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Notice of Cancellation of Deposition of Casey Marie Anthony.
Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez.
(Shuker, R) (Entered: 01/21/2014)

filed by Zenaida’s attorney R. Scott Shuker
Filed January 21, 2014
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Deposition of CASEY MARIE ANTHONY scheduled Thursday, January 23, 2014, at 1:30pm, at the offices of J. CHENEY MASON, Esq, 250 Park Avenue South, Suite 200, Winter Park, Florida 32789. is hereby CANCELLED.


Zenaida's attorney had to file the Notice of the cancellation, because Zenaida's attorney, Scott Shuker, was doing the depo.

I hope the depo was cancelled because it was NOT FAIR for Cheney Mason to only sit in on the depo and disrupt it, but then not be her attorney in any of the other Zenaida case events, or in the overall bankruptcy case.
I hope the judge said NO to Cheney Mason being at the depo [ONLY].

The depo was scheduled to be done at CHENEY MASON's offices -- so, it has something to do with Cheney Mason being involved, that it got cancelled. The location had NOT been previously released to the public -- only the date and time.
The location was NOT known to be at Mason's offices, until the Notice of Cancellation was filed.


I have learned the "Cancellation" of the Casey Anthony Depo, by Zenaida's attorney Scott Shuker -- is actually a "RESCHEDULE" under a separate Notice.


An attorney from Zenaida's attorney, Scott Shuker, Law Firm of "Latham, Shuker, Eden & Beaudine" has filed a Notice of Appearance, so he can help Mr. Shuker fight for Zenaida - Attorney John B. Dorris.

Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice as Additional Counsel Filed by John B Dorris on behalf of Plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez.
(Entered: 01/22/2014)
Not only is Zenaida NOT giving up on her case against Casey Anthony -- now Zenaida's team has ADDED two more attorneys to help in the battle!
Keith Mitnick and John B. Dorris helping Zenaida, along with Scott Shuker.

Keith Mitnick of the Morgan & Morgan law firm has joined the bankruptcy case. Mitnick has fought the battle in State Court in the original filing of the Zenaida lawsuit.

Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice as Additional Counsel for Keith Mitnick, Esq., Morgan & Morgan. Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez. (Shuker, R) (Entered: 01/23/2014)


An attorney from Zenaida’s attorney, Scott Shuker, Law Firm of “Latham, Shuker, Eden & Beaudine” has filed a Notice of Appearance, so he can help Mr. Shuker fight for Zenaida – Attorney John B. Dorris.

Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice as Additional Counsel Filed by John B Dorris on behalf of Plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez.
(Entered: 01/22/2014)


Follow-up EMAIL from Zenaida's attorney R. Scott Shuker, to a member of the public, regarding the DEPOSITION being RESCHEDULED.

"R. Scott Shuker
Just to be clear, it is rescheduled for a different date and time but the details are not public information."
Originally Posted by Pattymarie in Sidebar:

This was on Jan. 23, 2014. Just now in the news!

"Gonzalez: Casey Anthony refused to answer deposition questions
Casey Anthony was deposed recently at the law office of Cheney Mason, motion says.",0,6608234.story?sdsdea

Motion to Compel Defendant's/Debtor's Responses to Deposition Questions with Incorporated Memorandum of Law
Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez.

(Shuker, R) (Entered: 02/11/2014)

The deposition was done, or attempted to be done, on January 23, 2014, at Cheney Mason's office - but it was a secret from the public.

The deposition has been set for January 23, 2014 at 1:30pm – but was cancelled – and RESCHEDULED for the same day [different time].

Casey Anthony refused to answer approximately 20 questions and gave no substantive explanation.
Cheney Mason improperly instructed Casey Anthony not to answer specific questions, based on relevance and/or the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimation.

“Relevance” is not a ground to instruct a client not to answer a question.

She claimed the Fifth Amendment privilege, WITHOUT an actual or threatened criminal action, and this is improper. Casey has not said what specific criminal proceeding she fears is likely or imminent.

Without a valid claim of Fifth Amendment privilege, Cheney Mason does not have the right to instruct Casey Anthony not to answer deposition questions.
It is not Cheney Mason’s decision to rule on objections to questions.

Casey Anthony has the burden of establishing a lack of relevancy, undue burden, or a protective privilege [Fifth Amendment], with a detailed explanation.

Zenaida wants the Judge to award SANCTIONS against Cheney Mason for violating Rules, and pay expenses and attorney fees, and court reporter costs.

Casey Anthony wants the TRANSCRIPT of the depo sealed, but Zenaida’s attorneys sees no reason for such secrecy. Casey’s attorneys have not filed any Motion asking the Judge to seal it. Zenaida will wait until 7 business days prior to a Hearing on the Motion to Compel, to file the transcript. If there is no ORDER requiring a sealing of the transcript by such deadline, Zenaida will file the transcript.

Zenaida wants a Court ORDER compelling Casey Anthony to answer.
Motion to Compel Defendant's/Debtor's Responses to Deposition Questions with Incorporated Memorandum of Law
Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez.

(Shuker, R) (Entered: 02/11/2014)

The deposition was done, or attempted to be done, on January 23, 2014, at Cheney Mason's office - but it was a secret from the public.

The deposition has been set for January 23, 2014 at 1:30pm – but was cancelled – and RESCHEDULED for the same day [different time].

Casey Anthony refused to answer approximately 20 questions and gave no substantive explanation.
Cheney Mason improperly instructed Casey Anthony not to answer specific questions, based on relevance and/or the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimation.

“Relevance” is not a ground to instruct a client not to answer a question.

She claimed the Fifth Amendment privilege, WITHOUT an actual or threatened criminal action, and this is improper. Casey has not said what specific criminal proceeding she fears is likely or imminent.

Without a valid claim of Fifth Amendment privilege, Cheney Mason does not have the right to instruct Casey Anthony not to answer deposition questions.
It is not Cheney Mason’s decision to rule on objections to questions.

Casey Anthony has the burden of establishing a lack of relevancy, undue burden, or a protective privilege [Fifth Amendment], with a detailed explanation.

Zenaida wants the Judge to award SANCTIONS against Cheney Mason for violating Rules, and pay expenses and attorney fees, and court reporter costs.

Casey Anthony wants the TRANSCRIPT of the depo sealed, but Zenaida’s attorneys sees no reason for such secrecy. Casey’s attorneys have not filed any Motion asking the Judge to seal it. Zenaida will wait until 7 business days prior to a Hearing on the Motion to Compel, to file the transcript. If there is no ORDER requiring a sealing of the transcript by such deadline, Zenaida will file the transcript.

Zenaida wants a Court ORDER compelling Casey Anthony to answer.

HEARING on Zenaida’s Motion to Compel answers from Casey deposition
March 4, 2014 at 10:30am in Tampa bankruptcy court.

Notice of Hearing on Motion to Compel Defendant’s/Debtor’s Responses to Deposition Questions with Incorporated Memorandum of Law

Hearing scheduled for 3/4/2014 at 10:30 AM at Tampa, FL – Courtroom 9B, Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse, 801 N. Florida Avenue.
(Entered: 02/14/2014)


Zenaida’s attorney Shuker, said he would wait until 7 days before this Hearing to file the TRANSCRIPT to the deposition, if Casey’s attorney(s) have not filed a Motion to SEAL the Transcript by then, by February 24, 2014.
Here is the Transcript which Zenaida's attorney Mr. Shuker filed today.

Transcript = 107 pages

Notice = 2 pages

And the official ORDER for the Zenaida Pretrial Hearing on April 29, 2014 at 1:30pm in Tampa.

Parties in the ZENAIDA case must file their Motions for Summary Judgment by March 21, 2014.

In the ZENAIDA case Responses to Motions for Summary Judgment shall be filed on or before (21) days from filing of the Motion for Summary Judgment.
ZENAIDA's attorney Shuker, filed a Supplement to his Motion to Compel Casey Anthony to answer the Deposition questions, and listed the specific questions at issue.

Supplemental Motion to Compel Defendant's/Debtor's Responses to Deposition Questions
Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez
(Entered: 02/26/2014)
A sad tribute for a murdered child: Memorial site for Casey Anthony's daughter Caylee lies abandoned and overgrown

Distressing pictures have been released showing Caylee Anthony's neglected memorial site that was meant to commemorate the little girl's life.
And while Casey Anthony's legal and financial worries mount, the memorial site for her daughter sits abandoned and overgrown, with a fallen tree nearly destroying a cross erected to mark site where body was found.
The official ORDER on the KRONK case, from the Hearing on January 14, 2014, was filed today.


Agreed Pre-Trial Order and Order Denying Debtor/Defendant's [Casey Anthony] Motion to Dismiss paragraphs 12E and 12F of Amended Complaint and Continuing Pretrial Hearing
Hearing scheduled for 9/30/2014 at 01:30 PM at Tampa, FL - Courtroom 9B, Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse, 801 N. Florida Avenue.

Hearing was on January 14, 2014
Casey wanted to DISMISS paragraphs 12e and 12f in Kronk’s Amended Complaint to Determine Dischargeability of Debt, filed Nov 26, 2013, as stated in Casey’s Answer and Affirmative defenses filed on January 13, 2014 [one day before the Hearing].
Casey’s Motion to DISMISS was DENIED.

Parties must file their Motions for Summary Judgment by August 22, 2014.
Responses to Motions for Summary Judgment shall be filed (21) days from filing of the Motion.
PreTrial Hearing is set for September 30, 2014 at 1:30pm in Tampa – where the Judge will also consider any pending Motion for Summary Judgment and KRONK’s Motion to Determine Non-Core Elements of KRONK’s Complaint.

Casey said that claims made in paragraphs 12e and 12f should be DISMISSED because they do not state who made the statement, when it was made and to whom it was made.
The Judge DENIED Casey’s Motion to DISMISS these paragraphs.

“12. The criminal investigation into the disappearance of Caylee Anthony and Casey Anthony’s subsequent Criminal Trial was well-publicized. During that time, Casey Anthony through her attorneys, who acted as her agents, published false and defamatory statements about Kronk. The false and defamatory statements about Kronk were made out of court and the publications occurred in the public arena, in almost every media format imaginable and were broadcast and/or published across the country, if not the globe, via the Internet, the news print media, and national television shows. The specific defamatory statements are as follows:...”

12e – “On or about December 7, 2009, it was widely reported in national publications that Casey Anthony through her attorneys Baez, Kenny Baden and Lyon stated:
1. Meter reader killed Caylee;
2. Kronk has a list of prior crimes;
3. Kronk was involved with inappropriate behavior with young girls;
4. Kronk was involved with holding women against their will;
5. Kronk used duct tape against a woman to hold her against her will;
6. Casey Anthony knows that Kronk killed Caylee;
7. Kronk has a history of abusing women; and
8. Kronk lives in a world of fantasy and violence.

12f - “On or about December 23 or 24, 2010, Baez stated and republished to WKMG Channel 6 news that the defense team is not backing off the above statements and from their position that Kronk was the killer. He further stated and republished to WKMG Channel 6 news that the defense would not be backing off from any statements made in its “Motion in Limine to Introduce Prior Bad Acts and Other Circumstantial Evidence Pertaining to Roy M. Kronk”. Baez said that any claim that the defense team was backing off [from Kronk] is 100% false. Such public statements by Baez as Defendant’s attorney and agent, to the general public publishes and renews the above previous out-of-court statements made by the defense team in televised interviews with news stations.”

Filed November 26, 2013
Filed March 21, 2014
Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony

On the last minutes of the exact DEADLINE date for filing Motion for Summary Judgment in the ZENAIDA case, Casey Anthony’s attorney does NOT file the required MOTION – but rather files a request for an extension of time to file the Motion, and wants the scheduled date for the next Hearing of April 29, 2014, to be extended.

He wants two more weeks, until April 4, 2014, to file the Motion, because he says his assistant had a medical emergency keeping her out of work for several weeks, and he has not prepared or filed the Motion.

He also needs more documents from the State Court defamation case.

He says that Zenaida’s attorney has no objection the requested two week extension.
Motion to Extend Time To Respond To Plaintiff's Amended First Set Of Request For Admissions And Amended First Set Of Interrogatories
Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony
(Schrader, David) (Entered: 03/31/2014)

Casey wants more time to Respond to KRONK’s Request for Admissions and Interrogatories because:

- Unforeseen events – wants additional two weeks to file Responses – until April 13, 2014.

- Kronk served Casey with the Amended First Set of Interrogatories and Amended First Set of Request for Admissions on February 28, 2014, and the Responses from Casey would be due within 30 days – on March 31, 2014 [Casey's attorney filed the request for more time on the last day of the DEADLINE].

- Casey’s attorney Schrader says his assistant had a medical emergency and has been out of work for several weeks, so Schrader has fallen behind on preparation and filing of Casey’s Responses to Kronk.

- Casey’s attorney Schrader has to get additional documents and information from Casey’s previous attorneys who represented her in the State court criminal and civil actions [Baez, Mason, Greene, Chmelir, Ferwerda ....]

- Kronk’s attorney has not discussed this with Casey’s attorney Schrader.
Casey's attorney Schrader says Kronk would not be prejudiced by this extension and no other court dates need to be amended. This is Schrader’s first request for an extension on Kronk’s discovery requests.

NOTE: This document was sent by Casey’s attorney Schrader, to Kronk’s attorney Howard Marks, and to Zenaida’s attorney Scott Shuker, and to “Cheny Masson” – but NOT to Charles Greene or Andrew Chmelir or Debra Ferwerda .....
All previous documents had been sent to Charles M. Greene, as Casey Anthony’s attorney.
Did Charles Greene QUIT when Ferwerda QUIT on November 26, 2013?

The last filing in the ZENAIDA case, filed on March 21, 2014 – was sent to Casey’s attorney J. Cheney Mason [NOT to Charles M. Greene or any other attorneys for Casey].
Looks like David Schrader and Cheney Mason are the only attorneys representing Casey Anthony at this time.
Second Motion to Extend Time For Debtor/Defendant To File Motion For Summary Judgement
Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony
(Entered: 04/05/2014)

- Casey’s attorney Schrader asked for and received his first request for more time to file Motion for Summary Judgment – due April 4, 2014.
Schrader says he could not get a complete transcript of Casey’s jailhouse conversation with her parents on July 25, 2008 – asking for additional 3 business days from receipt of the transcript to file Motion for Summary Judgment.

The transcript is not in the State Court File and only Zenaida’s attorney Keith Mitnik has the transcript. Mitnik agreed to give Schrader the transcript but mistakenly gave him two transcripts of conversations by Casey, which are not the jailhouse conversation transcript.

Schrader has hearings and meetings on April 7th and 8th – so that is why he is requesting the three business day extension. [until April 9th]

Schrader says the parties have 21 days from the filing of the Motion for Summary Judgment [on April 9th] to file an ANSWER to it.
The Hearing set for April 29, 2014 will have to be rescheduled.

This document was sent to: Zenaida’s attorneys R. Scott Shuker, John B. Dorris, Keith R. Mitnik, and to ONE of Casey’s other attorney J. Cheney Mason.[NOT to Charles Greene]

April 16, 2014

Third Motion to Extend Time For Debtor/Defendant To File Motion For Summary Judgement
Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony

Casey’s attorney David Schrader is asking for a THIRD extension of time to file their Motion for Summary Judgment.
His excuse this time is that he had “computer issues” and he could not access documents.

The Motion for Summary Judgment was originally due March 21st, then extended to April 4th, then extended to April 9th, but he did not get the jail visit video until April 10th, so then the Motion was due on April 15th, but now her attorney wants the due date extended to April 18th because of his “computer issues”.

On April 5th, Schrader was informed that there is no transcript, but that a video of the jail visit is available. The video was mailed to Schrader and he received it on April 10th – making Casey’s Motion for Summary Judgment
due April 15, 2014.

Schrader says he had “computer issues” on April 14th and 15th, so he couldn’t work on the Motion for Summary Judgment. He is asking for 3 additional days due to his computer malfunction, due April 18th.

NOTE: In the KRONK case, Schrader asked for more time to file Casey’s Responses to Kronk’s Request for Admissions and Interrogatories, being due April 13, 2014 – the Responses have not been filed as of April 16, 2014, and NO additional request for more time, and no excuses offered.
Casey's attorney files FOURTH request for more time!

Fourth Motion to Extend Time For Debtor/Defendant To File Motion For Summary Judgement Nunc Pro Tunc to April 4, 2014
Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony (Entered: 04/18/2014)

Casey’s attorney David Schrader asks for more time, for the FOURTH time, because he had computer issues and could not access the draft of the Motion for Summary Judgment and court documents and could not finish the Motion.

In his THIRD request for more time he only asked for (3) additional days from April 15th, but he was unaware of how extensive his computer issues were.

He had a computer virus, and it took until 4:00pm on April 17th to repair.
Schrader is now asking for a further extension through and inclusive of Friday, April 25, 2014.

Zenaida’s attorneys will have 21 days after that to file their Response to the Motion for Summary Judgment.

Status Conference only on April 29, 2014 at 1:30pm in Tampa. No Motions ruled on.
If you missed the iHeart True Crime Radio Show with Dr. James Fallon you can listen by CLICKING HERE

Casey Anthony is one of the many true crime topics Dr. Fallon discussed.

I barely say anything which makes it a very interesting interview :) Dr. Fallon does most of the talking and we barely touched the surface of the topic of Psychopaths and crime.

One other thing...Dr. Fallon is also a psychopath.
Here is Casey Anthony's Motion for Summary Judgment in the ZENAIDA case -- which took FOUR extensions of time to finally get filed.

Motion For Summary Judgment Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony
(Entered: 04/25/2014)

For all of the reasons set forth above, this Court should enter summary judgment in favor of Casey Anthony, dismissing the Complaint with prejudice, and awarding Ms. Anthony costs and such other relief as is just and appropriate. This fictional play, set in a theatre of the absurd, has run all too long, needlessly wasting judicial resources. Plaintiff’s efforts to dress herself up in the “nanny’s” costume, when reviewed by this Court in its natural sense without a forced or strained construction, McCormick, 139 So.2d at 200 (Fla. 1962), is pitiable, not actionable.

ELECTRONICALLY FILED this day, the 25th day of April, 2014.

David L. Schrader

Zenaida's attorney has 21 days to file a Response to this - by May 16, 2014.

Status Conference in the Zenaida case on April 29, 2014 at 1:30pm in Tampa.

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