Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
If you want to stop bleeding why use something that is already saturated?:twocents: Never seen it done in ER or EMS and I have worked both.:moo:

Thank you MissJ. I seriously doubt that Darlie tried to stop the bleeding of her own throat slash with a wet towel, yet she used wet towels on her babies stab wounds ? :scared:
As for "Felt is not evidence," well...no ****. That was part of my personal opinion. Of course it's not evidence. I'm a specialist in forensics.

The rest of your paragraph is incomplete, therefore rendering it incomprehensible. You might want to check your grammar.

Darlie can clearly be heard on the 911 call trying to convince Darin she did not do it. Why would she do that if he helped her stage the CS?
Judge orders more DNA testing for convicted Rowlett murderer.



"Clothes and linens"? They already tested spots on the nightshirt, are they looking to test the boys' clothes?
By linens I'm assuming they mean the blankets and pillows the boys were using that night. It can't be the towels...according to Darlie and Waddell the towels didn't come out until after the intruder left the scene.
Surely they don't mean the damn sock. Since it was thrown on the ground next to a trash container, it is contaminated and could have hairs from anyone who walked through that grass in the weeks before, including the trashmen, the home owner, the yard crew, etc.

It will be another 5 years until all the money is raised to do the tests anyway.
:banghead: I thought the State court appeals had been exhausted. What is going on with this ? I actually wish they would just commute her sentence to life in prison, then we'd be done with all this. This is ridiculous.
PassTheMotrin, do you have something a little stronger ? :wink:

Jeffrey MacDonald was convicted in 1979 and we still aren't done with him. I don't want Darlie still playing this game in another 17 years.
According to the court order dated July 18, 2014, the items to be DNA tested are the sock, the knife, the nightshirt, a pillowcase, 2 blankets, a cap, a pair of child's bluejeans, a rug, a towel and the lift from a fingerprint.
I wonder which knife? The one she used to kill her boys or the one that she used to slice the screen in the garage. From the inside. And then put back into the butcher block knife holder. Idiot.

What a fricken waste of time and money.
It's State's exhibit 67 if anyone familiar with the transcripts knows which knife that is.
MacDonald's latest plea to the Federal Court was DENIED by the judge just a few weeks ago! He's done and over with.

There's no harm in testing evidence, especially if the monies are coming from private donations. The truth will not change. BTW, I thought the screen was slashed from the outside (not from the inside) but the fibers were found on the knife and the knife was inside the knifeblock, so it was still an inside job, neither here nor there, but just wanted to get clarity on that one detail.
Off topic but couldn't find a better thread to post this in....

Lisa Ann Coleman was executed today in Texas. From the article linked below:

Earlier in the week, she spent some of her final days on women's Death Row at the Mountain View Unit in Gatesville playing word games with Darlie Routier, the Rowlett woman who was convicted of murdering her five-year-old son in 1996.


MOO I hope Darlie's sentence is carried out next!
Off topic but couldn't find a better thread to post this in....

Lisa Ann Coleman was executed today in Texas. From the article linked below:

Earlier in the week, she spent some of her final days on women's Death Row at the Mountain View Unit in Gatesville playing word games with Darlie Routier, the Rowlett woman who was convicted of murdering her five-year-old son in 1996.


MOO I hope Darlie's sentence is carried out next![/QUOTE]

I totally agree
Off topic but couldn't find a better thread to post this in....

Lisa Ann Coleman was executed today in Texas. From the article linked below:

Earlier in the week, she spent some of her final days on women's Death Row at the Mountain View Unit in Gatesville playing word games with Darlie Routier, the Rowlett woman who was convicted of murdering her five-year-old son in 1996.


MOO I hope Darlie's sentence is carried out next!

She was convicted in 2006! This is the problem with the appeals process. Darlie should have had the needle years ago. Enough already. She brutally murdered TWO children. Her own.
I was just about to comment on that. 8 years from conviction to execution. That's like some kind of record, fast even by TX standards.
Her supporters don't believe her enough to come out of pocket with the funding for this last round of DNA testing. None of the tests so far have been in her favor. Trust me, if it had Darlie Kee, King, Moff, Steph and the other darlieites would be shouting it from the rooftops.
So is it the Darlie supporters that have collected enough money to pay for all of this additional testing or is it being paid by us tax payers? Just sounds like they are trying to buy Darlie more time to live and that is it. They can test everything and when nothing comes back in her favor the Darlie camp will insist it be retested yet again. Darlie will die of old age before the state puts that needle in her arm.:banghead:
So is it the Darlie supporters that have collected enough money to pay for all of this additional testing or is it being paid by us tax payers? Just sounds like they are trying to buy Darlie more time to live and that is it. They can test everything and when nothing comes back in her favor the Darlie camp will insist it be retested yet again. Darlie will die of old age before the state puts that needle in her arm.:banghead:

According to Darlie Kee's dun-for-money website, the state is paying for the tests but supporters are being asked to pay for Darlie's lawyers to oversee the tests.
It was behind the couch.

As we all know Txsvicki, the boot print in blood behind the couch was matched to the paramedic who treated Devon, his name was Koschak I believe. It's quite clear from the trial transcripts.

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