Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #48

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Also, this appears to be from probate findings...I'll try to track down more. Would love to know what came out of the Safety Deposit Box. I wonder if Anna Curry knows.:

"Also released on Tuesday was a more detailed look into the financial struggles Fotis Dulos was facing before his death.

According to probate court documents, the real estate developer had less than $200,000 of liquid assets before he committed suicide.

His limited possessions included a motorcycle, a BMW sports car, two bank accounts, assorted furniture, equipment, and multiple firearms.

The court estimated all of his assets to be worth a little more than $195,000.

Prosecutors also said Dulos had recently emptied a bank safety deposit box.

They are now trying to issue a subpoena so they can learn what he took prior to his death."

Judge sides with state, won't move forward with Dulos murder case

Also, this appears to be from probate findings...I'll try to track down more. Would love to know what came out of the Safety Deposit Box. I wonder if Anna Curry knows.:

"Also released on Tuesday was a more detailed look into the financial struggles Fotis Dulos was facing before his death.

According to probate court documents, the real estate developer had less than $200,000 of liquid assets before he committed suicide.

His limited possessions included a motorcycle, a BMW sports car, two bank accounts, assorted furniture, equipment, and multiple firearms.

The court estimated all of his assets to be worth a little more than $195,000.

Prosecutors also said Dulos had recently emptied a bank safety deposit box.

They are now trying to issue a subpoena so they can learn what he took prior to his death."

Judge sides with state, won't move forward with Dulos murder case

P.S. Hmmmmm....I thought Fd had turned in all of his firearms as a condition of probation. So.....???????
Pattis said he could disclose the identity of this alleged third party, but he wouldn’t.

why not?

(remember when we asked ourselves, could FD and KM have made some weird pact to kill each others' wives? is it possible that they each also secretly resolved to double cross each other so they each would appear innocent and the other would appear guilty? (I never understood, BTW, why, if KM's wife was in fear of her life, that either of them ever thought that she would agree to go meet KM at FD's house- that would seem to have been on a list of "last things she would ever do," IMO, so if they did have a plan, did they have a plan B?) also, did we ever find out if FD had life insurance on JD? does this affect that?
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Also, this appears to be from probate findings...I'll try to track down more. Would love to know what came out of the Safety Deposit Box. I wonder if Anna Curry knows.:

"Also released on Tuesday was a more detailed look into the financial struggles Fotis Dulos was facing before his death.

According to probate court documents, the real estate developer had less than $200,000 of liquid assets before he committed suicide.

His limited possessions included a motorcycle, a BMW sports car, two bank accounts, assorted furniture, equipment, and multiple firearms.

The court estimated all of his assets to be worth a little more than $195,000.

Prosecutors also said Dulos had recently emptied a bank safety deposit box.

They are now trying to issue a subpoena so they can learn what he took prior to his death."

Judge sides with state, won't move forward with Dulos murder case

multiple firearms?
What a story. No wonder FD killed himself.

Just to pile on the ridiculousness of it all, why wouldn't the killer have just dropped off Jennifer's body knowing that FD would dutifully dispose of it too? Or maybe he did...
The problem with this scenario is, well, just that. It's a scenario. Likely sculpted to create a doubt with the hope that it would be enough to qualify as reasonable. Sure, there could have been somebody else. Killed her and left a mess. And that FD stumbled onto it. And of course he would seem like the #1 suspect so he felt a need to clean up. And after cleaning up, he had to hide the cleaning supplies. And because of the gag order, they couldn't share any of this until trial. And now NP feels bad because FD didn't get a chance to clear his name. Yada, yada, and maybe. It could have been aliens after all. Let's play along though and consider that this is, in fact, what happened. Cleaning up a crime scene is a crime. Maybe FD didn't know that. But if there really was someone else that killed her, then cleaning up the crime scene would probably have disturbed evidence that could have exonerated him. Pretty stupid to clean up a crime scene that you had no part in all because you were afraid someone would think you did it. If he didn't do it, he pretty much deserves to be convicted anyway simply for his stupidity. Plus, why was he there anyway? He had no reason to be there and certainly wasn't wanted there. But ok, maybe he found out somehow that there was a mess there and felt compelled to sneak over there and clean up. I guess the part of that scenario that just doesn't make sense is if he really was innocent, the last thing you would want to do is clean up. The first thing you would do is call the cops and tell them, "I know you're going to think it was me, but it wasn't. But I heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend, that my ex wife was killed at her house this morning and they left a huge mess." Of course they are going to investigate, but they are going to anyway. So not calling the cops and trying to clean up just doesn't add up. If in fact it is something that bizzare, then his crime of stupidity is worse than the crime of murder.

IMO based on the evidence that the State of CT has presented against Fd in THREE AWs it seems HIGHLY UNLIKELY/AKA IMPOSSIBLE that Fd was NOT at 69/71 Welles Dr., New Canaan, CT on the date JFd was murdered (5/24/19).

So to see the suggestion in Court today by Atty. P. of the mysterious 'unknown 3rd party' who was responsible for the murder and who by all accounts simply then undertook to 'personally deliver' the 'clean up bags' to Fd at 4Jx, makes no sense. This whole line of discussion from Atty. P. makes about as much sense as the infamous and much previously discussed "Greek Benefactor" which we now know never existed except in the mind of Atty. P. and Fd! Further, IMO denying the presence of Fd in the Red Tacoma in New Canaan on the murder date is also a tactic that makes little sense IMO given the presented evidence.

The Atty. P. thinking (or lack thereof IMO) about the location of Fd on the murder date simply continues to baffle given the technicolor digital and photo evidence against Fd. It simply seems a strategy doomed to fail for obvious reasons but it seems like Atty. P. likes to throw 'hail mary passes' to nowhere so far as I can tell!

The issue of who else was in New Canaan on the murder date is something that I believe we will learn more about in coming days and the 2 remaining trials push forward at terrapin speed.

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Also, this appears to be from probate findings...I'll try to track down more. Would love to know what came out of the Safety Deposit Box. I wonder if Anna Curry knows.:

"Also released on Tuesday was a more detailed look into the financial struggles Fotis Dulos was facing before his death.

According to probate court documents, the real estate developer had less than $200,000 of liquid assets before he committed suicide.

His limited possessions included a motorcycle, a BMW sports car, two bank accounts, assorted furniture, equipment, and multiple firearms.

The court estimated all of his assets to be worth a little more than $195,000.

Prosecutors also said Dulos had recently emptied a bank safety deposit box.

They are now trying to issue a subpoena so they can learn what he took prior to his death."

Judge sides with state, won't move forward with Dulos murder case

IMO the issue of firearms in the possession of Fd is something that I simply don't understand in this case.

Simply no words if Fd had access to firearms either in a safe deposit box or at 4Jx. Why didn't the State subpoena the safe deposit box as part of the investigation LONG BEFORE NOW?

Were these firearms illegal? I'm presuming they are but who knows given issues with the State of CT and guns.

Didn't LE or Parole search the premises of 4Jx to make sure that there were no weapons in the possession of Fd?

Did Anna Curry or some other 'third party' perhaps bring illegal firearms to Fd?

WHY was LE not aware of this situation with FIREARMS?

WHY has Lisa Backus and Stamford Advocate not filed their report on the Glock 19 yet that was returned to some unknown person?

Was a firearm used in the murder of JFd?

Were the firearms taken by the State and tested as evidence in the case that was just granted a nolle today?


I cannot believe that the life of a beautiful, intelligent, talented mother of five has been transformed into this circus, by Sideshow Norm. He is obviously chasing the pennies left in the sofa, when Rena and her trampy clan had to put the furniture they were stealing back.

I agree with you about the adverse impact on this case from the ongoing shifting sands and 'theory of the day' commentary from Atty. P. Barnum and the Pattisville Circus.

The thing though is that all through this process IMO CSP and Atty Colangelo had the ability to create an alternative narrative of the murder to the public via the Press and Public Dialog and they never did - they chose to speak via AWs and while somewhat effective is not the same as a public dialog via press conferences. IMO this left the victim exposed and frankly undefended in a way that I have never seen done in a case of this type.

Having watched the CSP unwilling to be IMO transparent and open in its activities and communications with the citizens of CT over many years, I have to admit I went into this case with very low expectations about CSP and IMO in this regard they did not disappoint. The news from Probate Court today about Fd in possession of multiple firearms is something that is mind blowing as is the fact that Parole and presumably CSP watched Fd sitting in his garage wearing his bracelet immobile whilst he was gassing himself to death and simply continued to call him via cell phone is an image that won't leave me anytime soon as it simply captures IMO the worst of bureaucratic inefficiency. Even hearing that Atty Colangelo and Atty Smith were sitting in Stamford on the Fd Suicide date 'waiting' for news at 12:15 pm (Court was due to start at noon!) is mind blowing as given the drive time from Farmington it was quite clear when Fd should have left 4Jx IMO. Why sit and wait and watch for over an hr. at a Fd sitting in his garage unmoving?

Also in similar cases its typical to see ongoing narrative from the victims family and friends and this case really had none of this in a meaningful way IMO. Sure, it was nice to hear that the 5 children were being looked after etc. but there really was IMO no strong advocacy except in a couple of short press releases from the Farber Family Spokesperson. I get a family wanting privacy and a safe and secure place to take care of the children outside of public view but oftentimes it seemed that there was no strong consistent voice from the Family for JFd when the Pattisville rhetoric amped up and became abusive IMO. Perhaps this lack of commentary from the Family was legally driven and strategic as civil litigation might be pursued against MT and Fd at some future date or because they knew the potential for violence from Fd was real and their safety was at risk? IDK, but its all been a bit odd to watch as the victim has tragically gotten lost in all of this which to me is absolutely heartbreaking.

The lack of care taken of the victim's portion of marital assets by Family Court and Judge Heller is something that I believe to be unconscionable and it seems like legislation might be needed to compel Judges to act to protect victims assets for their children if they go missing or are murdered while in the middle of a Family Court action. IMO we saw system fail after system fail to assist JFd in Family Court both when she was living and when she was missing. Its been sad to watch but I do think the Family Court process where there was zero accountability for Fd perhaps emboldened him to continue to game the CT Judiciary and for this we have Judge Heller and 3 other Judges to thank unfortunately.

There remain so many loose ends in the case in general IMO and I'm not sure we will ever see closure in many of them as transparency and openness IMO aren't hallmarks of the State of CT oftentimes. We have the 'open' FPD investigation into the suicide of Fd, the issue of the 'faux bond' fraud perpetrated by Fd and his 'friends', the FPD investigation into the release of the Glock 19 and now the Probate Court discovery of multiple firearms owned by Fd. We still don't know if Fd and KM had a pact to kill each others wives and the issues surrounding the Fd circumventing the KM protective order with his STBX were unresolved in Court as well. We also have the decision from Judge Noble that seems to be on the slow boat from China that has been hard hit by COVID19 in Civil Court.

I do wish Atty Colangelo the best in his new job but I have to say I don't envy him working within a system that frankly doesn't seem to function all that well on a good day. From the bracelet SNAFUS to the Fd suicide to the missing and released firearms it simply seems that local LE and CSP are in shambles with regard to selective compliance or perhaps there are different standards for different people? IDK. The system muddles along and nothing changes and attorneys like Atty. P. or Judges like Judge Heller never seem to be held to account either by the States Atty, Judiciary Review at the time of renewal or the CT Bar so far as I can tell. Judge Heller never publicly reprimanded Atty. P. for his role in leaking a confidential psych report and instead handled everything 'behind closed doors' in true CT fashion IMO and this was hugely disappointing and sent a message to folks that your confidential information in Family Court won't be safeguarded by the Judges there ever IMO.

JFd IMO deserved better than she got from Family Court and the State of CT IMO. I continue to be unable to understand why there is never any accountability for Fd and his actions, even in death, as the issue that he possessed multiple firearms given his circumstances is something that I simply don't understand and ditto for the unknown safe deposit box as I have to wonder where was CSP in all of this? Is the State and LE simply so inept that they would permit such a thing to occur? IDK but its all quite disturbing and disheartening IMO and while I hope we will get closure on these issues as the MT and KM trials move forward, sadly I think it will all simply be swept under the rug as most stuff in CT seems to be at the end of the day.

Its a shame also that while there was no doubt so much excellent work done by LE in this case from the hard work at MIRA to the early scene processing at Welles to watching hours and hours of CCTV and tracking back the complicated financial games going on in Fd life etc., the feeling I'm sadly sitting with at this point is anger at what didn't happen and what wasn't done and being stunned by ongoing bureaucratic SNAFUs and disgust with Judges who take a narrow view of their jobs to attorneys that chose to place no value on truth to Defendants that sail through a Court System while lying under oath with no consequences imposed.

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I agree with you about the adverse impact on this case from the ongoing shifting sands and 'theory of the day' commentary from Atty. P. Barnum and the Pattisville Circus.

I whole-heartedly agree with you. I saw this time and time again while living there, to the point there is no line between right and wrong. Something is wrong in CT only when/if you get caught and only if there is someone who has it in mind to do right, which goes against the grain in most instances and the ones doing wrong have more money, better connections, better attorneys, etc., etc. The average person just eventually gives up. Know one really knows the difference between right and wrong when everyone around you does wrong. You see your belief set change and either to step down to their level or you say as I did, "I gotta get my family out of here before something really bad happens to us." I have never seen another place so fundamentally flawed, it really is the wild west with the corrupt leading the corrupt, with the most corrupt one winning.

The thing though is that all through this process IMO CSP and Atty Colangelo had the ability to create an alternative narrative of the murder to the public via the Press and Public Dialog and they never did - they chose to speak via AWs and while somewhat effective is not the same as a public dialog via press conferences. IMO this left the victim exposed and frankly undefended in a way that I have never seen done in a case of this type.

Having watched the CSP unwilling to be IMO transparent and open in its activities and communications with the citizens of CT over many years, I have to admit I went into this case with very low expectations about CSP and IMO in this regard they did not disappoint. The news from Probate Court today about Fd in possession of multiple firearms is something that is mind blowing as is the fact that Parole and presumably CSP watched Fd sitting in his garage wearing his bracelet immobile whilst he was gassing himself to death and simply continued to call him via cell phone is an image that won't leave me anytime soon as it simply captures IMO the worst of bureaucratic inefficiency. Even hearing that Atty Colangelo and Atty Smith were sitting in Stamford on the Fd Suicide date 'waiting' for news at 12:15 pm (Court was due to start at noon!) is mind blowing as given the drive time from Farmington it was quite clear when Fd should have left 4Jx IMO. Why sit and wait and watch for over an hr. at a Fd sitting in his garage unmoving?

Also in similar cases its typical to see ongoing narrative from the victims family and friends and this case really had none of this in a meaningful way IMO. Sure, it was nice to hear that the 5 children were being looked after etc. but there really was IMO no strong advocacy except in a couple of short press releases from the Farber Family Spokesperson. I get a family wanting privacy and a safe and secure place to take care of the children outside of public view but oftentimes it seemed that there was no strong consistent voice from the Family for JFd when the Pattisville rhetoric amped up and became abusive IMO. Perhaps this lack of commentary from the Family was legally driven and strategic as civil litigation might be pursued against MT and Fd at some future date or because they knew the potential for violence from Fd was real and their safety was at risk? IDK, but its all been a bit odd to watch as the victim has tragically gotten lost in all of this which to me is absolutely heartbreaking.

The lack of care taken of the victim's portion of marital assets by Family Court and Judge Heller is something that I believe to be unconscionable and it seems like legislation might be needed to compel Judges to act to protect victims assets for their children if they go missing or are murdered while in the middle of a Family Court action. IMO we saw system fail after system fail to assist JFd in Family Court both when she was living and when she was missing. Its been sad to watch but I do think the Family Court process where there was zero accountability for Fd perhaps emboldened him to continue to game the CT Judiciary and for this we have Judge Heller and 3 other Judges to thank unfortunately.

There remain so many loose ends in the case in general IMO and I'm not sure we will ever see closure in many of them as transparency and openness IMO aren't hallmarks of the State of CT oftentimes. We have the 'open' FPD investigation into the suicide of Fd, the issue of the 'faux bond' fraud perpetrated by Fd and his 'friends', the FPD investigation into the release of the Glock 19 and now the Probate Court discovery of multiple firearms owned by Fd. We still don't know if Fd and KM had a pact to kill each others wives and the issues surrounding the Fd circumventing the KM protective order with his STBX were unresolved in Court as well. We also have the decision from Judge Noble that seems to be on the slow boat from China that has been hard hit by COVID19 in Civil Court.

I do wish Atty Colangelo the best in his new job but I have to say I don't envy him working within a system that frankly doesn't seem to function all that well on a good day. From the bracelet SNAFUS to the Fd suicide to the missing and released firearms it simply seems that local LE and CSP are in shambles with regard to selective compliance or perhaps there are different standards for different people? IDK. The system muddles along and nothing changes and attorneys like Atty. P. or Judges like Judge Heller never seem to be held to account either by the States Atty, Judiciary Review at the time of renewal or the CT Bar so far as I can tell. Judge Heller never publicly reprimanded Atty. P. for his role in leaking a confidential psych report and instead handled everything 'behind closed doors' in true CT fashion IMO and this was hugely disappointing and sent a message to folks that your confidential information in Family Court won't be safeguarded by the Judges there ever IMO.

JFd IMO deserved better than she got from Family Court and the State of CT IMO. I continue to be unable to understand why there is never any accountability for Fd and his actions, even in death, as the issue that he possessed multiple firearms given his circumstances is something that I simply don't understand and ditto for the unknown safe deposit box as I have to wonder where was CSP in all of this? Is the State and LE simply so inept that they would permit such a thing to occur? IDK but its all quite disturbing and disheartening IMO and while I hope we will get closure on these issues as the MT and KM trials move forward, sadly I think it will all simply be swept under the rug as most stuff in CT seems to be at the end of the day.

Its a shame also that while there was no doubt so much excellent work done by LE in this case from the hard work at MIRA to the early scene processing at Welles to watching hours and hours of CCTV and tracking back the complicated financial games going on in Fd life etc., the feeling I'm sadly sitting with at this point is anger at what didn't happen and what wasn't done and being stunned by ongoing bureaucratic SNAFUs and disgust with Judges who take a narrow view of their jobs to attorneys that chose to place no value on truth to Defendants that sail through a Court System while lying under oath with no consequences imposed.

IMO based on the evidence that the State of CT has presented against Fd in THREE AWs it seems HIGHLY UNLIKELY/AKA IMPOSSIBLE that Fd was NOT at 69/71 Welles Dr., New Canaan, CT on the date JFd was murdered (5/24/19).

So to see the suggestion in Court today by Atty. P. of the mysterious 'unknown 3rd party' who was responsible for the murder and who by all accounts simply then undertook to 'personally deliver' the 'clean up bags' to Fd at 4Jx, makes no sense. This whole line of discussion from Atty. P. makes about as much sense as the infamous and much previously discussed "Greek Benefactor" which we now know never existed except in the mind of Atty. P. and Fd! Further, IMO denying the presence of Fd in the Red Tacoma in New Canaan on the murder date is also a tactic that makes little sense IMO given the presented evidence.

The Atty. P. thinking (or lack thereof IMO) about the location of Fd on the murder date simply continues to baffle given the technicolor digital and photo evidence against Fd. It simply seems a strategy doomed to fail for obvious reasons but it seems like Atty. P. likes to throw 'hail mary passes' to nowhere so far as I can tell!

The issue of who else was in New Canaan on the murder date is something that I believe we will learn more about in coming days and the 2 remaining trials push forward at terrapin speed.


in one of his interviews, FD said ' I know what I did and what I did not do.' that statement has stuck in my brain and I have wondered just to what he was referring. not sure if the trials of MT and KM will shed any light on the statement.

found the exact quote: › news › local › fotis-dulos-interview-i-know-...
Jul 2, 2019 - "I know what I've done, I know what I haven't done," Dulos said in an exclusive interview with NBC 4 New York. ... It was Dulos' first interview since the disappearance of his estranged wife, Jennifer Dulos, more than a month ago. She went missing after dropping their five children off ...
Here is an article with some quotes from Pattis on the AJ and Chaz interview on July 10 that has always stood out to me. Here Pattis parrots the alibi scripts, with a little twist that it was a banker, not a lawyer, that FD met with in the morning. I guess maybe KM wasn’t holding up his part of the bargain already there, and there needed to be an edit to the alibi script.
The part that’s always stood out to me is that NP said that LE didn’t have video of FD leaving the front of 4JC or entering Welles, so then they were looking for video of him leaving out the back. NP must have cleared this (or in fact gotten it from) FD, although NP is such a frequent and now reliable source of lies and blather that who knows.
Was this the start of trying to pin it on KM perhaps? In this interview was where NP started saying they had an explanation for the Albany bags but they weren’t going to give it until the time was right.

Did FD sleep at 80MS the night of the 23rd? ETA: no, don’t think so. His phone alarm went off at 4:20am and was switched off at 4:21. Most likely FD himself switched this off so he was with his phone at that time. His phone was at 4JC that morning, so if he slept at 80MS, then he would have had to drop the phone back at 4JC which would defeat the point of him sleeping at 80MS. So likely he was with phone at 4JC at 4:20am and then left from there over to 80MS. Maybe he ran, which could be why he went out running in the morning first thing when he got out of jail the first time, so If he was caught running on video it would look normal.
Or maybe took the motorbike on the paths back there too as another option to get to 80MS. And then used the motorbike to get back to 4JC for lunch with Michi.

When did FD take his bike from the hook in 4JC garage where it usually hung, over to 80MS? Was that the quick run and stop at 80MS on the way to get meat the evening of the 23rd? He called KM at that time. Or did he bike over there in the morning of the 24th, being careful not to get caught on surveillance in front of 4JC?
Wording in AW3 makes it sound like LE believes KM was at 4JC the morning of 5/24, it says that KM “admitted” he was at 4JC that morning. But KM could have been involved after he left 4JC that morning.

From the article:

“Pattis said Troconis could testify that she saw Fotis Dulos in the Jefferson Crossing home during the time his wife disappeared. However, Troconis is unlikely to testify if she is facing charges, Pattis said.

Fotis Dulos met with a banker that morning and fielded a phone call from Greece, Pattis said.

Pattis told Chaz and AJ that he believes the police do not have video of his client leaving from the front of the Jefferson Crossing house or entering his estranged wife’s New Canaan home the morning she went missing.

“The video does not show him leaving or entering the homes that are necessary,” said Pattis, who told the radio personalities that he has sources close to the investigation that are providing him with information.

Police are now looking for videos that would show his client leaving from a back entrance of the Farmington home and entering the New Canaan house from the rear, he said.

Pattis is confident that records will show his client’s cellphone didn’t leave the Farmington house that morning.

“His cellphone remained at home. The prosecution will say he may have left it home,” Pattis told Chaz and AJ.

But Pattis said he doesn’t yet have the phone records.”
Jennifer Dulos case: Defense waiting for ‘smoking gun’ evidence
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Thank you afitzy for the above ^^^^. The many failures of CT law were atrocious! With all the miscarriages of justice in this case involving money, wealthy families, it is unfathomable the injustice that an average or poor family suffers.
The safety deposit box may have been in someone else’s name. FD was the co-signers. It could have been set up where either person had access to it, but both signatures were not required to open it.

Personal experience/knowledge of this. Ex hid money in father’s safety box deposit. When lawyer was trying to find it, since the main name wasn’t his, it didn’t show up.
I believe I remember NP being quoted as saying, and I am paraphrasing, that he finds it rewarding to defend the unwanted because he may be the only one on the defendants side. But I wonder if he has compassion for the victims of his defendants crime. It certainly appears not....IMO
I agree with you about the adverse impact on this case from the ongoing shifting sands and 'theory of the day' commentary from Atty. P. Barnum and the Pattisville Circus.

The thing though is that all through this process IMO CSP and Atty Colangelo had the ability to create an alternative narrative of the murder to the public via the Press and Public Dialog and they never did - they chose to speak via AWs and while somewhat effective is not the same as a public dialog via press conferences. IMO this left the victim exposed and frankly undefended in a way that I have never seen done in a case of this type.

Having watched the CSP unwilling to be IMO transparent and open in its activities and communications with the citizens of CT over many years, I have to admit I went into this case with very low expectations about CSP and IMO in this regard they did not disappoint. The news from Probate Court today about Fd in possession of multiple firearms is something that is mind blowing as is the fact that Parole and presumably CSP watched Fd sitting in his garage wearing his bracelet immobile whilst he was gassing himself to death and simply continued to call him via cell phone is an image that won't leave me anytime soon as it simply captures IMO the worst of bureaucratic inefficiency. Even hearing that Atty Colangelo and Atty Smith were sitting in Stamford on the Fd Suicide date 'waiting' for news at 12:15 pm (Court was due to start at noon!) is mind blowing as given the drive time from Farmington it was quite clear when Fd should have left 4Jx IMO. Why sit and wait and watch for over an hr. at a Fd sitting in his garage unmoving?

Also in similar cases its typical to see ongoing narrative from the victims family and friends and this case really had none of this in a meaningful way IMO. Sure, it was nice to hear that the 5 children were being looked after etc. but there really was IMO no strong advocacy except in a couple of short press releases from the Farber Family Spokesperson. I get a family wanting privacy and a safe and secure place to take care of the children outside of public view but oftentimes it seemed that there was no strong consistent voice from the Family for JFd when the Pattisville rhetoric amped up and became abusive IMO. Perhaps this lack of commentary from the Family was legally driven and strategic as civil litigation might be pursued against MT and Fd at some future date or because they knew the potential for violence from Fd was real and their safety was at risk? IDK, but its all been a bit odd to watch as the victim has tragically gotten lost in all of this which to me is absolutely heartbreaking.

The lack of care taken of the victim's portion of marital assets by Family Court and Judge Heller is something that I believe to be unconscionable and it seems like legislation might be needed to compel Judges to act to protect victims assets for their children if they go missing or are murdered while in the middle of a Family Court action. IMO we saw system fail after system fail to assist JFd in Family Court both when she was living and when she was missing. Its been sad to watch but I do think the Family Court process where there was zero accountability for Fd perhaps emboldened him to continue to game the CT Judiciary and for this we have Judge Heller and 3 other Judges to thank unfortunately.

There remain so many loose ends in the case in general IMO and I'm not sure we will ever see closure in many of them as transparency and openness IMO aren't hallmarks of the State of CT oftentimes. We have the 'open' FPD investigation into the suicide of Fd, the issue of the 'faux bond' fraud perpetrated by Fd and his 'friends', the FPD investigation into the release of the Glock 19 and now the Probate Court discovery of multiple firearms owned by Fd. We still don't know if Fd and KM had a pact to kill each others wives and the issues surrounding the Fd circumventing the KM protective order with his STBX were unresolved in Court as well. We also have the decision from Judge Noble that seems to be on the slow boat from China that has been hard hit by COVID19 in Civil Court.

I do wish Atty Colangelo the best in his new job but I have to say I don't envy him working within a system that frankly doesn't seem to function all that well on a good day. From the bracelet SNAFUS to the Fd suicide to the missing and released firearms it simply seems that local LE and CSP are in shambles with regard to selective compliance or perhaps there are different standards for different people? IDK. The system muddles along and nothing changes and attorneys like Atty. P. or Judges like Judge Heller never seem to be held to account either by the States Atty, Judiciary Review at the time of renewal or the CT Bar so far as I can tell. Judge Heller never publicly reprimanded Atty. P. for his role in leaking a confidential psych report and instead handled everything 'behind closed doors' in true CT fashion IMO and this was hugely disappointing and sent a message to folks that your confidential information in Family Court won't be safeguarded by the Judges there ever IMO.

JFd IMO deserved better than she got from Family Court and the State of CT IMO. I continue to be unable to understand why there is never any accountability for Fd and his actions, even in death, as the issue that he possessed multiple firearms given his circumstances is something that I simply don't understand and ditto for the unknown safe deposit box as I have to wonder where was CSP in all of this? Is the State and LE simply so inept that they would permit such a thing to occur? IDK but its all quite disturbing and disheartening IMO and while I hope we will get closure on these issues as the MT and KM trials move forward, sadly I think it will all simply be swept under the rug as most stuff in CT seems to be at the end of the day.

Its a shame also that while there was no doubt so much excellent work done by LE in this case from the hard work at MIRA to the early scene processing at Welles to watching hours and hours of CCTV and tracking back the complicated financial games going on in Fd life etc., the feeling I'm sadly sitting with at this point is anger at what didn't happen and what wasn't done and being stunned by ongoing bureaucratic SNAFUs and disgust with Judges who take a narrow view of their jobs to attorneys that chose to place no value on truth to Defendants that sail through a Court System while lying under oath with no consequences imposed.


I’m clapping right now-this says it all, for me.
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