Dad Shoots up Daughter's Laptop For Facebook Comments - Abuse or Good Parenting?

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I sent him a FB message of WAY TO GO DAD and added...I really could have used that laptop!
This wasn't the first time the daughter did this though as he stated.
I find NOTHING wrong with what this father did. I L.O.V.E. what he did!!

I come from a family of girls! My mom was single mother. We lived with my Great Grandmother and two Great Aunts growing up until my mom could afford a place for just us. My mom always said to us: If you ever get arrested... do not call me!" One day my sister was being really nasty to my mom... really, really nasty. My mom finally had enough and popped her in the mouth. My sister threatened to call DCF and my mom handed her the phone and told her: "Just make sure you call 911 right after because you're gonna need it." :floorlaugh:

My mom NEVER beat us! Yes, we were spanked and spanked good when we did something wrong. I can tell you this though, we all grew up to be responsible adults and good people.

I now have a 17-year-old niece and a few years ago she decided to do the whole "I'm sleeping at so and so's house tonight" and even had an adult in the house cover for them. :banghead: Instead of being in the safety of their own beds... they went out into the woods and drank, smoked pot, and decided to make a campfire that of course got out of hand. Concerned neighbors called the fire department.

Luckily, no one was hurt and no houses were damaged!

The police found my nieces cell phone at the fire site and made a few phone calls from her cell phone to "Mom" and "Home." (SMART!!:great:). The police then sent out a mass text message to all of her friends saying to meet her at a certain location. ALL of the kids showed up and were BUSTED! Except my niece. She was still hiding in the woods.

My sister finally showed up at the scene and was livid!! She was demanding the police take my niece to jail. She said she would not bail her out. She was screaming into the woods for my niece to get her *censored* out here RIGHT NOW!! The police finally calmed my sister down just enough to convince her not to take my niece to jail. They said that they would show up at the school, with the help of the resource officer and principle and give her a big scare. My niece had NO IDEA that they were going to do this. :floorlaugh: I guess my niece got tired of hiding and she eventually stumbled out of the woods (drunk and high as a kite! :banghead:) and my sister took her home. Everything was taken out of her room and I mean everything! TV. Computer. Cell Phone. She's lucky she still had her blanket and pillows.

That Monday at school, they called my niece to the principle's office. The Principle was there and the police were there. They explained that they were thinking about going forward with expelling her from school, that charges may be brought against her for arson, they even searched her bag for drugs, etc... My sister and brother-in-law showed up... as scheduled and they all worked out how my niece would move forward and not be expelled or charged, etc... It scared my niece and scared her bad. A well deserved scare and one that worked! She'll turn 18 this summer and never again had any problems with doing those types of things. She's had a job since she was 16. Just bought her first car herself. She has a 3.6 GPA and will be going to College after the summer. She's a great kid!

She's a great kid because the moment she started getting in trouble and in with the wrong crowd... she was stopped in her tracks and taught a serious lesson. What she did that night could have effected her entire future. She's very lucky that no one was hurt and that the fire was contained before it reached any of the homes.

Was it harsh to do that to a 13-year-old? NO!! 13-year-old's are not the same as they were when I was 13-years-old!!

Congrats to this father and hope his daughter has learned a good lesson.
From someone who has unloaded more ammo than that into a computer before (for different reasons) .. I think it's hysterical.

He gave it back to that bratty kid in the same media she gave it to him .. the internet.

WTG dad!

The impact for whom? The strangers viewing it or his daughter?

Do you think this video made an impact to other young teenagers? If not, why air out your dirty laundry to thousands of people? Why is it ok to suddenly show the world how you discipline your child? This is just one example (thankfully nobody was physically harmed except the laptop)but we've seen some other videos of parents disciplining their child where they force feed them or use tabasco sauce or give them cold baths, etc.

Sometimes I wonder if these types of messages being posted on social media sites do more harm than good and I wonder who the message is really intended for? I haven't looked today but last night, this guy had over 5000 "likes" on his facebook. He made a lot of friends, I guess.

It only takes one idiot to look at this and think what a great idea. If something/someone pisses me off, I'll just shoot it.

My daughter, 17, was completely supportive of Tommy (the dad in the videos). She says she cannot believe the way some of the kids talk about their parents on facebook, that it disgusts her and finally someone made a huge statement about it. Maybe some kids will think twice about what their parents really do for them and about venting inappropriately.

(those are her comments) I'm pretty neutral on the whole thing. I don't think what he did was "great" nor do I think it was "bad". He did what he had to do as a parent to get a point across that apparently she wasn't listening to otherwise.

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