Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #48

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IMO the issue of firearms in the possession of Fd is something that I simply don't understand in this case.

Simply no words if Fd had access to firearms either in a safe deposit box or at 4Jx. Why didn't the State subpoena the safe deposit box as part of the investigation LONG BEFORE NOW?

Were these firearms illegal? I'm presuming they are but who knows given issues with the State of CT and guns.

Didn't LE or Parole search the premises of 4Jx to make sure that there were no weapons in the possession of Fd?

Did Anna Curry or some other 'third party' perhaps bring illegal firearms to Fd?

WHY was LE not aware of this situation with FIREARMS?

WHY has Lisa Backus and Stamford Advocate not filed their report on the Glock 19 yet that was returned to some unknown person?

Was a firearm used in the murder of JFd?

Were the firearms taken by the State and tested as evidence in the case that was just granted a nolle today?


IMO the issue of firearms in the possession of Fd is something that I simply don't understand in this case.

Simply no words if Fd had access to firearms either in a safe deposit box or at 4Jx. Why didn't the State subpoena the safe deposit box as part of the investigation LONG BEFORE NOW?

Were these firearms illegal? I'm presuming they are but who knows given issues with the State of CT and guns.

Didn't LE or Parole search the premises of 4Jx to make sure that there were no weapons in the possession of Fd?

Did Anna Curry or some other 'third party' perhaps bring illegal firearms to Fd?

WHY was LE not aware of this situation with FIREARMS?

WHY has Lisa Backus and Stamford Advocate not filed their report on the Glock 19 yet that was returned to some unknown person?

Was a firearm used in the murder of JFd?

Were the firearms taken by the State and tested as evidence in the case that was just granted a nolle today?



OMG - you truly crack me up. My day used to start with me looking on Facebook at
the Walter Geoffrey the French bulldog adorable cuteness off the charts - video's of an
an adorable French bull dog and his little sister named Littles, and a neighboring cat
animal friend named MIss Kitty.

NOw my day starts with posts from afitzy!!! You truly are a gem.
Also, this appears to be from probate findings...I'll try to track down more. Would love to know what came out of the Safety Deposit Box. I wonder if Anna Curry knows.:

"Also released on Tuesday was a more detailed look into the financial struggles Fotis Dulos was facing before his death.

According to probate court documents, the real estate developer had less than $200,000 of liquid assets before he committed suicide.

His limited possessions included a motorcycle, a BMW sports car, two bank accounts, assorted furniture, equipment, and multiple firearms.

The court estimated all of his assets to be worth a little more than $195,000.

Prosecutors also said Dulos had recently emptied a bank safety deposit box.

They are now trying to issue a subpoena so they can learn what he took prior to his death."

Judge sides with state, won't move forward with Dulos murder case
Whom are they trying to subpoena "so they can learn what he took prior to his death"? The bank wouldn't--or shouldn't-- know what's in a customer's safety-deposit box.
Also, this appears to be from probate findings...I'll try to track down more. Would love to know what came out of the Safety Deposit Box. I wonder if Anna Curry knows.:

"Also released on Tuesday was a more detailed look into the financial struggles Fotis Dulos was facing before his death.

According to probate court documents, the real estate developer had less than $200,000 of liquid assets before he committed suicide.

His limited possessions included a motorcycle, a BMW sports car, two bank accounts, assorted furniture, equipment, and multiple firearms.

The court estimated all of his assets to be worth a little more than $195,000.

Prosecutors also said Dulos had recently emptied a bank safety deposit box.

They are now trying to issue a subpoena so they can learn what he took prior to his death."

Judge sides with state, won't move forward with Dulos murder case

Whom are they trying to subpoena "so they can learn what he took prior to his death"? The bank wouldn't--or shouldn't-- know what's in a customer's safety-deposit box.
Oh my, just when you think the bar of professional behaviour from Atty. P. and Atty Smith can't go any lower he just sinks lower!

Making absolutely unsubstantiated claims in Court today and so far as I can tell (no video yet) they met with no objections from Atty Colangelo.


Not sure which planet it might make sense that bags full of bloody clothing show up on your doorstep or that Fd wasn't in the Tacoma etc. but it simply IMO seems irresponsible to blindly put out information with no basis and THIS IS ON TOP OF the infamous comments about being able to explain Albany but will only do it at the appropriate time.


At a certain point after prolonged lying personal and professional credibility IMO simply evaporate and IMO also the 'sell by' date for Atty. P. and Atty Smith has long ago passed.

We will now be subjected to yet another 'reposting' article by DA to regurgitate this uncorroborated statements and further the State of CT might have to defend itself against a frivolous lawsuit filed by Atty. P. for the 'wrongful death' of Fd.

IMO the most important wrongful thing that happened here was the murder of JFd by Fd/MT/KM but the other thing that was absolutely wrongful IMO was the defense strategy of Atty. P. and Atty Smith. IMO it was the strategic choices made over the course of 8 long months that were probably IMO the principal reason Fd was driven to despair and so gassed himself to death. Yes, the State presented compelling evidence that was IMO brilliantly presented in terms of pictures and specific details, but IMO it was because of the public style 'in your face' strategy of Atty. P. that was composed of one untruth and lie after another over a long period of time that Atty. P. lost credibility and Fd was also exposed as a pathological liar as well. IMO if Atty. P. had done a through read of the Family Court file in advance of talking to the Press on this case he might have realised that his client Fd was 'truth challenged aka pathological liar' and so would not have undertaken a public defense based on Fd statements. IMO the holes in the Atty. P. defense were many and varied but IMO also it came from not understand their client from Day 1 (or Day 2 I guess as Atty Smith did the initial interview supposedly with Fd in BPT Jail).

Its been sad to watch the Atty. P. process play out as IMO if he had focused on his client, done his due diligence, adequately deployed his PI to better effect and kept his mouth shut until he knew what he was saying had some level of truth, then my guess is that Fd might have been alive today and not felt total despair at his options as he headed into trial.

So disappointing to see Atty. P. and Atty Smith yet again IMO revert to their mean behaviour of simply throwing [REDACTED] against the wall in hopes that something will stick. Well, in my mind as it relates to Fd the 'ship has sailed' and I do hope Pattisville packs its bags and 'sails off into the sunset of retirement' as well! Good riddance to bad trash IMO.

Seeing the retirement of Atty. P. from the bar in CT will be a day for celebration in CT for citizens and people accused of crimes alike as IMO I'm simply not convinced Atty. P. does an effective job defending his clients and this isn't IMO good for the people of CT.


I hope Jose Morales (father of missing 1 year old Vanessa Morales) is paying sober attention to how is new attorney behaves....
I've given this a little thought (admittedly - emphasis on little), but here's what I think anyway. If NP writes a book on the FD case, it will go straight to the bargain bin. He has no actual talent like Gillian Flynn when it comes to writing fiction, and that's exactly what his book would be - bad insufferable fiction. So, go ahead Norm, quit law and write that book! IMO
I agree with you about the adverse impact on this case from the ongoing shifting sands and 'theory of the day' commentary from Atty. P. Barnum and the Pattisville Circus.

The thing though is that all through this process IMO CSP and Atty Colangelo had the ability to create an alternative narrative of the murder to the public via the Press and Public Dialog and they never did - they chose to speak via AWs and while somewhat effective is not the same as a public dialog via press conferences. IMO this left the victim exposed and frankly undefended in a way that I have never seen done in a case of this type.

Having watched the CSP unwilling to be IMO transparent and open in its activities and communications with the citizens of CT over many years, I have to admit I went into this case with very low expectations about CSP and IMO in this regard they did not disappoint. The news from Probate Court today about Fd in possession of multiple firearms is something that is mind blowing as is the fact that Parole and presumably CSP watched Fd sitting in his garage wearing his bracelet immobile whilst he was gassing himself to death and simply continued to call him via cell phone is an image that won't leave me anytime soon as it simply captures IMO the worst of bureaucratic inefficiency. Even hearing that Atty Colangelo and Atty Smith were sitting in Stamford on the Fd Suicide date 'waiting' for news at 12:15 pm (Court was due to start at noon!) is mind blowing as given the drive time from Farmington it was quite clear when Fd should have left 4Jx IMO. Why sit and wait and watch for over an hr. at a Fd sitting in his garage unmoving?

Also in similar cases its typical to see ongoing narrative from the victims family and friends and this case really had none of this in a meaningful way IMO. Sure, it was nice to hear that the 5 children were being looked after etc. but there really was IMO no strong advocacy except in a couple of short press releases from the Farber Family Spokesperson. I get a family wanting privacy and a safe and secure place to take care of the children outside of public view but oftentimes it seemed that there was no strong consistent voice from the Family for JFd when the Pattisville rhetoric amped up and became abusive IMO. Perhaps this lack of commentary from the Family was legally driven and strategic as civil litigation might be pursued against MT and Fd at some future date or because they knew the potential for violence from Fd was real and their safety was at risk? IDK, but its all been a bit odd to watch as the victim has tragically gotten lost in all of this which to me is absolutely heartbreaking.

The lack of care taken of the victim's portion of marital assets by Family Court and Judge Heller is something that I believe to be unconscionable and it seems like legislation might be needed to compel Judges to act to protect victims assets for their children if they go missing or are murdered while in the middle of a Family Court action. IMO we saw system fail after system fail to assist JFd in Family Court both when she was living and when she was missing. Its been sad to watch but I do think the Family Court process where there was zero accountability for Fd perhaps emboldened him to continue to game the CT Judiciary and for this we have Judge Heller and 3 other Judges to thank unfortunately.

There remain so many loose ends in the case in general IMO and I'm not sure we will ever see closure in many of them as transparency and openness IMO aren't hallmarks of the State of CT oftentimes. We have the 'open' FPD investigation into the suicide of Fd, the issue of the 'faux bond' fraud perpetrated by Fd and his 'friends', the FPD investigation into the release of the Glock 19 and now the Probate Court discovery of multiple firearms owned by Fd. We still don't know if Fd and KM had a pact to kill each others wives and the issues surrounding the Fd circumventing the KM protective order with his STBX were unresolved in Court as well. We also have the decision from Judge Noble that seems to be on the slow boat from China that has been hard hit by COVID19 in Civil Court.

I do wish Atty Colangelo the best in his new job but I have to say I don't envy him working within a system that frankly doesn't seem to function all that well on a good day. From the bracelet SNAFUS to the Fd suicide to the missing and released firearms it simply seems that local LE and CSP are in shambles with regard to selective compliance or perhaps there are different standards for different people? IDK. The system muddles along and nothing changes and attorneys like Atty. P. or Judges like Judge Heller never seem to be held to account either by the States Atty, Judiciary Review at the time of renewal or the CT Bar so far as I can tell. Judge Heller never publicly reprimanded Atty. P. for his role in leaking a confidential psych report and instead handled everything 'behind closed doors' in true CT fashion IMO and this was hugely disappointing and sent a message to folks that your confidential information in Family Court won't be safeguarded by the Judges there ever IMO.

JFd IMO deserved better than she got from Family Court and the State of CT IMO. I continue to be unable to understand why there is never any accountability for Fd and his actions, even in death, as the issue that he possessed multiple firearms given his circumstances is something that I simply don't understand and ditto for the unknown safe deposit box as I have to wonder where was CSP in all of this? Is the State and LE simply so inept that they would permit such a thing to occur? IDK but its all quite disturbing and disheartening IMO and while I hope we will get closure on these issues as the MT and KM trials move forward, sadly I think it will all simply be swept under the rug as most stuff in CT seems to be at the end of the day.

Its a shame also that while there was no doubt so much excellent work done by LE in this case from the hard work at MIRA to the early scene processing at Welles to watching hours and hours of CCTV and tracking back the complicated financial games going on in Fd life etc., the feeling I'm sadly sitting with at this point is anger at what didn't happen and what wasn't done and being stunned by ongoing bureaucratic SNAFUs and disgust with Judges who take a narrow view of their jobs to attorneys that chose to place no value on truth to Defendants that sail through a Court System while lying under oath with no consequences imposed.

As NP says, the SC “dumped” his appeal of the gag order. So why didn’t Judge White (in the absence of Judge Blawie) address the issue of NP’s deliberate violation of the court’s gag order in colluding with FD to give the interview to Greek Media after imposition of the gag order? Why wasn’t NP referred to the CDC by either Judge Blawie or Judge White? Why no consequences for NP?

See Atty McGuigan’s comments in WFSB interview (@ 1:35).

McG calls it a “technical” violation of the gag order. Technical? How about “ethical”? How about “criminal”?—others have been incarcerated for contempt of court.

See link re family court litigant Dan Lynch’s arrest by judicial marshals from a courtroom and his forthwith incarceration for allegedly violating a court order.

Trumbull man to sue state for attorney, judicial misconduct

On orders from the presiding state referee (who was prohibited by statute from ruling on a motion for contempt), Lynch was shackled to other prisoners, put into a paddy wagon, brought to Bridgeport jail, stripped, processed, had to find someone to bail him out, the works. Leaving his computer and phone behind in the courtroom. Right out of Kafka. Yet Atty P gets away with premeditated, deceitful violation of a court order. Judge Heller doesn't reprimand him for leaking the psych report. NP's filing of a false affidavit in the Alex Jones case? Oh, that was a little “sloppy”, the SGC says. Not even a reprimand. In the Farber civil case v. FD, Judge Noble denies Atty Weinstein’s subpoena of NP to say how FD was paying him, the judge actually pleading NP’s case for him in his ruling. Why is NP Teflon when the Judicial Branch protects him like this?

BTW, Atty KM’s accounts are being audited. Will there be evidence of how FD was paying his fees?
Phone call to KM after dumping on Albany Ave completed: "Man, you would not BELIEVE what I found this afternoon! Do you think I should get an attorney?"

KM smashes phone, replaces it, and fakes a concussion.

It all makes sense now!!!

KM could not believe what he was hearing and while exclaiming "unbelievable!", He loses his balance from the utter disbelief and tumbles down the stairs he was standing at the top of. While falling, the phone, still on the line with FD, goes flying out of his hand. When he finally regains conciousness he realizes his head and phone are broken but he can't remember WHY his head and phone are broken... So as any smart attorney would do, while bleeding and bruised from his fall, he runs to the phone store to get the more important of the 2 items fixed or replaced.... And then, due to the concussion, he totally forgets to go get his head checked.

I freaking hate when I have days like that!!!


Moo... Fake (I think) scenario....jmo... IMO... Imvho... YMCA!
Also, this appears to be from probate findings...I'll try to track down more. Would love to know what came out of the Safety Deposit Box. I wonder if Anna Curry knows.:

"Also released on Tuesday was a more detailed look into the financial struggles Fotis Dulos was facing before his death.

According to probate court documents, the real estate developer had less than $200,000 of liquid assets before he committed suicide.

His limited possessions included a motorcycle, a BMW sports car, two bank accounts, assorted furniture, equipment, and multiple firearms.

The court estimated all of his assets to be worth a little more than $195,000.

Prosecutors also said Dulos had recently emptied a bank safety deposit box.

They are now trying to issue a subpoena so they can learn what he took prior to his death."

Judge sides with state, won't move forward with Dulos murder case
Has anyone seen FD’s autopsy report? While it’s obvious he tried carbon monoxide poisoning, but were there any drugs, alcohol or poisons found in his system.
It all makes sense now!!!

KM could not believe what he was hearing and while exclaiming "unbelievable!", He loses his balance from the utter disbelief and tumbles down the stairs he was standing at the top of. While falling, the phone, still on the line with FD, goes flying out of his hand. When he finally regains conciousness he realizes his head and phone are broken but he can't remember WHY his head and phone are broken... So as any smart attorney would do, while bleeding and bruised from his fall, he runs to the phone store to get the more important of the 2 items fixed or replaced.... And then, due to the concussion, he totally forgets to go get his head checked.

I freaking hate when I have days like that!!!


Moo... Fake (I think) scenario....jmo... IMO... Imvho... YMCA!

2nd favorite post.

KM, MT and FD are literally the 3 stooges.

On a much more somber note, I can only imagine that Gloria Farber rolled her eyes towards heaven
and said to Jennifer "now I have heard EVERYTHING - when will it end?"

I can only imagine the pain Gloria has to deal with to encourage 5 beautiful children to carry forth
in their life, and sort out the toxic garbage, which is DIRECTLY connected to their father and his
minnions, and try to steer and turn the battleship around in the bathtub.

She has an incredibly intense and difficult road to walk to fill these children's souls with love,
integrity and respect for themselves, for their mom, and - actually - to have faith in the legal system,
which, in this case, has clowns for defense lawyers in a circus.
I agree with you about the adverse impact on this case from the ongoing shifting sands and 'theory of the day' commentary from Atty. P. Barnum and the Pattisville Circus.

The thing though is that all through this process IMO CSP and Atty Colangelo had the ability to create an alternative narrative of the murder to the public via the Press and Public Dialog and they never did - they chose to speak via AWs and while somewhat effective is not the same as a public dialog via press conferences. IMO this left the victim exposed and frankly undefended in a way that I have never seen done in a case of this type.

Having watched the CSP unwilling to be IMO transparent and open in its activities and communications with the citizens of CT over many years, I have to admit I went into this case with very low expectations about CSP and IMO in this regard they did not disappoint. The news from Probate Court today about Fd in possession of multiple firearms is something that is mind blowing as is the fact that Parole and presumably CSP watched Fd sitting in his garage wearing his bracelet immobile whilst he was gassing himself to death and simply continued to call him via cell phone is an image that won't leave me anytime soon as it simply captures IMO the worst of bureaucratic inefficiency. Even hearing that Atty Colangelo and Atty Smith were sitting in Stamford on the Fd Suicide date 'waiting' for news at 12:15 pm (Court was due to start at noon!) is mind blowing as given the drive time from Farmington it was quite clear when Fd should have left 4Jx IMO. Why sit and wait and watch for over an hr. at a Fd sitting in his garage unmoving?

Also in similar cases its typical to see ongoing narrative from the victims family and friends and this case really had none of this in a meaningful way IMO. Sure, it was nice to hear that the 5 children were being looked after etc. but there really was IMO no strong advocacy except in a couple of short press releases from the Farber Family Spokesperson. I get a family wanting privacy and a safe and secure place to take care of the children outside of public view but oftentimes it seemed that there was no strong consistent voice from the Family for JFd when the Pattisville rhetoric amped up and became abusive IMO. Perhaps this lack of commentary from the Family was legally driven and strategic as civil litigation might be pursued against MT and Fd at some future date or because they knew the potential for violence from Fd was real and their safety was at risk? IDK, but its all been a bit odd to watch as the victim has tragically gotten lost in all of this which to me is absolutely heartbreaking.

The lack of care taken of the victim's portion of marital assets by Family Court and Judge Heller is something that I believe to be unconscionable and it seems like legislation might be needed to compel Judges to act to protect victims assets for their children if they go missing or are murdered while in the middle of a Family Court action. IMO we saw system fail after system fail to assist JFd in Family Court both when she was living and when she was missing. Its been sad to watch but I do think the Family Court process where there was zero accountability for Fd perhaps emboldened him to continue to game the CT Judiciary and for this we have Judge Heller and 3 other Judges to thank unfortunately.

There remain so many loose ends in the case in general IMO and I'm not sure we will ever see closure in many of them as transparency and openness IMO aren't hallmarks of the State of CT oftentimes. We have the 'open' FPD investigation into the suicide of Fd, the issue of the 'faux bond' fraud perpetrated by Fd and his 'friends', the FPD investigation into the release of the Glock 19 and now the Probate Court discovery of multiple firearms owned by Fd. We still don't know if Fd and KM had a pact to kill each others wives and the issues surrounding the Fd circumventing the KM protective order with his STBX were unresolved in Court as well. We also have the decision from Judge Noble that seems to be on the slow boat from China that has been hard hit by COVID19 in Civil Court.

I do wish Atty Colangelo the best in his new job but I have to say I don't envy him working within a system that frankly doesn't seem to function all that well on a good day. From the bracelet SNAFUS to the Fd suicide to the missing and released firearms it simply seems that local LE and CSP are in shambles with regard to selective compliance or perhaps there are different standards for different people? IDK. The system muddles along and nothing changes and attorneys like Atty. P. or Judges like Judge Heller never seem to be held to account either by the States Atty, Judiciary Review at the time of renewal or the CT Bar so far as I can tell. Judge Heller never publicly reprimanded Atty. P. for his role in leaking a confidential psych report and instead handled everything 'behind closed doors' in true CT fashion IMO and this was hugely disappointing and sent a message to folks that your confidential information in Family Court won't be safeguarded by the Judges there ever IMO.

JFd IMO deserved better than she got from Family Court and the State of CT IMO. I continue to be unable to understand why there is never any accountability for Fd and his actions, even in death, as the issue that he possessed multiple firearms given his circumstances is something that I simply don't understand and ditto for the unknown safe deposit box as I have to wonder where was CSP in all of this? Is the State and LE simply so inept that they would permit such a thing to occur? IDK but its all quite disturbing and disheartening IMO and while I hope we will get closure on these issues as the MT and KM trials move forward, sadly I think it will all simply be swept under the rug as most stuff in CT seems to be at the end of the day.

Its a shame also that while there was no doubt so much excellent work done by LE in this case from the hard work at MIRA to the early scene processing at Welles to watching hours and hours of CCTV and tracking back the complicated financial games going on in Fd life etc., the feeling I'm sadly sitting with at this point is anger at what didn't happen and what wasn't done and being stunned by ongoing bureaucratic SNAFUs and disgust with Judges who take a narrow view of their jobs to attorneys that chose to place no value on truth to Defendants that sail through a Court System while lying under oath with no consequences imposed.

Thank you for putting into words all of our frustration and disillusionment with this all around tragedy.
I can only imagine what GF is feeling.:(
Yes, the warrants don't say who killed JD. And I did mention that LE said EE was clear. I'm sleuthing. Thinking out load, etc.

Please - what am I missing here?

42. That based upon the above facts and circumstances, Affiant John Kimball asserts there to be Probable Cause to believe that FOTIS DULOS (DOB: 08/06/1967) did on Friday May 24, 2019, in the town of New Canaan, Connecticut commit the following crimes on the person of Jennifer Farber Dulos which resulted in her death:

MURDER (Section 53a-54a C.G.S.)
FELONY MURDER (Section 53a?54c C.G.S.)

1000% AND the Fd rare French Vintage bike was picked up on camera in New Canaan on Weed Street.

Fd is on video leaving 80MS on the murder morning at a little after 5:30 am....

IMO Norm Barnum needs to pack up the tent and move on to another client....

The second warrant is filed with stuff all about the "red truck" but they dont believe Fo was ever in i . WT[REDACTED]!!! So then explain who was. If I recall correctly there is video that shows a person matching his description in that truck.

My opinion is that FDs plan was always to frame his employee for JFDs murder. Which I wholeheartedly believe is bullpuckey, but to me, everything FD did and used was within the plan to use EE as the fall guy. I 100000000% believe EE/PG is innocent and just a pawn in the disgusting FD game.
Penn & Teller are doing a PC already


A judge has effectively ended the case against Fotis Dulos. Dulos attorneys say they will appeal and try to go forward with a trial, or at least some kind of legal claim against the state.

Norm Pattis says an third party he will not name killed Jennifer Dulos and that Fotis Dulos threw out bags of evidence. State nol prossed the case.
Wouldn’t that be an obstruction of justice for Norm to know who murdered Jennifer but won’t reveal it?
Judge White!

Marissa Alter


Judge White accepts the nolle from the state. Charges dropped.

Marissa Alter


Pattis: Mr Dulos was not only not guilty but a victim of a broad conspiracy that caused him to kill himself.

Marissa Alter


Pattis: Dulos disposed of items in Hartford not knowing what they were.

Marissa Alter


Pattis: if case went to trial, we would’ve gone forward with the theory Jennifer Dulos met a violent end by a third party.

Marissa Alter


Attorney Norm Pattis objects to this. Argues that Fotis Dulos maintained his innocence and Pattis wants to vindicate him in his death.

Marissa Alter


We are underway in the Fotis Dulos hearing. Chief State’s Attorney Rich Colangelo enters a nolle in the charges with Dulos being dead.

Marissa Alter

Judge John Blawie had been slated to be on the bench for this hearing, but I’m told he has something else now, and it will be Judge Gary White presiding.
Marissa Alter


Pattis himself admitted this is a long shot but has vowed to move forward and clear his client’s name.

Marissa Alter


Attorney Norm Pattis is asking for Dulos’ estate to be substituted for the defendant—something that has never happened before.

Bless his heart, he wants to be a trend setter.
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