Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Maybe I'm missing something, and this may sound stupid, but.. if Darin was trying to rescusitate the children, and he's leaning down to do so, going from child to child to help the children, he's probably going to get their blood on his jeans given the situation.

So what will the DNA testing prove if it's done on his pants that he was wearing?
I heard that when the police arrived a man was at the door and they asked him who he was. He said he was Darlie's husband and was getting help and when the officers came into the crime scene, Darin was there trying to recucitate the children. I am too interested in knowing about the physcic that was used. Any one have any info on that?
silentrose said:
I heard that when the police arrived a man was at the door and they asked him who he was. He said he was Darlie's husband and was getting help and when the officers came into the crime scene, Darin was there trying to recucitate the children. I am too interested in knowing about the physcic that was used. Any one have any info on that?

You'd probably be better off to read the trial transcript on this. Darin met the first police officer on the front lawn..not inside...witnessed by the neighbour across the street who had just returned from work. There was no man at the door.
I may have missed this in all the reading but, let me get this straight...He heard his wife screaming and he woke up out of a deep sleep and took the time to put on his jeans before he went down stairs....PLEASE...

I have always believed he was involved.
dolphin737 said:
I may have missed this in all the reading but, let me get this straight...He heard his wife screaming and he woke up out of a deep sleep and took the time to put on his jeans before he went down stairs....PLEASE...

I have always believed he was involved.
That is why he stood by her all these years. Now he seems to be drifting away and she seems to be pointing the finger at him. They were in on it together. Those children never had a chance.
silentrose said:
sorry....I read that in Media tried, justice denied

NOt a very good or accurate source of information... read Gorsuch's and Officer Waddell's testimony in Volume 28 of the trial transcript.
Cami, I am new to this site and may be offering opinions and info as I perceived . I am not trying to offend or challenge anyone here, just tring to get in on the discussion.
silentrose said:
Cami, I am new to this site and may be offering opinions and info as I perceived . I am not trying to offend or challenge anyone here, just tring to get in on the discussion.

Sorry...didn't mean to sound overbearing. I know you weren't challenging anyone.
I think ole' Darlie may be in for the same surprise old Mac the knife got when his DNA testing came back and pointed to him. This is coming from someone who used to believe that guy was innocenT!!!! I think she'll lose many supporters when her dna test results don't come back in favor of her.

I believe people who love her will never believe her guilty of this crime. I don't think their minds are capable, it's just too huge and too hard to admit your daughter or sister or cousin was capable of such brutallity( we've seen those aweful photo's). What I can't grasp are people who have read the transcripts and seen her wounds v/s the boys and stil believe her innocent when they don't know her. I believed Mac was innocent until someone directed me to all of the evidence, once I had the whole picture I couldn't go any other way.

I have always believed Darin was in on it as well. My dream would be that this testing nails both of their coffins shut. No way anyone is going to committ three possible murders in a house without casing the whole joint to make sure there is no one left to id them....no way.
  • Do you know what the result of bringing in the psychic was?
  • Maybe I'm missing something, and this may sound stupid, but.. if Darin was trying to rescusitate the children, and he's leaning down to do so, going from child to child to help the children, he's probably going to get their blood on his jeans given the situation.

    So what will the DNA testing prove if it's done on his pants that he was wearing?
I would love to know these answers as well.... and I still don't understand why Darlie would have remained silent or protected Darin, if Darin was involved, all the way up until now. Why wait? Any ideas?
St3phanie said:
  • Do you know what the result of bringing in the psychic was?
  • Maybe I'm missing something, and this may sound stupid, but.. if Darin was trying to rescusitate the children, and he's leaning down to do so, going from child to child to help the children, he's probably going to get their blood on his jeans given the situation.

    So what will the DNA testing prove if it's done on his pants that he was wearing?
I would love to know these answers as well.... and I still don't understand why Darlie would have remained silent or protected Darin, if Darin was involved, all the way up until now. Why wait? Any ideas?

The only reason I believe Darlie has ever hinted or outright claimed Darin was involved was because she found she couldn't dig herself out of the consequences of her own actions and has been seeking to throw him under the DR bus instead of herself.
Yeh, she has exhasuted all other avenues, funny how now her husband as of today is now someone she is pointing the finger at. Very STRANGE case. Nothing makes sense with it.
Delores, did you ever hear what the results were from bring in a phsyhic were? This is the 1st I have ever heard of that.
silentrose said:
Delores, did you ever hear what the results were from bring in a phsyhic were? This is the 1st I have ever heard of that.

The Routiers hired the phsyhic. She was mentioned in one book but I don't remember trial testimony about her. Apparently she told them the murders were committed by someone who drove a white van..where have we heard that before? They must have lain low until 2002 and then grabbed Laci Peterson.
Where does it talk about Darlie pointing the finger at Darin right now? Or is this just because she wants to blood tested on his jeans?
In some interview with Darlie some time back I hear her respond when asked about Darin's involvement.
(darlie) "I don't know any more about Darin. I just don't know what to think."

Like SilentRose I am new here too having followed this case for years.
Kitty5001 said:
Where does it talk about Darlie pointing the finger at Darin right now? Or is this just because she wants to blood tested on his jeans?

It was back in 2004, her Writ of Habeas Corpus

Link to the Writ

The appeal was denied by Judge Francis

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