Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #48

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Yes! Totally agree and I didn't mean in any way to make it seem that I wasn't considering the people that care about JFd and her children in/around Hartford. Nope. Totally get your POV. My issue is that we have seen so many squirrelly things happed between LE and the Courts that I really have doubts about the process of obtaining justice for this particular case outside of Stamford. This being said, however, no place is ever perfect all the time I just think there is a better shot at justice in Stamford for JFd.

Totally MOO!
The Chief Court Administrator and the Chief Administrative Judge in Hartford mess around with Stamford cases, too.
Yes! Totally agree and I didn't mean in any way to make it seem that I wasn't considering the people that care about JFd and her children in/around Hartford. Nope. Totally get your POV. My issue is that we have seen so many squirrelly things happed between LE and the Courts that I really have doubts about the process of obtaining justice for this particular case outside of Stamford. This being said, however, no place is ever perfect all the time I just think there is a better shot at justice in Stamford for JFd.

Totally MOO!
The Chief Court Administrator and the Chief Administrative Judge in Hartford mess around with Stamford cases, too.
In the Melanie McGuire (NJ) case, her trial didn't happen until 3 years after the murder; she was convicted, and isn't getting out before she's 100.

There is hope for this case (convictions of MT and KM) yet.

There are similarities between this case (Dulos) and that one (McGuire). In the end the children lost both their parents.
Afitzy- you've described the whole conundrum I wrestled with the entire time I lived there. Society is so backwards, so upside down that it's like a big broken wheel spinning out of control. I kept waiting for that wheel to eventually break down or fall apart but it never happened. It just keeps spinning around, off kilter, but never the less it keeps going. And then the good ones, the ones who fight the good fight, standing by their beliefs etc. get so taken advantage of that it comes down to two choices, you either join them and lose your moral compass or leave. The whole if you can't beat, them join them mentality. I saw this first hand, within my own family. I resisted to the point it was going to kill me if I didn't get out. My husband, on the other hand, succumbed to it and I watched the smartest man I have ever known head down a path of destruction I am not sure he can come back from. Does any of that make sense?

@thekirbyfamily, sadly it all makes perfect sense to me. I'm happy that you were able to make a choice for you and your children that is consistent with what you want for your family. Sad though about your husband. But people have to find their own path sometimes.....

Its why on my more positive days I believe that having Atty Colangelo in his new job as Sr States Atty will have an impact on the overall situation in CT with the Legal System and then on the days where I'm feeling a bit more pessimistic I simply think that he ended up in the job because he is perceived as a 'go along to get along type of individual' and nothing will change. CT is a place where the likes of David Ford were allowed to go on for many years before he lost his license and the likes of the attys that we saw in Pattisville can actually make a living via skirting the edges of the system and in the case of Atty. P. IMO colouring outside the lines of the system entirely with zero consequences from Hartford. Its all quite sad to watch which is why I gave up watching CT politics and Hartford activities many moons ago! Towns like New Canaan send enormous sums to Hartford via tax receipts and very little returns and there is no accountability so far as I can tell in terms of return on investment for funds sent to Hartford ever. Most in Fairfield Country don't really care much as they focus on their family and their job and simply view Hartford as someplace to send money but don't expect much in return. Its a cycle that has been going on for a very long time and I don't expect it to change unfortunately.

IDK, I've lived many places and in many countries and have not seen anything really close to CT. Perhaps I would feel differently about things if there was a truly functioning Press but IMO it doesn't exist. The NY Press give CT wide berth IMO and so NY and CT are two planets that really are in two different solar systems IMO. Its sad too because from a geography standpoint there are many advantages to the location of the State and many parts of the State are beautiful. But, the reality in the last 20 yrs or so is that people come and educate their children and then ditch the State because they cannot afford to retire in the State. Its sad to see as this has had an adverse impact IMO on community and connection and so the reality for most folks living in Fairfield County is that they are living in the beautiful woods with their main connection to their town being via school and some activities or perhaps church. Some can hack it, others cannot so I absolutely see your need to depart to another environment.

The Chief Court Administrator and the Chief Administrative Judge in Hartford mess around with Stamford cases, too.

There are similarities between this case (Dulos) and that one (McGuire). In the end the children lost both their parents.

Yep, I know that there is little way to escape Hartford....just didn't want it to be a 'slam dunk' for them to manipulate the situation which might just be what Dog Bite is hoping to pull off. IDK. Will keep my fingers crossed!

I'm with you on this question 100%. We've seen GF working behind the scenes to accommodate custody issues and getting protective orders in place. I do hope she/Atty Weinstein now step up and intervene to make sure that the case is prosecuted where JFd was murdered in New Canaan, CT. Atty Colangelo has been in his position for many years and IMO is well placed to understand possible 'regional' differences in the Criminal System in CT. I very much hope and pray that the cases stay in Stamford so that we have a shot at seeing some justice for JFd occur.

To see such frivolous motions filed by MT New Atty to me seems to be in line with the tactics displayed by KM and then Atty BM in Civil Court for months at a time. Sad, but not unexpected of him IMO based on his display during his first hearing in Stamford where IMO he was absolutely unprepared.

A long catalog of reasons IMO exist to NOT move the case to Hartford - IMO this harkens back in many respects to the 'tale of 2 Connecticuts' thats been talked about many threads ago and the perception that 'justice is still very much for sale in Hartford' unfortunately. There is no doubt in my mind that MT New Atty is seeking a venue change for his personal convenience but also because of the reality of what exactly 'justice' in Hartford looks like and has looked like for many years IMO. Further he has practiced in/around Hartford for over 25 years and so most likely precisely knows how to 'insure' that 'justice as he wants it work does in fact work to his favor'. Hate to be cynical but IMO the move of MT New Atty is absolutely cynical ploy designed to control the outcome of things for his client.

Hate to say all this about Hartford, but IMO to not say this about Hartford now would be like not addressing the elephant in the room. Do all agree about this issue? Nope, IMO the view from Hartford is always 'nothing to be seen here and just keep it moving' as nothing is ever wrong in Hartford as the system works for those that are part of the system IMO.

Its not just Hartford Courts, its the Farmington PD games that have happened most recently with the Fd firearms and the Fd death investigation and taking over an hr to enter 4Jx and over 24 hrs to get a search warrant after Fd gassed himself in the 4Jx garage. And then we saw South Windsor PD protecting KM when he was playing games with his STBX and harassing her but stayed on public roads and South Windsor PD choosing to do nothing which was no different from what they did with the gas can crowbar guy IMO. Then there is the Avon PD and their so called 'investigation' into the death of Mama Dulos. Sadly, I think corruption or corruptibility is endemic in Hartford such that it would be hard for me to accept any trial outcome as valid as it related to MT and KM and any other charged. Don't get me wrong, Stamford is far from perfect as we have seen with Judge Blawie but I do strongly believe that the citizens of the communities surrounding the location of the murder ought to see justice for JFd meted out locally and not 75 miles away!

For a flavour of where I am going with reference to the catalog of reasons I think we can look at something that is relatively current which was the situation with Judge Noble in Civil Court. Under the 'management' of Judge Noble we saw motions not responded to, responses to motion bearing little connection to the original request and long delays in responding to other motions and it took over 14 months to consolidate cases to make prosecution easier - the deck was stacked against Atty Weinstein IMO and I have many questions as to how it might have been orchestrated by KM and others but I will leave it at that. Under Judge Noble, we had the mismanaged circus of the MT deposition, the attorneys not being held to procedure as seen in the Atty Bowman infamous 'REDACTED' motion and ditto for the Atty. P. deposition which IMO should be investigated by the CT authorities as the Judges Orders there IMO read as if Judge Noble was AP's personal atty and were unlike anything I have ever read. The trial itself was probably another text book example IMO of procedural shambles as we saw any attempt at procedure with regards to evidence simply abandoned at the door as Judge Noble allowed in evidence from the Defendants that any other Court IMO would have not even entered into a discussion about.

IMO little that was seen in the Civil Court mess provides any encouragement that justice would prevail for JFd in Hartford Criminal Courts unfortunately. Politics in CT is largely a behind closed door kind of activity and I'm not sure 'justice' is much different unfortunately. I do think it will be a huge sign from the CT Judiciary if the case is permitted to move to Hartford as to me that is simply a 'coded' message for we are sweeping this under the rug and things will be take care of quietly. I hope to see some leadership on this issue from Atty Colangelo but at this point with little pushback from the public about having the trial in Stamford and no vocal public support of the victim from the victims family much anymore, I sadly won't be surprised if this all just gets jammed under the carpet to wither in Hartford. Losing faith in CT govt and LE systems has been an ongoing process for me on this case, watching everything that has gone on in Courts around the State and with LE on this case has been one of the most disheartening experiences following a case I have ever had unfortunately. I will continue to follow along to make sure that some justice process happens but there is little anymore that would surprise me about CT Courts. Little. And that makes me quite sad.

Seems FD’s decision to commit suicide was a bit premature. IMO
Afitzy....thank you ever so much for all your explanations, comments and updates. I don’t think I can ever stop thanking you enough. I get so engrossed reading I forget to look who the WS member is that wrote the comment, but I immediately know when I am reading yours....I would follow you on any case here on WS. Thank you for making it easier for many of us to follow what is going on. There are many other WS members that do this also...and to all of you thanks so many times!
Absolutely! Where would we be without Afitzy. Thank you.
Absolutely! Where would we be without Afitzy. Thank you.

Where would we be w/out afitzy?

I've said it twice now, she's the BEST BEST BEST.
Always informative and very professional in her thoughts; in her mind.
A very highly organized and professional mind.
A warm and open soul, and an incredibly passionate woman pursuing justice for Jennifer.

Thank you afitzy.
I've been on WS for a long long time on another case that is filled with horrible trolls
insulting each other etc etc etc to no end.

This thread has integriy and the warmest nicest sleuthers who are actually really really smart
and understand (more THAN less) the law. The law is EVERYTHING in Jennifer's case.
Do you still need to sign in on the card when you access your safety deposit box? My sister and I had one jointly for our farm, and one of us always needed to bring our key and sign. If that's still in effect, then the bank knows and will have to reveal it to some authority.

Yes, we too have to sign whenever we go to bank to get in the safety deposit box. The piece of paper we sign includes the date, the time, our signature and the bank person's signature and we have to bring our key along and the only people who can access the safety deposit box are my husband and me because that's the only 2 names on the account. That's how it works here in the Midwest anyways. JMO

ETA: Just to be clear - we both do not have to be there to sign at the same time - just 1 of us does.
Afitzy....thank you ever so much for all your explanations, comments and updates. I don’t think I can ever stop thanking you enough. I get so engrossed reading I forget to look who the WS member is that wrote the comment, but I immediately know when I am reading yours....I would follow you on any case here on WS. Thank you for making it easier for many of us to follow what is going on. There are many other WS members that do this also...and to all of you thanks so many times!

@MsJosie, thanks for your kind words but truly this has been a group effort from DAY 1 as we have a whole large group of people that bring all kinds of different interests and expertise to following this case. The list of folks is too long to name but you see them every day here making sure that news and documents gets posted and checking in with new theories on the AWs too. We all have wanted to see some kind of justice for this horrific murder. Whatever I contribute here is simply me feeding off the information and brilliant questions and theories of others. This thread IMO is simply an amazing collection of folks and while the people who are present at any given time does ebb and flow, its been incredible to see such huge contributions made by so many people and I think that is what makes this thread special for me. Sometimes when I have time, I go back to the earlier threads and its incredible how much as been done to pull apart this case with little public assistance from LE other than via the AWs. What you see on these threads has all been people putting in their time and skills to put together one huge 3D puzzle. Sadly, many pieces remain missing from the puzzle, but day by day, I think its coming together and by the time of the MT trial it should be close to complete.

Like I've said before, I came to this thread horrified that someone could be murdered in their garage in small New Canaan CT after doing something people do all the time which is simply drop their children off at school. I fell into the rabbit hole early after researching FORE and FD properties and reading the Family Court file before it was sealed.

At the moment I'm a bit concerned about the State of CT and its commitment to justice in this case but I still continue to watch it all closely as best I can.

I remain firmly convinced that MT really is no different from Fd in all respects that matter in a human being and that she was motivated by greed and jealousy for the many evil deeds she did as part of the murder of JFd. The fact that she now has a new attorney who seems to be going down the path of attempting to manipulate the CT Courts (something that we have sadly see done by various Fd attys in the past) is something that has motivated me to continue to sleuth and dig hard so that perhaps justice doesn't fall by the wayside for MT, as I believe based on the evidence presented thus far in AW1-3, should spend a good portion of the rest of her life in a CT prison.

The situation with KM is no doubt a work in progress and ongoing investigation for the State and so we just have to stay tuned.

It's hard sometimes to hang in when news is scarce but I think its the only way forward for me.

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Yes, we too have to sign whenever we go to bank to get in the safety deposit box. The piece of paper we sign includes the date, the time, our signature and the bank person's signature and we have to bring our key along and the only people who can access the safety deposit box are my husband and me because that's the only 2 names on the account. That's how it works here in the Midwest anyways. JMO

ETA: Just to be clear - we both do not have to be there to sign at the same time - just 1 of us does.

years ago when I worked at the bank, we also had to verify the signature of the daily log to the signature on file. If they did not match, the person did not get in the box. They had to sign the log in front of us.

Thanks for posting these docs, primary sources are super helpful.
From these, a few take always:

-Madonna the cat was rehomed with consultation of the Dulos kids, which seems important. They have lost both parents; and their longtime childhood dog, who was living at 4JC, passed away in April just a few weeks before their mother was murdered. Many pet lovers here will know the importance of animals in situations like this, so I am glad that the kids were consulted about the cat.

-28 boxes of Fotis’s financial documents suddenly turned up in one of his attorneys offices after his death! Can we say Markowitz, anyone? This should be interesting indeed.

-Hug spent a long time sorting through the many documents at 4 JC. Media reports quoted him as saying he found “many interesting things” but no will. Here it says that FDs financial and business records were commingled. As everyone had thought along. Fore was just a front for FDs over-the-top lifestyle funded by fraudulent bank loans and the Farber fortune.

- the surviving joint owner of the safety deposit box at People’s bank now has exclusive access to the box. It appears that the descedent and the joint owner emptied the box before FDs death. Petitioning to subpoena the name and interview with the surviving joint owner about a will and contents.
This implies the joint owner is not JD, as while she is legally still surviving would not have emptied the box with FD, and she is for all practical reasons known to be deceased, so this would likely not be worded in that manner if her.
That leaves MT or AC. Since AC arrived recently it seems less likely that FD would have set up a safe deposit box with her, and to me more likely that it would have been MT. Also remote possibility that FD owned it with someone else, GV, Toutzie, Rena, KM, or even NP some have mentioned, but these seem unlikely candidates.
Hopefully this will be granted and we will find out more information on this soon.

I do wonder if Atty Hug will be able to get the name of the joint box holder with Fd? The camera network around most safe deposit boxes I've seen is extensive so I find it hard to believe that the individual that cleaned out the Fd box won't be discovered. Just have to add this to the 'mysteries to be solved later' category. I do wonder if Fd gave his power of atty to KM or even Atty. P. and perhaps they cleaned out the box?
Thanks for posting these docs, primary sources are super helpful.
From these, a few take always:

-Madonna the cat was rehomed with consultation of the Dulos kids, which seems important. They have lost both parents; and their longtime childhood dog, who was living at 4JC, passed away in April just a few weeks before their mother was murdered. Many pet lovers here will know the importance of animals in situations like this, so I am glad that the kids were consulted about the cat.

-28 boxes of Fotis’s financial documents suddenly turned up in one of his attorneys offices after his death! Can we say Markowitz, anyone? This should be interesting indeed.

-Hug spent a long time sorting through the many documents at 4 JC. Media reports quoted him as saying he found “many interesting things” but no will. Here it says that FDs financial and business records were commingled. As everyone had thought along. Fore was just a front for FDs over-the-top lifestyle funded by fraudulent bank loans and the Farber fortune.

- the surviving joint owner of the safety deposit box at People’s bank now has exclusive access to the box. It appears that the descedent and the joint owner emptied the box before FDs death. Petitioning to subpoena the name and interview with the surviving joint owner about a will and contents.
This implies the joint owner is not JD, as while she is legally still surviving would not have emptied the box with FD, and she is for all practical reasons known to be deceased, so this would likely not be worded in that manner if her.
That leaves MT or AC. Since AC arrived recently it seems less likely that FD would have set up a safe deposit box with her, and to me more likely that it would have been MT. Also remote possibility that FD owned it with someone else, GV, Toutzie, Rena, KM, or even NP some have mentioned, but these seem unlikely candidates.
Hopefully this will be granted and we will find out more information on this soon.


@sleuth66, I wish Atty Hug could grant 'exclusive WS access via the internet' to the 26 boxes of financial docs as I bet we could put it all together in no time flat with the group we have here!

I still am curious how Fd was keeping the credit cards going as if I recall from his last credit report that he was using those 'quick loans' I guess to keep things going.

Also curious about whether the Masiello and Tout loans on Sturbridge are real funded loans or simply 'shams' orchestrated by Fd. I've been watching the Sturbridge litigation but not much seems to be happening.

The Peoples United loans on the MS properties is also a mystery to me given their valuations vs the amts lent? Really do wonder how a local bank that IMO has conservative lending practices got sucked into a Fd con? I would think that any lender staying on top of things would have realised from the Family Court information that Fd was in trouble long ago. Hard to see how they could claim to have been duped or even understand what their explanation for the relationship might be?

@sleuth66, I wish Atty Hug could grant 'exclusive WS access via the internet' to the 26 boxes of financial docs as I bet we could put it all together in no time flat with the group we have here!

I still am curious how Fd was keeping the credit cards going as if I recall from his last credit report that he was using those 'quick loans' I guess to keep things going.

Also curious about whether the Masiello and Tout loans on Sturbridge are real funded loans or simply 'shams' orchestrated by Fd. I've been watching the Sturbridge litigation but not much seems to be happening.

The Peoples United loans on the MS properties is also a mystery to me given their valuations vs the amts lent? Really do wonder how a local bank that IMO has conservative lending practices got sucked into a Fd con? I would think that any lender staying on top of things would have realised from the Family Court information that Fd was in trouble long ago. Hard to see how they could claim to have been duped or even understand what their explanation for the relationship might be?


Personally I’m holding my breath to see what the appraisal of the “artistic” paintings of MT in the gym and bedroom come in at.
(As those MasterCard ads used to say, “priceless”...)
The household inventory was supposed to be appraised today, now those are some documents that would be interesting...

Getting lost in all of this once again is the question of where is JD. I was secretly hoping that Hug might find some clue somewhere. With this new “explanation” from NP about the bloody bags of clothes at 4JC, it makes me wonder if the body might have been at 4 JC at some point on the afternoon of the 24th. Not that NP can be trusted in the least, but it made me wonder.
Personally I’m holding my breath to see what the appraisal of the “artistic” paintings of MT in the gym and bedroom come in at. (As those MasterCard ads used to say, “priceless”...)
The household inventory was supposed to be appraised today, now those are some documents that would be interesting...
Getting lost in all of this once again is the question of where is JD. I was secretly hoping that Hug might find some clue somewhere. With this new “explanation” from NP about the bloody bags of clothes at 4JC, it makes me wonder if the body might have been at 4 JC at some point on the afternoon of the 24th. Not that NP can be trusted in the least, but it made me wonder.
Wow. Fascinating theory. Good thinking. I THINK I know where you are going here.
  • NP brought up - out of nowhere - bags of bloody clothes at 4JC.
  • No one had ever, as far as we know, claimed or established any blood at 4JC before. (Whereas @80MS, there was evidence).
So, why would Norm Pattis even introduce a theory that Jennifer's blood was ever at Fotis Dulos's residence?

1) NP is a [REDACTED] idiot and sloppy, horrid lawyer who always loses cases for his clients and is "pulling stuff out of his ponytail" ( (c) @afitzy, 2019) and, possibly, mixed up 80MS and 4JC!
2) FD and/or MT actually brought her body or clothing to his residence, 4JC, at some point
3) LE found evidence of Jennifer's blood left by FD and/or MT at 4JC, because it was all over his/her clothes, and NP knows this (it has not been made public)
4) MT/FD weren't sure if LE found Jennifer's blood at 4JC which could implicate them, so, Norm is just covering in case of that, making it worse for MT (see #1)
5) MT wanted everything Jennifer had - INCLUDING THE CLOTHING she was wearing when they murdered her

My vote is for 1, 3, and 4, possibly 5.
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Wow. Fascinating theory. Good thinking. I THINK I know where you are going here.
  • NP brought up - out of nowhere - bags of bloody clothes at 4JC.
  • No one had ever, as far as we know, claimed or established any blood at 4JC before. (Whereas @80MS, there was plenty of evidence).
So why would Norm Pattis even introduce this theory that there was blood at Fotis Dulos's residence?
1) NP is a [REDACTED] idiot and horrid lawyer who always loses cases for his clients and is "pulling stuff out of his ponytail" (c)@Afitzy, 2019) and, possibly, mixed up 80MS and 4JC
2) FD and/or MT actually brought her body or clothing to his residence, 4JC, at some point
3) FD and/or MT left her blood at 4JC because it was all over his/her clothes, and LE found evidence of same
4) MT/FD weren't sure if LE found Jennifer's blood at 4JC which would implicate them, so Norm is just covering in case of that, but actually making it worse for MT

Votes? My vote is for 1, 3, and 4

Blood or bags at 4Jx?

The Atty. P. story seemed implausible (3rd party/criminal undertakes a hit and drops off the evidence at the house of the husband?)....ultimate 4.20 moment from the ponytail IMO!!

We haven't seen any of the forensic evidence from 4Jx or 80Ms or other FORE properties so far as I am aware. We know the CSP Crime Lab folks were at the properties multiple times but we have no results.

So far as we know, I believe LE is calling 80MS a 'secondary crime scene' but no such description has been placed on 4Jx.

IDK. I just keep thinking about Fd and MT dreaming up wild [REDACTED] revenge scenarios while they are hanging out on the patio doing whatever it is that they did do...what kind of scenario would these 2 cook up?

IMO there has to be some connection to the location of the body and something personal to Fd/MT and JFd. Or someplace that JFd absolutely disliked intensely (which is why I thought the grotty Avon Ski Pond might have had promise as a location or even the Avon Self Storage facility).

OT, but I do have to say that every time you come to the thread to see the original video of Fd with his shaved head and in the orange jumpsuit and the crazed puffy eyed MT photos from their AW1 is a bit disconcerting. But, I do think the photos from that time show the state of mind of both Fd and MT. We also know that MT engaged counsel quickly and that Mama A was brought on scene at 4Jx during the week after the murder (estimate based on DM pictures of Fd and MT going to Litchfield Troop CSP for processing).

I mean can you just imagine the MT phone call with Mama A to get her to fly up from Miami:

MT: Hola Mama, do you have some free time to come up and spend it with NB? She really really misses you. Like could you come tomorrow? She really really misses you. I'm not sure but she doesn't have much school left so maybe you could take her on a tour of New England too? Like can you really come tomorrow? Fotis says he will pay for your ticket and all you have to do is pack a bag. NB really really misses you....

Mama A: Michi, what is wrong with you? Are you back on those nasty pills again? You sound like a 2 year old and not a 44 yo grown [REDACTED] woman. What is going on? Are you finally going to go to Turkey and get married to Fotis? We love Fotis you know and his big house and car and all that money but in Turkey they don't really care how many wives men have and I just know that you and Fotis are true soul mates! You will soon be the Queen of 4Jx once the divorce is final. The divorce is going to be final isn't it Michi? You promised long time ago that the divorce would be done and its not and not much about the story why makes any sense?

MT: Yes, Mama Fotis and I figure out how to get the divorce to be finished quickly. We won't need to go to Turkey to get married and we can have a fabulous wedding here at 4Jx over the six months. Isn't that exciting?

Mama A: I am so excited that we can start planning your wedding and the house will be perfect for the ceremony. You are taking good care of Fotis aren't you? No straying and your usual games right? I've told you all you need to do so you can get to be the Queen of 4Jx!?

MT: Yes, I take good care of Fotis Mama. Well, Mama now that you ask I think I might be in a small amount of trouble. I'm afraid to talk about it on this line as people can be listening in. Can you call the special number that I gave you so that you can reach NB and if you call that number then I can explain it all to you.

Mama A ringing back on NB phone burner phone.....

MT: Mama the news is that JFd is missing and has been since Friday over Memorial Day weekend. And well there is a chance that Fotis and I will be blamed for it. We had nothing to do with it of course you know that don't you? But the Police have spoken with Fotis and his attorney said that we are all in big trouble possibly.

Mama A: Michi I have been pulling your [REDACTED] out of the fire for doing one stupid thing after another your entire sorry life. I frankly should have just dumped you in a favela when you were a baby who would never sleep and simply cried and whined and was never very smart or bright. When your teacher called me in the 2nd grade to say that you killed all the mice in class by squeezing them to death and then covering yourself in their blood to scare all the people in your class I knew you were going to be nothing but trouble. Your teacher all those years ago said that I should get you put into an institution and I should have listened to her then rather than just paying for therapy for all these years as you have never changed. Even the horse camp we sent you too in your teens had no impact as you simply take pleasure in other peoples pain and you simply don't care. I think in graduate school I learned that a person such as you would be classified as a psychopath. I'm not sure I can do this for you now as you know that the Feds are on my [REDACTED] still and follow me everywhere. They are so stupid as my 'activities' have just had to get more sophisticated to get around all their surveillance. But, I can't risk them getting involved in your situation there.

MT: Wait Mama, are you saying the FBI are following you around still?

Mama A: Yes, I am sure my phone and office are bugged and if you are in trouble I don't want to bring these people to you.

MT: Well Mama, I do need your help as there is nobody else I can ask to take care of NB in case I need to 'go away' or am put in jail.

Mama A: You will never go to jail, I promise you that and I will use all my 'activity' money to make sure you don't have to stay in cold and dreary CT if you don't want to. BTW, did you ask Fotis to make sure that my ticket is business class as coach is hard on my old weary bones and to include a ticket for my latest toyboy as there is nothing to do in CT so I'd like to bring him.

MT: Thanks Mama, you are the best! Fotis is feeling a bit stressed at the moment and thinks that a few days away will be good for us both.

Sounds of sirens in the background........

MT: Oh Mama you have to come now as the Police are here and they are swarming the house. Please Mama come soon. Oh no, I have to run to the office and delete a whole bunch of files and 'special' photographs that Fd and I took. How can I do that if the Police are here.

Mama A: Don't worry Michi, you could never take care of yourself so I will come and help with NB while I sort this situation out. Remember, call the Atty I told you about as he is a good friend of the family and don't tell him anything and if he or anyone asks you a question about anything either say you don't recall or tell them a lie and just keep lying until I get there.

Police enter the house and say put down the phone ma'am.

MT abruptly hangs up the NB burner phone.....

Remember the suitcase NP took to the hospital after FD was admitted from his suicide “attempt”?

Of course, we didn’t know at the time that he was dead, that his suicide attempt had been successful.

Could the contents of the suitcase NP carried have been the clean out of the safety deposit box?

FD’s sister had flown in from Italy on the late night flight and NP saw her at the hospital.
Odd, if anyone can check wayback for for 9/14/17 and see what they think.

I'm getting this message:

This domain is for sale
- Limited offer USD5450 -
(This price is strictly non negotiable. We will not reply to a lower bid.)
with Escrow process



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