Daily updates - Friday, Sept. 5

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DNA Solves
I don't know how they can look at their daughter without wanting to smash her face in. My mother would be so angry at me if I lost or possibly murdered my son and then made up so many lies, she would have let me sit in jail until I spoke. I just don't really understand these people.
Well now that they were paid possibly 2 million from what is reported as 2 different sources(see the PR thread) I guess it makes looking at their daughter easier.
I was reading another board and it was mentioned MF spoke about the case on FOX news. Does anyone have a link and if so could you place it in the media section? Thanks
Just asking because I've been gone for a few days but what happened to our general discussion threads? Are we not allowed to have those anymore? It's very hard keeping up with all the threads on here and it was so helpful having all the information in one place.
The billboard is gone from the front of the house. I guess the neighbors are also sick of this family's antics.
Baez arrives at 10:08 EST

Casey out at 10:12 EST

Source of collateral for both of the bonds was GA & CA

Did they lie? They do not have collateral that high. I think that is why there are two bond agencies involved; they probably used the same collateral on both. I honestly believe they area capable of fraud like that. I hope they wind up in cell next to casey for fraud.
The billboard is gone from the front of the house. I guess the neighbors are also sick of this family's antics.

They live in a residential neighborhood. Those kind of things are usually not allowed in a residential neighborhood. I hope the police start harrassing them like they have been harrassing the people who were there to help them.
Did they lie? They do not have collateral that high. I think that is why there are two bond agencies involved; they probably used the same collateral on both. I honestly believe they area capable of fraud like that. I hope they wind up in cell next to casey for fraud.

I am still trying to source references and facts, but from my initial review, so far I have only read that they secured the collateral for the 50K, not the 500K.

Either way, I believe that eventually we will come to find that they've somehow recently come into a "windfall" :mad:
"She's a remarkable young woman in the sense that ... the best way I could describe her is she's a steel magnolia," said Michael Walsh, a member of her defense team.


I belive I'm going to be sick now :censored:


Calling her a "steel magnolia" literally makes me sick to my stomach! If he is referencing her to the movie Steel Magnolias, he is WAY off base! The Steel Magnolias were a very close group of loving friends that held each other up during good times and bad. They supported one another and loved one another. Casey will NEVER be a strong, supportive woman, NEVER!!!!!!
FOX news JUST stated that details in this case will be coming very rapidly.
I will post link when I get it. My statement is from Harris Faulkner, FOX reporter.
FOX news JUST stated that details in this case will be coming very rapidly.
I will post link when I get it. My statement is from Harris Faulkner, FOX reporter.

I heard it too! This is one of those "edge of your seat" days.
FOX news JUST stated that details in this case will be coming very rapidly.
I will post link when I get it. My statement is from Harris Faulkner, FOX reporter.

Thank You!
Following this from work, I really appreciate everyone's posts!
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Casey Anthony, the mother of a missing 3-year-old Orlando girl, will again leave jail after her $500,000 bond was posted by two Central Florida bonds agencies on Thursday.

<<MacDoanld Bail Bonds of Kissimmee posted $250,000 and the Von Waldner Bail Bond Agency posted $250,000 as a transfer bond from Miller Bail Bonds in Kissimmee . It is not known if an individual or group put up the money to the bonds groups.>>

I emailed BOTH bond companies yesterday, MacDonald didn't answer but Von Waldner did, by the way, here are Casey's BOND POSTERS


Anyway, here is what I sent to both of them (by the way, this was before we all knew that anonymous donors GAVE the money to the whomever):

You have got to be kidding me!?!?!??!?!?! Put your money into the search for that precious Caylee, not to her MOTHER...........this is just disgusting in my opinion....what happened to Caylee's rights???? Have they not been violated?????

Von Waldner's reponse was:

You obviously have your facts wrong. But thanks for your concern.

Soooooooo, I wrote them back and asked them to please fill in the FACTS for me....now waiting for an answer IF I get one.....If I do get one I will post it here....
Yes, heard it! Didn't the Fox News anchor say they had someone inside LE? No links up yet. I missed the whole blurb. At this point, my dog is trying to take away the remote control.
Did anyone besides me notice JP Chatt himself at Caylees 2nd birthday party? On one video released today? He has been held very mysterious thru all of this and his statement if he even made one has been withheld from docs that were released.
Snipped for brevity:

JOHN LUCICH, INVESTIGATOR, AUTHOR OF "CYBER LIES": Yes, like the time she pulled off pants out of the car and then washed them. She would have been locked up at that point.

GRACE: Now, now, I disagree with that. Yes, it may have held evidence, but at that juncture, why was she to believe that there was forensic evidence on a pair of pants?

LUCICH: Oh, wait a second, this is a car that this woman just said that she thinks there`s a dead body in there and the first thing she did was tamper with evidence. That`s exactly what this woman did when she pulled that pair of pants out of it, took it home, and washed it before the cops found out about it.

I think that that right there, they should have done something and for some reason, they didn`t. She tampered with the crime scene. [/color][/i]

The attorneys on NG went on to say (not sure if same show or next night) that CA and GA would only be charged with OoJ IF they purposely lead LE down the wrong path....can't remember exactly what they said, but basically it was a no that they couldn't be charged unless it proven that they INTENTIALLY lead LE astray....I agree, however, that they should be charged with something, my thoughts were if CA and GA are taking tips and NOT turning them over to LE then that would be OoJ....but who am I? :confused:
Steel Magnolia..........now theres a fitting name for where she is going, she will see lots of steel.
I find it amusing that most of the "breaking news" has already been discussed here as fact or theory a day before it breaks. The only news I ever saw a "breaking" was Casey being re-arrested during the NG show. Boy was that a Woo Hoo moment!
Hi all - I really didn't know 'where' to post this stuff - but I guess this Daily will have to do - there are SO many threads here!!??!! :crazy: anyway - I was reading the transcripts from the Nancy Grace show, and noticed a couple of things:
from the 9/2 show where Cindy says:
Grace: Did she tell all along that Caylee was at the amusement park, that Caylee was with you, that caylee was at these various places and none of that was true.
C. Anthony: No. What she told the sheriff's dept. all along was that she was kidnapped by Zenaida and you know--and that's what she's maintained. She told, you know, some things during the month of June because she was trying to look for her and tried to get her back herself.

sooo...she KNEW in JUNE Caylee was gone - i.e. her post of July 3rd that people have posted!!??!!

also on 9/3 transcript - w items:
GRACE: To John Lucich, former investigator and author of "Cyber Lies" -- John, there is such a thing as accessory after the fact, but they would have to do a lot more than just believe what Casey Anthony is telling them. They would have to actively hide evidence or mislead cops, as Rockwell just said.

JOHN LUCICH, INVESTIGATOR, AUTHOR OF "CYBER LIES": Yes, like the time she pulled off pants out of the car and then washed them. She would have been locked up at that point.

GRACE: Now, now, I disagree with that. Yes, it may have held evidence, but at that juncture, why was she to believe that there was forensic evidence on a pair of pants?

LUCICH: Oh, wait a second, this is a car that this woman just said that she thinks there`s a dead body in there and the first thing she did was tamper with evidence. That`s exactly what this woman did when she pulled that pair of pants out of it, took it home, and washed it before the cops found out about it.

I think that that right there, they should have done something and for some reason, they didn`t. She tampered with the crime scene.

maybe LE is charging Cindy (and/or George) with obstruction of justice - so that is why they need a Defense lawyer for themselves??

and then here:
GRACE: OK. Speaking of the boyfriend, I want to go back out to Natisha Lance, our producer there at the search command center.

What did you learn from Anthony Lazzaro?

LANCE: Well, I spoke to Anthony Lazzaro today, Nancy, and he told me a little bit about the Amscot where Casey abandoned that car. He was actually the person who picked Casey up after she abandoned the car.

He said that she had called him late that morning, said that her car had run out of gas, that this is nothing that was unusual, her car had run out of gas before. He went to go pick her up. She was already standing outside of the vehicle with groceries in her arms.

He said, is there anything I need to look at? And she said, oh no, don`t worry about it, my dad was going to take care of it. He brought her back to the apartment and he said that she stayed there for the rest of the afternoon.

Now he went on vacation a few days after this and he even spoke to her again and asked her, did your dad, you know, take care of the car? And she said, yes, my dad took care of the car, he took it to a dealership, they`re working on it, they`re going to find -- I`m going to get a new car, they`re going to trade it in.

And he -- the interesting thing that he said is that she gave specific information, specific information in terms of where the car was taken, even the names of people who worked on the car.

But as we know, that car was never taken to any type of dealership to get worked on because it was at that Amscot, and it was towed away.

GRACE: That`s incredibly elaborate lies.

Definitely an incrediby elaborate of lies!!!

okay - one more - that makes you go - hmmmmm???!!!

PADILLA: Nancy, have your producer go back and talk to Lazzaro about what time he picked her up with the groceries? Because the lady, Mrs. Sanchez that manages that store says the car was there at 7:00 a.m. that morning of the 27th.

GRACE: So her car was already there out of gas at 7:00 a.m.?

PADILLA: Yes. That`s what Mrs. Sanchez said in her statement to the law enforcement. So how did Lazzaro pick her up?

GRACE: How do you run out of gas at 7:00 a.m. unless you left your car late there the night before?

PADILLA: Correct. So have your producer go back to Lazzaro and ask him what time and -- you know what the groceries were about.

GRACE: Will do.

sooo... did the producer go back and ask Anthony 'what' time he picked up Casey at the her car?? Guess I'll have to find the next day's transcript, eh??!!
I don't know what time he picked her up but,In the police report he said he was in school everyday from 9 until 5 so how could he pick her up that morning before the woman who works at that place got there ?
No new news as yet from Fox or any other news source.
What do we have to date:

Decomposition in the backyard ...most likely Caylees, but nothing released as yet.

Decomposition in the trunk...most likely Caylee's, but nothing released yet.

Chloroform Websites visited on a computer in the Anthony home.

High levels of Chloroform in the trunk...most likely used to put Caylee to sleep and keep her asleep, but nothing released as theory being correct as to Caylee's death.

Hair found in trunk..possibly Caylees, possibly Casey's...no info. released as yet.
No body found as of this writing.

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