CT - Man kills masked intruder, learns it’s his son, New Fairfield

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Such a sad, sad story for everyone concerned. We will probably never know Tyler's motive or any of the "what if's". As far as the aunt calling her brother next door instead of calling 911, that is common. I'm a 911 dispatcher and you would be surprised how many calls we get where the caller says "my daughter called me" or "my mom called to tell me..." It makes it hard for us because the one who calls me doesn't have all the information and sometimes is unsure of the actual address.

Sheila, in all due respect, you missed my point! There's a difference between having a family member call 911 for you

...and calling a family member to handle a possible criminal act.

Personally, if I was that worried I would never call a family member to handle something that trained and armed police should handle. It would be too dangerous and inappropriate to put another family member's life in harm's way. MOO
Sheila, in all due respect, you missed my point! There's a difference between having a family member call 911 for you

...and calling a family member to handle a possible criminal act.

Personally, if I was that worried I would never call a family member to handle something that trained and armed police should handle. It would be too dangerous and inappropriate to put another family member's life in harm's way. MOO

I dont agree. Many people other than police officers know how to handle a firearm. Mr. G had a permit for his gun.

Back 20 years ago we had a break in. I did call 911 and it took 40 minutes for the police to arrive. Meanwhile my brother lived with us at the time and held the suspect until they finally arrived and the man had a large knife on him. My brother had a gun and the man knew he would use it if necessary. If the home invader had lunged at me or my brother he would have been dead. He just better be glad my hubby had already left for work and we both told the man that. By the time police arrived we all could have had our throats cut if we didnt have legal weapons in our home.

Mr. G lived right next door to his sister so of course she would call him and she did call 911 too.

Our neighbor who doesnt have a weapon has called my husband over the years when she thought she heard something. He went over and checked it out, and yes, he had his legally owned firearm with him each time.

Most of the time police are a reactive force and arrive after it is too late to help the victim.

It is obvious to me that Tyler was up to no good. No kid sneaks out of the house in the middle of the night dressed in all black and disquising his indentity with a black ski mask while carrying a knife in his hand and other things unless he has bad intentions.

And Sheila12 is right many neighbors and family members do go to assist other family members/neighbors who are in fear and crimes have been stopped because they did.

I know this father will never get over this but I feel he saved his sister's life.

Could Tyler have been responsible for the other break - ins/rape?
Luckily, the brother was not killed by the perp (son) and neither was his sister but it could have gone another way.

I sense the perp (son) has past experiences in similar and like crimes and think someone knows more than they are saying......we'll see.
Tyler couldn't be responsible for the other break-in/assault. The suspect there has a completely different description (including different race).
Maybe T is not responsible for some recent crimes in that particular neighborhood that was being discussed but.....

....I don't think it was his first "rodeo"!
We have a number of threads on teenagers who have not been in trouble with the law, or done anything bad that we know of, yet are accused of doing some really bad things one day-presumably for the first time in their life. They don't necessarily start small.
We have a number of threads on teenagers who have not been in trouble with the law, or done anything bad that we know of, yet are accused of doing some really bad things one day-presumably for the first time in their life. They don't necessarily start small.

True. Ryan Brunn comes to mind..though he was a young adult.
I also wonder if this was T's attempt to copycat. I am dying to know what the real story is!!
True. Ryan Brunn comes to mind..though he was a young adult.

I was thinking about a 17 year old in TX, recently accused of killing his mother and sister. From what appears to be a very well respected, well off family (lived in a huge house) and not in any trouble with the law.
I wonder if he was exposed to alcohol and drugs in utero....one of his facial features suggests it to me (although it may be the photo quality).

I have two adopted children with fetal alcohol exposure, and although neither of them is violent, they do tend to react to extremes to emotional provocation....a minor argument can feel like the end of the world to them...I wonder if that was the case for this boy. If he did not have learning disabilities or a behavior disorder, he could have gone through life completely undiagnosed.
Bio mom thinks adoptive dad should go to jail?? Unbelievable.
This is what happens when every man and his dog has a gun and thinks they are Deputy Dawg or the Avenger.

In Australia, Aunty would have called the police and the kid would be alive.

In Australia, no one would have been shot and killed because no one has a gun in their kitchen drawer.

It's quite simple (if you're not Amercian) less guns=less gun deaths.

Everyone's blaming the upbringing, biology, the fact the kid wore a mask....uh no, the entire reason this happened is because of your gun laws.
If aunt called the police the kid would be alive? Really? Not necessarily if he came up to them with an object in his hand. Police here have killed people for less. Do police in Australia have guns, by the way?
This is what happens when every man and his dog has a gun and thinks they are Deputy Dawg or the Avenger.

In Australia, Aunty would have called the police and the kid would be alive.

In Australia, no one would have been shot and killed because no one has a gun in their kitchen drawer.

It's quite simple (if you're not Amercian) less guns=less gun deaths.

Everyone's blaming the upbringing, biology, the fact the kid wore a mask....uh no, the entire reason this happened is because of your gun laws.


Are you serious???

And what should the dad have done in your opinion when masked perp was lunging at him with a knife? Maybe he could have just sweet talked him into putting the knife down till the cops show up?
I guess I dont understand what some are of the opinion here that is hinky or "off" about the tragedy that occurred here..

I'll start off by saying IMO there is but one who is solely responsible for this terrible tragedy...Tyler.. People who know him can come to his defense all theyd like(but IMO are doing him no favors)..especially the one that sprang forward with the additional information that mere hours prior Tyler had an argument with the aunt that he was prowling outside and attempting to make entry into dressed in a black ski mask and carrying a knife.. That friend seriously needs to think about their "defense" of Tyler because for me, if this friend is in fact accurate about this argument between Tyler and the aunt..well it becomes crystal clear there was no practical joking gone wrong here...much different is that it fully indicates this young man was intent on settling this argument in a violent, if not even deadly way by returning to her home at 1am, dressed in ski mask, brandishing knife, and attempting to break into her home(and yes he was attempting to break into her home hence the exact reason the aunt called her brother nextdoor and stated she heard someone attempting to break in her home)..

And as far as that goes regarding questioning of this sister calling her adult brother who lived directly next door for help...and why would she have not immediately called 911... Well, I for one have done EXACTLY THIS IN AN EXACT SAME SITUATION(minus the fact that it was not a family member that was the intruder but rather an armed stranger)..FACT IS THIS WHEN YOU HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER THAT RESIDES NEXT DOOR TO YOU AND YOU BELIEVE THERE IS SOMEONE ENTERING YOUR HOME TO HARM YOU...YOU ABSOLUTELY ARE GOING TO REACH OUT TO THE NEAREST AND QUICKEST PERSON WHO CAN HELP YOU!!!...and in this case and in mine that person was a family member that lived mere feet from my front door, in the very home next door..WHEN YOU ARE A WOMAN AT HOME ALONE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND YOU KNOW FOR CERTAIN THERE IS AN INTRUDER ATTEMPTING ENTRY INTO YOUR HOME YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CHANCE LE GETTING THERE IN TIME WHEN YOU KNOW YOUR ADULT FAMILY MEMBER, WHO OWNS AND IS FULLY CAPABLE OF USING FIREARMS IS MERE FEET FROM YOU AND THE INTRUDER WHO AT THAT VERY MOMENT IN TIME IS BREAKING INTO YOUR HOME!!!...sorry nothing at all hinky there and in fact I dare say that any woman ever find themselves in this exact predicament that they too would absolutely go with the quickest route for help!!

My family members signifigant other called 911 while my family member was immediately at my home, armed and ready to shoot to kill whoever it was that was masked, brandishing a weapon, breaking into and very likely intending to harm someone that family member deeply loved and cared for (in my situation that being me and in this situation that being this mans sister).. Not for a single millisecond is that wrong, hinky, or "off" in the least..but rather much different a female who is about to be the victim of harm, if not death and she reaches out to the quickest, most certain help and assistance that she knows of..

Lastly the issue with this father learning that the intruder he shot was in fact his adopted son..as is the norm these days MSM has conflicting and confusing reports filled with errors so who knows for certain exactly how and when it was that this father came to know..or first came to suspect this could be his adopted son..we arent certain that the mask was raised on the scene and this is when he learned it was the son..imo I believe the most likeliest way it occurred was that as would be expected everyone that lived in the brothers home(wife and kids) were wide awake and alert by the time the shooting ended..thus the wife very likely would have immediately told her husband that Tyler was not home, not in his bed and they didnt know where he was(in one of the latest articles the atty states that when it was learned that Tyler was "missing", as in not at home in bed, that this was when/how the father immediately began to suspect that the intruder he'd just shot/killed was Tyler)..at that point the father understandably becomes inconsolable and literally vomiting at the scene overcome with horrific emotions that I, for one can not even begin to fathom..this poor father knew in his heart at that point it was Tyler and that he had killed him..

Again am not certain on how it played out as far as who and when or if the mask was lifted exposing the identity of the masked/armed intruder..but regardless of the lifting of the mask the atty states that it is at the point when the father learns that Tyler is missing and unaccounted for that he immediately begins to suspect that the intruder was Tyler..tho, there is no specific mention of it I do believe it to be very likely that the mother/father were aware of the fight between Tyler and his aunt earlier that evening.. I believe that it is this specific knowledge AND THEN COMBINED WITH DAD LEARNING TYLER IS UNACCOUNTED FOR...IT IS those issues that immediately led to dad fearing it was Tyler who was the masked/armed intruder...again immediately leading to this poor man who was ONLY PROTECTING HIS LOVED ONE, HIS VERY OWN SISTER FROM THE HARM THAT WAS EVIDENTLY INTENDED HER BY THIS MASKED INTRUDER, BRANDISHING A KNIFE, AND BREAKING INTO THIS MAN'S SISTER'S HOME...this poor man learns that the very young man which he and his wife cared for and loved so greatly that they chose to bring he and his sister into their home, and even go it a step further in legally adopting and therefor officially making this brother and sister very much a part of this family..this father learning that it is this young man, his son who he unknowlingly shot and killed as a result of protecting his very own sister from harm...its just heart wrenching imo for this man and I, for one hold him to zero responsibility of this horrific tragedy..as I said at the very beginning of this post...the sole responsibility lies squarely on Tyler's shoulders alone and no where else.. I full well believe that had things gone differently that it quite likely would have been a very diiferent headline for this story..someone still dead , yet not Tyler, but rather his aunt murdered inside her home by an "intruder"..jmo..

The questioning of why he was shot multiple times(ie."riddled with bullets")..not only would I personally do similarly in unloading my gun on the intruder there on my property, in my home to do harm to me...but I have been told by the LE officers who responded to the intruder at my home(the one where I immediately called my next door family member FIRST)..THOSE OFFICERS TOLD ME DONT YOU EVER SHOOT TO WOUND AN INTRUDER..IF YOU ARE GOING TO SHOOT, YOU SHOOT TO KILL...YOU UNLOAD YOUR WEAPON ON THE INTRUDER AND YOU RELOAD AND SHOOT SOME MORE IF NEED BE.. YOU ENSURE THE INTRUDER IS DOA!..And they also informed me that the common misnomer of having to shoot the intruder inside your home and if you happen to shoot him outside of the home or the assailant is able to make it outside of the home before dropping dead..that you must drag the dead intruder back into your home for you to be legally justified and hold no criminal responsibility for the intruders death...

THAT MISNOMER IS 100% FALSE..you can shoot him outside and leave him there and still hold no responsibility for the death..which sadly so many do not know that common misnomer is absolutely wrong, incorrect, false..these officers said its not only for your safety to make sure you shoot to kill but also for the very sad fact that it has now become the "norm" for these type intruders who the victim shoots and only wounds, not kills..that it is a known fact that many times the intruder will sue the victim in claiming that they had inadvertently or by pure innocent mistake had come on the victims property or into the victims home mistaking the victims home for someone else's that they knew..as in they thought they were going into a fam or friend's home and were shot by the homeowner unjustly..and am sad to say that i learned that there are in fact intruders that successfully sue their very own victims that shot them..LE said this is yet only another reason why a victim should shoot to kill and ensure the intruder is dead.:(

All in all these are nothing more than jmo, tho and fully realize that some/many/all may not be of the same opinion as I am..and thats fine as well..to each their own...:)

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