Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Please, Please, Darlie's wounds were NOT superficial. Superficial is a term scientists and medical doctors that means next to, but not touching. The cut to Darlie's neck was 2mm within the carotid artery, A very serious wound. They rehearsed a trial so they could use the word superficial to the carotid artery. In this context it does NOT mean a superficial wound. You do not understand the scientific words, and are taking superficial to mean a minor injury, That is NOT what the doctor said.

Please look at the distance of 2mm. It is a very small distance. It is very close to killing Darlie. The thickness of a penny is about 2mm.
Old lab results are still useful, and solid evidence. You cannot deny these facts because they are old. Why do you want to ignore lab results? I don't care if they are 100 years old as long as they are accurate at the time. The lab results from 1996 to today are still good.
Why would someone come in and kill 2 kids and not take anything? Ask David Lee Sells- he did it several times. He never brought his own weapon either. My guess is this was an attempt at a copy cat killer.

See David Lee Sells was from the area in which I live, and he was killing in the Midwest and Texas. I believe Texas actually executed him.
How did darlie do all the things you mention in 1 minute and 40 seconds?

First, there could have been 2 intruders. Why? Because this guy fit the description of one of two men seen by a woman in the area who tried to enter her house.
How do you explain a bloody fingerprint that doesn't belong to any of the Routiers?

This is very solid evidence that someone else was there.

The intruder used a sock to cover his hand, to try to avoid leaving prints.
Why would someone come in and kill 2 kids and not take anything? Ask David Lee Sells- he did it several times. He never brought his own weapon either. My guess is this was an attempt at a copy cat killer.

See David Lee Sells was from the area in which I live, and he was killing in the Midwest and Texas. I believe Texas actually executed him.

Tommy Lynn Sells?

He sexually assaulted as a primary motivator. He also brought his own weapons.


Copy cat murder? No way.
He did not climb out the screen window. The police claim this was also set up by Darlie to make it look like he entered through the screen window.

He left through the gate according to Darlie. And, if Darlie ran up the alley with the sock to plant it-where's her blood since she was leaking like a sieve?
Yes, and the police have promptly lost the rape kit evidence?

I did not say he never brought his own weapon. He said it was more challenging and fun to use a weapon from the scene.

Whether rope, or cloth, knife, etc.
One thing though. you are right now that she has been convicted, she will have to prove her innocence. It is no longer involves reasonable doubt. It pretty much now means all doubt. I know Texas will eventually execute her because her being dead will end the investigation of police corruption. It's like the Willingham case where Texas knowingly executed an innocent man, because of an expert witness who lied.

Also, Texas has convicted another person of murdering his ex girlfriend while he was in prison. I guess they let him out on good behavior so he could commit this murder.

The police so screwed up the Routier case. It is hard to believe anything they say.

Barbara Davis wrote a book saying Darlie was an evil murderer. But, a freelance photographer showed Barbara Davis photos he took that night, and they did not match the crime scene photos the police presented at trial. That is why Barbara Davis wrote a second book, saying she is innocent. That she was railroaded. The police got mad with her, sent police to her house, shot and killed her son, and claimed when they entered the house he had a gun.
What are the odds someone walks around in the house, and the police forcefully enters the house and within seconds shoots someone who has a gun in his mother's house.
Again, I believe they went there to kill Ms. Davis.
Yes, and the police have promptly lost the rape kit evidence?

I did not say he never brought his own weapon. He said it was more challenging and fun to use a weapon from the scene.

Whether rope, or cloth, knife, etc.

Do you bother to read what you write?

Your own words:

Ask David Lee Sells- he did it several times. He never brought his own weapon either.
Do you bother to read what you write?

Your own words:

Yes, you are right. I should never use the word never. I read about him in a book, and what happened at the Routier house is very much what he did.

My apologies.

Here's a quote from one of his attempted murder rampages according to police records;

"The child was unable to speak. The knife had severed her windpipe and grazed the sheathing of her carotid artery. She had come within a millimeter of Katy Harris' fate. "

Sound familiar?
Please, Please, Darlie's wounds were NOT superficial. Superficial is a term scientists and medical doctors that means next to, but not touching. The cut to Darlie's neck was 2mm within the carotid artery, A very serious wound. They rehearsed a trial so they could use the word superficial to the carotid artery. In this context it does NOT mean a superficial wound. You do not understand the scientific words, and are taking superficial to mean a minor injury, That is NOT what the doctor said.

Please look at the distance of 2mm. It is a very small distance. It is very close to killing Darlie. The thickness of a penny is about 2mm.

Explain the hesitation marks? Why did the "intruder" slash Darlie yet stab the boys? Darlie was supposedly asleep, it would have been easy to stab her in the chest/back. The doctors testified that Darlie was told she could go home after the surgery. She chose to stay in the hospital. She was not seriously injured. Yes she came close to the artery, but superficial means shallow. It didn't actually cut the artery. It didn't even get stitched. It had those paper strips on. Two medical doctors and the coroner all believed these wounds to be different to the wounds on the boys, and the coroner believed they were self inflicted
How do you explain a bloody fingerprint that doesn't belong to any of the Routiers?

This is very solid evidence that someone else was there.

The intruder used a sock to cover his hand, to try to avoid leaving prints.

There is a partial print in blood, and the only person who couldn't be excluded was Darlie, there are consistencies with her ring finger. But there were not enough identifiable markers to say with any certainty. Re-testing the fingerprint will never bring anyone forward. There are not enough points of comparison to say for certain it IS someone's, however all but Darlie were cleared at the scene. No one else had any matches at all to it.

If the intruder used a sock as a glove then how would they leave a partial print? And why are there no foreign skin cells or clothing fibres in the sock?
He did not climb out the screen window. The police claim this was also set up by Darlie to make it look like he entered through the screen window.

He left through the gate according to Darlie. And, if Darlie ran up the alley with the sock to plant it-where's her blood since she was leaking like a sieve?

His did he get of the house then? If he ran into the garage he had to leave through the window to get to the gate. Yet there is no evidence of anyone climbing through that window.

Darlie slashed herself over the sink after planting the sock. That's when she was bleeding.
Darlie did say he was trying to rape her.

Darlie also said he was sat on her legs which woke her. And also that Damon woke her by touching her and saying "mommy mommy mommy". Why would you believe she was in any danger of rape? There is no evidence of any sexual assault.
Yes, you are right. I should never use the word never. I read about him in a book, and what happened at the Routier house is very much what he did.

My apologies.

Here's a quote from one of his attempted murder rampages according to police records;

"The child was unable to speak. The knife had severed her windpipe and grazed the sheathing of her carotid artery. She had come within a millimeter of Katy Harris' fate. "

Sound familiar?

Not really. A slash on the neck which is held together with paper fastners is hardly the same as cutting someone's windpipe. That child had physical damage so they couldn't speak. Darlie had a flesh wound.
I would also ask you to consider why there was blood all over the kitchen counters but the sink was sparkling clean? And why when tested with luminol the sink lit up like Christmas lights? And why Devon's blood was in the sink, the pipe and the P-trap? And on a tile in the splash back?
How do you explain a bloody fingerprint that doesn't belong to any of the Routiers?

This is very solid evidence that someone else was there.

The intruder used a sock to cover his hand, to try to avoid leaving prints.


So how'd he leave a fingerprint?

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