Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Wasn't that just something her attys threw together to name another reason why the evidence should be retested? It really wasn't literally meaning that she was accusing him right? I just viewed it as another way they could as a technicality they could get new testing done.
Kitty5001 said:
Wasn't that just something her attys threw together to name another reason why the evidence should be retested? It really wasn't literally meaning that she was accusing him right? I just viewed it as another way they could as a technicality they could get new testing done.

It was her State appeal. Designed to win her an appeal and hence a new trial.
From an email from Mama Kee - apologies if this has been posted/talked about before -

The DNA hearing has been scheduled for October 20th according to Steve Cooper. I do not have a time yet. Of course this means that Darlie will be brought back to Dallas shortly before the hearing. I hope she will get to stay through the holidays.
EdinburghLass said:
From an email from Mama Kee - apologies if this has been posted/talked about before -

The DNA hearing has been scheduled for October 20th according to Steve Cooper. I do not have a time yet. Of course this means that Darlie will be brought back to Dallas shortly before the hearing. I hope she will get to stay through the holidays.
Thank you for the information. :angel:
EdinburghLass said:
I hope she will get to stay through the holidays.

I don't...Devon and Damon don't get to enjoy the holidays why should she?

Just my opinoin though..
Did they check under the boys nails for dna? I read something about the small scratches on Darlie's face or chin.
ooh ..very good point , I hadn't thought about those scratches and swollen upper lip being inflicted by the boys but the scratches were small and that does sounds like a likely scenario. I know that they did bag the hands but only after they were buried and they had to go back and unearth the graves to do that. I am not sure that they found anything though? If they had, that certainly would have been a huge part of the prosecutors evidence against her.
Yes that is true we would of heard about that one. I'm listening to 911 call now this case has consumed me for the last couple of weeks i wanted her to be innocent so bad i'm even coming up with some pretty lame excuses for her but always go back to she had to have done this the more i read and find out about the case the more i am convinced of her guilt. So sad....
I am in the same boat exactly- at first I had all kind of what if's and played devils advocate pretty well until I really looked at all the evidence and the facts-took the emotion out of it and I realized that unfortunately she did do this. It would be great that I was proven wrong as I am sure that no one wants to think that she did but it sure reeks of guilt that's for sure.
Hey Kitty! I also saw on some of the media I think it was called million dollar mysteries i'm not sure but on the justicefordarlie website and they said which i know the media isn't exactly always right but they said Darin had took out Darlie's life insurance only 3 months before? I don't know i'm going to keep reading posts around here some are really good.
The media said Darin took out this life insuance policy? Really. I wonder where they got their information from. Can you cut and paste that report on the forum here? That would put a big twist on things considering he tried to hire someone to burglarize their home just months prior to the murders also
rachellee said:
i know the media isn't exactly always right but they said Darin had took out Darlie's life insurance only 3 months before?

Don't know where you heard this, rachellee, but it's incorrect. Both Darlie & Darin had life insurance policies, but they were purchased years before the murders. Insurance really had nothing to do with this crime.
Kitty5001 said:
That would put a big twist on things considering he tried to hire someone to burglarize their home just months prior to the murders also

Hi, Kitty. The burglar story was dreamed up by Darlie's defense in an attempt to get her a new trial. There's no truth to it. If there was, Darin would have named the people he hired to burglarize the house so they could be investigated. Never happened.
Mary456 said:
Hi, Kitty. The burglar story was dreamed up by Darlie's defense in an attempt to get her a new trial. There's no truth to it. If there was, Darin would have named the people he hired to burglarize the house so they could be investigated. Never happened.
Didn't Darin admit that he had discussed with someone (forget who) the possibility of having a 3rd party perform a "robbery"? If it was all dreamed up by Darlie's defense, why would Darin admit to having that discussion? Didn't the person he discussed this with also admit to the conversation? He (Darin) said that it was just a conversation, though, and he never actually followed through with the plan, so he never hired anyone. Therefore there was nobody to name as the "hired crooks", since it was just a conversation and supposedly nothing ever panned out. I could be wrong....
julianne said:
Didn't Darin admit that he had discussed with someone (forget who) the possibility of having a 3rd party perform a "robbery"? If it was all dreamed up by Darlie's defense, why would Darin admit to having that discussion? Didn't the person he discussed this with also admit to the conversation? He (Darin) said that it was just a conversation, though, and he never actually followed through with the plan, so he never hired anyone. Therefore there was nobody to name as the "hired crooks", since it was just a conversation and supposedly nothing ever panned out. I could be wrong....
Then how did the would-be burglars who killed the kids know where to go and when? Darin claims he asked Darlie's stepfather if he knew anyone who would do rob his house and Darlie's stepfather claims that he told Darin "no." Their claims are just too vague. Unless he did actually hire someone to do it, there aren't any burglars to bungle the job and kill his kids. Mary is right. It is just a story cooked up to try to get Darlie a new trial.
Goody said:
Then how did the would-be burglars who killed the kids know where to go and when? Darin claims he asked Darlie's stepfather if he knew anyone who would do rob his house and Darlie's stepfather claims that he told Darin "no." Their claims are just too vague. Unless he did actually hire someone to do it, there aren't any burglars to bungle the job and kill his kids. Mary is right. It is just a story cooked up to try to get Darlie a new trial.
Okay, gotcha. Makes sense to me.

I've always pretty much been on the fence about this case, but now, I'm leaning towards thinking that she did it, but then I go back to thinking she's innocent. Maybe that's just because I don't WANT to think she did it. I WANT to be able to blame a "bad guy", for lack of a better word. Of course, the silly string has always been bizarre to me. Not just the act of spraying it--but also the fact that she had a whole face full of makeup on & her hair was done up. It really really bothered me that she cared how she looked to other people, so soon after losing her little boys so tragically. I know if that kind of tragedy ever befell me, it would be a very very long time before I gave a crap about what I looked like. To me, in the face of heartache, such superficial & shallow things like doing your hair and makeup DAYS later just doesn't compute for me.

Still, it's hard wrapping my brain around the fact that she did it. So many unanswered questions...

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