Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #60

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I haven't followed much lately, but my one wish is for Jennifers remains to be found. It seems so wrong that she is out there somewhere where her family cannot lay her to rest properly and grieve their loss.

FD took the ultimate control over JD by killing her, hiding her body, then taking all of his deceit to his grave. What a coward.

Absolutely the finances were FD's biggest motive. But additionally there was this pesky scorned angry woman he was living with who ABSOLUTELY despised Jennifer. She, no doubt was instrumental in pushing him to the extreme. IMO
I read your view about what you think to be the biggest motive (I totally agree that the house of card falling down simply crushed him and fuelled his rage which was fanned in a major way by MT jealousy and hate of JF) and then I try to understand how in the world TP stood up in Court today (in the am with no jury) and said that the Defence believes that everything in FD world was great as report would be issued and he would have sole custody and the family would live on Farber money for the rest of their lives etc. Simply makes no sense to me as that scenario never could have played out and MT knew that imo. Yet, she stayed for whatever reason.....

This is effectively the story FD told MT and the Troconis Crew and they have been repeating it on social media now for 4+ years. This story also imo bears no resemblance to the truth!

TP said that FD was going to get custody following the Herman report (not in Family Court record) being disclosed (it couldn't be disclosed which is another TP lie which I'm not sure how is being allowed to repeat over and over and over) and would have sole custody.

I just don't see how the established facts of the case line up with the Defence contention that all is well? Remember the MT lunacy where she said FD told her she was going to be the 'mother of 6 children'? This argument simply seems to be an extension of that delusional statement. MT had to realise there was no money without the Farber money to educate and raise the children in the way that they had been cared for by JF all of their lives. I just remember reading the FD deposition in Civil Case and he was asked over and over about business prospects. Fore had NO REVENUE per testimony in Civil Case and yet had 4-5 unsold properties that really weren't getting views or broker calls as they were simply white elephants and not attractive relative to market demand etc. Fore was bleeding cash and there was nothing in the horizon on the real estate market that could help him either.

I do wonder if delusion is contagious between MT and TP as I find it impossible to believe she didn't know to the penny how bad the financial situation was and how there was no way out absent figuring out some way to secure direct access to the Farber money and that was only via support from JF in settlement. Fd used the Herman report as part of one of his usual lies to buy himself time with MT as we see her to the bitter end being absolutely 'all in' on the plan to murder JF imo.
Since when does the defense get to decide what the prosecution will present as a motive? He wants and needs to use the discredited Herman report in order to defend his client from the state’s claim that the trio killed Jennifer so they’d get custody of the 5 kids? And he says that they were actually winning that battle, and they need the Herman report to prove it. Supervised and restricted visits with the kids, and being banned from the property of New Canaan Country Day school doesn’t sound like winning to me. And anyway, there are plenty more motives-like money, like jealousy, like hatred, like fury at “not winning”.
Judge R FINALLY made a definitive statement on the Herman Report that it is not entering evidence. Interesting how this would ever happen as TP lost case to open Family Court file so that the file is sealed and not accessible? More insanity but the report probably has more value to TP being "out" than "in" as anyone reading an unfinished discredited report would simply tune out the defence narrative and deem it totally ridiculous imo.

MT never saw the report and stupidly relied on the no doubt overblown reports from FD on the topic. Think about the desperation of FD to for whatever reason keep MT around that they actually claim to go to psychologist to 'obtain guidance' on the contents of the report. You throw in the Mama Troconis telling MT nearly a year before to document her "fear of JF' (based on the alleged contents of the report) with the Farmington Police. The huge red bell is ringing as to me this might have been the first step of the co conspirators to put their plan together!
While I can joke about this, this attorney's attempt to create sympathy by tugging on the good daughter and good mother strings for a woman who has done what MT has done, makes me livid. JD was a good mom who I am sure had some flaws but didn't deserve to die in a conspiratorial murder. I don't doubt that MT was manipulated by Fd. Coerced? Hard to fully see but possible. But she lied repeatedly to help him cover up JD's murder and participated in the cover up in ways that have been uncovered to date and in ways that will be illuminated further as the trial progresses. She committed crimes when she might have been able to save a life.

You know a lawyer is in trouble when all they have to make your client look likeable or sympathetic is her mother being there when she had to go to Litchfield for more evidence collection.
My guess is that she was hoping Bravo/Andy Cohen would call her for an audition for Real Housewives of Miami!
Judge R FINALLY made a definitive statement on the Herman Report that it is not entering evidence. Interesting how this would ever happen as TP lost case to open Family Court file so that the file is sealed and not accessible? More insanity but the report probably has more value to TP being "out" than "in" as anyone reading an unfinished discredited report would simply tune out the defence narrative and deem it totally ridiculous imo.

MT never saw the report and stupidly relied on the no doubt overblown reports from FD on the topic. Think about the desperation of FD to for whatever reason keep MT around that they actually claim to go to psychologist to 'obtain guidance' on the contents of the report. You throw in the Mama Troconis telling MT nearly a year before to document her "fear of JF' (based on the alleged contents of the report) with the Farmington Police. The huge red bell is ringing as to me this might have been the first step of the co conspirators to put their plan together!
I don’t believe she never saw it.
On the subject of 'tactics' from TP, I cataloged a new one today for which he was FINALLY reprimanded for by Judge R.

Its called the "voir dire CROSS'....

Judge R wasn't having it and said his questioning was in line with Cross and effectively told TP to sit down.

TP slithered back to his chair but showed no shame for disregarding Court rules.

He has tactics?
While I can joke about this, this attorney's attempt to create sympathy by tugging on the good daughter and good mother strings for a woman who has done what MT has done, makes me livid. JD was a good mom who I am sure had some flaws but didn't deserve to die in a conspiratorial murder. I don't doubt that MT was manipulated by Fd. Coerced? Hard to fully see but possible. But she lied repeatedly to help him cover up JD's murder and participated in the cover up in ways that have been uncovered to date and in ways that will be illuminated further as the trial progresses. She committed crimes when she might have been able to save a life.

You know a lawyer is in trouble when all they have to make your client look likeable or sympathetic is her mother being there when she had to go to Litchfield for more evidence collection.
Lest we forget the rain.MOO
I haven't followed much lately, but my one wish is for Jennifers remains to be found. It seems so wrong that she is out there somewhere where her family cannot lay her to rest properly and grieve their loss.

FD took the ultimate control over JD by killing her, hiding her body, then taking all of his deceit to his grave. What a coward.

I agree that Jennifer’s remains should be found. I suspect, though, that considering the statement released by the Farber family at the beginning of the trial, that they don’t expect it will ever happen, and that it may be possible that her remains are, in fact, unrecoverable.
I’ve been listening to nanny Lauren’s testimony again and heard something that I had missed before. Something so chilling and frightening, I’m sure you discussed it when she was on the stand in real time. But … wasn’t the suburban seen leaving JF’s home (or at least in the area) approx 10:35am that morning? FD leaving after everything he did and after the clean up? Lauren said she arrived at Jennifer’s house that morning just before 11am, and entered the house through the middle door of the garage, walked thru the garage and noticed JD’s purse on the floor between the mud room and the kitchen, and thought that was odd.

But omg what a close call she had. Imagine if she had arrived just a little earlier, or if FD left later…. She could have very well walked in while he was cleaning or doing whatever he was doing… I am so afraid for her retroactively. There probably would have been 2 victims here. Just horrific to think about.
I read your view about what you think to be the biggest motive (I totally agree that the house of card falling down simply crushed him and fuelled his rage which was fanned in a major way by MT jealousy and hate of JF) and then I try to understand how in the world TP stood up in Court today (in the am with no jury) and said that the Defence believes that everything in FD world was great as report would be issued and he would have sole custody and the family would live on Farber money for the rest of their lives etc. Simply makes no sense to me as that scenario never could have played out and MT knew that imo. Yet, she stayed for whatever reason.....

This is effectively the story FD told MT and the Troconis Crew and they have been repeating it on social media now for 4+ years. This story also imo bears no resemblance to the truth!

TP said that FD was going to get custody following the Herman report (not in Family Court record) being disclosed (it couldn't be disclosed which is another TP lie which I'm not sure how is being allowed to repeat over and over and over) and would have sole custody.

I just don't see how the established facts of the case line up with the Defence contention that all is well? Remember the MT lunacy where she said FD told her she was going to be the 'mother of 6 children'? This argument simply seems to be an extension of that delusional statement. MT had to realise there was no money without the Farber money to educate and raise the children in the way that they had been cared for by JF all of their lives. I just remember reading the FD deposition in Civil Case and he was asked over and over about business prospects. Fore had NO REVENUE per testimony in Civil Case and yet had 4-5 unsold properties that really weren't getting views or broker calls as they were simply white elephants and not attractive relative to market demand etc. Fore was bleeding cash and there was nothing in the horizon on the real estate market that could help him either.

I do wonder if delusion is contagious between MT and TP as I find it impossible to believe she didn't know to the penny how bad the financial situation was and how there was no way out absent figuring out some way to secure direct access to the Farber money and that was only via support from JF in settlement. Fd used the Herman report as part of one of his usual lies to buy himself time with MT as we see her to the bitter end being absolutely 'all in' on the plan to murder JF imo.
I doubt she and her family believe that now.
You mentioned earlier that she might fear Rena. Maybe she does to this day.MOO.
I doubt she and her family believe that now.
You mentioned earlier that she might fear Rena. Maybe she does to this day.MOO.

You just slung a brick of insight at me.

Why? Why is the defendant still lying for Fotis? She could have taken a sweetheart deal, they were waving the golden ticket during those early interviews. Too loyal? Too afraid? Then FD suicided. Perfect chance to come clean, he couldn't hurt or control or lie to her from the grave. Still no.


What's the one constant in her life? She's a grifter.

Who else might have money? What motive could she possibly have for staying loyal to the cause, as it were, including running a defense/farce/charade that FD had no motive, didn't and wouldn't harm JFd? Why?

Follow the money.

If FD promised the defendant money -- don't worry, stay strong -- where would it be? Where would FD send money (or say he was sending money) for safekeeping? Greece. Does FD have friends and family in Greece? Yes.

Perhaps our beige defendant is playing a long game here, dreaming of a big payout when, with one trial, (she thinks) she's going to be found not guilty and FD will appear to be exonerated. What do you suppose that would be worth? In Greek dollars.

Perhaps the Troconis clan believes there are very big, very deep pockets in Greece.

They should ask themselves, however, if FD had alllllll this money to squirrel away in Greece, why didn't he ship some back to keep his finances and business afloat?

Would be a kind of karma though, no?

For the defendant to go down hard for (conspiracy to commit) murder and discover that FD was as broke in Greece and he was in the US.

Liars lie.

It's what they do.

I’ve been listening to nanny Lauren’s testimony again and heard something that I had missed before. Something so chilling and frightening, I’m sure you discussed it when she was on the stand in real time. But … wasn’t the suburban seen leaving JF’s home (or at least in the area) approx 10:35am that morning? FD leaving after everything he did and after the clean up? Lauren said she arrived at Jennifer’s house that morning just before 11am, and entered the house through the middle door of the garage, walked thru the garage and noticed JD’s purse on the floor between the mud room and the kitchen, and thought that was odd.

But omg what a close call she had. Imagine if she had arrived just a little earlier, or if FD left later…. She could have very well walked in while he was cleaning or doing whatever he was doing… I am so afraid for her retroactively. There probably would have been 2 victims here. Just horrific to think about.
Replying to myself because I was just thinking… imagine if Lauren had passed FD in the suburban on the road… if she had recognized the car and him driving… But what if he had recognized her noticing him. I won’t even go any further but Lauren would have been in desperate danger.

I know that I shouldn’t conjure what-if scenarios, this is already too horrific and tragic as it is, but I was thinking how close Lauren came to walking in on FD, and then thought what if they saw each other passing on the road. I can’t even.
During the interviews, MT said she and Fd split costs as she used her monies from her daughter's father (the reason she saved receipts for reimbursement). Fd over built the homes and didn't have a universal aesthetic. In many areas, building on spec is a great way to see your cash down the drain unless you know the interest is very high for your model/type of home. If he had been building in New Canaan or Greenwich, even North Stamford there would have been many more hits as NYers with money love the low CT taxes. In my area of CT not far from Avon, in the last 8 years, big houses with lots of sq footage have sat empty until some of the very low mortgage rates clicked in during and right after the pandemic.

The question of what she knew of the finances is interesting. It is easy to think they were both wanting to live off the Farber money. Clearly, getting custody of the kids would mean he would get money from JD but not enough to float the stuff he was in the hole for. Trusts for the kids would not yield the kind of cash monthly that he needed. I doubt he would get anywhere near what he needed unless he got top dollar for those properties to get out of the past due monies owed to all who bankrolled him.

I do think that he might have originally thought that the big 8 bedroom house and any other thoughts of JD would make it so that he could convince JD to stay and have MT move in. He must of thought he was just that good. His personality disorders and his family backing him set this train wreck in motion to be sure.
I haven't followed much lately, but my one wish is for Jennifers remains to be found. It seems so wrong that she is out there somewhere where her family cannot lay her to rest properly and grieve their loss.

FD took the ultimate control over JD by killing her, hiding her body, then taking all of his deceit to his grave. What a coward.

I think they should at least do another round with the GPR for the family.

You just slung a brick of insight at me.

Why? Why is the defendant still lying for Fotis? She could have taken a sweetheart deal, they were waving the golden ticket during those early interviews. Too loyal? Too afraid? Then FD suicided. Perfect chance to come clean, he couldn't hurt or control or lie to her from the grave. Still no.


What's the one constant in her life? She's a grifter.

Who else might have money? What motive could she possibly have for staying loyal to the cause, as it were, including running a defense/farce/charade that FD had no motive, didn't and wouldn't harm JFd? Why?

Follow the money.

If FD promised the defendant money -- don't worry, stay strong -- where would it be? Where would FD send money (or say he was sending money) for safekeeping? Greece. Does FD have friends and family in Greece? Yes.

Perhaps our beige defendant is playing a long game here, dreaming of a big payout when, with one trial, (she thinks) she's going to be found not guilty and FD will appear to be exonerated. What do you suppose that would be worth? In Greek dollars.

Perhaps the Troconis clan believes there are very big, very deep pockets in Greece.

They should ask themselves, however, if FD had alllllll this money to squirrel away in Greece, why didn't he ship some back to keep his finances and business afloat?

Would be a kind of karma though, no?

For the defendant to go down hard for (conspiracy to commit) murder and discover that FD was as broke in Greece and he was in the US.

Liars lie.

It's what they do.

Iirc FD’s family over in Greece was also on the “Farber” economic plan. The sister who was 13 yrs older than FD I believe ( and who I was always half convinced was his real mother without any factual basis ) worked for Fore as an architect and her husband in uniform, I believe was retired on a small pension. A lot of those type of details I believe may have been in that AirMail mini series fluff piece. I will take a look - link below

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