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DNA Solves
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I do not have GDF's DNA info, so I do not know where it is stored. From memory, I believe UNT had it. I know Lesha called the ME, but from my experience with Helen Green being compared to FLEK as well as Tammy Jo Alexander being compared to Cali; we had the rule in/out with the processed. Tammy's DNA also showed complete when it was done, the ME had the results & wanted one more test done for 100% accuracy because Pam & Tammy have different fathers. That test took one week.

My opinion is the ME already knows the answer & he is going to make the call on the 20th anniversary June 26th.
So we will see in a few days.

BTW, anyone wondering what's taking so long, UNT has a backup. What used to take 2 months now takes 5 & 6 months for processing.

Admin, delete if not allowed please!

Quoted from a post on the Grateful Doe Facebook page

"Alright guys, this is the latest update from the Medical Examiner. The tests complete only means the dna is now in Namus so the dna has not yet been tested against Grateful Doe. This next test can take anywhere from a couple weeks to a month. I know it really sucks that we have been waiting this long but we now know it can't be too much longer. They have also taken Jason Callahan's sister's dna to also test so they now have dna from both parents. Everyone please keep their family in your thoughts as this is much harder on them. -LESHA"

In the comments, people were asking why it's taking so long when the escaped prisoners' DNA took 48 hours. His half sister, SC, explained:
***spelling and grammar is true to quote
"the dna is also in texas, hes from s.c.- and it happened in virginia; so theirs a lot of departments (police, medical examiners etc) who are working together; that coupled with the fact it was 20 yrs ago & the number of other numerous cold cases, makes this take forever; Also, only having dna from his mother may make it harder to test (its only half of his dna); i hope when i call my county's medical examiners office again tomorrow they can tell me where to submit my dna. I will then take the 2 second test and hope that since we shared the same father, that it will give the other half to conclusively prove (or disprove) that jason is the grateful doe."
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I do not have GDF's DNA info, so I do not know where it is stored. From memory, I believe UNT had it. I know Lesha called the ME, but from my experience with Helen Green being compared to FLEK as well as Tammy Jo Alexander being compared to Cali; we had the rule in/out with the processed. Tammy's DNA also showed complete when it was done, the ME had the results & wanted one more test done for 100% accuracy because Pam & Tammy have different fathers. That test took one week.

My opinion is the ME already knows the answer & he is going to make the call on the 20th anniversary June 26th.
So we will see in a few days.

BTW, anyone wondering what's taking so long, UNT has a backup. What used to take 2 months now takes 5 & 6 months for processing.

I hope so! His mom is probably chomping at the bit. I know I'd be.
I'm clueless what is going on. I was sure they would call it today!

Me too! I don't know how in tune the LE/ME folks are with the Grateful Dead scene, but it would also be poetically bittersweet if they called it on the 20th anniversary of Jerry's death, but surely it won't be another 6 weeks.
Surely the surviving band members are aware of Grateful Doe. I was thinking that ME/LE may announce something on July 3, or 5th. July 3,4, and 5 are the dates of this year's last performances of the surviving members of the band. They will be performing in Chicago.
July 3rd will be 20 years since my grandmother was killed in a car accident. Today really had me thinking about her.

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The surviving members also played this passed weekend in Santa Carla.. I don't think the band will have anything to do with this announcement.
I spoke to the daughter of a missing woman; her DNA was processed in 15 weeks, now it's on to comparison of a KY Jane Doe. What I think may be happening is they made a new department to do comparisons to make things not take as long because UNT hold Jason & GDF's DNA. Thankfully Carl had it saved - see below

Help Find Rebecca Pauline Gary Missing December27, 1988 23 hrs
The tests are complete so we are just waiting on them to compare the DNA to Kentucky Doe so please say a prayer for our family.

GDF DNA Complete and entered below nucDNA Location Other
Describe location Virginia Department of Forensic Science
Reference # C95-7515
Lab ORI sample to UNT for mtDNA

Complete and entered below
Type mtDNA
Location CA DOJ (Jan Bashinski Laboratory)
Reference # FS C95-7515
Lab ORI Comments - mtDNA from tissue block entered into Ca Missing Persons DNA Database and National Unidentified Persons DNA Index

RSA Reed note 6/27/2013: confirmation of NDIS status from Amanda McDavid, CIS
CA Department of Justice Missing Persons DNA Program
i thought for sure we would have an answer one way or another by now. if this somehow isnt a match i hope there is at least renewed momentum in finding his name!
Just spent a few days in Myrtle Beach, thought about this case a lot during the week. I really believe JPC will be our Jason and it hit me, he was probably heading home. So sad. Hope the family gets answers soon.
I spoke to the daughter of a missing woman; her DNA was processed in 15 weeks, now it's on to comparison of a KY Jane Doe. What I think may be happening is they made a new department to do comparisons to make things not take as long because UNT hold Jason & GDF's DNA. Thankfully Carl had it saved - see below

Help Find Rebecca Pauline Gary Missing December27, 1988 23 hrs

GDF DNA Complete and entered below nucDNA Location Other
Describe location Virginia Department of Forensic Science
Reference # C95-7515
Lab ORI sample to UNT for mtDNA

Complete and entered below
Type mtDNA
Location CA DOJ (Jan Bashinski Laboratory)
Reference # FS C95-7515
Lab ORI Comments - mtDNA from tissue block entered into Ca Missing Persons DNA Database and National Unidentified Persons DNA Index

RSA Reed note 6/27/2013: confirmation of NDIS status from Amanda McDavid, CIS
CA Department of Justice Missing Persons DNA Program

Really do not understand what's going on. My opinion has been that the ME has the comparison since Tammy's memorial service, June 10th. I don't know why it wasn't called on GDF's 20th anniversary June 26. Here we are now August 19th, still no word; both NamUs profiles are still online, yet Jason has not been added to GDF's rule out list. *Note, going to add this to a few threads...

Jason's NamUs Date entered 1/13/2015 - DNA processed 6/10/2015

The following 233 people have been ruled out as being this decedent:
First Name Last Name Year of Birth State LKA
Michael Adams 1969 Texas
Matt Amon 1951 Idaho
Orin Anderson 1956 Wisconsin
Steven Anderson 1957 New Jersey
Michael Andrews 1974 Maryland
Steve Arrowood 1956 North Carolina
Michael Askren 1964 California
Michael Azzaro 1976 California
Mark Bachelder 1957 Texas
Lindsay Baker 1971 North Carolina
Brian Barrett 1976 Minnesota
Jesse Barton 1972 Washington
Dean Bechtold 1973 Nebraska
Anthony Beirnes 1968 Washington
David Bell 1967 Kentucky
Jason Bevins 1971 Nebraska
Christian Boldt 1967 California
Stephen Bovard 1962 Louisiana
Gerald Bradshaw 1960 Virginia ------- Jason Callahan would go here
Benjamin Cannon 1974 Nebraska
Francis Cantea 1955 Washington
Arthur Carver III 1962 Florida
Michael Causley 1962 California
Rogelio Cerda 1959 Texas
Steven Chait 1951 New York
Russell Chase 2008 Georgia
Jeffery Chisholm 1975 California
Robert Christian 1959 Wisconsin
Christopher Clark 1965 Kansas
Bobby Clyatt 1942 Florida
James Cole 1972 Maryland
Mark Collman 1957 Illinois
Kevin Conner 1958 Washington
William Cordes 1968 California
LEON CORRIVEAU 1965 Massachusetts
Robert Corriveau 1947 Pennsylvania
Harold Covey 1956 Michigan
Donald Curtiss 1951 Arizona
Kenneth Daily 1968 Washington
Noel Dalluge 1969 Minnesota
Mitchell Darlington 1965 Washington
Roger Day 1958 Maine
John Deeny 1953 Minnesota
John Degnan III 1960 Florida
Fabian Del Rosario 1967 Colorado
Ronald Duck Jr. 1973 Mississippi
Earl Dunckel 1971 New York
Ernie Earls 1965 Arkansas
James Egan 1954 Wisconsin
Paul Egan 1957 Florida
Roger Ellison 1963 Colorado
Kevin Ellsworth 1963 Minnesota
Rickey Enochs 1959 Missouri
ANDREW EWING 1956 California
Bruce Falconer 1959 North Dakota
Bryan Fisher 1966 Pennsylvania
Bryan Fleeman 1974 Michigan
Duane Fochtman 1971 Oregon
Daniel Fools 1963 South Carolina
Clay Foreman 1960 Missouri
David Galvan 1973 Texas
Anthony Garcia 1972 Pennsylvania
Matthew Garnes 1968 Washington
Michael Gaughan 1957 Texas
David Gionet 1964 Michigan
Lou Goettsch 1959 Texas
Lou Goettsch 1959 Texas
Daniel Goldman 1948 Florida
Douglas Goodwin 1972 New York
Oded Gordon 1970 New Hampshire
John Gosch 1969 Iowa
Brian Grocki 1975 Michigan
William Gunn 1969 Oregon
Joseph Gutierrez 1967 Michigan
Kenneth Hanson 1936 Washington
Raymond Harris 1951 Nebraska
Christopher Harvey 1969 Colorado
Jon Haynes 1962 Colorado
Joseph Helt 1969 New York
James Hendrickson 1979 Arizona
Bernardo Hernandez - Lopez 1973 California
Bernardo Hernando-Lopez 1973 California
Scott Hilbert 1969 Ohio
Jason Hill 1975 Texas
Mark Himebaugh Unknown New Jersey
James Hires 1963 New Jersey
Richard Hitchcock 1969 Michigan
Daniel Hoffer 1955 California
Gus Hoffman 1958 California
Brian Hooks 1966 South Carolina
Anthony Horner 1970 California
Bernard Hudalla 1961 Minnesota
Keith Humenik 1969 California
Raymond Hunley 1963 Indiana
James Hysong 1972 Ohio
David Jaramillo 1964 Utah
Reed Jeppson 1949 Utah
Frank Johnson Unknown Utah
Larry Johnson 1968 North Carolina
Brian Jones 1964 California
Brian Jones 1960 Florida
Danny Jones 1959 Texas
Andrew Karis 1973 Pennsylvania
Robert Keck 1963 Pennsylvania
Robert Kellar 1969 Iowa
Dale KELLEY 1960 California
Christopher Kerze 1973 Minnesota
John Kinsora 1963 Arizona
Johnny Kline 1967 California
Charles Koch 1963 Ohio
Phillip Koss 1970 Florida
John Koziatek 1958 Ohio
John Krafft III 1971 Kansas
Ronald Kruska 1960 California
Ronald La Valley 1968 California
Steven Lamb 1950 Oregon
Randall Leach 1960 Wisconsin
Andy Lepley 1957 Colorado
Rodney Longman 1965 Nebraska
Gordon Lopez 1964 Oregon
Richardo Lupicero 1967 California
Roger Madison 1953 California
Henri Maillard V 1973 Washington
Dennis Mann 1959 Mississippi
Michael Mansfield 1956 Illinois
Sergio Martinez 1975 New Mexico
Tony Martinez 1959 New Mexico
Alvin Matlock 1930 Washington
Harold Mays 1959 North Carolina
Michael McLaughlin 1954 New York
Charles McNeely Unknown New Jersey
Shawn McNeese 1971 Ohio
Jamie Meadows 1972 Indiana
Andrew Memmelaar 1958 Kansas
Patrick Merrill 1966 New Hampshire
Thomas Meuse 1956 New York
MARTIN MILLER 1962 Connecticut
Richard Miller Jr 1963 Virginia
Gregory Mitchell 1965 Florida
James Monti 1977 Oregon
Glenn Morris 1936 California
Scott Morris 1963 Indiana
Teddy Morris 1964 California
Shanti Motry 1973 Colorado
Thomas Mullen Unknown Florida
Gary Mullinax 1954 Arkansas
Joseph Muniz 1972 Minnesota
Daniel Naylor 1968 California
Alvin Nelson 1944 Utah
Darrel Nichols 1955 Utah
George Nutting 1968 Delaware
Michael Olson 1959 Florida
Brian Page 1958 Oregon
Gordon Page Unknown Michigan
Norman Pappas 1973 California
Robert Parks 1961 Arizona
Timothy Parry 1970 Utah
Erik Patchin 1973 Florida
Robert Pedicini 1959 New York
James Peters 1969 California
Sean Phelan 1960 California
Robert Pillsen-Rahier 1974 Colorado
Richard Powell 1966 Texas
Norman Prater 1956 Texas
Jay Pringle 1959 Oregon
Thomas Pulaski 1967 Texas
Blake Pursley 1979 California
Travis Randall 1970 Idaho
Robin Reed 1979 California
David Rees 1962 Florida
Lloyd Reese 1971 Utah
Jason Reynolds 1975 Montana
Jason Reynolds 1975 Montana
Brandon Robbins 1962 New Jersey
Jimmy Robinson 1955 Oklahoma
Froilan Rosales 1974 California
Douglas Rubin 1957 New York
Mario Saavedra 1965 New Jersey
Mario Sanchez 1973 Colorado
Chipley Sanders 1971 Kentucky
Jeffrey Sayre 1964 California
Jason Scholz 1968 Washington
Roger Schwerman 1974 California
Vincent Sclafani 1959 California
Randy Sellers 1962 Kentucky
Steven Shimota 1963 Minnesota
Aron Silverman 1976 Virginia
Aron Silverman 1976 Virginia
Douglas Simmons 1970 North Carolina
Jack Simmons Unknown Utah
Stewart Simmons 1961 California
Donald Siskar 1954 Washington
Keith Sparrow 1972 California
Joseph Spears 1956 Mississippi
Jeffrey Spruill 1973 Virginia
Robert Spurlock 1962 Hawaii
Farren Stanberry 1961 Oregon
Tom Starkel 1960 California
Jeffrey Stinnett 1956 Michigan
Perry Stokes 1962 Kentucky
Kenneth Stott 1962 Texas
Darold Stryffeler 1966 Oregon
Virgil Tackett 1968 Alaska
Duane Talmon 1958 New York
Ronald Tammen 1933 Ohio
Christopher Temple 1972 Michigan
James Tennison 1974 Minnesota
David Thies 1963 New York
John Thompson 1956 California
Dean Thoms 1966 Arizona
Dana Torgeson 1965 Washington
John Troha 1963 Michigan
Michael Troyer 1973 California
David Tuzo Unknown South Carolina
Chance Wackerhagen 1984 Texas
John Wagner 1951 Missouri
David Warner 1971 Tennessee
David Watson 1958 Virginia
Mitchel Weiser 1956 New York
Mitchel Weiser 1956 New York
Christopher Wells 1956 Washington
Charles West 1957 Texas
Matthew West 1965 Iowa
Chester Wetmore 1971 Florida
George Willison 1952 Florida
Christopher Winkler 1967 Wisconsin
Timothy Winter 1968 Minnesota
Mark Woodard 1955 Florida
Danney Woosley 1965 Nevada
Jesse Wooten 1972 New Mexico
Mitchell Zimny Unknown Washington
my heart stops for half a second after i sign in as the WS homepage loads up because i think maybe, just maybe, this will be the day there is a big yellow banner at the top saying Grateful Doe has a name.

Guess today is not that day.
This is extremely frustrating. Wish I could think of some logical reason why this is taking so long. :(
I am wondering if the authorities already know, and the family knows, but for some reason don't want the information releasing. I honestly fail to see how it can possibly have taken nearly a year to process a DNA match.

I previously mentioned a recent Scottish case where DNA came back in 4 days, so it aint a sciencey reason that this one has taken soooooo long. And yeah I know there might be backlogs but this system seems outrageously unjust, especially for families waiting for news.
Eventually they would have to take the profiles down on Namus. As of today they're both still active.
i really hope they are not withholding the match for any reason. looking at that list of rule outs, all i can think about is how many of those families are still looking for their son/brother/friend. intentionally clogging the system with profiles of UIDs who are actually ID'd is just a cruel thing to do for people who are desperately searching for a loved one whose stats match Jason.

that being said, i agree with everything you said.
Jason Callahan's sister (half-sister? Unsure) posted in the Jason Doe Facebook group a week or so ago that the family has still not heard anything, either.

I am worried maybe they discovered some problem with the DNA sample, and as a result, it's impossible/much harder to know for sure. Or does the fact they've ruled out so many other people mean the DNA is definitely solid?
Don't think I've ever posted here but I have seen the latest developments and hope so much for news of a resolution. Cmon dna etc [emoji256]
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