Dad Shoots up Daughter's Laptop For Facebook Comments - Abuse or Good Parenting?

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I don't blame him one bit. His daughter was using a laptop he paid for, over an Internet connection he provided, and posted her rant against him and her mom within twelve hours of him working to update the laptop. His video is a little dramatic, lol.

I heard that child protective services is getting involved, but I did not see that mentioned in the article.
I don't blame him one bit. His daughter was using a laptop he paid for, over an Internet connection he provided, and posted her rant against him and her mom within twelve hours of him working to update the laptop. His video is a little dramatic, lol.

I heard that child protective services is getting involved, but I did not see that mentioned in the article.

He refers to that in one of his facebook posts. He says he had CPS interview his kid to make sure they weren't forcing her to hunt for her own food with a spork, cut the grass with nail scissors or lock her in the basement.

I feel sorry for this guy. People are really going after him, psychologists, talking heads bloggers.

If my kid said I'd be on my own when I was old and needed someone to wipe my *advertiser censored**, or referred to a family friend as the "cleaning lady", etc., I would be very upset.

I understand his feeling. But I don't like parents destroying their kids things as punishment. Kind of childish thing to do, IMO. I think he should have sold it or given it charity.

His use of a gun doesn't bother me. Who cares how he did it?

As for him publicizing this, he posted it on her facebook wall. It was meant to be seen by everyone who saw the girl's rant against her parents. He was embarrassed, according to him and wanted her friends and their parents to know they don't raise her that way. Of course he didn't mean for this to go viral.

He refuses to do media interviews, even though many have offered he and his dad money. He says you don't get paid for crummy behavior and he knows they can twist whatever he says to their liking.

I will say that it appears the daughter has a step-mom and a small brother, maybe from her step-mom and dad? That can make a kid feel second best, even when their not. I hope dad explores that a bit.

But, the kid is apparently the first of any grandchildren and gets a ton of stuff, money and attention as a result and he's trying to make sure she learns the value of a dollar and hard work and what parents provide. Sounds like a decent man to me and a good dad. Maybe not his best moment but not abuse, IMO.

I think the girl's mom responded. I heard that on the radio. She apparently stated that the chores the girl is supposed to do each day mostly revolve around herself, like making her bed, doing her laundry, cleaning up after herself. She said the daughter was exaggerating. I am trying to see if her response can be found online.
I think shooting the laptop was way overboard. I totally agree with what he's saying but using a gun is not the right thing to do, imo.
I loved the video. I think he had every right to do it and imo it in no way aproaches abusive.

If more parents were discouraging thier pride and joys from their entitled attitudes, the world would be a much better place.
The fewer excuses to involve guns in anything, by far the better.
The gun kinda bothered me, too.... as I felt it was violent. But after pondering a minute, I thought about it differently. I mean, the point was to destroy the laptop. He could have thrown it in a dumpster, burned it, beat it to smithereens, thrown it into water, etc. However, those are all also ways that children are murdered. We tend to view the gun as much more violent, but in reality, ALL of the ways that you can destroy an object can and are used to destroy people.

Other than the method, I agree with everything else he did/said. Losing the laptop is minor. She could be cleaning the toilet with her toothbrush.
I think shooting the laptop was way overboard. I totally agree with what he's saying but using a gun is not the right thing to do, imo.

I don't like guns either but maybe he thought that was the only way to kill a hard drive?
I don't like guns either but maybe he thought that was the only way to kill a hard drive?

I have no clue. IIRC, he said he's in IT. Couldn't he have figured out a way to remove all the pieces and destroyed it that way? :dunno:
I think shooting the laptop was way overboard. I totally agree with what he's saying but using a gun is not the right thing to do, imo.

I agree. Not abuse but still, gun violence. My ex stomped some of our sons toys to pieces and it pissed me off to no end. Any kind of violence is not the way to teach them. IMO
The gun kinda bothered me, too.... as I felt it was violent. But after pondering a minute, I thought about it differently. I mean, the point was to destroy the laptop. He could have thrown it in a dumpster, burned it, beat it to smithereens, thrown it into water, etc. However, those are all also ways that children are murdered. We tend to view the gun as much more violent, but in reality, ALL of the ways that you can destroy an object can and are used to destroy people.

Other than the method, I agree with everything else he did/said. Losing the laptop is minor. She could be cleaning the toilet with her toothbrush.

We throw stuff out in a dumpster all the time. We don't use a gun to destroy an object. Well perhaps some do.....I guess.
Perhaps a better way would've been to donate it and not tell her. Actually, now that I thought about it some more, why did he have to destroy it? He could've just used it for himself and not allowed her to use it. Period.
I loved it - good for him! I especially loved "you will never call her a cleaning lady again" and one of the bullets was from her mom. They were in it together.

From the facebook link above
Never again in my entire life will I ever do anything that garnishes this much attention, both positive and negative. I really wished we'd been prepared or something... this seems like a great time to stand up and say "Stay in School" and "Drugs are bad" and so many other things. I'm just not that complex a person to know what to do with it. Never again will I have the opportunity to speak to so many people about anything.. and instead I'm sitting here stupefied.

Parents angry about Facebook use now have their poster child. He's a dad wielding a .45 pistol, who posted a YouTube video showing him firing bullets through his daughter's laptop computer as an act of discipline.

The shooter, who identifies himself as Tommy Jordan from North Carolina, has not yet responded to requests for comment, so it's not possible to verify the authenticity of the stunt, in which he allegedly “executed” the laptop after his daughter posted a profanity-laced note on her Facebook page.

No matter: it’s sparked a firestorm of debate. In less than 24 hours, the laptop-pistol video has garnered more than 1.5 million views, many of them parents cheering the uploader's depiction of tough love.

"Sometimes to get your point across to a child (especially a teenager) you have to get their attention. These days that's hard to do. So he found a way to get her attention."

Still another: "I applaud it. She'll think twice before she hits the enter button next time. PS. Nice shot."

But she saw something in the video that many observers might have missed.

"I heard this as a cry for help. This guy is in trouble. The communication is so bad between them that, in this case, they are both acting like angry 5-year-olds," she said. "Teenagers can really be impossible. ... You get to the point where you say, 'I've had it. You are driving me crazy!' But he needs other tools for dealing with this."

More at link...with the video
I've been known to beat a Nintendo DS to death with a sledge hammer :yes: But it was only after many, many warnings and upon the umpteenth time he was caught sneaking it out and playing it all night long when he had school the next morning. He had also stolen video games from other kids, stolen money from me, stolen my iphone, stolen from school and was placed in the alternative education program and...he stole from the teacher while there! The child also couldn't tell the truth to save his life, even when caught redhanded, so yeah, I beat that NDS all to pieces and felt great about doing it. I bought it, I paid for the games for it, it was in my house and so was house, my rules. :wink:
I say good for him!! Bet she will never do that again!
Definitely "overkill."

The only "lesson" the girl will remember from this action is the violence.
where can I see the original post that upset him?
Oh please. This man is not acting like a five year old. I think he was very, very angry that his daughter used a device HE bought ( over an Internet connection that HE provided and paid for, on the day after he updated the laptop with $130.00 of software that the daughter requested) to post a rant designed to make him and his wife look like ogres who were forcing her into child slavery! "maybe" he shouldn't have posted the video to Facebook, but, hey, she posted the rant about him on Facebook! I don't blame him one bit for refusing to continue to provide the means for his daughter to trash him!

I think it was awesome when he told her that her next laptop would be the one she purchased for herself! Good for him! I think it is also awesome that he discussed the situation with his ex-wife, her momma, before he made the video!

I think this teen may just have learned the meaning of "don't bite the hand that feeds you.". At least, I hope she learned that!

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