incl. body disposal). IMO, It seems increasingly apparent that murder may have been motivated at least as much by intent to keep Dulos/FORE Group activity and status/location of assets concealed from various interested parties as it was by divorce/custody issues. While GF's attorneys have done outstanding work on behalf of GF, family trusts, and the estate on behalf of the children, it seems that an investigation to get to the bottom of this particular "tangle protected by violence" should be conducted by state and federal officials who carry guns, wear armor, and have greater ability to pierce obstructions.
I think your absolutely correct. Something more than murder is being hidden, IMO.
Who pays for the interpreters in these cases?
Found this, gave up searching the CT website. So, if anyone knows what the CT situation is please post.

Do courts provide translators?
For these reasons, the federal Civil Rights Act requires state courts that receive federal funds to provide interpreters to LEP individuals in all civil and criminal cases. ... The interpreters must be provided without charge. Courts must ensure that interpreters have essential language and interpreting skills.Jul 4, 2009 › publication › language-access-state-courts
Found this, gave up searching the CT website. So, if anyone knows what the CT situation is please post.

Do courts provide translators?
For these reasons, the federal Civil Rights Act requires state courts that receive federal funds to provide interpreters to LEP individuals in all civil and criminal cases. ... The interpreters must be provided without charge. Courts must ensure that interpreters have essential language and interpreting skills.Jul 4, 2009 › publication › language-access-state-courts

Interpreter and Translator Services - CT Judicial Branch
"Its function is to provide, at no cost, certified and highly qualified interpreting and translation services to persons with limited English proficiency in all court and court-related matters to ensure meaningful access to the courts. "
Not sure if you have gotten to the part where the MT deposition was being 'negotiated' by Atty Weinstein and Atty Bowman and then Atty Bowman very abruptly did a 180 turn and shut it all down in terms of their discussion and MT deposition terms were decided by the Judge. Atty Bowman then wrote his infamous [REDACTED] memo which he chose to not send to Atty Weinstein and so just sent it to the Judge where he claimed that there were no questions MT could safely answer. The concern of Atty Bowman during this time for his client seemed IMO to dramatically shift and so he didn't want her speaking to anyone. We clearly don't know why this might have been happening but the suspicion has long been that FBI and other Federal Authorities have been assisting. Atty Bowman was a former Federal Prosecutor and I've long wondered if he was perhaps tipped off as to what was going on with a Federal investigation? IDK.

The issues with Fd (bank loans/not filing federal or state taxes) etc. were quite clear but it also became increasingly clear that MT was in the crosshairs of the exact same allegations.

I have to admit to being puzzled by Atty Colangelo not fixing his focus on MT and taxes and her residency. FL is a very well used spot for CT residents to utilise to reduce the huge bite of CT State Taxes. MT kept her FL condo and drivers license and yet collected income from FORE while living in CT for over 2 years and its unclear whether she filed CT RESIDENT taxes or claimed NON RESIDENT status. Seems like Atty Colangelo could file paperwork to sort out this question along with associated Federal tax questions for MT.

But, the deposition questions asked of MT (Judge ruled she only had to answer around 18 if I recall, including her name) told us quite a lot about what Atty Weinstein was looking for in his investigation of Fd and MT.

I agree with you that the MT role in FORE was clear and we saw this in AW3 when she was the one on the phone with the Computer Consultant dealing with the file storage issues and possibly wiping her phone and FORE computer records. There was an early Press report that was quickly scrubbed about how when LE showed up with the first search warrant for 4Jx that they found MT at the computer in the office and she was allegedly deleting files. We never got clarity on how all this ended up and so I do hope at trial the issue of MT as effectively functioning as the 'right hand' of Fd at FORE is hammered home as everything we have learned suggests that this is clearly the fact and that Fd and MT lived virtually 'attached at the hip' from the day they met! Until MT was easily replaced by Fd with yet another 'Stepford Wife' who was younger and certainly had more money along with and income!


Not there yet, so more ugh to come.

Was there someone who served her FORE Group role before MT, or were the internal files and books being kept only by FD before her? I have a vague recollection of seeing another name associated with an earlier FORE organization that has long been inactive according to CT Sec of State site, but don't know what role that person played.

IIRC, once JFD's father died and that financial spigot was turned off, FD/FORE Group's outside bookkeeper or accountant bailed, refusing any further involvement to prepare external financial reports or tax returns. IIRC also, the 2-attorney firm that provided services to FD/FORE Group dissolved their association, with one retiring (IIRC) and the other claiming that he was changing his areas of practice. That was before he was arrested as a co-conspirator in JFd's murder.
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