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DNA Solves
II can't get this to open...might be my there another link? Very interesting.
Response to /in Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss
Filed by Howard S. Marks on behalf of Plaintiff Roy (Entered: 10/25/2013)

Casey, through her agents, made public comments to the media, outside of the courtroom, which defamed Kronk, accusing him of the murder among other things. There is no dispute that Defendant was well aware that Kronk was not involved in the murder of Defendant’s daughter.

Much of Casey’s Motion to Dismiss consists of ad hominem attacks against Kronk, the exact type of statements which led to this Complaint in the first place.

Casey’s Motion to Dismiss boils down to 3 distinct arguments.
1 – since the statements were made by agents, Kronk is legally barred from relief
2 – Kronk has not plead his allegations with sufficient particularity
3 – all the alleged defamatory statements are protected by the litigation privilege

No showing of malice is required where a statement is considered actionable per se.
A communication is actionable per se... if it imputes to another... a criminal offence amounting to a felony ... or conduct, characteristics or a condition imcompatible with the proper exercise of his lawful business, trade, profession or office...

It is well established that under Section 523(a)(6) of the Bankruptcy Code, the intentional tort of defamation may constitute “willful and malicious injury by the debtor to another entity”, as long as the Debtor knew the published statements were false.”

Kronk says that Casey authorized, adopted, and permitted her agents to make numerous defamatory and false statements, statements about Kronk, statements published to the media, statements alleging Kronk was guilty of a felony, and statements that damaged Kronk’s reputation. Kronk alleges, and the Criminal Trial made clear, that Casey knew all along that these statements were false. attorney is an agent of a client whom he represents...
...a client can be liable for his attorney making defamatory statements ... to the news

Casey says she cannot be denied a discharge based on the alleged willful and malicious statements of an agent.
Kronk uses other law to say that Casey’s liability for those “willful and malicious” statements is still non-dischargeable, because Casey was aware of the actions, and the actions took place during the Casey-Bae as her agent relationship, and the actions were taken on Casey’s behalf, and Casey did nothing about the actions.

Kronk says Casey actively instructed, adopted, and permitted her agents [Baez and others] to make defamatory statements about Kronk even though Casey knew these statements were false.

...Kronk itemized twelve statements representing the gist of the false and defamatory statements, which were made to the media, including national television shows, and were broadcast and/or published across the country.

Statements made to the newspapers or press conferences are not part of a judicial proceeding. Statements made to the world at large through a website accusing a person of fraud and perpetrating a hoax on the public are not steps in the judicial process or part of a judicial proceeding.

If the judge is inclined to grant Casey’s Motion to Dismiss, Kronk requests the dismissal be without prejudice to Kronk’s ability to amend his Complaint.
Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 5h
Casey lost! Casey Anthony will have to defend herself in court against 2 defamation lawsuits! #CaseyAnthony
This is not an official ORDER, only a "Memo" to state what the Judge ruled in the Hearing on Nov 5, 2013.

Next Hearing for Zenaida and Kronk is January 14, 2014 at 11:00am in Tampa.

Kronk gets to AMEND his Complaint.

Casey's Motion to Dismiss Zenaida and Kronk cases is DENIED.
Casey has 21 days from when the official ORDER is filed, to ANSWER the DENIED Order.

Casey's attorneys Schrader and Ferwerda got SANCTIONS of $ 500 to be paid to Zenaida's attorney Shuker within 30 days.

Casey's Motion for Protective Order [to stop the deposition] was DENIED without prejudice.

Hearing Proceeding Memo:
Howard Marks, [for Kronk]
David Schrader [for Casey]
Debra Ferwerda [for Casey]

1 - Pretrial on Complaint by Roy Kronk against Casey Marie Anthony
Nature of Suit: [68 (Dischargeability - 523(a)(6), willful and malicious injury)

2 - Motion to Determine Whether Proceeding Core Filed by Michael Nardella on behalf of Plaintiff Roy Kronk

Items 1 and 2 - Cont'd to 1/14/2014 at 11:00 am;
Announced in open court; no further notice given.

3 - Defendant's [Casey's] Motion to Dismiss Complaint
and Response by Plaintiff [Kronk]
Granted in part; denied in part as stated on the record in open court.
This docket entry/document is not an official order of the Court. (Dkt) (Entered: 11/07/2013)


Hearing Proceeding Memo:
David Schrader [for Casey]
Debra Ferwerda [for Casey]
Scott Shuker [for Zenaida]

1 - Pretrial on Complaint by Zenaida Gonzalez against Casey Marie Anthony
Nature of Suit: [68 (Dischargeability - 523(a)(6), willful and malicious injury)

2 - Motion To Determine Non-Core Elements of Complaint Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez

Items 1 and 2 - Cont'd to 1/14/2014 at 11:00 am;
Announced in open court; no further notice given.

3 - Corrective Motion to Dismiss Complaint Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony, and Plaintiff's [Zenaida's] Response
Denied; Defendant [Casey] has 21 days to answer.

Note - Sanctions/costs awarded to Mr. Shuker in the amount of $500 against Mr. Schrader and Ms. Ferwerda, jointly and severally, payable within thirty days.

Motion for Protective Order, doc. #18, denied without prejudice.
This docket entry/document is not an official order of the Court. (Dkt) (Entered: 11/06/2013)

Case No. 2013-CA-013266-O

Nationstar Mortgage LLC has filed a Foreclosure Complaint on Cynthia M. Anthony and George and the Homeowners Assoc and their Insurance company, filed on Nov 4, 2013

owes between $ 50,001 - $ 249,999

NOTE: What did they do with the $ 600,000 from Dr. Phil???
$125K went for legal expenses [to Atty Lippman],
$100K was dispersed to charities when the fund closed down,
and the remaining $375K was in the Anthonys hands [alleged portion went to Casey]


The Anthony's last foreclosure was Feb 22, 2010 by Bank of America.
Records show that the Anthonys bought the house in 1989 for $90,900.
Documents show the couple owes between $50,001 and $249,999.
Anthonys had not made a mortgage payment in nine months. [June 2009]
The Anthonys have owned the Hopespring Drive property since 1989, but four years ago [2006] they refinanced their home for $121,000. According to the filing, they still owe nearly all of that money.
Bank of America said that since June 2009, the Anthonys have failed to make their $785 monthly payments.
Casey's Parents Saved Home From Foreclosure
Posted: 5:44 pm EDT July 28, 2010

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's parents saved their home from foreclosure Wednesday, and it only took them a few months to obtain the same loan modification that other homeowners have pursued for years.

The Anthonys’ attorney said he thinks it’s because both parties wanted to keep the case out of court. If it went to court, it would have created a media frenzy.

Bank of America modified their loan.

“This foreclosure was one of the fastest ones I handled,” said Attorney Mark Lippman.

Lippman, who represents the Anthonys, said it only took four months to settle the issue. They qualified for the federal program called Making Homes Affordable
TES HEARING on Tuesday, Nov 26, 2013 at 11:30 in Tampa, for the bankruptcy judge to approve/grant the AGREED SETTLEMENT between TexasEquuSearch and Casey Anthony.

Motion for Approval of Compromise Settlement With Texas Equusearch Mounted Search and Recovery
Filed by Casey Anthony attorneys

Filed 9/13/2013
Agreed Motion to Continue/Reschedule Hearing On Pretrial Conference
Filed by Peter D. Russin on behalf of Plaintiff Texas Equusearch Mounted Search and Recovery

Order Granting Motion To Continue/Reschedule Hearing Re: Pretrial Conference
Hearing scheduled for 11/26/2013 at 11:30 AM at Tampa, FL - Courtroom 9B, Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse, 801 N. Florida Avenue
Order Granting Motion for Approval of Compromise Settlement With Texas Equusearch Mounted Search and Recovery

Judge approves Casey Anthony’s settlement with Texas EquuSearch
Settlement doesn’t require Anthony to admit liability.,0,4066450.story

By Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel
10:41 a.m. EST, November 26, 2013


Casey Anthony's bankruptcy judge has approved her settlement with Texas EquuSearch, the search-and-recovery group that scoured Central Florida for her daughter in 2008.

Under the terms of the settlement, filed for U.S. Bankruptcy Judge K. Rodney May's approval in October, EquuSearch agreed to drop its complaint, which objected to Anthony's Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Anthony agreed to allow EquuSearch to claim $75,000 as a creditor. However, it appears unlikely EquuSearch will get much, if any, of that money.

The group may get a portion of whatever Anthony's bankruptcy trustee can find in her estate, but the rest of the $75,000 debt is now set to be wiped away when her bankruptcy concludes.
Some of Casey Anthony's Pro Bono attorneys have WITHDRAWN and no longer work for her, after a conflict with Casey Anthony. Her attorney Debra Ferwerda has filed a Motion to Withdraw as Co-Counsel of Record [along with other attorneys who had not filed a Notice of Appearance].

Unopposed Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for Debtor Filed by Debra Ferwerda on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony

Ferwerda files Motion to Withdraw as Co-Counsel of Record for Casey Anthony
Ferwerda files same Motion to Withdraw in Kronk and Zenaida cases


Motion to Extend Time To File Answer Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony

Casey Anthony's attorney David Schrader is left holding the bag after her other attorneys withdraw, and Schrader did not know about the conflict and the withdrawals until Nov 26th, and did not know who was preparing the ANSWER which was due on Nov 26th. Schrader files a Motion for Extension of Time to file an ANSWER to the Judge's DENIED Motion to Dismiss Zenaida's Complaint which was ordered on Nov 5th. Schrader wants ten more days, until Dec 6th to file the ANSWER.

Casey Anthony is seeking additional counsel.


Kronk has filed his AMENDED COMPLAINT


The next ZENAIDA and KRONK HEARING is set for January 14, 2014 at 11:00am in Tampa
bob kealing @bobkealing Dec 3, 2013
Judge allows one of #caseyanthony bankruptcy attorneys to withdraw due to unspecified "conflict" within defense team


Bankruptcy Judge allows FERWERDA to QUIT in both Kronk and Zenaida cases

Order Granting Motion To Withdraw as Co-Counsel for Debtor


Unopposed Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for Debtor Filed by Debra Ferwerda on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony


Motion to Extend Time To File Answer Filed by David L Schrader on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony

regarding Casey's CONFLICT with her TEAM of attorneys
Casey Anthony's parents sell Mount Dora home
By Adrienne Cutway, Orlando Sentinel

12:35 p.m. EST, December 3, 2013,0,

OS is quoting from the RadarOnline article, and the RO article has several ERRORS.

Mr. Alex is alive in a nursing home in Orlando. His Will has not been probated.
Cindy is the Administrator of her mother's Will and estate, but I do not believe the Plesea home was given to Cindy in Shirley Plesea's Will.

Cindy's brother, Rick Plesea, requested a copy of his mother's Will, which looks like he might be questioning Cindy's actions as administrator.


The bankruptcy judge filed the Official ORDER on December 6, 2013, Denying Casey's Motion for Protective Order [regarding the Deposition by Zenaida's attorney Shuker], and officially issued Sanctions on Casey's attorneys.

Same day, the judge filed the Official ORDER Denying Casey's Corrected Motion to Dismiss Zenaida's Complaint.
Judge gave Casey 21 days [from HEARING on Nov 5th] to file an ANSWER, which would have been November 26th.

But, Casey's attorney David Schrader, filed a Request for more time to file the ANSWER because of the CONFLICT and quitting of some of Casey's attorneys. The judge filed the Official Order on December 5th, and gave Casey's attorney until December 6th to file their ANSWER.

Casey's attorney filed their ANSWER on December 6, 2013.



This is Zenaida’s COMPLAINT that Casey’s attorney filed his Defenses to.

Complaint by Zenaida Gonzalez against Casey Marie Anthony.
(Entered: 07/22/2013)


Next Zenaida and Kronk HEARING is January 14, 2014, at 11:00 in Tampa.
Casey Anthony Resurfaces: She Was Secretly Deposed in Civil Lawsuit!
Dec 17, 2013
by Jose Lambiet


It’s another Gossip Extra exclusive: Anthony‘s lawyers lost an attempt to block Anthony’s deposition last month, and Anthony’s day-long grilling, under oath, took place Dec. 6 near Orlando.

“The lawyers on both sides agreed to keep it all very quiet,” said one source familiar with the civil case filed in an Orange County court. “Nobody wanted to make this another media circus like her (Anthony) appearance in bankruptcy court (earlier this year) in Tampa. The judge was in on it, too, and decided to not enter anything about a deposition in the docket.”

Hearing held in Casey Anthony bankruptcy case
January 14, 2014
A hearing was held in Tampa Tuesday in Casey Anthony’s bankruptcy case.

Attorney's for Anthony and Roy Kronk were at the hearing at the federal court house in Tampa.

The hearing was a short one with a new hearing date set for both cases involving Zenaida Gonzalez and Roy Kronk.
Notice of Limited Appearance on behalf of the Debtor(s) in the above-captioned case for the sole purpose of attending the hearing regarding the Debtor/Defendant Deposition scheduled for January 23, 2014 at 1:30 p.m.

Filed by J Cheney Mason on behalf of Defendant Casey Marie Anthony.
(Mason, J) (Entered: 01/14/2014)
ZENAIDA and KRONK moving forward to Trial


- Next Hearing/trial on April 29, 2014 at 1:30pm
- Summary Judgment Motions due by March 21, 2014
- Casey will have 21 days to Respond
- Will be heard same date and time


- Next Hearing/trial on September 30, 2014 at 1:30pm
- Summary Judgment Motions due by August 22, 2014
- Casey will have 21 days to Respond
- Will be heard same date and time
- Casey's Request to DISMISS Kronk's Complaint, in her

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