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The bankruptcy judge has ruled in Casey Anthony's favor [again] and granted her attorney Debra Ferwerda, an extension of time to file an ANSWER to Zenaida and Kronk's new Complaints. [Casey's side had already been given 30 days to file the ANSWER(s), plus they got the 12 extra days since the DEADLINE of August 21st was MISSED, and Ferwerda asked for more time.

The ANSWER(s) are now DUE OCTOBER 3, 2013.
FERWERDA gets 30 more days to ANSWER Zenaida
FERWERDA gets 30 more days to ANSWER Kronk

TexasEquuSearch has a DEADLINE of Sept 4, 2013 [tomorrow] to file their AMENDED COMPLAIN

Published on: September 5, 2013


“Offering money to Casey Anthony for any reason represents a major degradation of our society,” The Rev. Anthony Evans of the National Black Church Initiative, told The ENQUIRER. “It glamorizes the killing of innocent children as well as violence against the human race.

“Anyone who stands to profit from Casey Anthony should be ashamed – and we will call for a boycott of their products, services, sponsors and advertisers!”



Ohio-based TV producer Jake Schalmo of Schalmo Productions offered Casey up to $5 million for interviews

controversial publisher Larry Flynt was willing to pay her $500,000 to pose naked in his *advertiser censored* magazine “Hustler.”

a $1 million proposal from Richard Aaron of Aaron Media Group to sit down for recorded interviews with a therapist.

For a $1 million payday, TV producer Howard Schultz of Lighthearted Entertainment would have put Casey on the FOX game show “The Moment of Truth,” where contestants take lie detector tests and win money for telling the truth.

Enty Lawyer ‏@entylawyer 1h Sept 5, 2013
Casey Anthony offered $2M for *advertiser censored* video.

[Mr. bankruptcy Trustee -- are you seeing these big money offers? Doesn't your $ 25,000 compromise seem very small in comparison?]
Motion for Entry of Default against Casey Marie Anthony
Filed by R Scott Shuker on behalf of Plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez

Zenaida asks for entry of default by the clerk against Casey Anthony for failure to serve an answer within thirty (30) days after the date of issuance of the summons and complaint [ANSWER DUE August 21, 2013].

Complaint and Summons were served by FedEX overnight delivery on July 22, 2013 to Casey's attorneys Debra Ferwerda, and Charles Greene, and David Schrader, and delivered on July 23, 2013, and signed for.

Attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez WITHDREW their Motion for DEFAULT judgment based on the fact that Casey Anthony's attorney(s) did not file their ANSWER to Zenaida and Kronk by the DEADLINE of August 21st -- because the bankruptcy judge ruled in Casey Anthony's favor, and granted her attorney(s) an extension of time for another 30 days.

A lawyer locked in a three-way race for Broward County Judge has gotten help from the best-known member of the Casey Anthony’s defense team – Jose Baez.

Read more here:

Judge Richards: I’ll Fight Hard For Re-Election


August 15, 2013


Richards vows he is not going to be a pushover for Kasen or anybody else.

Kasen - His most notable client: Casey Anthony.
Kasen represented Anthony in the criminal and civil defamation cases early on, getting facetime on CNN. He is close to Anthony’s lead attorney Jose Baez and they are scheduled to try a case together later this year.

Richards’ re-election battle promises to be one of the hottest judicial races next year.

COMMENT under article
Duke says:
August 16th, 2013 at 1:20 pm
Well.. based on what I just read.. followed-up by a quick search at the clerk of courts website (who’s your daddy.. that got your traffic tix dismissed but was nowhere to be found on the battery charge) I would have to conclude that Judge Richards is a man of integrity and honesty. Probably more so then the guy who told us that Casey Anthony had nothing to do with the kids murder. But that’s just me.
Radar Online
Casey Anthony’s Mom Clashes With Woman At Another Yard Sale, Calls Her A ‘Chicken!’ — See The Incident Footage!
Posted on Sep 12, 2013 @ 3:49AM | By Amber Ryland - News Editor

The mother of exonerated ‘Tot Mom’ Casey Anthony stormed a woman at another Anthony-family garage sale — at a prior garage sale they appeared to be selling off their dead granddaughter’s toys and clothes — and the whole debacle has been caught on cellphone footage!,1718886.story

Casey Anthony must testify under oath about Caylee's disappearance, attorney says

"Casey Anthony will not be permitted to plead the 5th as her appeals have now been resolved," Morgan said attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez, who has filed suit against Anthony. "We look forward to getting answers to the questions we have had for a very long time."

The deposition scheduled for Oct. 9 in Tampa is related to Gonzalez's defamation lawsuit.


Matt Morgan ‏@MattMorganESQ 3h
We have successfully set #CaseyAnthony 's deposition. She will not be permitted to take the 5th. One step closer to #Justice !!!!
Matt Morgan ‏@MattMorganESQ 2h
We have successfully set #CaseyAnthony 's deposition. She will not be permitted to take the 5th. One step closer to #Justice !!!!


Casey Anthony must testify under oath about Caylee's disappearance, attorney says

By Desiree Stennett, Orlando Sentinel
9:48 am, September 12, 2013


In less than a month, Casey Anthony will be forced to answer questions that have been a mystery since her daughter went missing in 2008, attorney Matt Morgan confirmed Thursday. [Sept 12, 2013]

"Casey Anthony will not be permitted to plead the 5th as her appeals have now been resolved," Morgan said attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez, who has filed suit against Anthony. "We look forward to getting answers to the questions we have had for a very long time."
The deposition scheduled for Oct. 9 in Tampa is related to Gonzalez's defamation lawsuit.
By Desiree Stennett, Orlando Sentinel
5:36 p.m. EDT, September 12, 2013

In less than a month, Casey Anthony will be forced to answer questions that have been a mystery since her daughter went missing in 2008, attorney Matt Morgan confirmed Thursday.

"Casey Anthony will not be permitted to plead the Fifth as her appeals have now been resolved," Morgan said attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez, who has filed suit against Anthony. "We look forward to getting answers to the questions we have had for a very long time.",0,1718886.story
Agreed Motion to Continue/Reschedule On Pretrial Conference
Filed by Peter D. Russin on behalf of Plaintiff Texas Equusearch Mounted Search and Recovery
(Entered: 09/13/2013)

May 3, 2013 – TES filed Complaint
May 14, 2013 – Court set Pre-Trial Conference for July 2, 2013 at 10:30am
June 3, 2013 – Casey filed Motion to Dismiss TES’ Complaint
July 2, 2013 – HEARING held – Court moved Hearing to Sept 17, 2013 at 2:00pm

Page 2 – “The parties have come to a consensual resolution of the Plaintiff’s claims [TES] against the Debtor [Casey Anthony], including the Plaintiff’s [TES] unsecured proof of claim number 5 filed in the Debtor’s [Casey Anthony] bankruptcy estate, and are in the process of finalizing and executing the settlement agreement. The extension requested herein will allow the parties to do so, and as such, good cause exists to grant such relief.”

Plaintiff [TES] requests the Court continue the Pretrial Conference for sixty (60) days in accordance with the Court’s availability, or to such other date as may be deemed appropriate by the Court.

“Undersigned counsel [Peter Russin for TES] has conferred with the Debtor’s counsel [David Schrader, Debra Ferwerda, and Charles Greene, for Casey Anthony] concerning the requested continuance, and the Debtor’s counsel informed undersigned counsel that the Debtor [Casey Anthony] agrees with the relief requested herein.”
TexasEquuSearch part of Hearing Sept 17, 2013 – moved to Nov 26, 2013 11:30am

TES asked for (60) more days to finalize their JOINT SETTLEMENT agreement, and it was granted.

Order Granting Motion To Continue/Reschedule Hearing Re: Pretrial Conference
Hearing scheduled for 11/26/2013 at 11:30 AM at Tampa, FL -
Courtroom 9B, Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse, 801 N. Florida Avenue.

Zenaida and Kronk still have a HEARING tomorrow, Sept 17th at 11:00 to see if the bankruptcy judge is going to throw out their cases - the CORE issues.
By Desiree Stennett, Orlando Sentinel
5:36 p.m. EDT, September 12, 2013

In less than a month, Casey Anthony will be forced to answer questions that have been a mystery since her daughter went missing in 2008, attorney Matt Morgan confirmed Thursday.

"Casey Anthony will not be permitted to plead the Fifth as her appeals have now been resolved," Morgan said attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez, who has filed suit against Anthony. "We look forward to getting answers to the questions we have had for a very long time.",0,1718886.story

Jomo she will find a way mark my words. She may stick to the drowning story but I dont see us hearing anything we dont already know. This person is evil with no stopping her. I wish we could learn but I truly doubt it will happen. I couldnt live with myself..:seeya:
By Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel
5:26 a.m. EDT, September 17, 2013

Casey Anthony's bankruptcy will be back in court today for a hearing on a pair of complaints filed by people suing her for defamation.

Roy Kronk and Zenaida Gonzalez filed the complaints in federal court in July, arguing their lawsuits should survive Anthony's bankruptcy because she was "willful and malicious" in damaging their reputations.,0,3554830.story,0,3554830.story

Casey Anthony: Lawyer will likely fight having her deposed

It's still not clear whether Anthony will be required to answer questions at a deposition set for next month. But her attorney signaled he'll likely fight to keep Anthony from being questioned by one of the people suing her: Zenaida Gonzalez.

May didn't delay the deposition, but invited Schrader to file a motion for a protective order blocking the deposition.

The judge also set a date to hear the motions to dismiss:
I finally found some tweets!

Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 3h
At this morning's #CaseyAnthony bankruptcy hearing, her lawyer suggested he'll fight Zenaida Gonzalez team's plan to depose her next month.

Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 3h
Next steps: #CaseyAnthony's team will file motions to dismiss Gonzalez & Roy Kronk complaints. Hearing on that Nov. 5.
Jeff Ashton spoke about the murder trial and his book at the Univ of TN on Tuesday,Sept 24, 2013.
WS member, coco puff, attended and posted some notes from the event, in the SIDEBAR thread.

Jeff Ashton
Sept 24, 2013
The University of Tennessee Knoxville
Division of Student Life

Tennessee Bar Association
Casey Anthony Prosecutor Jeff Ashton to speak at UT
By Stacey Shrader … on Wed, 09/18/2013 – 4:47pm

In June 2011, Casey Anthony was accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, whose remains were found close to the Anthony home. The case was highly sensationalized and covered in the news media for months. Jeff Ashton, the prosecutor in this trial, sought the death penalty. Anthony was found not guilty. Ashton will be speaking about his experiences in this case as well as his book “Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony” on Tuesday [Sept 24, 2013] at 7 p.m. in the UTK University Center Auditorium. This event is free and open to the public.

Coco puff

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #16[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #16[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #16[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #16[/ame]

excerpts from coco puff:

He would give glimpse into his colleague’s reactions FCA’s blatant lies
He said he still amazed by her brazenness

He mentioned that the photo taken at the police station (presumably to publish to the community to help find her daughter) had red eye.
They chose not to remove it because it was symbolic of her evilness

LE was very careful with FCA while interviewing her about the abduction because they were all keenly aware the Melinda Duckett case and did not want Kasey to her to kill herself once she knew they were on to her.
Then Jeff said. “like she would ever harm herself! She is was to selfish for that”.

Jeff said “you must not have a test for what she is because she is NOT normal”.

Also I forgot this but she told the docs that George had killed caylee while molesting her.
He said the jury never heard it because Jose didn’t think he could sell that story, so he changed it to “George disposed of the body”

Questions from the audience:

One question was: What are your thoughts on the “foolproof suffocation”.
His response was dramatic. He said he was still upset that the search string was missed by his forensic technicians.
He is still asking for answers and putting procedures in place to make sure it does not happen again.

My [coco puff] question was:
How did the defense team get away with the 180 degree shift in the “story”. They went from “she’s alive but kidnapped” to
“Let me and FCA to find her by ourselves” and
after Caylee was found to “Someone else dumped her body because TES didn’t find it” to
“investigating TES volunteers” to
“declaring in court that Kronk was as much a suspect as FCA [felon Casey Anthony]” to
“Linda Kenney Baden proclaiming on Good Morning America that someone ELSE killed that child” to
2 months before trail saying that it was an accident”.
I ended the question with something “The whole defense really pissed me off”. I got an applause from audience and a big laugh and a “me too” from Jeff Aston.
coco puff smiled all night.

His answer was… Because they can. That’s why they went for the uninformed Juror. The Jury was completely unaware of the progression of the “story”.
By Hannah Davis, Contributor and Samantha Smoak, Online Editor
Published: Thu Sep 26, 2013 | Modified: Thu Sep 26, 2013 12:35 p.m.

Prosecutor Jeff Ashton shows off the marker-board with the names of witnesses his team called in the Casey Anthony murder trial. Ashton spoke at the UC on Sept. 24 on the trial and later signed copies of his book, "Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony."
A middle class home in a normal Orlando, Fla., neighborhood holds a dark past.

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